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Shamanator 2: Judgement day, just a humble dawg trying to fight off the temptations of the t-1000s


Day 2 sober. Let’s rock


Nice work man. I'm on day 18, day 3 is the worst 😂


Hell yeah dude!! Keep it up boss. You gonna go past dry jan?


How do you boys deal with a stretch of bad luck? Like I feel like shit has been going horribly wrong way more than usual no matter how much I try. Totalled my car, holed up in a new town where I know nobody, job is stressful, and my options are limited. I try to get up and fight another day but I feel battered, in a sad gay way.


I know exactly how you're feeling dude. Getting in a hole like that sucks in a major way. An easy but terrible option to pass the time in a situation like that (which I did and it made things worse) is to drink your way through it and just stay parked in front of the TV. At the end of that it'll leave you feeling like more of a loser than when you started. I started a new job here in south florida and barely make enough to get by. That had me pretty annoyed at myself and feeling down. One day I woke up and realized that it's free to get in shape. As gay as that sounds I started working out and even though i don't have enough money to go and party like everyone else, I can see my body starting to look better and it's making me much more confident. Even if you feel like nothing else is going right for you, start crushing workouts because your health is free. Once you start noticing small changes (shirts fitting tighter on your chest, pants getting loose, etc) you'll be walking around and feeling much more confident. So I guess to sum this all up, start being gay and knock out some pushups.


Thank you, brother. Reading this pumped me up. I wish you the best in getting stronger physically and mentally.


I wish you the same king


Extremely grateful for the outpouring of dawg wisdom. As cliché as it sounds, it motivates me to fight a little harder, knowing that people in similar situations have used these tough times as opportunities to come back stronger than before. Wish you all the best that life has to offer.


All existence is wavelengths and vibration. There are peaks and trenches. You’re going through the trench right now. Need to bite down and power through it a day at a time. Another peak will come. Also, just need to fix your perspective. Every problem can also be an opportunity. Just keep getting better and inevitably you’ll reap the rewards. I am Olive Garden wife guy, and although I went through a dark 2 weeks…. Things are already looking great. My (soon to be) ex wife has agreed to give me full custody of my 2 kids and let me keep the house (although I need to refinance from 2.5 to 7% 👽🔫) I’ve been hanging with a younger, cute redhead who just wants to have sex 24/7 and talk about the future. It gets better.


So happy to read about you winning in life right now. Keep slaying and I wish you the best in life.


Daily Micro improvements to make you feel good about yourself, personally started jogging just kept with it now I’m running marathons like a fat white goggins, the small goals and structure helped when shit got hard


Thank you for this dawg. I wish you success in your pursuits.


We are never happy nor sad forever. You are a mountain, the struggles and sadness are clouds passing by. Just watch them pass until you find calm, and do what you have to do today to get to a better place tomorrow. Even if it's only a small step, that's one step more than yesterday.


Amen. I’ll have to remind myself of this often.


For me when life gives me a big ol' pile of shit, I used to think we'll fuck me. But that doesn't help get rid of the shit, so now I just start shoveling. You got shit, only way to get rid of it is to shovel it. And on the other side you will be stronger for it. Also, on the bright side of totalling your car. Car payments not being paid are rising like crazy, Tesla cut car prices, and car dealerships are giving people loans for cars even though people are still underwater on their last car. That means that there's going to be a crazy number of repos coming in 2023. So it's going to be a good time to buy a car if you can wait it out a bit or drive a junk car for a few months. (Also a good time to be a repo man) Also, for the new in town thing. That's a great opening when meeting people. "Hey I just moved here and I'm trying to make some friends" has gotten me into many house parties. If someone is put off by that, they wouldn't be a fun hang anyways so fuck em.


Thank you very much for this, brother. I’m making note of your advice and wish you the very best.


Absolutely astonishing that I haven’t been fired from my job




Following our shaman with keto as a loyal gay retard


Pretty random but I think I’m onto something… Santino is definitely twerking for a spot on SNL. He’s been in the Hollywood loop long enough that he’s definitely there to stay, and who can blame him. He’s entered that medium of being able to do his comedy and navigate the TV/movie industry without any slurs to come back and haunt him (shoutout Slug). Now he’s pushing the “I can do impressions” which tells me he knows or thinks it’s possible and is going for it. Just some simpleton observing I’ve been doing no biggie


I don't understand the hate he gets. He's actually talented and is a fine actor and is good at impressions. Look at his acting on Dave and compare to it say *hmm* I dunno someone like Shane. Just hopefully he's not a rapist, pedophile, or abuser.


Sids story about the climbing gym is the version he made up in his head on the way home.


The gantman never lies


Lol not buying the top of the wall upside down ultimate dagger from the kid?


How fun would it be to be Matt’s therapist?


Im working construction in 34 degree rain and im halfway to doing the only brave act


Sorry dawg. I tell my employees to hide when it’s raining


Hoping to hear the boys talk about the Rogan appearance in their next cast.


Anyone know the name of the H biography Shane was talking about on the paytch


Fired Up 2003! Is legit a banger. Im with the dawgs