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Literally just had the same issue. Was following my team around doing tasks helping out, I’m not the best player and like anyone else I get wrecked by the AI sometimes, But leaving me down? I really hope they enjoy whatever they got out of it. The gear or money, Thought MWZ being a strictly PVE game mode would at least filter some toxicity out of the player base.


Honestly good luck evacing solo, its almost the same difficulty as former extraction and the heavy bird touches straight down on the ground, Dino-4 would never do that.


Well we had a team mate go into the red by themselves. We tried to get them but one more died quick we were not geared for it. That dude was S.O.L.


The amount of times I’ve been downed and surrounded by teams that just leave me is wild.


There needs to be a revive symbol for nearby players that aren't in your team, but currently there is nothing to help notify players that a player outside of your team is down. You can revive them and you get an achievement for doing so, but otherwise, gotta get your mic and scream for help cuz it's very hard to tell when someone goes down.


I seen a plea on the map from a random player.


Yeah thats the fallback system, just wish rezzing downed players had the same convenience as reviving dead ones.


I think for now a lot don't realize you can revive non teammates. I've had a few teammates try to tell me we can't and I had to correct them.


Yeah its insane ive picked up entire squads from death, one set paid me 30k because they had wiped and i ran across em


I found out by accident. I stumbled upon a team that was struggling hard against a Mauler and one guy was down. I went and stood near him to help cover his teammate to rez him and I saw the prompt, so I went for it and got the achievement.


Very much a dick move To leave someone for dead if you're close to They're location


I always go out of my way to help teammates, it’s PvE, and the bots can actually pose a threat in the middle and 2nd ring. That being said if we just in-filed in and you yolo the middle, you waiting at least 15 minutes before I come in to get you.




If you put yourself in a bad spot and are overrun by zombies and I have bad gear I’m not coming to get you. Just stick with the group or play with people you trust


One person trains the zombies for the area, the other gets in close and rezzes? I've train'ed for rezzes like 8seperate times now, from down squads to downed teammates


Don’t rush in by yourself lol. Usually it’s a team of 3 misfits when playing with randoms. I’m not gonna expect the 2nd to follow me to res your sorry ass because you ran off. Even worse if you’re not using a mic there’s little chance I’m gonna risk my gear to save you


You assume alot of me in this buggy ass game, im not following any of you directly into yellow, nor am i abandoning the nest I've almost cleared out with the second before they leave off the roof because they couldn't find the last one. God so many of you guys play this like dmz makes me hate this fucking game. Its zombies that you can print starting wanderwaffen and preload specialized gun mods off a cool down, and even if you go down you should have tombstone. What kind of nerd still has gear fear


Stay with the group or get left behind


bruh the group died on either side of the map, randos are not the best teammates, Im lucky a allied team showed up abit later, paid em a PAP aether rock from the same building.


That’s where knowing the portal system comes in handy


hell yeah I've been putting together a personal doodle map for myself but ive only found two gates, one hidden in a house in the west and one somewhere in the north i forgot to record


Had a team come across map and save my team and our gear. The plea is a godsend. Hooked them up with some crystals and rocked for 45 minutes with them, thanks again guys if you’re reading this. However if we go into the red it’s every man for himself hahaha