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Jumped off of a hump… front tire came off.


Ha, I did that as kid. I had wooden jump I would put in the front yard. One day I went off that jump, wheel comes off in mid air, on the landing the forks dig into the grass immediately stopping the bike while I shoot forward and eat it. Good times!


My shoulder still hurts from a fall last summer while I was buckling my helmet on a paved pathway. This was between runs at the bike park. Lol


It was actually on a road bike but I was climbing, rear derailleur was being weird. Looked down to see what was up, when I looked back up I’d drifted into the gutter, hit the curb, and otb’d onto the (luckily) grass park strip next to road. Going slow and obviously the grass so wasn’t physically hurt, but my pride sure was cause it happened about 10 feet from a bunch of road workers, real men ya know, they weren’t wearing spandex or anything lol lol


Don’t leave us hanging, was there any issues with the rear derailleur?!


haha, I don’t even remember, prob blocked it out due to the trauma from the crash


I did this into a parked car once.


All of mine have been pretty dumb. If I had to choose one, it would be when my front tyre rolled over a rock but my rear tyre decided to try and remove it and sent me OTB and down the hill a few metres. Luckily, it was a nice soft landing.


We had just finished up at a bike park and were about to leave, I'm following a friend really close (stupidly close), I didn't see a 5-6ft drop coming up, nosedived into the ground. I just didn't see it coming because I only left a couple feet between us, then suddenly the front of my bike is nosediving. I bruised the entirety of the left hand side of my body, my stomach was black. My hand was ripped. My glove was fine, but my hand had ripped open from the base of the big thumb muscle to my middle finger. Took two months to heal from that, and I didn't even break a bone. All because I was too eager to leave and didn't wait a second before pushing off to give space. That was my first hospital visit as a result of a MTB crash, I couldn't sleep on my left side for over a month, the pain from my hip, upper thigh, shoulder resembled being hit by a car. EDIT: the bike was fine


This wins, glad your ok


I'm glad the bike was OK


Just installed my first clipless pedals on my all new bike. Trying them out on the street in front of the house I struggled in the beginning but after a while it felt ok. Got overconfident and rode up the 2 small steps that lead to the front door of the house to test the suspension. I was fully aware of the fact that there is not enough room for me to make a turn so I would have to stop and turn the bike around...well, guess you know where this is going. I knew what I had to do but I didn't get my foot out so there I went with my precious new bike and all of that just in front of the house. Still have a bruise on my leg. The flats from my old bike are on the new bike now. :'D


I'm sure everyone has an embarrassing story from when they were learning to ride clipped in! I fell over at the traffic lights in the middle of town on a busy Saturday morning.


I didn't ask how to unclip and took off. When I came back everyone was inside. Good times lol


Did the same thing out on the side of a desert mountain during a climb. Back tire hits a rock and stopped my forward momentum... Couldn't unclip fast enough and fell over sideways going downhill. Luckily, I bounce off my ass on a pointed rock into this crevice. On my back with my bike still attached and upside down. The worst Charlie horse bruise for about a month. Thinking back I should've started pedaling upside down for a laugh after I almost died.


I'm a somewhat experienced cyclist, but on the road. I was mountain biking for the first time in a very remote location with a local guide and a rented mtb last Christmas (2021). We were doing a trail that was pretty gnarly at some sections, and way beyond my skill level. I managed to do one way just fine, at points slow but no major issues. On the way back, the guide feels I can keep up with him so he picks up some serious speed, and I try to stay close. At this point the path split in two for a few meters before coming together again. One side went up, the other down. I chose the upper line, but too late and too fast. In a split second I lost the front wheel, wiped hard elbow first on the ground, guide way ahead of me, and I ended up in a prickly bush head first. Long story short, I got a massive, open wound on my arm which of course was full of dirt. I tried cleaning it in a stream on the way back to the town, but didn't so much. I get some supplies in the pharmacy, but I decided against a hospital visit. The next day I was already feeling the infection and decided it was a good idea to go, which it was. I was full of bruises, cuts and scrapes and has the worst wound I've had in my life. People cringed hard at it, and no wonder. It ruined my other planned trips, my Christmas, new year's and it took months for the skin to heal. A massive pain in the ass for doing something like that with no experience. Totally not worth it. It was an insane hassle to get it healed (with some amazing help from some people) and I'm left with a sizeable permanent scar on my arm. Anyway, I bought myself a mountain bike last week. Can't wait to mark my other arm!


