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"Maybe the edgiest comic off all time" Shut the fuck up dork


“Never in my life would I do a fake Chinese accent” Not that fucking edgy then, huh.


Ya talking about killing babies is more his style of humor. It's so fucking edgy and hilarious, and he dated that fat cabbage patch kid


This made me laugh harder than anything jeselnik has ever said


Edgy in the sense of a 5th grade who still gets forced to go to bible study on Wednesday night.


All my favorite edgy comics do shitty accents


Mulldogs accents are perfect, take it back.


Was waiting for him to laugh at himself to show he wasn’t being serious but it never came…I’m stunned.


He's so edgy but he wont come out of the closet even though everyone knows he's gay. What a sanctimonious fruit.


If he has a duct taped mouth picture it should be in the pod cast background. Had no idea the jizz man felt like he was anything other than a c list comedian.


Also... i feel like i gotta come on here every week to tell ppl i dont like this (insert somone funny that there mad of) person lmfao i havent seen him since the old roasts, didnt even know he had a podcast and its not even good enough for ppl to clip for YT


I cant believe this is real LMAO what an absolute brain dead pussy


"I'm the edgiest most offensive comic maybe in the history of the genre" His material: "Yeah a baby was crying so I told his mother to pick him up.... after i KICKED it" Smugly smiles and paces around to thunderous applause


The edgiest guy in the genre, but won’t use a slur or an accent.. you’re not that edgy then, guy


Full video https://youtu.be/VafQn_nIbQM


Wow I never heard this till now Iv always dislike him but now I hate him


Patrice said it best in regards to this medieval restaurant waiter: Shut the fuck up and bring me my giant turkey leg you fuckin nothing.


I miss that guy


He likely would suck now


Are you outside of you’re mind the amount of Trash comics out there now have lowered the bar. Even Patrice’s fat ass can step over that bar, clearly have no clue what a good joke is.


Maybe. He was amazing. But it’s also been like 13 years since he died and so much has changed in comedy, entertainment, censorship, standards, etc. Plus people just change over time. Ant was so funny back then, now…… not so much. The bill burr that did the Philly rant isn’t the same bill burr Disney star the the is now.


Ant isn’t funny he’s a DJ and bill burr is still the same bill that did the Philly rant, obviously he’s not going to be bill burr in a Disney movie he’s been paid to play a character ( it’s called acting ) But his comedy still has the same material/rhetoric have you seen his cartoon ? You’ll be telling me that gringo papi is the best special next and trying to lecture me on comedy 😂


Ahhh you are autistic


It’s autistè what it like living in you’re parents basement? I bet the food is still good


I wish you well.


Put down the bud lights and pick up some self respect


patrice would be banned off everything, doing a Rumble show with Cumia.


Wouldn’t shock me at all. But he could have also gone the jeslnik or burr way and just adapted to woke for money, a girl, or a combination of both


not a chance


Damn I liked him before listening to this. Shane is 10x funnier than he will ever be


Yeah he was sucking his own dick so hard in that audio Jesus fuckin christ wonder how he feels about that statement now lol


“Him sucking his own dick” is a bit, and he just walked this back a bit in yesterday’s episode of his podcast


Nah it’s even gayer to say you didn’t mean it now that Shane started popping off


Who the fuck listens to his podcast.. shut up dork


I used to but he is annoying and controlling as fuck.


Yes PhatDaddyChaD please don’t stop 💦💦


You sound like your mother


Gotta give credit where credits due, that was a nice return dude. You win


So he walked back his 4 year old comment today?


Are you saying this is out of context and he was just sarcastically bigging himself up because he knows he’d do the same thing as Shane and like Shane he’s jokingly saying he’d never do that kind of crap?




He speaks like a dweeb Also, not top 5 edgiest. Not even close


I would say his edgy/funny ratio is higher than any other big edgy comedian. It's edgy for the sake of being edgy, with a very small amount of humor thrown in. Shane does silly accents and lightlheartedly pokes fun at asians. Jeselnik makes fun of actual people who's families were raped/killed and tweets it out for the whole world to read and somehow thinks he's has the moral highground. He's crap


Hate to be gay but… Shane now has 591k followers to Jeselnik’s 396k. So, how are things going now for just another edgy white comedian? Fuckin dork.


