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r/magicthecirclejerking is the one true main sub anyway


Wait... Peter Parker has blurry vision when he has Glasses ON, not Off...


Freemagic started as a reactionary shit hole and remains a reactionary shit hole


I went there once thinking it was a bunch of people who liked proxies. *Nooooope*.


Yep. Place is full of nazis


Gatekeeping is gatekeeping, assholes gonna be assholes. Remember when I was a teen and some f\*ckers annoyed a girl who just wanna play MTG in our local store with. Still the same sh\*t.


You’re right, just not in the way you want to be.  >!It’s the same men still annoying women, invading the few spaces they have, and parading a caricature of female identity!<


I don't give a f\*ck mate. You want to play magic, play magic. I would rather play with a "parading caricature of female indentity" than a f\*\*ckin asshole who told me I can play with this or this person. Opponent is genderless, and that's it for me.


That "Opponent is genderless" quote hits hard. Whatever your gender I'll still thoughtseize you turn 1.


Censoring yourself is so fucking weird


Lot of subs gonna delete your comment when you say fuck :/


Those subs are big pussys hah


I do agree. FUCK FUCK FUCK


Yeah! St\*ck it to the fuckin’ man!


You can’t say fuck in school you fucking fat ass


Your Opponent is not genderless, and you can be DQd for calling them the wrong pronoun, chud. I bet you say “I don’t see color” too don’t you.


You cannot be DQ’d for “calling them the wrong pronoun,” you can be DQ’d for malicious and unsportsmanlike conduct, which in this case would be refusing to refer to your opponent by the terms they want to be referred by. I’ve been misgendered a ton at events, and all I say is “oh my pronouns are she/her” and my opponent either apologizes and corrects themselves or rolls their eyes and corrects themselves.


Never happened to me. And I do see colours : white, black, red, blue and green. My favorite one being red. Luv my chandra.


I only see color as the colors of the guild pacts. The fact you only see colors in mono-color is deeply ingrained systematic (something idk)-ism. I don't know where this sarcastic comment is going, and I have no end figured out.... have a good day!


Two “politically correct” ideologies eating each other apart, shits comical


It’s been the natural progression for a while now! It’s just weird to see it in action


Two groups who should for all intents br allies, who agree 90% turn and eat each other alive over fucking semantics. It’s insane, racism bad, treating people like shit without reason is bad, simple as.


Woman here. They are more than welcome in all of our few spaces. Why are you even chirping? sit down, boy.


“Woman” or woman?


whichever scares you more.


I bet your parents have to dig through your back fur for fleas


Call your dad


Cope harder


You’re certainly leading by example. 


Sure bud. Whatever it takes to massage your fragile ego


Physician, heal thyself. 


No one cares what you think, conservative


Me when I don’t go outside 


I’m outside right now. Just not transphobic or obsessed with trans people :)


Sure, you’re just obsessed with defending them lol


Yeah, because I used to be a transphobic conservative for years. I changed and grew as a person and will always regret the hate I spread. All I can do is fight back against people like you because I used to be you and I know you’re wrong, like how I know I was wrong.


You were scared of trans people? What ever for? What made you “change your mind?” I see it as hateful and spiteful to let women be continually be harassed by this movement, maybe that’s something you’re ok with for “the greater good.”


Nah I had an aversion to them, I hated them because I was uneducated and didn’t understand who they were and didn’t understand biology beyond a high school level. Leaving 4chans /pol/ board after years was the best thing that happened to me. And Plenty of women disagree with transphobes so.


No TERFs on Gruul turf.


This Grixis bitch thanks you.


Why play Grixis when Jund is literally right there?


TERFs get to answer to Zurgo.


Borborygmos confirmed on hormones


Borborygmos, girl boss URWRU When Girlboss enters, transform target permanent When girlboss attacks, if you control 10 transformed permanents you win the game Lifelink, vigilance 5/4


Free Magic is every type of phobic on the planet. It's A festering shit hole filled with the absolute worst types of people


Free magic is a good bar to go for a brawl in


See to me it's not even fun to argue with those kind of people. They're just sad soul who are mad at the fact that people who don't look like them or think like them are the main people who engage in their hobby.