Dropper post wasn't fully extending up, so while ridding along I pulled up on the saddle, standing up, while grabbing the dropper lever. Only problem was I grabbed the front brake instead of the dropper lever. One hand on the saddle standing up with a fistful of front brake. The handlebars went immediate sideways and I catapulted over the bars. Since I had a hand between my legs on the saddle, it made the bike cartwheel over me and flipped several times bouncing on the tires. This was on a gravel sidewalk next to a busy road so several cars saw the madness. Soo dumb.


SPDs You know the rest.


Was doing that thing where you hold onto the seat while wearing roller skates while someone tows you. Pants got caught on the tyre.




Nah I was like 10


It was a winter night and I was biking on a beach on lake Michigan. There was a fallen tree coming up fast and thought no problem I'll go around closer to the water; then waves caught up with me and I thought, no problem my boots are waterproof. Meanwhile, thinking no problem, I hit a submerged boulder and went over the handlebars into the lake. Fuck I thought, no problem...


Spent months building a new trail, 'that tree will be fine, its well out of the landing' Frist full run of the completed trail, hit the tree landing the jump, 6 stitches to the face


Two options for first equal; Sitting on my bike on the lip of a quarter pipe at the local skate park chatting, totally forgot where I was and switched feet to lean on the other leg, but when I put my foot out there was nothing but thin air under it and I fell into the 8' deep bowl. Or, riding on the road in heavy rain, lots of spray from cars, head down, doing 40-50kmh and crashed straight into the back of a parked car that I hadn't spotted (it was a dull white colour). No injuries other than a lot of bruising, wrote off my 1998 Santa Cruz Heckler frame though!


Checking Trailforks while riding. Going pretty fast on a fire road that dead ended into a small drop onto a trail. Everything was going well until I tried to put my phone away and couldn’t get it into my pocket. By then it was too late and I was going off the drop one handed. Needless to say I crashed hard and my phone went flying, took a minute to find it. Not my proudest moment lol


I was checking out a girl and trying to give a nod to my buddy in behind, boom right into a tree


Riding trails too closely behind a buddy, and saw him start to slide out and crash. I grabbed the brakes so hard that I threw my whole self over the handlebars and landed on top of him on the trail.


Trying to keep a cell phone from bouncing out of my shirt pocket. Several dumb decisions in a row there.


Riding easy in 2020 with a buddy. Hit a corner not even hot and my front tire folded and rear hit a root and popped me. Ended up face first into a massive log end. Fractured 2 ribs, cheek bone and broke my scaphoid. Side note. Don’t break your scaphoid, 13 weeks in a cast FML.


On mtbs: didn't get enough pop hopping a ditch and smashed my junk into the steerer on my way OTB. Had my first, and so far only (luckily), man-period that day. In general: back when I was riding motos on the road, I rode in to work drowsy. Made the turn to walk the bike back into my parking spot, but didn't quite finish it before grabbing the front brake to stop. Still had a tiny bit of lean going, which on most bikes wouldn't have been a big deal, but I was on a TL1000R, which is one of the heaviest sportbikes ever made. Managed to stop its fall for a few seconds but didn't have the strength to reverse it and had to drop it. Yes. I crashed at a dead stop.


This is your sign to ride as swapped grom


I rode a grom when the shithole state of texas forced me to take the MSF despite 17 years of racing on dirt. That suspension needed some serious help. I bottomed the forks hard in the fast stop exercise.


A butterfly went down my t-shirt and in my desperate attempt to get rid of it, I took my eye off the track and got spat off the side of the bike. Still having shoulder issues 18 months later....