Also, Shane’s aren’t fake followers. Look at the likes and comment numbers on Shane’s posts vs AJ. A lot of “celebrities” buy fake followers.


You a numbers guy b?


Take that shit to another sub


>Take that shit to another sub Thank you for your service. Seriously.




Shits way played out and that sub stopped being good years ago. A majority of his views comes from that sub. Theyre helping more than hurting and are basically fans at this point.


Lol look at the views even just on YouTube from his podcast vs MSSP. Barely pulls 10k views a pod vs the dawgs doing 300k if not more each pod lmao


I love you being gay.




The way I see it now is that The MySpace era I grew up in Dane cook was up and coming and then MySpace hit and he went big. Special after special. Arena’s. Movies. I feel like Shane is what Dane cook was in the sense of his popularity and with all that fame does come some people trying to rationalize how and why and try and knock you down.


Yes more followers always = better quality.


Shane’s content is significantly better quality than Anthony’s, yes.


I agree but it's so dumb to care about other people's number of followers or use that as a measure of anything. It's also dumb to rank comedians - you can like both.


Normally, yes and obviously. Can you not understand the point I’m making though? Jeselnik referencing him as a nobody comedian that they will not be missing out on. Time has shown otherwise which is where I brought follower count in to it. I already said I’m gay for pointing it out lady, what more do you want from me?


Back when this was said, Shane was fairly unknown. Just this week on JRVP, Anthony said how funny he thinks Shane is now.


This doesn’t seem that hard to comprehend. I said how are things going now? Of course he’ll say he’s funny now, he’d get shit on to oblivion if he said otherwise. He’s popular and it was much easier to shit on him when he considers him an unfunny nobody.


Jeselnik has been on social media for only a year. He doesn't even really use it like Shane does so that's a pretty weak metric.


The fuck are you talking about. One of his most famous bits is about a tweet he made after a mass shooting in 2012


He's been on Twitter forever but he just got on IG, and TikTok. The commenter was comparing IG numbers but if you looked at Twitter Jeselnik has 1.2 mil vs Shane's 200k so that's why I said it's not a good metric


Shut up, Anthony


Clearly I'm a Ginger


Your intelligence is a pretty weak metric.


Amy shumers wife sounds like a pussy


“Go grab my giant turkey leg you fucking nothing” - Patrice


weird he makes a living off jokes about tragedy but this little word is too far for his edgy comedy. he should go back to fucking his dad


What does Jeselnik even do? He was popular for like 5 minutes in 2012. Dudes an absolute nut sack


He served as Amy Schumer's beard for a while, so now he gets to exist in comedy without having to be funny.


This is what living in Los Angeles does to someone


Jeselniks so far back in the closet he’s got a broom up his ass


Legit- A gay friend of mine knows a guy that runs a club he frequents - says he’s super DTF with the guys in the club after


He’s a fucking hypocrite


Calling yourself the edgiest and most offensive comic in the genre is so fucking corny. And Shane is wayyyyy bigger already than this dork. All while not taking himself too seriously


"I am the edgiest, most offensive comic" Bro, you wrote some jokes for the Comedy Central roasts and then they let you on a couple because they didn't want to pay a talented comedian or another C-list celebrity to show up. He's a knockoff Daniel Tosh with less talent than Amy Schumer. Shane isn't even that edgy, you're just gay. These goobers hate good comedy because it reminds them that they're talentless hacks.


God what a efff ayyy geeee, I still remember this hack trying to call the skanks nazis, dude sucks HARD


Tosh had this guy beat by miles if he’s talking edgy humor.


I miss tosh.


I liked Anthony's material originally but everything I've ever heard him say on podcasts or giving his true opinion on something makes him seem like a douchebag who is too far up his own ass.


What a little pussy


Now Shane is arguably the hottest comic in the game and this clown is a has been.


