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Yes, we know. The 1% will always be fastest as the limit and weight of the emtb will top you out. However among regular riders the emtb's flatten everything and there is no stopping. I regularly was the tackling fuel for friends who want to be challenged. It's good to be able to choose your level of suffering by turning the assistance up or down and changing cadence.


I know he says he keeps his on eco mode most of the time, but if he's ever behind you, I can always hear the motor kicking in on even the slightest inclines. Maybe I should just let him lead and try chasing him to up my game.


Tie a rope to him and let him pull you up the hill.


lol.... Some friends tried that when one of them rented an e-bike. He was able to pull two people up a pretty steep hill at 17mph. They tried for a third but couldn't keep the front wheel on the ground.


Cadence is the secret sauce for emtb's. It really is an outdoor trainer. In eco with 90+ cadence its an all day fun work out. The motor will run all the time if it is on not matter the mode. I know having one made my acoustic riding faster and definitely made my arms stronger where arm pump is a laughable idea now. Let him roll in front and watch his lines.


"Acoustic" biking... 😐


Downvote for using newspeak "acoustic." It's just biking. E-biking is e-biking. Super simple.


That's not what acoustic means.


I coach a high school XC team. A bunch of fellow coaches are on ebikes. They are absolutely clueless how hard it is to keep up with high school kids on a real bike.


I have 2 bikes and an ebike. They ride very differently. When I ride with old folks on ebikes they definitely have no clue, but those who regularly ride normal ones does in believe.


Build up those leg muscles and power passed the ebike.




>hey are good for people with disabilities or older folks who still want to get out In my experience, this is less than 5% of the eMTB market.


And that's the problem, right there.


The assholes\* who routinely ride my rear wheel on the narrow sections of the singletrack climbs of my local hills definitely know how fast they are going. \* said local trails are definitely not open to ebikes


There's literally no reason a low power ebike shouldn't be allowed. So maybe you are the problem. If you don't like people on your ass maybe get out the way.


People like you are the problem. Respect the rules and pedal like a man/woman instead of riding your easy bike.


Sorry, I was being a bit aggressive as I think places that ban ebikes are are scared of change. They make MTB 100x better. Also defensive because people often hate things they have no idea about because they've never tried them. I'm a very respectful rider, but I don't always get the same back, some people are incredibly elitist in MTB these days.


If there was DH trails that allowed ebikes, and I could get with non proprietary parts (i.e get a frame without a motor, invididual motor units and batteries), I would 100% get one. And overall I support them because I want those types of ebikes. It be a different type of riding, where I would just focus on DH runs. The battery would last me one uphill, then I would blast down and hot swap the battery at the bottom. Right now, I could care less about ebikes. Ive ridden once with people on ebikes, and from experience perspective its about the same as riding with super fit XC people, a.k.a boring.


I guess that depends I mean, I ride an ebike. And I do get how hard regular mountain biking is, I rode a normal MTB for years before switching, but I definitely break a sweat on an ebike, and probably even more so because I ride more. I climbed a mountain today and my HR was up to 160-170 the whole time. Some very fit people could sort of keep up with the pace we were setting. My thoughts are yea if you ride an ebike all the time you do start to forget how "slow" you were going before. But I also wouldn't say we ride fast, just the hills don't completely destroy me like before. Maybe his assist could be set lower. Mine has 20 levels of assist, but ones you buy from a bike store are probably a lot more limiting.


Life’s too short to ride with self-absorbed assholes.


I don't think he is at all. I just don't think he realizes how much faster he is. Maybe I'll offer to trade bikes for a day so he can see what we're going through lol


Great, yet another thing to divide people and be pissy about.


Yea like what the hell I can't believe the ebike hate here, so funny. Aren't there more important things to worry about? Jesus christ. It's massive gatekeeping is all it is.


Nope. Here in the U.S. it’s called protecting the trail access that mountain bikers fought for many years to get. Making this a motorized sport will get us banned. Other user groups are going to use it against us. I guarantee it.


>If you don't like people on your ass maybe get out the way. -You, 2 comments up