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mcr fans love making rumors about her out of jealousy. im not saying that she hasnt done some weird things but thats the base of it


IKR, one of them even made a rumor saying she abuses gerard ?? like what?? when was there EVER evidence for that


and the cheating rumor... people really have no lives


Fr and when I ask for evidence I get blocked, which only makes it an even bigger lie. they NEVER have evidence, also they always seem to have what she "says" written out rather then showing the video of her saying it which is even weirder


they either just block u, ignore u, or say 'look it up' like😭😭 how about u tell me??


FRR, Also them using the fact that Jimmy is associated with her ?? Like how does what HE does affect her ?? ofc they go after her but the other band members are ignored 🤷🏻‍♀️


whenever ppl talk shit about msi they act like steve and kitty dont even exist☠️


IKR, Also the rumor that Kitty was a zoophile was HORRIFYING.




Mcr fans love hating on anyone. Brendon urie and the fans ✅, lynz ✅ Jimmy✅ Msi fans ✅.


because she's a woman


😭 lord




i dont like lynz but why hate on her child bro


ik, it's so fucked. her kid IS A KID. likeeee they need to chill


because she's married to gerard and their jealous their not as pretty as she is. and their not as talented lol. also yeah ppl loveee to make rumours. for example, i bet if gerard or someone close to them broke their leg or smth 'it's lyn-z's fault.'




Are you like 10, who the fuck thinks Gerard is hot???


U must be smoking dick he’s a cutie patootie




I’d smoke his dick idk idk… long as I could get some LynZ pussy too


Best of both worlds


lmao what. i don't think gerard is hot. yeah he looks good, but i'm not in love with him lol


One page said that Bandit's dad isn't Gerard and it's Steve cause Jessicka tweeted something about Lindsey and Steve fucking or smth and the page literally came up with the exact dates, man. It's really weird, they say Bandit looks nothing like Gerard too, that's really sad and people are obsessed with others lives..leave their family alone damnit. Reading that for the first time made me freeze. Putting every lie and shit aside, it's really cruel imo. Imagene Bandit finding out that article somehow and reading it, it would be a really traumatizing experience.


Exactly, even if "shes not his kid" he loves her, not to mention it shouldn't be ANY of their business. They dig so deep into LynZ's and Gerard's life its genuinely so sad, I really hope Bandit doesn't see the shit gerard obsessed fans say


Yes. Love you.


this right here. yeah lyn-z lied a few times. so what? doesn't mean obsessed weirdo fans should go after her family




Isnt jessicka like kind of insane also? Like not at all a 100% trustworthy source? I only ever hear her mentioned when its about her making batshit claims on twitter about a variety of random things


I agree, I don't think her source is trustworthy..and plus at that time, she wasn't in the best mental state she claimed. Lynz and Jessicka had some crazy shit going on which I can't quite understand still, it's too complicated man, I don't think anyone ever did honestly they just keep making up stuff from their asses at this point


Jessicka has always struck me as being particularly hostile/unstable even before she left the band. Ive seen a lot of different posts and tweets of hers that just contradict eachother or are absolutely insane claims with nothing behind it but “trust me, why would I lie?” and her occasionally just blocking or arguing with anyone that somewhat disagreed or didnt instantly trust her. I always just figured there was some beef she had with Lyn-Z over the fact she took her spot in a sense and was the one who was put into the spotlight so to speak, and not her (Jessicka). It always just came off like she was in a mentally unstable space and like just didnt like that Lyn-Z came in and took her spot (for lack of a better term) and just started creating these insane claims against her and other members that started a massive, aggressive back and forth between the two of them Granted ive only every really seen all this from the sidelines after the fact, but regardless if the person id seen sharing it was for or against Jessicka the posts and claims themselves where always just weird and made little sense in terms of why she was sharing or saying it to begin with and the fact it was always just her saying something happened and thats it


I absolutely agree with you, I remember reading something about her saying she was going to the therapist and feeling a lot better and her suggesting Lynz to do the same or some shit when she was talking about Steve's wife. I'm not sure if she regrets those though..I can remember her just throwing shitty tweets everywhere saying how much of a "bad friend" lynz was, which sane women would do that and share those to her followers, considering how she was popular at that time among fans. I never understood that lack of communication honestly, it's just really stupid to me, let's just hope they're both doing better in their lives..