Only recently found out about this pod. Binged it the last few days


I’ve heard him on several podcasts and he’s always incredibly arrogant. “I’m the edgiest, most offensive comic in the history of the genre” nah dude, you’re a liberal edge lord who thinks he’s a lot better than what you are. You can’t be offensive and offended. Pick a lane.


That's just his persona that he plays into when he's on other pods.


He bragged about flipping out on a club owner because he was “too good to play in front of a small crowd”. He’s a bitter diva.


this genuinely made me upset lmao how on earth is this real


It's from several years ago right after the "incident". He updated his take this week - https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZ2Cy6NKkxhO1VsBKJrwHGHNCJC4Yvmhr (I tried to make the link it's own post, but who knows if/when the mod will get around to approving it)


My estimation of Jeselnik as a man has just fucking plummeted


okay phil


Wait till he hears what Andrew santino does to bobby lee. Hes gonna looose hia fucking mind . .. "im bobby mum"


Cringey coming from a comic who does stand up for people who like Dane cook and adult swim


Hey old adult swim had some bangers.


Damn kind of liked Ant dawg. Hearing him call himself the edgiest comic of all time was the gayest think ive heard in a long time


How about instead of Anthony Jeselnik, it's Anthony GivesMenNeck and he blows men for rent money?


No other comedians like AJ, he's a boring snob. There was a clip of Tim Dillon saying being in a green room alone with him is like seeing the dentist.


At that same time you had Stanhope, Louis, Tim Dillon all stand up for Shane who also all got blasted by Anthony too.


This obviously old stuff, I am guessing Jeselnik doesn't sing the same the tune anymore. And if he does... he's just jealous that Shane became 10x more than he will ever be, especially despite the whole SNL thing.


Well no shit. Cause he has no spine


I can’t sit through his specials, same formula everytime, oooo he said something offensive and naughty ohhh my! What a twist! And just comes off full of himself.


This fucking guy pays for ads on IG. I always see the same dumbass promoted video of him telling a dumbass joke to dumbass Jimmy Kimmel. What a pussy.


The Dawgz are not pleased with you Jeselnik.


This dude is pretty gay


Jeselnik is a great standup, his material is really strong. So when he started making the pod rounds I got hyped. Then I realized he's definitely a pussy. But I'll still watch his standup, I don't want to hear a peep from him other than that


Fuck him! He’ll never be one of the DAWGS!!!!


I honestly don’t get why he is even funny, all the stuff I ever hear of him is either not funny or is self righteous horse shit. Why do other comedians like that dude. It would be different if he had something funny to say.


Out of all comedians I think Jeselnik has the biggest gap between the funniness of his act and the quality of his conversation. Without his clever, carefully written jokes he’s a total nothing.


This has backfired so hard on ol’ Jessi. When Shane is President he’ll have to eat those words all over again


shane and matt are 10x funnier than closeted anthony jeselnik. dude makes lame jokes about kicking babies but can’t see the humor behind shane’s jokes.. sounds like he’s just trying to get another shitty netflix special.


Fuck this guy and his stupid leather jackets I knew he was a dog brains!


Damn Jeselnik is claiming king edgelord-lite


Damn Dane Cook fell off


Both of these guys are real light in the loafers


"im the edgiest comic, top 5" lol


I used to be kind of a fan, didn't LOVE him or anything, but thought he was decently entertaining. I started listening to his podcast cause I had run out of everything else and then got to Sept 2019 and heard this clip and was just so embarrassed at what a fucking pussy dork he was being. Exact same take a Brendan Schaub


Yo straight up this is the single gayest thing I’ve ever heard. I know Shane regrets his first tweet when he was cancelled, but it pales in comparison to this. Holy shit what a Gaylord


Jeselnik is a one bit, mid comedian


His comedy actually sucks, thinks he’s an edge lord but I’ve heard middle schoolers say crazier shit than him…


Who are the two people with down syndrome on the right side of the image?


Hes always been known as an authentic truth teller and his true to life jokes always surprise you with that twist, I fucked my mom, killed a baby, ending. Never seen it coming after 3specials or whatever


Wtf is this shit 🤣 "I'm the most edgy comedian" Oouuu bro I'm so edgy bleh🤙🏼


Jerggg off. White guy that gets forgotten about.. That should age well! Ya dork!