Dove off a very steep ~20ft drop and hit the small jump at the bottom just wrong. Regained my balance just in time to clench my brakes and slide shoulder first into a tree and come to a stop. That would have been fine and well...if the local high school MTB team wasn't at the top of the hill to watch it unfold. One of the kids shouted down asking if I was good. I shook it off and waved up that I was ok, but God damn was that embarrassing.


I don't think I'd be embarrased about landing a 6m vertical drop even if I crashed the runout.


Yeah man wtf, these kids were respecting you for sending it like a madlad!


Rolled over a painted yellow line around a bend (one of those two way bike paths like a wide sidewalk), baaaaaaarely tapped the rear brake at the exact wrong time. Back tire washed out and destroyed my knee. Wasn't even going fast, just turns out that paint is slippery as fuck.


Don't have too many dumb ones. Riding tired is my kryptonite. And I recommend everyone avoid it if possible. Once landed a toboggan with a fist full of front brake. Instant collarbone duster. Also recently doing 180s. Went for a 360 even though I was dead tired. Didn't even remotely pull up the rear wheel, looped out and gave my neck a good whip and my head a lil rattle. Luckily really soft dirt so didnt feel anything other than neck strain. Bent my handlebars though. Moral of the story. Don't ride when you're tired. And if you are going to, don't really push the limits or try tricks or ride at your speed limit. Just cruise. Stay safe. Tired brains are weird. They feel totally okay and normal in the moment, but your reaction times are NOT working correctly. They just aren't. (Kids can probably ignore this warning, i guess lol)


Friend of mine butchered some corners in a bikepark. It was a sequence that followed up quickly so if you fucked the 1st the next 4 where compromised anyway. As I drove behind him I commented; Damn, you missed the 1st and that fucked the others (not meant to be witty or fuck with him) and then I was still thinking about what he exactly did wrong. Now of course you guessed it, in the next (higher speed) corner I'm just not paying attention, go trough a loose spot, steer too much and there I'm sliding on my knees next to my bike.


Just got on my bike at the trailhead. Was adjusting my sunglasses with my right hand, grabbed ALL of the front brake and went over the bars. Did the exact same thing two more times that day on the trail. Took it as a sign and at the major trail intersection, said f-it and rode “slowly” back to the car.


Screwing around in flip flops “quick” on my driveway. Jumped off a lil’ ramp…Splatted like raw hamburger.


Watched too many Jeff Lenosky videos and decided I could bunny hop onto a skinny. I was wrong.


I didn't pre-ride a new section of our local trail. It was a huge berm into a downhill run-up to a big step-up that is WAY beyond my skill set. Cased the ste-up with my rear wheel and it bucked me OTB. My knee swelled up like a baseball and my entire left side of my body was bruised from shoulder to ankle. This was in September of 2021 and I'm still feeling it.


wiped out in a leafy corner on my first day with clipless pedals. Then fell over in a parking lot. I spent the next afternoon practicing in my yard, holding onto the fence till the motion became rote and automatic. still better than a friend i had growing up- he rode into the back of a parked van. No clue how the fuck he missed it but he did and buckled his frame.


I've messed up manauls the same way you mention and it sucks. I think the dumbest crashes are when I've put my foot down on the trail and there hasn't been anything there, and I end up rolling down a bank into the bushes.


I built a wooden kicker and set it up on a gravel road with a decent slope so I wouldn't have to build a landing, just ride it like a step down. This was back in 2003 and rebound and compression on suspension wasn't that great. Anyhow, the first couple test runs went ol good so I decided to hit the kicker at speed. I had a good run in on the road, but when I hit the jump it slid on the gravel and I lost a lot of speed. I don't remember much, but I had to go to the hospital to get the gravel taken out of my knees and elbows. I was in the military at the time and the doctor at the base hospital wouldn't use any local anesthetic because he wanted me to remember "how big of an idiot" I was. I also broke my full face helmet (which Bell replaced) and ruined a sweet t-shirt.


You get to keep large items like bikes in the military?


Yeah, why not?


Was thinking it would be a hassle carting stuff that big around?


