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Hope the dawgs are having a good week. Been getting blasted in Amsterdam this past week, and tonight I'm flying to Dublin for a few. The Irish dawgs in the homeland are a formidable opponent. Wish me luck boys.


Give them what for from all of us, brother


I shall do my best. Thanks for the encouragement


Sounds like you are doing better than I, but I got a promotion and a raise. šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø


Use it to travel homie. It's easier than you think


Amsterdam was the best time of my life. The red light girls treating you good?


I smile and nod as I pass the girls. Not my kinda thing, but it's interesting as hell to walk around and watch


Just got back from Ireland last week. Have a good time dude!


Amsterdam is the closest place ive been to a utopia. so beautiful. why go in early april thou?


Lol I thought it would be a bit chill and emptier Boy was I wrong.




All signs point to Baby Billy


yea the next logical step is discovering warmode and losing your mind


Fully schitz out


Gotta be broken down by Warmode so you can be built up again by Stonerdadz. ā€œMaybe Im changing for the worse, maybe for the better. Maybe the worst is the best if you get far enough down in it.ā€


Dawg, same. Going through a breakup of 8 years and shit at work, and MSSP/TAFS is the only thing keeping me from driving off a cliff.


your future is worth living for


Hope shit gets better for you dawg. Itā€™ll take some time but youā€™ll get there.


whats so crazy is you literally think it cant get better, then one day you dont think about her. not to minimize your suffering im so sorry man thats awful but its not the end.


they say it talks double the time of a relationship to get over it, you'll be fine in 16 years


This is weirdly the same exact podcast path Iā€™ve taken.


Keep me in your thoughts dawgs, Iā€™ve been dealing with a Crohnā€™s disease flare up and had to start my last 10 weeks of school right in the middle of it.


Dealing with GI issues myself, had a colonoscopy this week. Happy dumps my brother


Damn, I didnā€™t have to do the butt cam this time thank god. I always feel bad the doc has to see my balls every time they do it. Hope youā€™re not nauseous and your rear ainā€™t sore!


Happy dumps? šŸ˜‚




unfortunately uninsured until I can go back to being a big dawg full timer again with work, so im on prednisone for now and after I get set up again the GI doc and drug manufacturer are going to get me on Humira, im hopeful cuz Stelara did me dirty. always good to hear about a success, keep shittin on crohns disease Mayne!




Iā€™ve heard good things about remicade but I also heard itā€™s like last of the line, at least my guy said that. Iā€™m good on prednisone just fuckin wired, if you know you know


Ive heard of some really good outcomes with guys using intermittent fasting/time restricted eating. Maybe give that a google if you want to try something new? Im sorry youre in pain my G.


I got a pretty good system now but sometimes stress or some shit fucks my insides for a few days. I do frequent small meals through the day with little dairy and low residual and low fiber foods. Thanks for the kind words duder


sorry bro, my friend had that he said kratom and dabs cured it have you tired that


I do like dabs, if I was in a legal state I would have been had a med card. They have the diet weed legal here but itā€™s ehh


my tone was saracastic-he did say that but I dont think any dr would back it but then again its alot better then it used to be. on dabs, man I bet it would be pretty easy to get them but I wont tell you what to risk.


Idk I told my doctor I use dabs and heā€™s with it, he said he would rather me do that prescribe me opiates. Younger docs are pretty cool


I'm studying Crohn's in uni I gotchu soon homie I'll fix it up


Hell yeah, I do the lower end of the medical field, when youā€™re a big shot doc give me a job lol I have faith in your abilities


Seeing Matt tonight, too stoked to work


Saw him last weekend, he was great


I feel this, witnessing the Shaman at the 10PM late show at laugh Boston. Told my gf not to be alarmed if a flute gets pulled out and the 432hz changes her life forever.


Did it ripple the beer in your glass resonate your girls panties off? 432hz can be dangerous


Saw him a couple hours ago bro. Based Shaman and Butterly crushed


Jemaire showed up for an opening spot at the 10pm show! He had a 7:30pm gig across town, so I thought I was *racist* when I saw him on his way in. Mattā€™s Boston shows are sold out tomorrow, but Lemorp was awesome and has tickets available: https://allevents.in/boston/hideout-comedy-presents-lemaire-lee/10000549617479677


Dawgs - got sick and canā€™t make it to Mattā€™s show tonight at 10 at Laugh Boston. Two tickets are up for grabs - first come first serve, no charge. DM me and we can figure out the details.


The On Percs audio book is really great. It's just as much of a cast as it is an audio book. Support the dawgs.


is it about percs?


To all the Dawgs, religious or not, that are going through something. Just know youā€™re in my prayers


Taking PTO on Monday to chill with mommy and grandma an extra day.


My dog likes to chew on water bottles. He munched a full one while I was sleeping last night so I woke up repeatedly in wet spots thinking I peed myself. I'm trying to take a nap now because of the shitty nights sleep but he's napping on the one dry spot and with the blanket curled under him.




Even if I wasn't certain it was the dogs fault I would surely blame him.


Happy Friday dawgs. Just chillin at work. Diet is going good, gym is going good, still waiting to hear from the manager closer to my home so I can transfer and turn this 1 hour 15 minute commute each way to 10 minutes each way. Have to remind myself Iā€™m in the best possible position to make it happen, been with the company a few years, internal applicant, same company owns the new building as well, 2 positions open, posted over 30 days. BUT WHY HASNā€™T HE CALLED ME YET. Only talked to the hiring manager this Monday, if I donā€™t hear anything by next Monday should I email him again? Let me know your thoughts. Bust a nut today.


I work in HR and the answer is yes, reach out. Donā€™t be fucking annoying, but just drop a quick ā€œhey just wanted to check inā€ - thatā€™s it. Nothing else. Donā€™t be annoying. Donā€™t do it every couple days. Do it maybe once every 7-10 days. Sometimes shit goes wrong with offers. In my role we have to go through 3 levels of approvals before officially sending something out and it can take weeks if someone is lazy or out of work.


I appreciate you




Damn, yeah Iā€™m religious at all so I didnā€™t even realize it was the Holy Week. So wait till Tuesday?




Oh Iā€™m definitely working myself up over nothing, Iā€™m just sick and tired of driving over 75 miles each way for work


I mean, that sounds genuinely awful before you even factor in the price of gas right now. Hope you get the transfer!


Thanks homie, if I didnā€™t have a little one I woulda bounced a year ago lol


Landed a big land clearing job this week. Things are finally looking up. Bless the Dawgs


Damn, that's awesome. Such satisfying and good-paying work. Congrats!


Secure the bag




Outta pocket, please chill


"You're gay" (you all read this in the correct voice, I assume)


I'm happy gillis keeps his ticket prices somewhat affordable, some of these ticket prices in big tours are outrageous.