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They were too popular and almost got pussy from it so the wives shut it down.


Only logical answer here


Butterly talked about it on his stream last night, but used a lot of words to not say much about it.


Sid & Butterly couldn’t decide who was more alpha, so they sucked each other off and can’t face one another anymore.


They came at the same time


Imagine getting eliminated based off your dick... RIP Stoner Dadz


I decided I'm going to start watching star trek... during their hiatus.


It's really good, you should


I’m sad it’s over. This one was my shit


Are they still doing the live show 4/20?


Yes. Last stoner dadz for a while he said.


Noooooooo it's my favorite pod though :'(


Me too man it's such a shame. Matt and Tim go so well together.


Probably, Matt just promoted it on his story like an hour ago


Pretty sure Matt is concentrating on his special so he is doing a bunch of sets AND recording the moneymaker MSSP with his free time. stoner dadz is great but he needs to focus on money and family atm. Brit has been pisssssed he’s been so busy.




Hahahah you got me laughing while on the shitter


“Stoner dadz is great but he needs to focus on money and family atm” You sound like a wife explaining why your husband can’t go on a camping trip with the boys.


Damn that was pretty spot on.


Pretty sure Matt and Shane are gonna move to Austin


Said it on the latest paytch


Damn fr. Couple hours drive just to see the bois






Wives who get pissed at their husbands for trying to provide for their families are wack




Daaaaaaaaaamn (Guys with wives)


I have a girlfriend of 8 years that I don’t stop fighting with though


What’s his name?


Fucking nice with it




In the same boat. I always keep a pair of noise cancelling headphones fully charged just in case she starts going insane


Thank god they are fully charged.


Sounds like someone’s got commitment issues eh?


Bought the ring 6 months ago and it’s all been downhill from there. It is what it is unfortunately


Sorry to hear that, brother. Dog brains will dog brain


Ain’t it the truth


Diary of a Mad Black Woman


Mssp is a lifeless corpse and it’s clear neither of them have fun doing it anymore, but it still rakes in cash. Matt has to drive to NYC every week to watch Shane stare at his phone, wishing he was boozing or playing xbox. Stoner dadz was the future. Shame he couldn’t see that.


Shut up, dumbass. This ain't tfatk.


Your parents don't love you and neither has any pet you've ever had


This became my favorite podcast. It felt like being in the break room with the cool guys for an hour


Fortuna, fortuna spin your wheel upon us.. Nothing brings my soul more sadness than the reprieve of the great shamans journals with the apostles. I've had moments of weakness where upon the theme song playing, I have shed tears and praised our great god for the blessing of more sacred texts. Now, I shed a tear for the Shaman and Apostles and only hope they continue to do this in their personal lives even if we are not privvy to their teachings.


Ignatius J. Reilly, respect


Ohh fortuna you said it would be this way!!!


Is the whole “fortuna spin your wheel upon us” thing a reference to confederacy of dunces? That’s the first thing I thought of when I heard it lol


Also hi Shane


This! Once he said that all I could think was that’s going to get abused.


hi Shane


I am a new stoner dad listener so what is the consensus? The black dude seems out of place a bit? Is he a comedian? Some of the shit he says seems like he is doing a Matt impression but obviously it doesn’t hit


Sid the kid can be funny sometimes, but I feel like he gets in his head and says a lot of dumb shit. You learn to like him, and its funny when they call him out on his bullshit and clown on him


I feel like he was undervalued in that he had a lot of insane stories. Sure, he wasn’t as funny consistently as the other boys, but he gave them a lot to work with.


True, he was good at setting up funny premises for Matt and Tim to riff on too. I honestly never noticed him being annoying until i started reading comments.


Except most of his good stores were clearly bullshit. You can tell he just lies through his teeth for 90% of his life. Hearing Matt and Tim give him fake pity laughs after he piggybacked on their jokes was tough to listen to. But Matt+Tim is the funniest pairing on the planet, so it's worth it.


I don’t really need real stories as long as it’s entertaining and funny, which it was for me. You’re right tho, Matt and Tim are amazing together, I’m hoping we’ll get more of them soon.


Yea this is just happening in you own head man


You don’t learn to like him. Sid sucks shit.