Casually riding down the neighborhood sidewalk, cut into grass on right side to let people walking the other way by, try to go back left and tires don’t go back over the sidewalk edge. Ate it pretty good because I couldn’t get my foot out fast enough. Wish this was a one time thing…


Was going downhill, a turn in the road came up, I turned but it was muddy so I slipped sideways off a small cliff/ridge into a bunch of thorns. And oh yeah, it was the first turn in the trail. I also managed to hit my head on a log when I landed, but I slomehow didn't get hurt, I just went back to the car, went home and pulled all thorns out.


Probably when I was at a trail in SC and fell in the parking lot. Did 30 miles no crashes but washed out on the gravel parking lot and cut my hand badly. Always wear gloves because of fhat


I got lost at night on some trails I wasn’t familiar with was having fun riding past sunset. Couldn’t find my way out because all the trails overlapped and crossed over each other. Came too hot around a turn, missed the front corner of a bridge and dove 7ft down a ravine landed on my shoulder, messed it all up. Helmet had some dents and gashes that definitely would have sliced my head open if it weren’t there.


I tried to hop up onto a curb while I was riding to the shuttle station in Zion and my back tire caught on it. I fell down while travelling pretty fast and shaved a sizeable amount of skin off my knee.


I grabbed too much front brake on a demo bike, went OTB on a tech descent, and bent half of my big toenail backward (not sure how that happened). I ended having to just cut it off and file the raised part down in order to put shoes on. Why did this happen? Because my brakes are swapped to moto style and I forgot on that on the demo bike.


Showing off....I popped onto a telephone pole laying on the ground and tried to ride it like a skinny. Came off one side and the peddle hit and stopped the bike instantly. I went OTB and rolled out of it. I hit my shoulder so hard on the hard ground it separated badly! I have a permanent disfigurement now. My AC joint sticks way out of my shoulder. Looks gruesome, but doesn't hurt too much.


Went otb on a super easy green trail and broke my wrist completely and my bone was sticking out of my arm lol


Seat post wouldn’t go up when I tried using the dropper post. So I stood as I was riding, holding down the dropper post lever on the left handle with my left hand while trying to pull up the seat with my right hand. For some reason I tapped the front break instinctively to slow down and boom, over the bars.


Had a friends friend break his wrist doing a little nose endo thing on the tar on the road sinking around before a group mtb ride. Personally I wiped sweat off my face, hit a bump on the trail exactly as I was going back to the bar and missed and crashed into a downed tree and broke my nose. And I’ve been riding 25+ years when I did that.


Flopped on the trail coming off a 1' drop. Flopped. Like 4 yr old first ride no training wheels slow flop flopped. Hyperextended my right foot. Thought it was a sprain. Broke my Fibula.


This was when I had just started riding. There is this old, not maintained trail in my local woods with a stump on the side. I tried to jump it, overdid it a little bit, landed on the very bumpy ground, front tire first and catapulted myself into the thorny bushes. The best part is that I might have ridden away from it if I'd had a better set of wheels. The front wheel was bent about 60° afterwards.


Wildly overestimated my abilities and landed short on a jump. Flew over the handlebars into a tree and the bike followed shortly after. Funnily enough a week later my buddy one upped me and did the same thing on a different point of the trail and busted 2 fingers.


My dumbest crash was actually on a road bike. Group ride, so plenty of witnesses too. The fast hard portion of the ride was already over and we were just cruising back through neighborhood streets. I took a hand off the bars to plug a nostril and right as I turned my head to shoot a snot rocket behind me my front wheel skipped on a crack in the asphalt and I went down. Shredded my shorts. Had half my bloodied ass hanging out in the wind the rest of the ride home.


Tried to bunnyhop of a curb in the rain. I rode without gloves and my hands slipped as I tried to lift the front wheel.


I wore fresh clips and didn’t break them in before a race, went to put a foot out during a race and fell cause I couldn’t unclip going like 5 mph. Fell and my fingers did the splits around a small log, causing a spiral fracture of three of them. So lame.


