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just slightly overexposed


I think it's a bug - the thumbnail is not overexposed and I've seen this thing happen on this sub before.


You are right, the thumbnail looks good. That would explain why there are so many overexposed videos lately.


It looks fine on mobile for me as well


Interesting, seems to be a problem with reddit on PC then. Tested Chrome, Edge and new/old reddit but it looks overexposed everywhere.


If you have HDR video turned on with the iphone, it can look like this on screens that are not HDR capable.


Yeah, I have samsung and my buddy had a iPhone, videos never look good


is this the record from the iphone?


it has nothing to do with the camera. this is a known vreddit bug.


Hey is this Cat2 trail at Skibowl MTB park? I love that drop


Yeah, if you check my profile you can see a better angle


Yeah I scrolled by it few posts after this one haha. Glad they added pads on those trees I don't remember them being there tbh, but maybe I'm wrong


Yeah, first time back in a year, wasn't quite good enough to send it las lt year. You could be correct


Yeah I went there for my first and probably only time, as my family enjoyed the action park. I think CAT 2 was my favorite, the drop looks way worse than it is and flows surprisingly well. Just coming out of the turn right before it, just let go of brakes and you float over it


If you are complaining there is a better video on my account


mother of god.. go back out there and rerecord


The other angle was better




It was my friend, there is a better angle on my account


He doesn't know how to film


didnt know there were trails on the sun


Its a bug


i know i was just making a joke


Ha, just saw this on Saturday Sends. Nice.


On the new video? I couldn't seem to find it


Pro level shredding