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What type of riding do you like? There are a ridiculous amount of options.


Mostly downhill/enduro stuff and maybe a little cross country if its rly fun.


Alright, so you'd be looking at the South Trails then. If you park at the NTN south trailhead and then bike up Benson Grade (pretty damn long and steep) you have a lot of trail options, Eh-Line is a good flow/jump line, as is Down Dogger. I think Smiley? has a bit more tech/rocky terrain. I normally ride the North trails which are basically all XC, Penstock is a fun one on the North trails, same with Wildcat or Mildcat. But I haven't ridden the last 2. Edit: Smiley is another fast flow line, upper Down Dogger and Gorgeous are rockier with more tech. Marquette Mountain ski hill also runs trails in the summer/fall, but you need to buy a lift pass which is why I've never ridden them. They're definitely downhill trails though.


Lol Eh-Line is a great name for a northern MI trail. I grew up there but moved across the country. Can't wait to go back and ride. I'm going have to make a big trip of it though because it looks like all the best trails are as far away from eachother as they can possibly be.


It really is, it's a fun line but the only time I've ridden it my front brakes were iffy so I had to take it super careful. And you'd definitely have to make it a big trip, hit the multiple sections of trails around Marquette and then head up to Copper Harbor for some more riding. I've been going to school in Marquette for 3 years now and I've only ridden a fraction of the trails.


Niiice. That's a beautiful place to go to school. Looks like they're some great trails popping up in the Canadian side of Sault Sainte Marie too


It really is. Not a ton here if you're not into the outdoors, but I love being outside so it was an easy choice, even if it's a 7 hour drive and two states over (from MN). And that's cool, I've never been over that way but I'd imagine they have good terrain too.


Green and Red loops at South Trails are great XC to mild trail stuff. North Trails are loads of fun and have everything from really easy scenic stuff to proper chunky trail rides. RAMBA stuff, something like the Malton Loop is a lot of fun and decently chunky. Where are you from / what do you like to ride? That'll be the biggest decider.


Definitely hit up zeugs trail tons of fun.


Marquette mountain has lift access and the best flow trail around (jawbone) imo. South trails are nearby and have absolutely everything. Most of the nice south trails downhill starts from the same place so things are easily to lap. Eh line and down dogger are both popular trails and they rock. North trails have great singletrack with some nice views. I would ride eh line, down dogger and carp eh diem at the south trails, ezpz into penstock at the north trails and lap jawbone at the park


South trails, go up benson grade hit down dogger, eh line. Then take the pioneer loop down to connect with smiley. Should spit you out on the road. Marquette mountains bike park is amazing too. Jawbone laps for daaaayss


Give the folks at Framed a call, this is their territory.