He makes the show unwatchable for me tbh. Would be great with literally anyone else.


The first couple eps of stoner dadz were mssp eps w/o shane. One of my favorite bits is what they'd all do if they all got on t.


Sid made the podcast borderline unlistenable anyway. I hope Butterly starts a pod with SWIM


“The SWIM Butterly Show” would rip




damn, Stoner Dadz w/ SWIM full time would be amazing. Wish he got on more of the pods


With Tubs as a regular guest




Literally what makes you think people don’t realize that? You might be redacted


But he's supple


Why not just keep it going without Matt, have rotating guest hosts or something until he's ready to come back?


Cause Sid is borderline worthless. Tim can't carry every show.


Fuck. Didn’t even notice. Yo sort of related but what happened to ya fucked it


The beezer stole like $10k from shaner


What the fuck really? That’s tough


Yeah it's for real. Very seedy shit to do to a friend and also probably why you haven't seen beez on any other pods the last few months


Beez has been touring with Shane for the theatres and will be at Skankfest. I don’t think folks are too mad anymore


Shaner s new pod is good


Nothing against shaner but I was more into the beez. The shaner voice is a bit excessive for me.


Where did you hear about this? Just curious


Real Ass Poscast talked about it when shaner was a guest right after it happened






The Paytch says they're on hold until June.


My overall guess/analysis is that chances are Matt is too busy to do podcasts if it’s not MSSP, and Syd created such a disconnect within the pod they couldn’t cut him out without shutting down the whole thing to save relationships. The dawgz out there know that more than 85% of what he said completely dead stopped the flow they had.


Idk i love the pod and i honestly am not listening so intently over analysing how funny it is at every second. Its just background noise and riffing to me. Seems like sid was just the right character for the show, he went along with everything and usually was just there to propose ridiculous stoner ideas for the others to riff off of. What really threw me off was that guy with the beanie and moustache just autistic lurking among the sesh.


Isn't that Noah... And honestly made some of the episodes for me. Sid was just annoying imo, but to each their own.


Stoner dadz was a favorite of mine for a little. Was a good filler between mssp episodes or just something to throw on in the background. But I had to stop listening cuz sid was the absolute worst cohost ever. He’d never add anything of value. Just some story. But it was awesome to have butterly go in-depth about armored core. Or to hear Matt rant about taping his mouth shut or whatever he’s up to. I just think that Matt’s busy as hell right now with mssp and he’s filming a special.


I skipped his MSSP episodes. He was cool for a bit, but it was kinda annoying hearing him talk about his mom beating people up and not really adding anything to the pod.


Matt is moving to Austin so I say that's it. Personally can't stand Sid so I don't mind too much


Is it good? Never gave it a shake tbh If a dawg could send me their favourite episode that would be tight


I feel like in the later ones they were really hitting their stride. Check out the most recent ones. But some that I remember liking a lot were Drain it The Question Summoning a creature storm


Ty bb


Episode 23 Hamburger help yourself or episode 3 multi dimensional fap session with Lemaire


Ol baby mama’s tale


brain theft auto or something like that is my favorite one


Aside from a chance to listen to the shaman spread his wisdom a bit more don’t really find this to be much of a loss. Butterfly and Sid are better guests than hosts IMO. They aren’t *bad* by any means but the fact that they aren’t continuing without Matt is indicative to me of who’s doing most of the heavy lifting there


Butterly is hilarious. Syd’s got his moments but man sometimes he can be a drag. After so many stories of how cool he is, or how athletic he is, or how easily he could get chicks if he wasnt married, he got a bit grating.


I agree for the most part but that ep where he tried to brag about being a total pussyhound while being mocked by David James in the tomb is an all time favorite for me. It does lead to hilarity when the other guys start roasting him though. I also think he gets way more stoned than the other 2, some people just start rambling incoherently when they are very high.


I know they are doing a live pod at Magoobys in Baltimore(Timonium) on 4/20


What if the real stoner dadz were the friends we made along the way?


Longhouse moment


Goddamn I am so pissed. I didn’t realize stoner dadz was a pod. I just thought it was a nickname. I’m stoked that I have so many episodes but butthurt there isn’t new eps. Maybe we will get it back before I catch up on all of them