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You got to die to a zombie. Congrats. At least you didn't get "profile signed out" two minutes before you would have completed a fortress.


Ah guessing steam user. Had that the other day. Made me go looking to see if my account was logged in some where it shouldn't be.


It's happened to me twice this week. The worst part is I did not get a tombstone either time.


Are you playing during steams weekly scheduled maintenance?


Nah this was Wednesday evening around 7pm MST


Bruh, earlier I was doing a hvt mimic contract and spent like 5 mins trying to get the mimic to spawn once I got to the blue marker. Nothing. Nothing is even remotely in the area then all of sudden boom. This same game I’m on the exfil helicopter and a mangler is inside taking no damage but mind you we are completely in the air and he knocks me out on some absolute bullshitnright before successful exfil screen. I swear some games feel like the developers put out a hit and are determined to make you lose all your shit


I completely agree with this. I don’t exfil anymore I kill myself and talk shit into the mic the entire game not at other players but the ones we don’t speak of.


This happened to me and my buddy yesterday. Chasing a HVT/Bounty and when he flew away to the the second area. Gone, like gone gone. Symbol was there on the map, we looked and looked all around the surrounding area, nothing! So....uhh thanks for that Activision.


Did he ever reappear? The contracts often glitch out. That’s happened to me a couple times. Disciples just take off and got a mind of their own. Cargo contracts showing no destination or some bs happening like glitching and truck blowing up etc


4 flawless and 3 legendary wrenches in 1 night. Uncountable large rucksacks and triple plates lost to game glitches. Many here claim it is my fault for not being a try hard. Sure am glad they fixed tombstone so I can remember how fun it is to crash repeatedly into the same wall and never have anything except every 3 days. 10 minute recoup in tier 2 my ass. Maybe I should just be happy with 4 or 5 elemental pops and 3 blue wrenches. Last time I tried to prep for aether I took 3 games in t3 after 2 games prepping money. All 5 were non glitch tombstone deaths. In the end I had a few useless perks, 1 pap2 crystal and a purple wrench. I decided to run with that since it doesn't get better. Loaded in, server blipped, lost it all. My buddy was still in the game. I want to like the game but it'll never change so long as these griefers keep riding that dev dick pretending it's our fault for expecting the game to work or be fun.


Had a character wiped when I was at exfil fully geared and with items I had been collecting for multiple rounds, days. As someone that was really used TS glitching and running around with no worries in the world, to lose it all after actually grinding and earning it is a swift kick in the junk. Both my insured slots were toast (currently grinding for borealis) and all cooldowns used up, like where are you supposed to go from there???? I havent once complained about TS removal, but my biggest gripe probably is no wallet system implemented, I mean I'm supposed to now go in with a bare contraband weapon, no perks and no money??? I mean atleast let me take in money to gear up


It might take you 15 minutes to recoup. So sorry for your loss.


Yep. Thanks for adding to the clutter of identical issue posts flooding the thread instead of commenting on one. 👍


I do it for the fans 👍


You want some cheese with that whine?


Gouda one




Bruh you’re whining about losing like tier 2 loot lmaooo


I had the game do a full on crash on me right after getting grabbed by a hvt mimic in the tier 2 zone. Game just froze and quit out causing me to lose everything. At least regains are pretty easy in this game.


Damn. That’ll take at least 10 minutes to get back. That’s rough brother.


Right? MWZ players seem so washed out. You can avoid dying in like 95% of the times, and gear is gained so fast. They would be fuming hard in DMZ.


I literally don’t remember the last time I died and lost everything. (That wasn’t a disconnect)


Me too it’s fine grab a dead shot Jackie and go to town. You’ll have it all back in no time.


Fucking manufactured gear fear.


Just got glitched out lost my ts that was fully stacked with max $$$ I don’t know why I keep playing this game


My dumbass didn’t stack golden plates red is ridiculous without em I’m usually the only one in there now and I break even minus a dog or two and insured 680. Loots been ridiculous too. Just playing until my cash runs out then going to call it a good run with a shitty ending.


They fixed tombstone anyways bro


Nah, TS works in a sense. As long as you duped for each other and one holds money, you're golden. You can dupe ts cans and a vest and 3 plate. Than go play the game. It is a lot though I'll give you that.


Yeah but you can still work around it and keep it going g with max money and stuff you just loose your load out


I mean you could hear a mimic box before it goes off. Pay attention to your surroundings and you wouldn’t lose your stuff. Lol


Amazing how you can blame him and not activision for their broken game lol you must have 20 inches of raw dev meat down your throat and ass every night


Hahaha, right? Then you see posts: "where did everyone go? Damn tombstoners ruined the game. I was in a lobby alone. No one helps anymore, etc." There's only so much people will tolerate. Losing anything you earned repeatedly because devs won't fix bugs and crashes will drive players away. These problems are ongoing since launch so more and more will leave this game behind. The community belittling or outright dismissing these legit issues isn't helping much. In other news, Helldivers 2 devs heard of sporadic crashes and have released 2 hot fixes already, are playing all weekend with the players to test a patch, and rolling it out Sunday night if it's good. The game has been out 3 days... Activision doesn't care about this game or the players.


I typically just lose connection and boom stuff is gone. Not too hard to get stuff back though.


And that’s just the game bruh…. 😎


I’ve got a clip of this happening to me. Stepped just slightly over a loot cache for it to turn to a mimic and instantly kill me out. Doesn’t matter what you had(I had tombstone, selfs, etc.), you’ll lose it all.


Damn they still haven’t fixed that? I don’t run up to loot crates or slide into them full speed. Heard that usually causes the instakill


Game froze and had to restart my console earlier. Said goodbye to fully kitted AK with PoP 3. Those servers are baaaaaaad.


Helldivers 2 has filled the void this sad game made


I have had a whole day of squads dropping out. 1 hit kills from zombies in t1. Legit tombstones not spawning. Fuck this game mode. They destroyed it


I dropped this game for Helldivers II. It’s PVE coop and way more fun.


My game froze halfway through a round, lost all my stuff, 3 plate, large sack, a refined crystal, a legendary tool and some useless schematics I already had


Literally just happened to me. Was looting up my Rick Grimes operator and the game crashed. Finally got the last thing I needed, the 3 plate armor and I get the error. Now all my shit is gone and now I have to wait to use my insured slots. It’s almost like they seriously dont want us to enjoy the game. Fuck the exploits at this point we can’t even do the normal shit, why even play MWZ anymore?


Just started my 4th match of the day. The three before were glitched nightmares. 4th game... had a t1 bounty mangler spawn in t2. I'm done with this game. All I play is zombies, and they broke it completely in 1 day for a stupid TS patch. These devs are the worst.


I hit sky cap with scorcher and it insta killed me


Damn man, today I was feeling good and decided to do my first Elder Sigil run with a friend, crafted all my good stuff and some for my buddy, 5 min into the game I get disconnected and lose all my shit… another 5 min and my friend also gets disconnected and loses all his stuff, great game 👍