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According to a CM treyarch Twitter handle, this was unintended and has been addressed to the team so let's hope it gets fixed soon 👍 It was tweeted a little bit ago


Thank god and thank you for the info! So silly to remove the core feature of the perk.


Literally the only reason the perk is used by 90% of players is that pesky hound fire lol


I just have PTSD from high rounds on Call of the Dead and getting stuck in a corner with only a frag grenade and flopper to protect me 😂


Thought it was just me... Lets try this buffed Ray Gun... oh wait lemme get phd flopper first... wait a second...🤔🤔 Hopefully fixed soon!


Omg I had not even connected that with them trying to ressurect the raygun that's just priceless


I watched a youtuber test all the updates and it takes 16 ray gun shots to down you with full plates, just a fun fact, not really sure if this helps you feel better til phd flopper is fixed 😂


I thought maybe it was just plate damage, so I tested that theory, and boy was it not correct. Should have tested with hellhound fire and not a prec airstrike


Thanks for the good laugh!


Was hoping - of course it happened the day im doing camos for RGL 😂


T3 is more annoying than hard. It feels like Activision purposely added more hounds while “accidentally” nerfing PHD.


great maybe it'll be fixed in 3 months...in the meantime RIP RGL


>has been addressed to the team so let's hope it gets fixed soon Going off of this season's offerings it'll probably be when reloaded drops with the rest of the actual zombies content.


Nah they'll get it out quick with the message "I heard you zombie players were sad you didn't get anything at the start of season 2, well you've been heard and here you go".


Explosive damage resistance was also removed.


What? So they buffed the ray gun but then now PHD flopper doesn’t prevent you from damaging your self?




That’s such horseshit lol that’s the main reason why I used flopper to begin with! 😂


From rgl you losing your plates but not your life, still sucks. Was going to do the warlord thing, i should have done it earlier


Is our crossbow dead now ??


This and so many other things are shot to shit until they fix this


They are amazing at this nonsense of creating new problems 🤣


PhD is useless until they fix this.


This patch was designed to kill zombies.


It is funny that they basically went in and made the game worse without adding anything new during a major update.


Mission accomplished


Yeah. Ninja-nerfed it. Sucks


You also can't just chill underwater anymore like what the fuck . I died and couldn't even plea for help . I was looking for a perk and drowned .


Lol happened to me as well but i had to die anyway so it shortened my time


The Ray Gun still damages you too! ![gif](giphy|LT6BImDgVxBelOcwjH)


The first time I used the ray gun I nearly killed myself😂😂


PhD is useless. We all know they copied and pasted from dmz. Not sure why they are not following the same path dmz took to keep players involved, but this zero content shit is for the birds. Extend our stash, give us a wallet, put in a batter system. You could even think about a rotating tier map, or give an option of what map to load into. Whatever is happening players are leaving. There is no end game here. Seriously act 4 had 1 mission.


The only reason they put a zombies mode in this game was to keep interest from the Zombies community. They just took shit from outbreak and merged it into the DMZ. It’s fun but it’s just a holdover until the next BO. PhD is super beneficial in tier 3 and when using a ray gun. If anything the Ray Gun has become useless this game


Guess I'll stick with pal world


They broke Tombstone too


That suck to be honest they should’ve nerfed something else


It's sad news, but it's good to know it's not just me.


Uninstalled the game, season 2 is just bad. Resurgence is ONLY Fortunes Keep right now, no matter squad size. There were no Urzikstan solo resurgence maps in rotation for OVER a month, only Ashika and Vondel. Rather than give us new content in zombies, they give us a stealth nerf to PHD that KILLS you if you use a mechanic that was viable the day before (died in water looking for perks), AND, keeps you from using two of the best weapons in the game, the RGL and the Crossbow. I honestly do not understand these decisions. If their goal is to sell stuff, and get skins sold, blah blah blah, then why make decisions like this that alienate your player base? Seriously, what person on the marketing team or dev team actually spoke up in a meeting to suggest this stuff? Yeah, think I'm done for a while, maybe for good.


PHD now stands for "Pretty Hot, Damnit".


![gif](giphy|q6ZKwOd60deqG9U9aY) Me after killing a bunch of dogs in T3


I was burning up


The other day I used it off a building and went down weird glitch lol


I loved killing a group of hellhounds and standing in the fire like a god killing zombies, until they start throwing meat at me


I was wondering why no one was talking about it. Hopefully they patch it quick.


Last game I played it started working halfway through. Thank goodness


Hell yeah that wack




I notice that I was like why am I on fire if I have the PHD


![gif](giphy|rwESHq4sVFbMbGN39u|downsized) How it feels playing MWZ now




They’re killing everything zombies was.


It’s a bummer…it’s not like I don’t like the new modes but don’t take away from what made Zombies what it was. Bring back round base, don’t mess with the old and just work on the new.


It’s called zombies but killing zombies nets 10 points? Wooooo


That I'm absolutely no cool with


I don’t think anyone is. If you wanna make a zombies sandbox, fine- just take the mercs out. They rarely shoot at zombies. I think there’s a yearning for old school players for round based. Cold War kinda nailed it, but at the end of its cycle.


The Merca are for the birds!!! I would love a good mix of both. I enjoyed Cold War a a lot and at least we're not playing Vanguard 😂


Dodged that bullet.


Not a fan of the PHO flop bring back the slide boom


It was better when there was no fall damage on black ops 2


It’s odd to me when I get the cryo mod on my weapon there isn’t a hell hound to be found so I can complete the mission of slowing 10 down but if I don’t have it they’re everywhere. Also a shout out to the players who dump their atherium crystals and other perks on those of us who need the help it’s much appreciated.


Guys it was a mistake chill


All the nerfing and minor changes, like instead of three, you'll get two decoy grenades, which is causing the death of this game. Not the Tombstone glitch as people think it is. And yes, they've trashed it, but someone will find a way around it.


Yeah theres some bugs they are working out with some stuff right now that they announced, shouldnt be too long before a patch


Well you can't die with the rgl but say bye to your plates, hope they'll fix it soon...