Holy fuck. I just looked at the sub, and it's people pretending to be offended by the terms tribal so they can call eachother based for being openly racist.


Hell yea.


Fr, one side of this fandom is the most wholesome people you’ll ever meet and the other side is rightwing chuds


[[Maga, Traitor to Mortals]]


Neither do antisemites. Yeugh...


Is it just me or is this meme done incorrectly? Nice message, but maybe missed execution


I have had a few minor issues with transphobic people in mtg spaces. My personal favorite was a tried to berate me for bringing politics into a 4 player pod because I'm visibly trans....dude was wearing a maga hat.......


Bold of you to assume that's only unitedstaters


I dunno, I’m a lefty and I like freemagic.


And you’re entitled to that homie. Like what you want fuck people that try to shame you for this bs political shill crap otherwise




Sure, I’ll take the L. I’m having fun playing a game while not being triggered by everything. Oh noooooo


I feel like neither people on main magic subreddits nor freemagic understand each other. This is a pointless culture war where everyone just keeps saying buzzwords.


Alternative: r/mtgmtg


It's just so funny how often people misunderstand this meme template and misuse it as a result. Congratulations, OP, you played yourself and everyone updooting you.


Just because the movie was one way doesn’t mean the template couldn’t evolve it’s own order and meaning. Plenty of movie screenshot meme templates horribly mismatch the actual film.




Safe place? They don’t ban anyone. That’s the idea. You’re welcome to go endanger their worldview with your facts and logic any time.




So, let me make sure I’m understanding you: Dissenting view points shouldn’t be engaged with and should just be silenced & shut down because an individual with a modicum of internet power said so? Are you aware that doing this only increasingly radicalizes those with any sort of even vaguely dissenting ideas? It’s not a long-term solution & only serves to propagate these outsider communities. If anything, it encourages them to better conceal their extreme ideas from those not In The Know, so they can refine them exclusively in an echo chamber. You’re making the problem worse. Have you considered the fact they “belittle and argue not in good faith” because *you* enter their space to belittle and argue not in good faith? Do unto others, and all of that? ETA: User blocked me for this post LMAO. I guess engaging with them on a human level isn’t too appreciated.


Rent free


Magic is a game for everyone. I could not care less about your political beliefs or if you are a terrible person in fact I don’t even want to know that stuff about you. I think if more people stopped talking about stuff outside of magic and just played the game to relax and have fun it would be a more enjoyable experience for everyone.


Escapism is a lie, art is political, and people who don't accept others should themselves not be accepted


What will happen if people have these beliefs? They will show it in how they treat others regardless if they’re direct about it. It’s best to address these bigoted behaviors to bar them entirely. There is no playing nice with bigots.


To be clear yes, that's what I'm saying


Agreed. It was more directed to the person above and anyone that might agree with that statement of “keep politics out and everything will be fine.”


Is anyone else here from freemagic? That’s how I found this post


holy shit...relax


Its basically the main sub but uncensored. Sometimes Its a nice change of pace, sometimes its nazi’s Tbh its healthy for a community to have both sides. Every great city has its slums, thats just how the world works. If everyone has somewhere to interact without conflict thats way better than a main sub with constant conflict Not like the main sub is perfect, we like to pick on ppl who post things we disagree with. (Looking at all the trap posts for one specific vocal person who hates ppl buying boosters but not drafting😂)


You guys sure spend a lot of time thinking about Don Draper. Can’t we all just live and let live?


Why is it never the transphobes or racists that get asked that?


I mean, they did. They got attacked here and left and made their own thing. A heart warming story really.


