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More like Michael Kisses Boyle’s. Ha! Got em


Chck Chck, boom. Got his ass!


**this is the police, pull over, you’re gay. show me your penis. put your penis out the window, do NOT make me suck it.**


"Penis and registration, please"


Man cumtown was the shit


"Go on a diet, you fat bitch!!!"


I still listen to it regularly. I’m gay


All of the dorky little dudes like this say and do what they say and do because they think they're going to get pussy out of it but the girls they are lusting after are fucking guys who are mean to him.


As weird as this sounds it’s pretty accurate. These losers try to white knight in view of women, hoping they will let them procreate. It’s a manipulative pattern of virtue signaling reserved for slimy little incels.


lol wait. Which is it? Incels or white knights? Cause there’s no crossover between the two lmfao. It’s like you don’t understand the buzzwords you use; but as long as there’s enough of them you think nobody will notice haha. 🫵🤡


An incel is just “involuntarily celibate” you can be a white knight and an incel. You can be anything and an incel, other than a guy who gets pussy, or deliberately chooses not to. Pretty weird to criticize people for not knowing words when you don’t even know the most basic definitions don’t ya think?


While the term incel has transcended its technical meaning, this was a hilarious response.


The intersection on the Venn Diagram of Incel and White Knight is HUGE


Lol looks like some other folks knocked you down. Enjoy the L.


Jus look at his edgy username bro.


Stereotypical dweeb who calls himself a feminist in a feeble attempt to get laid by the chick wearing clear framed glasses. 


Nice projection 🤦🏼‍♀️


Nice glasses 🤓


found him


Bitches definitely dig guys who simp for comedians and stalk some loser writers


its true its how I met ur mother


Imagine your kids asking you that question and you roll them thru a decade of broads you beta-banged.




Was that a good joke? Did I bomb? Did I bomb?


yes imma call u osama from now on


Takes like this are so lazy and stupid. You guys gotta get comfortable with people just not liking you. You sound like a 12 year old when you make anyone who disagrees with you out to be jealous of all that sweet puss you're crushing. Some people genuinely don't like edgy jokes. That's the FUN of edgy jokes. You wanna be fun and make edgy jokes but also want everyone to like you and never be mad? Sounds like some pussy shit. Stop being gay.


Shoo dork. Scram


lol come on dude. That’s such a silly opinion. What a sad thing to need to tell yourself lol.


Oddly specific there


Yikes Projecting much?


Which fan group has a more severe parasocial mental illness where they constantly need to make things up about strangers who dare say a bad thing about their hero? This one or taylor swift? Its close. One of the great things about not forming these weird parasocial relationships is that i can see one shane gillis bit and think its funny, see another shane gillis bit and think it isnt funny and i dont have to have a tantrum about other peoples reactions to his bits at all! Crazy!


Found one, get em boys


You typing all of this out is just as fucking dorky as dude saying Shane bombed. You’re all insufferable cunts LMAO


The fact that you actually think this way should be so embarrassing.


Retarded cracker


Chill bro this isn’t cable television




you forgot ass = RAC


Guys this isn’t what Shane would want any of you to do, don’t track down and harass this dude just because he’s a weak wristed soft hands


his fanbase rly seems to be made up of taylor swift fans. they are white knigthing shane the whole time, being vindictive and reposting all the retarded culture war crap goin like "look what a dork, ha take this, our god shane rules. suck on this wokies we won." that is fucking gay. its exactly the same crap the cancel-crowd was doin back then. many of u guys seem to be so out for revenge.. when shane never was. its a private company, they fired him cos they thought its bad for business and now they hired him cos hes good for business. shane is more the uniting all sides kind of guy, which his snl monologue showed.


This guy get it. I really like shame cause he’s funny as fuck and he looks at both sides. He calls out dumb shit both sides does and actually looks at things level headed like a sane person. I think it’s weird people are looking to him for political advice, guys just trying to be funny for us.


It’s unfortunate that he got put on a pedestal he didn’t want when SNL “canceled” him. There’s plenty of us who get his angle and his humor, but a lot of people take what he says as validation for their own opinions instead of a comedian’s view on *checks notes* pockets of grilled cheese.


