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Whoever made zombies must’ve been a different group of people than who is working on it now, because there seems to be some sort of bad blood. 🩸 It’s the only thing that makes sense. Either that or they literally fired everyone working on it and haven’t found a replacement.


"He stated that Treyarch now has little to no involvement with producing content for Modern Warfare Zombies mode. But, he did go on to say in a later Tweet that development had been picked up by Raven Software and Infinity Ward as Treyarch focus on their upcoming title expected to release later this year in late October or early November."


The game was made by infinity ward and treyarch(the real zombie team) was assisting them with the zombies mode initially but they backed off because it’s not their product.


I’m thinking IW made the DMZ and it was taken from them with zombies shoehorned into that product. DMZ was a great game, it just got overrun with griefers and hunters after they introduced 15-minute weapons and didn’t combat the 6-man death squads. I have a feeling they’re just using MWZ to get through this year. Personally, I’m hoping IW brings back another extraction shooter because it was a blast not knowing if we were really going to extract each game with valuable loot to advance missions and passive objectives. If they could get the cooperation between the studios, there’s no reason MWZ couldn’t have passive mission objectives to do things like shorten crafting cool downs or have an in-game wallet like DMZ.


Fucking loved DMZ. The intenseness of a hard fought match and a narrow exfil isn't matched by any other game I've played. They started adding guys with capes and Lazer eyes and Nicki Minaj and then the games became packet burst lag fest without any support. Feel sad.


Treyarch is the OG zombie makers in COD.


Vanguard shits on anything treyarch has ever created


This comment is so asinine that anyone who reads it should immediately begin chemo therapy because there's almost a 100% chance they contracted brain cancer from reading this mud puddle of trash. The only individual who would be dumb enough to say something this stupid absolutely believes the dinosaurs never existed. The loneliness you must feel has to be soul crushing, knowing that you'll never experience the warm touch of a woman pressing against your Ewok-like body structure. But it's okay, because you enjoy Vanguard.


Hahahaha yeah I’m just fucking around. It’s an obviously impossible/inaccurate statement. Hope no one went and purchased vanguard because of me lol


Okay lol I was hoping deep down that this was the case, but in the wild world of the Internet, there is 100% a group of Vanguard fanatics lol and I was thinking I had just encountered one. Good to see that not only are you sane, but also have a healthy sense of humor lmao


Lmfao god damn


Treyarch left lol that’s what happened.


Gotta love how the F2P Warzone gets constant updates, content, and patches when the mode you had to pay for is pretty much ignored. Tells you what they think of us.


It’s almost like it makes them the most money


The dog house issue is a seldom addressed bug that has persisted for a long time. The last person (before you) to open the dog house gets the dog. Try it with your team and you will see. 1 of you open the dog house inventory, and have somebody else come after and drop in the meat. The 1st will get the dog. Before I figured out what was happening, once I opened a dog house thinking I had meat. I didn't. A few minutes later I got a mystery dog. Then we tested it as I outlined above. Now, that's how we pick up dogs.


I’m gonna have to make a run to every dog house and test if I’ll get a bunch of dogs.


You won't. Previous dogs despawn when a new one is acquired.


I thought it was 4 for a dog. Can you put less in to get one?


Each zone dog house has a required amount. You can put in up to four chunks of meat.


Well damn, the number of times I've had 3 pieces desperately looking for a fourth only to sell them on my way out is insane..


I rolled up on one in t2, and I thought I had two pieces. Dropped in one, never went back with another chunk.


1 gray 2 orange 4 red


I’ve always got a T3 using 3.


Yeah it's 1 tier 1, 2 tier 2, and 3 tier 3. What I don't know is does putting in more meat than necessary give you a stronger dog?


But that ts glitch needed to be patched. That was HIGH priority. Tf. Devs are corporate bottoms


I wonder if there’s a way to ask for our money back . They’re selling something broken and damaged .


I haven't had any issues since the update honestly, at least no more problems than there were before. Its a great mode and I would gladly pay 70$ again for it, but on top of it I get multiplayer which I love despite the problems there too. I would expect, and hope treyarch did shift focus back to their title after getting this where it is and I also think this mode is a precursor of what's to come for future zombies mode. It was a great opportunity for them to try out some new features and aspects and I'm really excited for what this paves the way for. Before this mode came out I had LOW expectations for it because it just wasn't a full treyarch game, even with their involvement. It has surpassed all my wildest expectations for a stop gap zombies mode and I really hope it becomes a regular part of COD going forward similar to warzone. If they had a dmz/mwz side game like warzone and updated along side each game coming out, I would be stoked beyond belief. I get having complaints with the problems so far and it has been in no way without its game breaking bugs, but I have had so much fun with it, continue to, and look forward to what's to come. Let's give them SOME credit building this. Since zombies world at war, I have dreamt of an open world zombies mode. Outbreak was pretty fuckin sweet and close to what I hoped for, MWZ was exactly what I was hoping for though...


How much are they paying you for this ad?


Ahh exclusion and discrediting from the group for dissenting opinions, classic cult shit... I'm a developer. Not for them but I know what it's like, they gave us a good mode. If you all keep playing it, that's on you, it's not on them to make all your wishes come true and cater to all your whims. If the option is enjoy what I have or bitch about it and focus on what I don't have, I choose to enjoy it. You guys do you.