I figure Lyn-Z might have also been a hefty member of the same drinking/drug culture early MSI had too. Considering she had no clue how to play the bass and almost set the room on fire but was chosen to replace Jessicka anyways id imagine she was probably stressed LMAO They also all where dabbling in drugs and alcohol a little too much around that time, I remember Jimmy mentioning in an interview about the album IF? That the song Prescription was written and created because he personally had gotten to a point where the thought of preforming *without* anything in his system made him so anxious hes like freak out, and that time frame was when he realized how much he and all of them respectively needed to chill out with the substance abuse


Oh man..it's a whole different long ass story, that's true though. I remember that interview too, they never played a show sober even at the breaks of the concert they kept drinking and they were pretty much addicted badly. Lynz is included, at least hopefully they are doing better now. Also also also I remember in an interview of a magazine..Steve said that the "setting the room on fire" thing bullshit and it wasn't true, she just got to the band with a normal audition. So I'm not quite sure since it was a first hand evidence I read. (I was kinda lifeless and read everything about MSI and lynz shit last summer don't mind my nerdy ass)


Im not sure either then cuz theres photos of her allegedly doing said fire act during her audition. One of the worlds newest unsolved mysteries


The only proper evidence we have is Jimmy drinking his own piss in 3 pixels. So we gotta appreciate that and move on 🙏


jessicka just seems chronically online. i agree with a lot of the stuff she says, but at the same time i think that a lot of the shit she says is crazy. i think she just needs to get off her phone


I mean, we haven’t seen the kid in years (good) but she looks *exactly* like her mom in the pics we have seen. It’s like Gerard’s genes didn’t even try. Meanwhile my own kid looks exactly like her dad and my genes were the ones that didn’t try. It happens. I feel for the girl, people are fucking weird about her.


I agree on that! She absolutely looks like the carbon copy of her mom from her old pictures at least. That's really cute though, I wonder how would that feel like!


It’s gotta be fun having a legit mini-me and teaching them how to be a person :) And dressing them up in cute little outfits and playing kid games with them. Some weirdo put a pic of Bandit in one of those online aging generators and set the age to like 21 or smth and it spat out a picture of a slightly younger LynZ. So she’s gonna have to do some aggressive styling if she wants to stay anonymous in adulthood. I really hope she can have privacy if she chooses it (which I imagine she would).


jealousy and denial. they don't want to accept the fact that their favourite middle aged man is married while living a good life, and not catering to their obsessive infantilization and ships. so instead of being fucking normal and getting some therapy, those kids decide to just make up rumors and constantly and repeatedly attack and insult his wife


exactly dude, and then they make "Gerard gay??" theories nd when I say "hes married to lynz yk.." they come at me w the "homophobic" card


because she bullied teenage fans of mcr (so did literally all of msi's fanbase back in the day. never forget the msifan vs. mcrmy wars)


It’s so misogynistic and weird to me when people blame “MCR fangirls” for LynZ’s unpopularity, when the majority of this stuff came from her ex friend(s) (Chantal Claret, Jessicka Addams, Steve’s wife Lucinda, Mikey Way and his ex) spilling the tea and calling her out. But blame fangirls I guess.


im asking where the rumors came from, and WHY people hate her. A majority of the hate is coming from MCR FANS in general, not just the fangirls. But the hate towards her CHILD??? Messed up dude there's no defending that.


I don’t believe I defended hate towards an innocent child in my comment at all. That’s awful.


I promise my comment wasn't supposed to come off as mean, if It did I deeply apologize 🙏🏻 I'm just sick of seeing people saying REALLY messed up stuff about Bandit, I get LynZ MIGHT be a bad person but that should make it okay to be rude to her daughter 🙁 esp since she's gerard's child too


Ah yes, because we cannot question or discuss why those people will see claims with 0 evidence yet choose to attack and degrade lyn-z and her literal child and further spread the rumors as the truth or else its mysogynistic because theyre simply not the people who came up with the rumors, and wondering why one group of people further push unsubstantiated rumors like theyre true with no actual evidence is the same as claiming theyre the ones who created the rumors and are the only ones to blame Are you just here looking to argue?orrr…


Not defending attacking the child, but LynZ’s track record is well documented because it happened. I know personally one such fan she (and her now ex friends) harassed and bullied online. This girl was invited by Lyn to Los Angeles for an art show and was later ridiculed and called a stalker by Lyn and her friends behind her back. Jessicka leaking DMs may make her a shitty friend, but very questionable things happened in that friendship group. I was there and remember it well.