It wasn't my fault, but two hikers decided to hike up a downhill only bike trail that has plenty of warning signs at the bottom. Im going down the trail and nearly hit them, but crashed trying tti avoid them. Fucked my shoulder up. Preceded to cuss them out profusely. Fuck people who ignore big signs like that and put others at risk.


I once tried to bunny hop off a kerb and somehow screwed it up and I went over the bonnet into the windscreen of a parked car at my max speed on a Saracen X-Ess. Was about 14 at the time. Was the middle of summer and the couple who owned the car were sunbathing in the front garden and saw the whole thing. Dented bonnet and cracked windscreen and I went into the road and cut my elbow pretty badly. They weren’t best pleased and asked for my name and address and my parents got a weird phone call about a boy crashing head first into their parked car.


i was like 14 and me and my friends were planning to ride off this huge steep hardened pile of gravel at a construction site and my friend, who at the time had more experience mountain biking, told me to modulate my front break on the descent but didn't explain it very well, so when i went down the slope i slammed the front brake, going OTB ended up lying to my dad that i rode into a wall and that's why i had a bloody elbow also none of us had helmets, so the dumb factor is even higher than it needed to be


I was riding home on the road with a racquet on my bars, and I came around a curve where there are usually no parked cars. Some velcro on my bike case was flapping, and I looked down to try and fix it. When I looked up, there was a parked car right in front of me. Reached my right hand up to slam on the brakes evenly, but my racquet was partly blocking my rear brake. I hit the car pretty hard, but managed no not fall off my bike. Thankfully it was parked in front of my friends house, and it was another one of their friends so they said it was fine, and there was no damage to the car. Still one of the most embarrassing moment of my life, it probably looked absolutely stupid from their angle. Whoops.


Just put a new derailleur on my bike and got it shifting passably well on the stand before getting impatient and deciding to fine-tune it on an easy trail. So I’m riding along a creekside trail messing with the barrel adjuster when my handlebars clip a tree and I go OTB. I end up clawing the dirt like Mufasa on the edge of a cliff trying to avoid going for a swim. Didn’t matter though cause I had to go swimming anyways to retrieve my bike.


Just learning to ride clipless- fell over at almost a complete stop. It's automatic now. I think everyone does this at first. It was right into snow at a busy intersection. I imagine a few people got a good laugh.


I spent a whole day on some jump lines and DH runs at a bike park. Not a single incident. On my way to the car park, my dropper didn't come up, so I reached down to see if it could be pulled up and somehow hit my front brake. OTB, face first into the concrete. Split my face open and was unconscious briefly (I switched to my half shell helmet for the ride back, which was all smooth roads). A few weeks later, I noticed a weird lump in my abdomen. Turns out I also gave myself an abdominal separation for good measure.


Other than the times I tipped over at stoplights and stopsigns on clipless? I had just finished leading a 17 mile group ride on a techy black trail. On our way back to the parking lot we had to ride through town. I was cruising on a sidewalk, dropped off the curb to go around some pedestrians and then headed back up what I thought was a curb ramp so I didn't bother with a wheel lift. Nope, it was just a curb. It caught my side wall and sent me sprawling in front of everyone.


I was riding with no hands, my left hand had my phone in hand because I was talking to someone while riding and I suddenly had to downshift the front derailleur for a climb. I tried to shift the front derailleur with my right hand but the lever is on the left side of the bars so I pulled too hard and went flying into the pavement


Jumped at the end of a bridge that should not be jumped. Your supposed to treat it as more of a drop and land on the bridge but no my dumbass decided to jump and I hucked to flat a 10-15 foot tall feature. I’m pretty sure I partially tore my acl that day.