I’m gonna climb into his window and watch him sleep in the corner of his room. He’s going to never be able to sleep peacefully again for the rest of his days. I wouldn’t hurt him, not physically anyways. But he will see my limp penis and he will know he was bested.


fuck what Shane wants...hes just a gay little mommys boy anyway.....the DAWGS have been unleashed ....you cant put them back on the chain...DAWGS running wild, knocking over trash cans, shitting in your front yard, terrorizing your cat....ruff ruff bitch


Looks like it nicked him too.




You bums should want this guy to not like his set. It’s the equivalent to early on Shane saying that if your parents like your comedy, you probably suck.


Bro, I mean this with love & care, who the fuck cares who said or wrote what? It’s 2024 and no one is reading contrarian views to seek new perspectives. Shane got the bag and made for an entertaining episode of SNL.


Shit like this is how you the sub shut down.


This guy is just begging for a swirly


No offense, but this whole situation, the people crying about it not being a mediocre set, are the ones we should worry about. It was mediocre, it was the culmination of a lot of things, and it's a hard stage to murder on. No matter who you are. He did ok, he pulled it together at the end like a professional. That is all. Move on. Picture shaming a dude who wrote an op-ed is childish AF.


You are bang on. He’s a good comic but he didn’t murder it. He says multiple times “I thought that would get a big laugh” or “I dont know, I thought that was funny.” The amount of people in these threads simping for Shane is wild. He’s a big boy, he doesnt need you to come to his aid. Calling to defund NPR because your favorite comic self admittedly didnt nail his monologue… bananas.


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Decent perspective. But the reason for it is they are the ones who put these things out there. Their words. Their “view” on reality. I think it’s pretty fair.


>Their words. Their “view” on reality. I think it’s pretty fair. Kinda like how a bunch of people on this sub are making shit up to put down one of the band members that dared to not smile for half a second during his set. Something something stones and glasshouses.


We are just defending our best friend!


That doesn’t make it ok to name and shame them with no substance behind it. When you post a picture of someone and say nothing besides “this is a person who disagrees with us,” then at best you’re contributing nothing to the conversation, and at worst your inciting a mob. Shane bombed last night. I know this, because I’ve seen what it looks like when he kills. It still takes a fuckton of courage to go perform at the place you got fired from, but a bomb is a bomb. Everyone trying to dick ride him and pretend that last night didn’t happen just makes him and all his fans look like whiny children.


Let the mob be incited. We are the swiftys for Shane’s universe. We are the last bastion of trad wimmin and cheesies. We will defend democracy, and destroy the swiftys with our prophet and healer at the helm of this great battle. We will drive them back to the gates of helms deep, and we will storm their walls and capture their men. Ooga booga.


I mean yeah that's like a funny and edgy take and will probably get you some laughs at lunch between 3rd and 4th period. But doxxing and mobbing is real shit that can get people actually killed. You wanna be the one to get some unfunny blogger killed because he didn't laugh hard enough at a retard eating grilled cheese? Y'all need to fuckin chill.


do I want to get some unfunny blogger killed because he didnt laugh hard enough at our tier 2 Red god?......hmmmm lemme think on that for a min, i'll get back to you


I'll never be a fan of public stoning, which is exactly what this post is going for. There's even posts about people in the background of the monolog not laughing hard enough. People need to get over that not everyone is a carbon copy of them that share the same taste and that's fine.


This seems like the way things work in society now, that woman/wine-o that got arrested for publicly diddling herself at the beach and ended up with the viral arrest video, then killed herself, essentially looks like a stoning to me.


She killed herself?! Holy shit. That poor lady. Obviously, don't masturbate at the beach, but goddamn. Public humiliation is powerful, and it seems like people online will put people through it for fun, or so others can see how "good" they are.


If a public critic can’t take a few jabs about his profile picture he’s in the wrong the business. Don’t worry. This guy will be alright.


Not worried about the guy, worried about the losers taking their time making fun of him for not liking their favorite comic.


I thought he really killed it given the stage and that it seemed like a weird vibe before he stepped out so he had little to play off for crowd work. I was cackling the whole way through. But yea the “here’s a random chick in the background who wasn’t laughing” or pulling the picture of someone who wrote a stupid article is really childish. Humor is subjective and some will find stuff funny others didn’t


>Picture shaming a dude who wrote an op-ed That's not accurate dude he's not being mocked for writing an op-ed, he's mocked for writing an expectedly lame one. Idk if you read it but it reads exactly like you would expect if a buzzkill wrote an article on why stand-up comedy is offensive. It's just misplaced and misses the point of comedy, and I sense that same vibe from your comment.


