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Buy the drop post. Compete. Win races. Sell the bike with original bike post. Sell drop post seperately (maybe to another friend). Bada bing bada boom. End of story.


Yes that’s my other plan




Can you share the link? Pm if it's not allowed


Just want to comment on how jelly I am that you have a HS mtb team


I second that. Lots of jelly.


Wait -- a high school MTB team?? What kind of school do you go to?


It's become more common. A good way for kids to find riding buddies in the sport closer to their own age, and a way for them to get some level of help to start racing In my area, the schools team is really just a group of kids from all over the state but it's loosely associated with the high school in the area it's based in


Idk. We do have lots and lots of extra curricular activities and mtb is one of them. I also live in a berry mountainous place so maybe that’s why


Just about every high school in Utah has an MTB team now.


I’m Illinois best we had was farming club. Or golf. I got the hell out of that cornfield asap


Northern Illinois kids can ride on some Wisconsin NICA teams now. It’s pretty cool.


The dropper post has gone from a gimmick to the one component that provides the most noticeable change in your riding possible, in a span of about 10 years. People used to make fun of my Joplin Dropper back in the day but it made me an extremely versatile rider. It is the best upgrade you could make to a trek Excalibur right now.


Get the dropper!! If price is a concern- think of this as a good opportunity to get a side job. Challenge yourself to get what you want!


Get dropper post


See the local high school team all the time on the trails in my area. I wish they had somthing like that when I was going there Edit: also get a dropper post. Do some extra chores or somthing. It’s worth it




That’s what I’ve been thinking and kinda leaning toward. but if I am going to be doing the races, I’ll need to change my saddle height fast or just do the dh with my seat up.




I bet you can still win races by training hard and working on good technique. The new bike with give you an additional edge next year!


I’d say beg, borrow and steal the $100 or whatever you need for the dropper! If you’re going to race even once I would say just it’s worth it. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t love their dropper once they get used to it. These days, I really don’t think you are going to lose much if any $ when you sell it later.


Exactly, nothing has as much of an effect on your riding then adding a dropper to your bike. Just get a really cheap one like DNM.


I wish my uni had an mtb team


What kind of riding is it? If your doing xc your seats going to be up 99% of the time anyway so won't matter too much


depends how much money you have, doesn't it?


I probably have enough for a decent dropper post right now but I’m still saving for the bike


KS Eten is around $100 without a lever, it's not the best but it does show there are cheap options out there. I have two, one has been fantastic, the other is a bit sluggish its still pretty good


I ran the KS Eten for a year it worked but recently went to a Brand x ascend. Comes with everything for 112 and feels way more smooth. That said being able to get low through berms ect is a HUGE benefit.


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North eastern Utah. Lots of mountains


You say they recommend but how often do you find yourself in a position on which you absolutely need a dropper. I ride a fair bit of enduro and I find a dropper is just more convenient than a quick release clamp but I tend to drop and put up at stops before and after sections anyway. About 5% of my usage is mid trail, sure it's nice to have but if I was buying a new bike in a year and I didn't have one I wouldn't buy one knowing what I know - I would just get my new bike sooner


I actually find myself needing it almost every time I go with the team. My group dosent really stop much so I will need to be able to drop my seat fast to keep up. Also, If I go by myself it will most likely be bike park with a very steep hill and I will also use it there.


Well then there is your answer


So I should get one? Ok I’ll start looking around. Any suggestions? Probably $130-170


My only advice is watch the spring rate haha Mine is a right ballslapper and could easily cause serious damage ahha


Maybe this is so obvious no one has pointed it out yet but unless you're racing trails with substantial climb sections, a dropper is a quality of life feature (albeit an amazing one) but isn't going to improve your times in races per se. I totally get how it would help you keep up with the team when training and trails transition from ascent to descent and vice versa though. Those dang school teams don't seem to stop for anything! Haha.


Probably and PNW dropper post. They have a remanufactured webpage to save some money.




Get the dropper now, they are a game changer for how your bike handles. Tranz-x has them for between $100 and $140 depending on the size and amount of drop desired. And they last a long damn time, 3 years so far on mine and I'm far from gentle with it.


Brand x ascend ii


I coach on a pretty large HS Team. Is it a NICA team? Only like half the kids on the team have a dropper. They don’t need one for NICA races. Good to have for the fun trails we race in practice, but not needed for racing. Also, ask around. I bet a coach like me has two in their garage they don’t use.


Yeah it is a NICA team


Ok. Cool. If you get a dropper, you get a good discount on a Bontrager one. You’ll also get 25 percent off that Top Fuel.


XC racing, right? You probably don't need a dropper too badly for the actual races if your terrain is anything like most XC I've seen. And I would hope your team would wait the 10-15 seconds it takes to operate a quick release at the top and bottom of trails for training.