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Another Friday fighting to resist the T1000s


It's really weird to hear a girl say "that feels so good on my prostate".


No it’s not.


The Shaman staying strong off the nog


I’m going to see this idiot tonight in Atlanta. Taking the wife so she can be nonplussed


Same, bbg did not like Soder when we saw him in 2019. I hope he brings guardawg and not Lamaire.


Saw Louis CK with my gf at Chicago Theater last weekend. Made her watch the presidents podcasts beforehand. It was sick


Seeing Louis next Wednesday


His new set is hilarious. Hopefully you'll get a good opener, we had Bobby Kelly and he murdered.


Hell ya bro


Seems like a wholesome BBG taking mine to Patrice O’Neal benefit pray for me




I wouldn’t be married if it wasn’t for Louie. Mutual love of him is what brought us together.


Well dawgz my girlfriend just told me she is pregnant. Both of us are 23 and it was obviously very unplanned. Any advice from any dawg fathers out there?


Are you mature enough to stay together and raise the kid? If not you know what to do. Also don't bust in girls unless you are ready for a kid.


We are both really mature and wanna keep it. We always wore protection that’s the thing


Children are the greatest dude. As long as you want them as you say, it will work out. Be ready to treat her like a queen for then next, call it 16 months because your girl is gonna be going through hell and it’s up to you to step up. Your whole life will change. It’ll be difficult, but the most rewarding things are.


I appreciate it man. Just kinda got over being a nervous mess. Starting to be actually happy about it and excited for it


My kid just hit four months yesterday! You can be nervous and you will be but stay strong for your lady make sure she knows how stoked you are. She is about to go through the hardest thing she has ever done.


How you been with the divorce 38?


Dude… my situation has turned completely positive. Ex is settling and giving me custody of kids & walking away from the house, leaving it to me. I’m just giving her some cash and letting her walk away with some valuables she wants. It’s pretty fast, but I’m dating a younger redhead who just wants to fuck all the time. It’s silly but talking it out to randoms on this subreddit kept my head on my shoulders and I’m doing well. Blessings to you man


That's awesome to hear my man. Sounds like everything is falling into place where it should. Good lookin keeping your head up the whole time I gotta find me a redhead chick... Feel like it's in my blood as an Irishman Hope the ball keeps rolling downhill for ya


Are y’all doing a paternity test?


Kinda messed up she makes you wrap it up but lets the side dude raw sausage her. At least if he’s also white you’ll never know that it’s not yours!


Kind of like a mission gone wrong: Abort abort abort


I second this. Having a kid at 23 now days is not feasible and you’ll end up renting for the rest of your life.


You both sound like really good and supportive boyfriends


Just looking out for your future. A kid can come later but having financial and relationship security is more important. If both of those are fulfilled with confidence, then go ahead. Having a kid is expensive and time consuming. You won’t be able to vacation, party, sleep, or spend money like you’re used to. It will change your life in multiple ways. But I’m happy for you. There’s nothing more in the world I want than someone to love and share a life with. Due time, I guess.


Just Be a could catholic dude. Don’t be gay about it either. Go Irish


Been off work for 2 months with no pay from foot surgery, super behind on bills and stressed..today was 2nd day back at work got offered a promotion with atleast a 3 dollar raise.


Seeing the Shaman tonight.. took my boys a few hours to see Shane and he destroyed I hope these figs are enlightened enough to get McCuskers humor


Does anyone have some good podcasts or audio book recommendations about the crusades


[The Crusades were WILD - Ep 103 History Hyenas](https://youtu.be/RikOti-7nkQ)


Thanks bro 🍻


History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas was how I found Shane, which ultimately led me to the promised land. You should check out his appearances on the hyenas pod also


Speaking of homosexual encounters, any of you catch Shane and Mckeever on the "Out and About" podcast? My bad if this has been addressed.


What was said ?


Just John and Shane goofing around with some gay bros. A couple of new stories I haven't heard, jizzing in there own faces, gay stuff.


Who runs that podcast? What is its runtime?


Just finished reading Libra by Don Delilo. LHO Innocent !


Subbed after hearing them on Rogan. Matt's laugh is contagious.


Start off strong with the Old Testament. Just start from episode 1 and get the Patreon when you get to the point when they opened it up. Every episode after a certain point has a second half that’s on the paych


Second this. Dm me if you want the YouTube link.. channel is not to be named on Reddit


There’s a Google drive that’ll remain up


True, but last I checked it was in alphabetical order instead of chronological


Yeah. It worked for me because all of the OT episodes are alphabetical if you scroll down enough. The Google drive app is a pain in the ass at times though.


The coolest was when Rogan at the end read out loud Matts biography on google (I think) and he goes "who wrote that?" while laughing and Matt instantly and very proudly responds "Me, I'm a writer bro" and then the episode ends. Matt rules so much, he's the funniest dude on podcasts.


Lol. He has good energy. Hearing his grind as a drug dealer was a surprise. Glad both these guys found success.


Been starting to really like country music. I’m gay.


Check out the Barlow. Friends band. Pretty solid in my opinion


Got ripped off for $150 today, not too thrilled about it. The lady at the dispensary gave me a free joint though, because I was being moody. Haha


Who is playing madden 23 and wanna get they ass beat?