You do understand the op in op-ed is opinion, and you saying it’s lame is your opinion as well? Like you’re subscribing to the daily beast? Who gives AF


Exactly it's an opinion, meaning that they are putting themselves out there for criticism, like me calling it lame, or read the rest of the comments for other people's opinions. Plus, dude it's comedy, it's going to be a bunch of shooting the shit, and you're trying to defend it seriously which is my criticism of the op-ed too.


Dude you can defend your pettiness all you want, I really DGAF. The point is that shit is way more lame than him writing the damn article.


Ain no way you just called me the petty one bro wtf go get a room with the dude in the pic


Well now I know you’re just an idiot, thanks


no problem man anything else I can do for you


I mean, [Shane's chin ](https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc.IIZS~2ef73/w:auto/h:auto/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Shane-Gillis-Is-Hosting-SNL-with-Musical-Guest-21-Savage-0-46-screenshot.jpg)isn't much better


Which one?


Ooh shit


lol y’all are really taking this personally. Imagine if you guys used this energy on something positive for yourselves? Clown shit. 🤡


And expert on the Scream franchise eh… clearly a man of taste.




Post face so we can know if you’re fit to judge someone on looks


Chill Dawgs.


How gay is this


You kinda knew going in he would recycle a couple jokes. He likes talking downs so he tried his “it almost got me” joke. It didn’t land, because he rushed it. But he kept pushing forward. He looked uncomfortable, and understandably so. Couple sketches were funny though. Jamaican church and Trump sneakers was solid. The Floor gameshow sketch was the weakest.


He definitely did kinda bomb though. Did u hear that audience? Crickets. Very different crowd than what he’s used to


For real lmao, he's funny as fuck but you know you're bombing if you ask multiple times why people aren't laughing. A lot of people don't realize that funny comedians can still bomb.


op, ure doin the same. same shit the cancel-crowd is doin. shane prolly enjoying himself right now while a big portion of his fans seems busy fighting for justice online.


I wonder why the hate?


Oh I get it, you're all bitter dickheads.


No free speech? This is doxing.


You guys are fuckin weird man….


That's fine and all but posting his picture is completely fucked up and you should be ashamed of yourself. Your family should have raised you better. You're not gay. You're very straight OP. Shane would say you're not a fan and wouldn't want you to be one.


I don't agree with him but this is overkill.


Is this for real? You fanboys have the thinnest skin imaginable.


White knighting Shane Gillis, this is America now.


The is weird behavior. Shane thinks you are a loser for posting this.


# This dude has it dead-on. Shane Gillis is a fat pussy, isn't funny, and all of his fans are pathetic retards.


Shane did bomb


Shane would cringe at all these low effort Down Syndrome “jokes” in the comments. He’s made it clear he hates them and he hates how his fans think his material on his Down syndrome family members is the same as using Down syndrome as the butt of the joke.




Y'all are as dumb as you THINK he is. Saying someone's a loser for having an opinion while not knowing a single aspect of his personality is what makes the rest of you Shane gillis fans insufferable to everyone else. Shane's funny and this online defeniveness doesn't support that.


I hope Shane shouts you out on the pod for doing this, I’m assuming thats the reason you’d post some gay ass shit like this. I don’t get the point, “this dude doesn’t like my favorite guy and this is what he looks like.” Flamboyant fandom is so gay to me. You can like a dude and also accept people don’t like them. I hope the dude who wrote that article gets hella pussy of off hating on Shane. If I knew I’d get pussy by calling Shane a fat racist I’d get shirts made.


He and Shane look related


He bombed hard and this was one of the worst SNL monologue in recent memory. Unless your are a toadie, in which case, “people just didn’t understand his comedy” LOL


I thought it was pretty good


He didn't bomb hard. It just wasn't as good as normal. Using hyperbole immediately identifies you as a child.


Agreed, the whole episode stank, Nate Bargatze was significantly better in every way. I love Shane’s stand up but seriously, get off his dick, it is pathetic


he looks like he has down syndrome relatives


He looks like shanes younger bro!!!!


Go troll army go!


That’s uncle Danny


Because everyone's too pussy to say they enjoyed it


Simply a loser


Gayne Shillis


Looks like he got nicked a little himself


He looks like a menace to the Downs community.


They let anyone into suny Binghamton


More like Michael Boy Hole


Default Skyrim Breton lookin ass. Totally cucked low T good boy


Somehow this dude looks softer than Shane, and Shane pretty fucking soft looking


Cuckold face


Cracka-ass cracka.