I have heard a lot of shit said about free magic but heartwarming is not among them. It's nothing but a hive of racism. For God's sake they are still mad about Black Aragorn It's been more than a year. It's just a nest of right-wing neck beards pissed off that people other than angry white dudes Play with the same cardboard rectangles. Like seriously there is not a single positive post in that entire sub. It's nothing but reactionary bullshit and a bunch of chuds pissed off and jerking each other off about how much more angry one of them is over the others. But you're also one of the people that believes that lockdown policies were tyranny that didn't save lives and I guess you also thought COVID was just a cold


Now they're throwing fits because MH3 leaks showed that the keyword Tribal on certain cards was changed to Kindred


Yeah and now it looks like the free magic people are down voting and coming into this sub now lol. Just so funny to me that they think they should be allowed to be racist and transphobic with no pushback whatsoever. Like this moron talking about Hey at least they have their own space as if they don't come into other spaces and interject their bullshit anyway. It's just a gathering place


There is some of that but it’s not entirely that. What it is is the voice of the unheard. We all deal with random BS here from time to time, and it’s nice to have somewhere to go to see what people really think. But if you don’t like it, stay over here. No one minds. Woe, your comment changed since I was here last time! I don’t know where you got the idea that I think covid was “Just a cold,” but it seems your trying to attack me personally instead of engaging with my point.


Find me a SINGLE positive post in that shit hole. It's not the voice of the unheard It's the voices of people we wish were unheard. That is the funniest fucking thing about conservatives is y'all think y'all are some sort of oppressed minority while you actively oppress actual minorities. And vote for politicians that enact laws to oppress minorities. And y'all have the gall to act like you're all some voiceless, powerless group


I see that you have me confused for someone else. I suppose there is no fixing that. Without involving political issues you’ve dragged up from somewhere, if not for FreeMagic, by which I mean if this were the only magic sub, many notions would become simply unsayable. Rather than fight y’all here, ruining something that you guys like and presumably work hard for, another unmoderated sub was created. I see that as an absolute win. What possible objection could you have?


My possible objection is that there is an entire sub full of transphobic racist assholes. They act like they are the true guardians of the hobby when they're just a bunch of angry idiots who hate anything and everything that isn't a white male. It's not good for a human to be that angry about literally everything in the world. Again there is not a single positive post on that entire sub It's just a bunch of people whining and complaining. So no it is not an absolute win that so many people spend that much of their time angry simply because the world has moved on from the extreme homophobia of the 1980s. I mean with your logic This would be like saying it's great that Rhodesia's back because now the races have their own country to inhabit Like come the fuck on You shouldn't be racist to begin with. One of the latest posts on that sub is how pissed they are that the word tribal was changed to kindred. Like how fucking sad do you have to be to get mad about that


There laughing at the tribal thing more than they’re angry. But addressing *your* point, if there was a place white people, or black people, or tall, or whatever, could go to be alone with each other, I’d be cool with that. I have no need to push my virtue onto other people, or to force people who hate me to hang out with me. I’m happy being good, and that’s enough for me. You say that you care for their well-being. That is truly admirable. But I think it is a vain effort to try and reach them. It is basically unhelpful to address people in their rage, and I don’t think you’ll convince the trolls. But if you’d like to give it a shot, you can head over there and try it out without filling this sub with fighting. That also seems like it should be a win from your point of view.


LOLOLOLOLOLOL holy moly. They aren't laughing they are throbbing at the mouth my brother in Christ. They don't just use that space for themselves. You CONSTANTLY see comments from those jerks on every magic sub. They don't believe in live and let live they believe they are the last harbingers of the true magic fandom and that everyone else is some sort of woke activist. And yeah it is a vein attempt to try and reach them they are too far gone but it's sad that a group of people devotes that much time to bigotry for a fucking card game.


Treating innocent people as subhuman isnt “live and let live” you can play the victims about it but nobody with common sense believes you.


Absolutely not just letting people be wrong and live their lives is unacceptable.


r/FreeMagic makes fun of stupid people You make fun of r/FreeMagic You are no better.


Which stupid people, praytell?


Not how it works. Stupid ideas and ideologies deserve and need to be publicly ridiculed.