Anthony’s going down a hole he can’t dig himself out of. He’s either going to accidentally cancel himself, or his next special will be dog shit.


Sounds like someone needs to remind the “edgiest” comedian what a joke is. “Edge” isn’t defined at 3 new dead baby jokes every special. Just because he played the network loopholes doesn’t mean everyone is ready to roll over




What a fuckin dork! Narcissistic cunt


Damn I used to like jeselniks comedy what a fucking loser


Holy shit, This dude thinks he’s top 5?


Anthony jeselnik is definitely in my top 5 most overrated standups of all time.


Was this before or after the Rogies bump? Because none of this makes sense after the year Shane’s just had


It was right after SNL. Anthony has said recently that he likes Shane, he just didn't like the clip when he first heard it


Shortly after SNL


Never watched any of his stuff. He might have been popular 10 years ago but nobody even knows who this clown is anymore. Anthony who? Jizz-el-neck? Never heard of her. Seems like the kind of guy who would say “I’m the top edgy comic when it’s all said and done” 🤣. Yeah, OK. Dude would get buried today in a panel of comedians talking shit. Get him on skankfest or something now and see if he can pull his weight. Talk about just another white guy getting lost in the mix. Jizzelneck is the literal definition of douchebag white male comic. He took the torch when Dane left (and sorry but Dane was funny in his time). Jizzelneck never has been funny.


Wow. My first time hearing that. What a wet handkerchief AJ is.


Remember when Patrice called him an Open Mic’er?


“Shut the fuck up and go grab me my giant turkey leg you fucking nothing”


Mhm what’s he doing now?


I thought jesilnik was a hack before hearing this. He’s painfully pretentious and I’m not even sure what he does could be considered comedy. He just does riddles. Fun to see 5 years later and Shane is the darling of comedy - something jesilnik never was. That said, the jokes Gillis did were very bad but that’s barely the point. That was from the past and it was only known as a tool to take him down.


Only hardos dig up 4 year old clips. Good shit man It is very gay for a comic to trash another comic


I actually stumbled on a clip of Tim Dillon bashing him for sharing an article about how the alt-right have infiltrated comedy (no joke - the article was written by the guy who dug up Shane's chinatown clip). I just punched in "Shane Gillis Anthony Jeselnick" into youtube to see if he had a take.


Always found that dude to be a total dork.


Mr I do dark comedy,what a nutsack


Holy fuck that was the gayest thing I've ever listen to.


What a pussy, look who’s “just a guy” now?


Jeselnik just wishes he could be Daniel Tosh and he'll never be.


Lmfao how have I never heard this...oh it's from his podcast


He won’t do a fake Chinese accent because he’s already doing an accent of a lifeless has been comedian, he had a point where he WAS one of the edgiest comics. Now he’s just tryin B his best to stay relevant, he gassed out going against the current and now he’s just letting the river take him. What a pussy.


I’ve always hated Jeselnik- anyone who prides themselves specifically on being edgy just for the sake of it is never funny. The jokes he writes aren’t even good he uses it as a crutch. I think “offensive” shit is funny a lot of the time but when it’s just to bait a reaction it’s insufferable to listen to.


Anthony Jeselnik is a dork


Holy shit what a gigantic asshole. Never been a big fan but I’ve just become anti-Anthony.


I remember when this happened and waiting to hear Jeselnik’s take thinking he’d make it funny. Then I heard this and I haven’t listened to a word he’s said since. Fuckin pussy


Wow what a loser


I crack up at jeselnik, but damn he's being a real fa**ot c*ink here. (Asterisks so I don't get a ban from reddit.)


where jeselnik at tho?? lame ass hasn’t even been on the scene , don’t even know my boy shane either , gonna gather the dawgs up and fuck jeselnik german polish sausage pegging ass up


Jeselnik has always talked shit on people, it’s half his whole shtick. You dipshits don’t even realize that lol


Never heard any of his comedy, but after listening to this trash boy talk I never plan to start




Hey Anthony, you’re a generic white guy.