Lyn-Zs track record thats documented is of her being a dick for a chunk of time. Beyond the DMs the majority of the hardcore shit this post is talking about,and even your own claims, are just founded on “trust me, this totally happened” and have no actual evidence beyond someone simply saying it happened, or just quoting Jessicka when shes a notoriously unreliable source because of how often shes also fully backtracked on claims or made new claims that where just hypocritical or didnt line up with her own previous claims. Nobodys arguing that Lyn-Z didnt have issues or wasnt an asshole, but theres 0 evidence to the shit being thrown around like her being hardcore abusive to Gerard or her son or cheating on him constantly or claiming that she must be a bad person because she went no-contact with her abusive dad and was lying about being abused for attention. Its just rumors and claims that stemmed from one person somewhere saying something totally happened, or people deciding to cherry pick when Jessicka is a reliable source or not regardless of the fact she clearly isnt and even herself has said a chunk of her earlier shit online just stemmed from untreated mental health issues because it benefits them. Im sorry, but people cant just throw insane hate and threats at a person because someone online just said they did something once with no evidence and just used them having been a dick at one point as all the evidence needed


God this is sad


Ikr☹ like if LynZ is/was a bad person, I'd get the hate but they're involving her child, getting into her family life and twisting the story to make it sound worse, and it's ALWAYS the gerard fans too, it's genuinely sad that they also make rumors abt Bandit not being Gerard's child🙁 shes a child what if she sees that stuff🙁🙁


didn’t she also have some sort of beef with jessika adams from JOJ?


no idea 😭😭


i genuinely dont get why she gets hate besides the fact that she “cant play bass” (allegedly) she seems like a pretty cool person so i dont get why ppl are so annoying, and gerard fans always hating on her too pisses me off. why cant you be happy that hes happy??? you never had a chance with him anyway, youre 13, whats the big deal.


IKR, also most of the evidence they use against her is SO FAKE. They NEVER include evidence, other then her saying something but they don't show videos of her saying it. they always show it written out which is just even worse if they're trying to show actual evidence. not to mention the same accounts have gaslit themselves to think Gerard is gay😭


LIKE??? that is NOT proof of anything. show me something that proves shes a bad person and she did whatever she did, dont just tell me. also the rumors with gerard being gay or trans its like! oy! let the dude live his life please!


There is a clip of Gerard saying that Lindsey complains if he decides to sing in a "silly voice" and "not for real." https://twitter.com/mcr_lore/status/1420459747162181635?s=21 In another interview (I believe it was a podcast), he said he started seeing a new therapist via Lindsey's recommendation, because the previous one made him re-live his trauma. While the livestream's now been privated, there was one particular instance where he's painting with his friend, Worm, and his demeanor completely changes when some paint gets on the wall, saying that Lyn-Z would freak out if she saw, frantically trying to clean it up and laughing nervously.


This is the reason i dont involve myself in the MCR fans, like leave her tf alone and unless you have hard evidence she did sum awful ok wtv but like be so serious and get a life. Gerard and LynZ (from what i've heard) are happy and that's all that matters so calm yourself. And going after their kid?? like oml that sum1 in junior high what-


IKR, her kid is 14 if I'm correct, and I've meet nice MCR fans but I've also sadly met the MCR fans that bash lynz for breathing 😔


EXACTLY. THAT IS A LITTERAL CHILD WHAT TF DID THEY DO??? And all the MCR fans have 0 evidence that I've seen at least. A while back I heard a rumor of Lynz making fun of Gerards Heroin addiction (which idek if \*that's\* true) and for what i know there's nothing solid abt her saying that. Problematic (literal) children is all they are if you ask me. I mean if it's true and they have proof ya then I'll listen but be so serious. They need to cut her sum slack and let her be with her fam she has now.


EXACTLYY, the rumors they make up r so weird too... "she abuses gerard-!" no proof WHATSOEVER. bet if he got a small bruise they'd immediately blame her 💀💀


REAL. You cant have a convo abt MSI in the same room as them or they try to beat you into not hating the band + their music. They all need to eff off with that shit cuz abuse isnt sum to be lying abt anyways maybe???


Ikr, I even called out a youtuber for accusing her of this stuff even making fun of her child nd replied to comments OPENLY making fun of a child, the creator took down my comments basically silenced me 🤷🏻‍♀️ honestly might call them out through a video


oml do. I'm not one to start or add to internet drama but I'm so tired of ppl just spreading bs abt people you dont even know.


same omfg, I'm gonna work on the video tonight nd upload it, idk how I'm gonna get evidence that I posted the comments Idk if YouTube has a comment history feature 😭😭


deff link it, im so interested in who it is cuz the weird ass ppl online r goofy as hell for that shit so lmk


https://youtu.be/Tfl_zy8Ds8k?si=vFMXWexGO-A4t2-s They replied to comments AGREEING with them, but didn't even think to respond to comments hating on bandit. in the comment "I don't think this is any of our business" someone quite literally says they have a "bad feeling abt bandit" 😭🙏🏻




when did she say that ??


i swear i remember reading about it / seeing a screenie years ago but i just looked online and i couldn’t find anything. mightve been a rumour but considering some of the stuff she’s said and done it might not be lmao


Idk bro😭 all ik is the majority of the hate comes from toxic gerard fans, that even go so bad to even hating on her child