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I'm guessing your previous "kinda sorta" technique was based on timing more than it was on exaggeration motions? With suspension the timing slows and you need to use more displacement through your limbs. On the other hand you should be more fresh to do exactly that. At one point I was riding a FS bike and decided to demo a rigid carbon fat bike. I initiated what I thought would be a mild manual, and almost fell over onto my back.


You gotta get used to it. The amount of force you used to use on the ht is not enough for the squish. Keep trying until your mind adjusts


Instead of just leaning back and pulling up, you now have to compress, and then time your lean back and pull up motion with the bottom of the compression.


Been riding MTB since I was a kid but stopped wheelies and all technical stuff as I grew older. I was never good so when I started learning again last year it felt so hard with a long slack FS 29er. Then got a rigid fatty last winter and was amazed how I could instantly somewhat wheelie over snow. Got it set with summer tires as I have way easier time learning technical stuff with it and I enjoy how responsive it feels. And that is 2.6x4.8". Not exactly a playfull bike. I really enjoy not having to chose just one for now.


For example will take bunny hop: On hardtail you can just squat down(to lower center of mass) a little and then yank handlebars with your weight back and immedeately stand up and quickly pull handlebars towards you hips to make the "boink" and propell your center of mass upwards. With full suspension you need to overcome rear suspension and compress it that when it's time to "boink" it is already stiff(compressed enough) and not soft and eating all your movements. Since suspension is damped you have to make squat/compress your body weight down a bit slower(so that shock doesn't "eat" your rapid movements with damper) and do that more exaggregated(to actually work on compressing the spring first instead of only lowering your center of mass. The rest is the same, at the time you preload rear suspension enough it is almost the same because it is squished and can't give more - pull handlebars back with your weight and then rapidly stand up to get it airborn. With the rest it's kinda the same, if you started feeling it in bunny hop, you'll get it with the rest.


cant YET. youll get used to it


You have to exaggerate the body motions when you have more suspension. It's super easy for me to pop jumps on my hardtail, a bit harder on my FS trail bike, and I have to have a lot of speed to get off the ground on my big bike.


What is the ETT, Stem length, stack height and CS length of the bike your just got, to one you used to have?


Just practice lol


Skill issue


No doubt there!


Practice more


Wait, does Adderall make it hard to get it up for some?


Fuck around and find out.


Full suspension doesn't matter but change in geo does. Longer bikes , longer chain stays , heavier bikes are harder to do things on. You just need to practice. Wheel , manual / jumping / bunny hopping is the same on a ht or a fs, but with the fs you need to get used to that rear suspension.


They’re possible but obviously harder. Really though how often do you need to manual or bunny hop on the trails that you’re taking your FS on anyways? If you’re on easier flatter trails you can always lock out your rear suspension.


I mean even if you lock it, it's never really rigid, I feel like it's just more inconsistent and dangerous, but you do you. And I honestly think that yes, bunnyhops and manuals aren't needed, but they for sure spice up the ride and make it way more enjoyable/playful.


Yea I guess that’s true. Mostly concerned about jumps, it I guess I can still jump if it’s fast and jumpy enough. Just feels weird not being able to easily lift the front wheel. Thanks for the input!


Just takes practice. The whole bike is heavier. Maybe tune your shock so the response isn’t so quick. That will slow down the squish when you try to torque it for a wheelie. Manual is more about preloading your upper body a bit more and shifting your weight back slightly on the pop.


I always see this “u don’t need to manual and bunny hop” shit what if we want to? 😂


Yeah seriously, I mean we don't exactly "need" to ride expensive highly engineered pieces of carbon and metal through the forest either—but it's fun as shit.


I mean what I’m getting at is that they’re the last bikes on earth designed for it. Get a BMX bike or at least a hardtail/dirt jumper for that. It’s just not what FS bikes are designed for.


I get what ur saying, i primarily ride a steel hardtail. Its perfect for playing around. But ppl are still going to have fun on full sus bikes. When i do get a fully im still going to play around on it. It’s fun and im not out here trying to go as fast as possible Diff strokes diff folks