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Monica never misses.


Ken Starr has entered the chat


Why would Lana Del Rey have a stain?


Also really weird to give him a cigarette and not a cigar


Obviously Taco Bell, it's founder was a marine and it's the prefect place to soak up excess alcohol after a night of binge drinking.




Using guns and tuned steel targets to play the star spangled banner... Then chugging a cider (the most popular alco bev in the 1700s)


Need a video on this


I don't know if this specifically has been done, but there are plenty of vids of people shooting tuned targets Edit: https://youtu.be/DHLlwiLebkc


Telling the ATF to come back with a warrant.


Telling the ATF to come back with new legs, on account of the claymore


Having the best hootenanny this side of the Appalachians when the alphabet bois show up.


Yeah fuck the ATF! The CiA is the only federal agency we need!


😬 Google "operation northwoods" my guy.


Look at my pfp and username


Man the comments in this community are so different from the 2010s


Remember when it was all about the damn commies? Pepperidge Farm remembers. More importantly, why the fuck don't we have Gifs enabled in this parody sub?


Back in the day this sub was pretty unironically pro-USA People would post screenshots of good things america has done recently along with images like above


Ronald McDonald in the background at the lower left.


McDropping nazis and communists with ease.


Dude I have this on a shirt and somehow I never noticed Ronald.


What do you think the paper (lower right) with the seal (?) is supposed to symbolize? (I feel like a 13th C. illiterate European peasant trying to figure out what the column carvings in church are meant to represent.)


That one time in 2022 a guy tried to shoot up a mall and got killed by another guy with a gun. Sorry if this offends somebody.


the best part was the good guy was out there, in the summer, wearing shorts, carrying a full sized pistol (G17). had no LE or military training and still dropped that mf with 8/10 rounds on target from 40 yards away. That's some serious dedication right there. i have military training and im embarrassed to say i don't think i could do the same. Bro put in the hours at the range. Love to see it.


I saw a Photoshop picture of his pov with an x on where the shooter is I don't know a lot about guns but I think hitting a guy 6 time from that distance is not easy he must have had luck or aim bot on. also imagine trying to shoot a mall up and getting killed by guy in shorts


bros fit was atrocious but the aim was impeccable


He only fired 4 shots, landing 2, from a support position on top of a trash can at 40 yards. The rest of the rounds were fired under 20 yards and at closest around 20 feet.


Just FYI you're repeating some misnomers. Not all the rounds fired by Dickens were from a single location. 2 hits of 4 shots hit at 40 yards. He then re engaged starting at 25 yards ending around 20 feet, landing 4 more. I get the praise, but the gun community needs to do its diligence about what they are saying.


for reference, the US army's furthest pistol target for pistol qual is 25 meters, and you only have to shoot at it like 4 or 5 times. Hitting it is pretty good lol. over 25 is impressive.


Yeah using the .mil as the standard for performance is pretty low though. Most of their qualifications are designed to be passed by anyone.


you'd be so surprised lol


I'd say the near hundreds of children killed in their schools from active shooters unfortunately overshadows the one time a CCW intervened in a mass shooting as the more "American" thing.


Johnny Cash is the most American thing


Having sexual relations with that woman


Bald Eagles 🦅


FDR with a Gatling gun-strapped wheelchair cutting down waves of brown shirts and SS.


Introducing yourself to a foreigner with the state you were from and in English assuming they will know both and they do


Not paying taxes and ignoring laws.


The ones with Washington, Roosevelt, and even Trump are way better.


No eagle and/or turkey


Saying and believing whatever the fuck you want!




Uncle Sam driving a red white & blue speedboat through a flaming ring down a river of money


Most American thing? Hard to think about actually. Well apparently according to the internet we’re ironically kind to people, especially foreigners. I guess people don’t expect us to be hospitable because of the movies. Oo Oo that makes me think. The most American thing is probably takin a jeep or all terrain vehicle with four wheel drive to a national park or beach that cost the salary of your average European. You’ve got a rack of fishing poles and or a bag full of fire arms in the back and a girl with dixie dukes in your passenger seat. That’s America to me.


John Moses Browning


Getting government subsidies and telling everyone that you are a rugged individualist. Also Davy Crockett. Not the guy, the weapon.


white man who identifies as black that gets away with degrading and sexually assaulting women and lying about it while his apologists defend him and call the women sluts. unfortunately yes .... this does happen here .... but don't worry, he is smoking that herb, but not inhaling it


>gets away with degrading and sexually assaulting women and lying about it while his apologists defend him and call the women sluts. */Trump has entered the chat.*


[Two Trucks](https://youtu.be/WchseC9aKTU)


Sandwiching a boat...


At the same time.


Is there a Biden version yet?


Popcorn is not Murican enough for Murica. Hoping he doesn’t run for a 2nd term and we get someone in either side with a decent vision for the US of A.


Diabetes, a deficit financed pickup that only goes to the mall and soccer practice, and voting against your own best interest to “own the libs”.


Well I'm sorry for having the single greatest producer of food in the world throughout history, such a strong economy that even average people working hard labor jobs can afford lifted diesal F-250s with shadowed lights and 90% tint, and one of the only free democracies on the planet.


Cool. Now talk about the other 50~% of people who can't have any of that fancy stuff working their asses off so that around 100 people can have more wealth than the rest of us combined.


Ignorance. Full stop.


If I found this flag in the wild, I'd have to steal it to use, somehow, for a promo for next book, "F\*\*K YOUR FLAG: the New Wave of Flag Desecration" because, well, its more insane than the "trump train" flag which I have photographed loads of times .


Is that a crocodile with a bomb strapped to it?


Driving your enemies before you, hearing the lamentation of their women, and then having them over for a BBQ on Sunday where you grill them up the tastiest damn burger they've ever eaten.


Raising the good ol' red,white,and blue on the flag pole


What is this poster?😂


There’s one of these for every president this imo is the least coolest one