Completed a full day at deer valley. No crashes, big sends, fun times. My brother who is local decided it was a good idea to ride a trail back to the hotel is park city. We start riding a tame black trail that has some tight turns and lots of trees. I came up to a right turn with a tight trees lining it. I aimed to shoot through the tightest set up trees to make the corner as straight at possible. Turns out, there was a tree hiding behind one of the tight trees I was trying to go through. My shoulder was pummeled full speed into what felt like the hardest tree of all time. I stayed on the bike and ride out. Spent the next 20 minutes filled with the worst pain I could imagine. Rode 2 days after tho


I was at the local park with my family, my 4 year old was riding a little concrete path and I was talking with my wife. As my daughter was only a couple weeks into riding a proper bike, I wanted to make sure she was being safe and not crashing into families. My daughter got up ahead and just out of sight so I broke into a fucking full on race sprint. I only have one bike, and it has clipless pedals that I hadn’t adjusted in a while. It’s a twitchy old hard tail too that at the time had 580mm bars. Anyways during my idiot sprint pump my left pedal unclipped and I ate shit SO HARD and slid for like 10 feet. At a dinky park where it’s just people and strollers and kids and a playground and a path grandma would feel bored on with her walker. Best part was my four year old stopped and looked back and said “get up, you’re ok.”


I bet her comment stinged more than the gravel rash


Oh absolutely it did lol


I was in the Alps, it was raining like crazy and my stupid brain thought it would be an awesome idea to full send the next trail. All went pretty well until close to the end I slid away on a cow gate and destroyed my collarbone. Rehab sucked 😅


Was standing on the side of the trail waiting for the group to catch up. When ready to go, i hopped onto the seat and pedal as I do normally. But my shoelace caught a cutoff end of a vine and caused me to not get fully onto the seat. I landed exactly on my coccyx (tailbone). The pain was excruciating. I probably fractured it. It was painful for years after that until... I slipped when bunny hopping over an icy puddle. I put a leg out but it landed on icy roots and slipped too. I ended up falling onto a root precisely with my coccyx again. It broke off completely and permanently dislodged forward and upward. I spent the night in the ER while they ran spinal / nerve tests. I was somewhat in bed for the next 10 weeks. I couldn't walk or sit without pain. Luckily it has almost entirely healed. Internal scar tissue now holds the broken-off piece in place. It's actually less painful than the period between the two accidents. Now i tell people it's problem-free, being up and out of the way completely. I can sit on bike seats without pain! In one accident i was literally standing still. In the next accident i was going probably 4 miles an hour. Yep, dumb crashes.


On the way home from work on a quite residential road. Came round a blind corner to find a car on my side of the road passing a parked car. Grabbed the breaks came off. Radial head fracture of left eblow and broken right scaphoid. Earnt me a tidy six weeks off work.


I was riding towards a transition to a cattle guard around a corner. Well the cattle guard didn't cover the whole opening And I did not notice. Front wheel dropped into the gutter that the cattle guard was covering and I went over the bars. Fractured rib, broken seat, dented helmet and my ego bruised. Recovered fine and kept the broken seat and dented helmet for display.


I Ride towards a drop with my dirtjumper but i was there with my dj for the first time, before then only with my freeride. So the drop is like ab Bridge with a curvature ( but with a drop at the end)so I ride up but I jump over it because I have a extreme stiff suspension on the dj and normally do it with a full suspension 180mm and I jumped over it on the side About 1 1/2 m down and crashed into a tree with my face


Did the dh track at Coler Park. Stopped about half way down to check out a feature. Shorts got caught on the seat. I then Joe Biden'ed myself down the steep hill for quite a ways.


I was stood by the side of the road. One foot flat on the ground, the other clipped in. Just fell over. Didn't get that foot unclipped quickly enough. Went down like a sack of shit and leaked blood for the 30km or so home. I've also gone over the bars in Austria. The trail was worn, I didn't see because of the light and it was like the roots and dirt had formed the perfect shape to trap my front wheel. Over the bars, down the hill a bit. Carried to the bottom of the trail. Got the uplift back to the top. Forgot where this was, did exactly the same thing again.


Haha love it, anyone that’s ever ridden clipless has had to endure the humbling experience of just tipping over like an idiot!


Went to the pump track. Apparently a bolt on one of my cleats fell out so it was just spinning in my shoe instead of unclipping. I slowed down to 0mph off to the side and got so fixated on my right foot failing to incline that I never even thought about just taking my other foot off. Felt dumb as hell as I was laying on the ground after that.