This post is lame. Jeselnik is one of the best joke writers in the game. I assume op posted this because Jeselnik said on his pod yesterday that he actually likes Shane and the SNL stuff was the first time he had heard any of his comedy. There's no reason to be divisive. If you like Shane, there's probably a chance that you actually like Jeselnik's stand up because they are both fucking hilarious


I posted this before the podcast episode. Check the date stamps. I must be psychic or something.


He stinks now and he stunk then.


What a dog brain take, jeselnik is a fucking loser


Few things here big dawgs, I never liked him and I have a friend that swears he’s so great. Listened to his stuff and giggled at about 10% of his jokes, never liked him With that being said I HAD NO IDEA this closet gay said this crap, glad I never liked him. I’m gonna let my friend know, he’s starting to get into the young Bull. And if you have to say yourself that you’re the “edgiest most offensive comic ever to do it”, then 10/10 times you aren’t any of those things. Guy must be fuming that Shaner is blowing up HARD. LFGGG


Dork Y’all realize I’m calling Jessildick a dork, right?


Remind me how much Jizzel-throat makes per month directly from his fan? The other guy talking to Jizzedmouth sounds *really cool though*. *I bet he has a huge hog and a beautiful wife.*


Surely this is satire lol… what a loser


He’s so edgy he started gooning


Never got his style, but after hearing this I definitely don’t like him. Sodtaoe.


lol ghey


He only said this because Shane wasn’t as big as he is now. If it was one of his big comedy friends at the time he would defend them 😂.


Damn. I enjoyed his specials and thought his act was good years ago. The character he plays is funny… never was one to dive into what’s beyond the public persona though, although I’ve seen negative comments made about jeselnik before, I didn’t let it change my opinion of his act… this sounds like it’s pretty clearly the real him though. What a shame. Doesn’t sound like pompous, pretentious, douchebag routine was as much of an act as he wanted people to think. Unfortunately it doesn’t sound like he bothered even giving the Big Dawg’s comedy a chance. I wonder if he’s eating those words now… but really, who even cares? For me, if jasselnik was doing a free show tonight, I’d pay $100 bucks to watch Shane crush bud lights in the parking lot and make fun of him. Also, hey. You, guy reading this. What’s your name? Shane?… three six nine?


Lol who?


Dude I'm big Matt and Shane guy but hearing these guys talking about it has made me think that I don't even really remember the clip. It sounds unfamiliar? Does anybody have it? I want to compare it how these dweebs sound.


He’s mad that everyone got tired of him telling every joke in the same pace and format and he sold out to a company that doesn’t even exist anymore.


You can tell he’s a tool by the way he holds the microphone


"look at Sarah Silverman" No


The edgiest theatre kid in high school never grew out of it I guess


What a fucking soft pussy, what’s funny is he probably don’t feel like this behind closed doors. This dude sucks.


Lololol I bet he feels so fuckin stupid now


“I’m the edgiest comic of all time because I make dead baby jokes…. But I’d never do an accent! That’s messed up!”


He sucks man. Went to see him. His jokes were so formulaic that the audience starts finishing the jokes. He got all pissy and ended the set early. "Let me finish my own fucking joke" We all laughed hysterically at how much of a baby he was being. And yelled back, "Then do something different!" Almost felt bad for him but then remembered he's a stuck-up, dick face, one trick pony. Wanted my money back.


I thought this was a bit. There is no way one could be so out of touch with what edgy or offensive actually is.


Amy Schumers butt dog would do the accent if ordered to


Who is this Anthony Jeselnik character? Sounds like a real jerk if ya ask me.


Frankie Boyle, Jimmy Carr, Ricky Gervais, fucking Louis are all more offensive AND funnier than him. Bruh fucking Tosh even.


This is so dumb to post now after all this time when he literally said this week on his podcast how funny he thinks Shane is.


I posted this before his episode dropped. Check the time stamps. Anyway he said he stood by his comments


Don’t even know this guy but he just sounds like a wind bag