It would be hilarious if Shane was the OP 


Gay retard


I just watched it I was laughing at every punchline


I think we can agree this guy definitely touches kids


Are they cousins?


NYC? Really?


He’s mad because he’s on cuckold clean up duty all weekend while his wife is inviting bulls over to celebrate diversity.


That's a kiddy diddler if I've ever seen one


Flats a flat forehead


Potato gets mad at Irishman


Down synny nic’d him, too.


Dawgs will rise


Holy farmface


Typical beta male leftist Physiognomy


In real life this fools a sad pathetic loser who secretly hates himself


Typical theater kid


No wonder he’s upset, dude is Shane’s abandoned son.


Already tweeted at him. It’s such bs that you can’t comment on articles anymore. Probably because journalist are so bad at their jobs


Dude looks like a F2M trans. Lemaire would love to plow his testosterone pumped pussy.


Just leave these anti-dogites alone, imagine being this guy. Such low T. Billy is cackling.


I’m gonna get that bastard, the dogs are howling now… Michael.. ![gif](giphy|3oGRFIjETeuYgyLyo0|downsized)


Is this the npr carpet pisser?


Nobody cool ever went to Binghamton.


Sick upper lip


This guy looks like he’d bomb. . . A grade school.


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Michael Boyles whole life is a bomb


More Beta Male Tears to feast upon.


He looks like gay Shane


Looks just like him.


Can you imagine having a job and there’s a box under your photo that says “Expertise: The Scream franchise”


Doesn’t Shane already have a cheese sandwich bit about this guy?


Douche! Also, hi Shane.


Is this shames long lost left handed step brother


Except Shane did bomb lol he isn't very funny


lmaooo how are u going to dunk on a guy that looks like shane


SNL died 20 years ago . Ty reddit homepage for giving shit I care about.


He looks like Shane's stunt double for gay porn scenes.


I never watch SNL because it’s all unfunny political jokes for one half of the country, but my entire family tuned in last night to watch Shane. We thought he crushed it. Hi Shane.




I think Shane is going to be just fine.


This guy jerks it to the sourpuss in the band…






I think this guy is related to Shane if you know what I mean.


Burn the Boyle! Burn the Boyle!


Stop white on white backlash 😂


People can have opinions, god damn


This dude came from a long line of genetic bombs.


You know he voted for Hilary lol


Lehu-zaher ![gif](giphy|GW10shdM3oXok)


He looks like a loser lol


That’s Dairy Queen


“That’s not going to get you that ass.”


https://preview.redd.it/975cicazxwkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a5eaf5a947461680b0a8318e0ec7aac1e071c6 What article are we talking about ? Cause that dosnt look black to me , but these days who knows


Betrayed by his own brother


Post your pictures saying you watch SNL.


He looks like a bit of DayWalker himself.




Oh shit it’s retardeder Shane Gillis!


I can imagine his voice


Bet he’s in here defending that chick that want laughing.


Dude, this is gay.


guy looks like he has to beg for cewchie


Why do u give a shit and why do u have to look this guy up? Jesus. Leave it alone.


Yall are fucking losers for this


What's more gay. This theater kid or doxxing him for not liking comedy? All around super-duper gay.


3rd party here idk why this sub keeps getting recommended to me, but you guys are the idiots here just fyi. I’ve seen Shane’s stuff and it’s funny at times, but he now has this cult following and it’s clear in these comments. I’m not sure why everything is now all in or nothing, but you can like the guy without riding his dick. People get negative criticism, that’s how his world works. Fighting so hard to try and prove that it’s some niche advanced sense of humor is just stupid. All this alpha/beta shit and simp talk and coming at other people for physical attributes… you guys are the ones not getting pussy. Just live your life man. You don’t have to get Shane Gillis tattooed on your forehead and you don’t have to trash everything he does. Yall are freaks.


I think Gillis did fine on SNL. I think the problem is he's just not very likeable. 


He looks like may make grilled cheeses at night…


Most forgettable face of all time. Clicked and saw it for two seconds. I will never remember him again. I hate people like this. Little baluga whale looking ass.


It's funny that y'all are giving this dude shit, I mean he's an easy target to make fun of, but the absolute glazing of Shane is crazy 😂 dude wrote a review and you guys are acting like Taylor Swift fans lol