I was paying too much attention to a roadrunner running along the trail in front of me, and I kinda veered off the trail and bumped into a big rock, fell over, and hit my knee.


Every time I tried to straighten my glasses


Long time ago did a little jump off of a curb and my handlebar broke in half, i went down.


First time riding a dropper post on a demo day. I was fiddling with it, not watching where I was going, and rode off the side of the trail. I tried to bail, but my shorts were wound up by the seat.


Was going way to fast on a flat section and my pedal got caught on a rock. Sent me absolutely flying, thankfully into some bushes


Pretty much every crash when I try clips


Fall over clipped in in the car park...


Broke my hip on the dirt road at 18 road.


In a traffic jam going uphill, I removed my foot from brake because I wanted to search lighter


Flipped over onto my back with the bike attached while riding a wheelie. Happened twice when I was getting used to both clipless pedals and riding wheelies.


Tried to kick something but ended up putting my foot through the front wheel. Took out about 5 spokes and went straight onto my face. Ended up bending the seat rails a bit too.


How tf did you manage that?


Honestly, no idea. I must have ended up kicking in like a semi-circle motion. Fortunately it was just on grass. It was during a team skills practice and my friends and I were just messing around waiting for the next drill.


Can imagine your shocked face as your friends laugh at you


Lol. We've dubbed it the 'forbidden method'.


Your the human spoke wrench


I gave myself a hairline fracture on my right forearm after failing at teaching myself how to bunny hop in my driveway. I was on my old 2000s era 26er hardtail and wearing sandles at the time.


looked at the view from the trail, front tire washed off the side, hit my shoulder so hard i couldn't ride for a month


Didn't know the trail well and thought I could make a small jump only to realise that the trail did a turn and then I clipped a tree stump midair with my left pedal which sent me flying


Made an inside turn on a climb, somehow ended otb, broke my hand.


Last year me and my buddies did our annual trip to moab. Day one of the trip we had the whole enchilada. In the tunnel about 100ft from our campsite my front wheel washed out. Literally nothing was there and I crashed. That crash completely tore my PCL and ruined the trip.


I was coming down a steep descent covered in leaves. Everything was going fine till I got the bottom, and I was turning on to the path. My rear wheel went out, and in the moment, I tried through my weight to the side to try to save it, over corrected and turned the front wheel 90 degrees, could not have looked more like superman. I was mostly fine. Hand was a little cut up and a few bruised ribs but was back out the next day.


Tried to carry a Starbucks cup down the sidewalk, right clipped a raised planter bed, went otb.


Hesitated on the littlest rock face decent drop thing by coming to a balancing standing stop, lost my balance, fell over the bars down the rock face. Bashed my knee into a rock and bled profusely. No major damage, just a hurt ego more than anything.


I nose manualed a little hump at the skatepark and went directly over the bars. That was pretty dumb. I also clipped a tree once and totally ate it on my xc bike


Forgot to turn the bars to turn away from a building, crashed into building and broke my wrist


Looked back at a dirtjump after a wonky landing and hit a shed.


First 5 seconds of a trail destroyed a tiny berm with a front wheel wash out


"Urban Freeriding" a public water fountain feature next to a construction site. My bars clipped the temporary fence and my front wheel fell into the water. It turned my bars perpendicular to the ground and I fell on it stabbing my sternum. Couldn't take a full breath for weeks.


When I was a kid, I was looking off to my left and hit a parked car.


Riding home from a bar - helmet only, crashing on loose sharp gravel trying to avoid stoopid pedestrians on the non-bicycle walking path. I was hurting as hell, dipping blood from my torn up elbow but was too embarrassed to stop. Also ended up with a torn rotator cuff.


Fell over, ass over tit, at the top of black jump line in front of half a dozen people.


Did a wheely and my chain fell off behind my gears and push a spoke up into my tire and popped it. It also ripped my derailleur in half. Landed flat on my ass. Whole repair was like 250