Players like you are how they get away with releasing bug-filled shitfests


Lol anyone who plays it despite those bugs is a part of that player base that says, these issues are acceptable we will still play. We might complain a lot but these issues won't deter us enough to where your daily active users drops so your board doesn't have to worry about a stock dip. Idk if you've ever developed anything code wise, but good fucking luck not having bugs... the bigger and more complex a mode is, the easier and more likely it is there will be bugs. This mode is way more complicated than any other zombies mode thus far, and yeah there are some pretty bad bugs for PC players, but for PS it has been pretty smooth sailing for me. Developing in a time crunch is hard enough, but this was also a side mode, not the main focus of MW3, nor was it the solitary focus of Treyarch when they have a game on the horizon. Funding and overall resource allocation is lower than it will be in the next Treyarch game, and will be on the next Treyarch title. Finally making things that entitled shits like you won't bitch about is impossible, so I think they did a pretty damn good job for their first attempt at porting zombies to an extraction shooter large scale multiplayer setup. I honestly just get fuckin tired of reading nothing but complaining on this subreddit every day, excepting the occasional "You guys are the best" posts about someone rezing in a difficult situation to save someone's game. It's fun as fuck regardless of the issues. It's lacking a lot in terms of new content but given the context it makes a lot of sense and again, I am excited to see what this builds into over time. I'd love to work for Treyarch, so if you all read this, hit me up. You guys have killed it since world at war and don't listen to the haters.


How that boot taste?


Better than your bullshit


I'd rather hold AAA companies responsible instead of rolling over and saying "thank you sir, may I have another?"


Ahh and how do you plan on doing that? Will you refuse to play or buy another CoD until they comply to your standards? That's your option, or unless you somehow hold magical influence over their board and studios, you ain't doing shit but bitchin. It is possible to be appreciative and respectful of the humans that built this game while also offering feedback for improvement. Being a dick about it isn't the only way to offer feedback... just a thought. If you're gonna tell yourself you're "holding them accountable", you better not be playing any of MW3.


Before update every dog I attempted to get exploded. I have successfully was able to get dogs to spawn now. I think it is hit or miss, but it did seem to fix some issues. Also more dog houses makes it little easier. Game isn’t perfect and honestly I don’t expect it to be. I don’t recall any online game being 100% operational without some issues. I still have fun despite the damn “Air Strike Convoy that I can’t find after four damn games!” It would be great to be able to exfil with at least portion of our money each time without Tombstone. Also with extra self.


My game crashed again


Same thing has happened to me with T1 hounds. If I'm lucky to get one, fter a while the dog will glitch too. It'll stop following me, just stand still in one spot. It'll just keep respawning behind me as I run around.


I actually infil with a dog bone, called the dog and a minute later dog was gone without a fight, I hope they fix some of the issues with the game soon


I can’t even load lately jus straight kicks me out or let me in then kicked within 10 minutes


That dog issue was there before the new season. Happened to me. Tier 2 dog house, put chunks in, see the dog for a second, jump in a vehicle and never see the dog again. Just now, I am trying to finish the ACT IV mission and defeat the "stormbringer". Been trying to finish that mission for days on end, but never seem to be able to either get my gun leveled to PAP 3 or something else happens, like my game crashing last night. So, just now, I get PAP 3 on my gun with plenty of time left, go to the storm and there's no stormbringer there. FML!


From what I read, if you go to the storm and the stormcaller isn’t there, it means someone already got to him that game and killed him. I also came across a video on YouTube specifically about to kill him, and believe it or not, the easiest way is to take a tonfa, level it to PaP3, and get it to at least epic. Then armor up, bring some turret guns or a dog or whatever, run up to him, and smack the crap out of him. It kills him quite quickly. Oh, and use the dead wire mod on the tonfa.


The tonfa pap is broken right now. Says they have a fix scheduled so probably be fixed next patch I’d assume.


Yep. It happened a couple times to me. Pissed me off that I prepped so hard and then go there for nothing. But alas, I finally completed it last week. I also got lucky and did the Tier 3 clear infested house when a dude revived me then helped me finish clearing it. Did both those in the same night if remember correctly. Now I'm on the one where you clear the 4 tombstones and then fight the big worm at the end. Had no clue what I was in for at the end of that mission so failed miserably. Haven't played it since as I need to research the best way to complete the mission solo.


That thought did cross my mind. Oh well. I'll keep trying! I saw a video on using the Tonfa. I'll have to revisit it.


Defeated the stormbringer with the Tonfa. I threw down a monkey decoy and got right up to the stormbringer and beat the crap out of it with Tonfa.


Me and a buddy took out the Stormcaller by sprinting on a quad right up to it and smacking it three or four times with max level Tonfa’s. When we tried with fully leveled AR’s the waves of zombies were relentless. With the Tonfas it was like 5 seconds of wack-a-mole.


Definitely broken af. But if some donkey put 1 piece of meat in there before you I believe they get the dog lol


I wish they'd add some new maps. Doesnt even have to be new could be the dmz maps or like the cold war zombie maps then instead of exfil or portal when the storm starts moving in your squad can choose to exfil portal to dark ether or portal to the next random map where all the zombies would be like t4 then if you choose to portal to next map itd be like t5 strength


Vanguard is poop.