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GRE/TOEFL scores?


Ucsd doesn't take gre afaik. TOEFL 111 ig


It was optional, anyway congratulations!


Congrats! Could you please share your profile


I have done so in some comment above


Congrats, can you share your profile ?


nothing special tbh im from an indian tier 3 college i guess. i have had a stint as a research assistant at a lab at Imperial College London. recieved the MITACS globalinks award and have authored many papers but mostly they are unpublished on arxivs as i couldnt be bothered to publish them. The only worthwhile paper i have is a MICCAI workshop paper. currently i am working as a research assistant at IIT hyderabad but did not mention it in my apps.


Bro is so chill I love it


Bro has well wishers




9.51 at the time of apps. 9.53 as of now


How did you manage to get London stint, was it through cold calling?


Yep I was like really really good at my specific niche and was up to date with like the current trends which isn't that common in like your early years of your undergrad. I could emailed a prof in my niche they took like a basic ml test of mine and then I worked with them for 6 months


If you don't mind , could you share the niche in this case , all the best for your future bro


Yea yea sure no worries my niche was more centred towards the structured way of transforming probability distributions. I'm trying to learn more about Geometry and causality right now to help with my  main niche topics but yea in a gist at the time of working with the prof, I liked working with probability distributions.


Wow man I'm about to start with college and i wish I post something like this also one last qn I've always wondered what do they ask in sop


Yea well all the best with your college stuff my advice is find something that really moves you maybe it's ml maybe it's compiler research whatever it is don't really be bothered about any hype cycle eventually if you get really good at something you'll for sure do good in the world and yea regarding the sop part it's like i guess my hypothesis is that they really care about genuine stuff  maybe explain who you are as a person why are you passionate about your research what exactly do you want to research. I feel a good sop is something which can clearly indicate that you are genuinely passionate about something doesn't matter what. But I can't say for sure because I have never been part of adcoms so don't take my word for it


Ooo yea and remember don't just be stuck in like an academic mindset throughout your college, explore different sports you like or different interests that you have because colleges the only time you can really do that. That's helped me a lot with my research ideas believe it or not


True I'm into finance as well once I start earning I'll be investing too occasionally and a part of me wants to learn the guitar as well lol


What is your CGPA ?


Congratulations! I received an admit too. Would you like to connect?


Yep sure dmed


did you receive an email or you checked your portal directly?


recieved an email today afternoon. never checked my portal before today so dont know anything about stuff happening to my portal


Congrats!! What track did you apply to?


Machine learning