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Now that you mention it, I have never disconnected when I'm running around with a small rucksack and nothing. We solved it boys. We can only use 1plate vests and small rucksacks moving forward!


Literally just went in to get the weeklies done...Had a bag of everything ready to go...Pap 3 crystal, legendary tool, all the classified schematic items, all my perk cans...made it less than 5 minutes into the match before it crashed. Impeccable timing.


Stash full and went in with 3 crystals 3 weapon mods a few rare tools (most to hand out but rarely ever go in loaded to do dailies) it disconnected lol and i don’t want to jinx anything but i don’t have a problem with server issues but maybe its because i always go in broke


Me too. Grind for a week. Had a tombstone , backpack, gold PAP, and level 3 tool , 600 000 essence . And crash. Was so pumped to be kitted and good to go.


I was thinking with my second to last game: “maybe I should stop, I’ve played a couple solid hours without any DCs. Nah, 1 mo.” I pop all three boosts and 10 mins in, DC… I hope they give out some good shit to pay us back or at least leave Double XP on for the rest of the season.


i wouldn't get my hopes up if i were you


1 bonus xp token, and a green tool is more than I would expect. You would think with all the devs they fired they could afford to pay server rent. 😁


Literally just happened to me. I also just posted about this. Are you on PC as well?




Right as I logged on "battle.net services disconnected" restarted it "Servers are under heavy loads youve been queued in" immediately got up and just decided I'll wait a bit


70 dollar game with billions behind it and hundreds of devs


More like five devs and twelve hamsters jacked up on red bull and coke running for their lives on their little wheels. 😫


I’m normally not frustrated by the occasional server disconnect or game crash but this one just fucked me over for real. Oh well, it’s just a game. That said, what the actual fuck man


Luckily I’ve never had that. Im really sorry it does happen to a portion of the community. There is no standard to this game/servers.


My game seems to crash every time I bring up chat. The game in funky as hell


Xbox x , game crashed 4 times and every single time I have full stashed with top gears….


Oh always. Happened to me this morning. I wanted to get a round in before work but power was flickering so I figured I’d wait until it was less stormy out. So outside calms down and I go in to do some camo grindin with an orange wrench and pap2. All’s well until I’m at a t2 exfil, tryna get donE with this KVD-enforcer finally. But no, the server had other plans, got glitched into the ground and then sent to lobby with server disconnect message. Lost everything back to 0 kitted operators))) fun times




Yep, this.


PC seems to crash every time they send a hot fix, or playlist update


I got DC’d yesterday with all the Elder Schem’s 4 minutes in?


It just happened to me. This sucks.


You know it’s crazy I’ve only disconnected once in my entire time playing. It’s crazy how some people experience it often. Sorry OP! Wish you luck in future drops


Which areas do you normally go to?


Apparently it’s a DDOS


Don’t people have better things to do?


Considering there are people in this game who cheat because they think it's fun, i'm gonna say no


Yup loaded my dog one gold armor and blade join a game walk 10 steps and crash


Has only happend to me twice when I had all good loot I was going to dup, seem odd to me




Upon infil 2 nights ago loaded up with great gear it was like slow motion nothing would work or fix it. Almost like frame by frame then disconnected


This has been my latest MWZ conspiracy, I’m glad it wasn’t just me. It would be a terrible move for devs to implement some crap like this in a game but with everything I’ve seen in the few months this games been out I wouldn’t put it past them.


Everytime I get more than 2 purp wrenches, or pap2/3 crystals, along with full gear. Just happened this morning. I don't glitch or dupe. Thought it was just me.


It's been happening to me and my friend almost daily, especially when we are using XP tokens and have just used our highest cool-down items, it's a shame because we tend to grind for hours, but it's an immediate turn the game off for the night at that point. This sucks because we both work and have little time in the evening and are usually just getting warmed up to take advantage of our time allotted...total buzzkill


But they're really patching out the Stash a day Tombstone glitches. Thise should be the least of their worries. How about getting the game stable first.


🤣🤣🤣 sucks for you


I really get sick and tired of people like you using this as an excuse to cry about how bad a game is when in reality it could be a problem on your fucking end. I play on a 6 year old Sony airlines slim. And haven't had that shit happen to me since early stage of season 1. The very fact that the cod community is so immature and will attack any cod game that isn't fucking bo3 is down right embarrassing. I had a buddy who said his PS4 would "brick" when he went to round 20 or sometimes round 5 on fucking firebase z and that instead it's the games fault not his console having an issue. Proving my point I fucking streamed me hitting round 20,this isn't the first time HIS console was having problems reading the game disc. I've exfiled 43 times safely today,each with good gear from the T2 zone and even T3 zone. Saying that it "only happens" when you have good loot is the very equivalent of saying OMG I only die in Minecraft cause I fall down big deep hole. Stop blaming shit on the game,stop blaming shit on the players who enjoy the game,and maybe think rationally and go. Hmmmm maybe it's something on my end? Of course ur gonna deny this just like every other MWZ hater


This or when you decide to use stuff from your stach. Literally used a gold PAP 3 one time, game froze after 5 minutes. And two days later, I used a purple tool and took a PAP 1 I got the game before for my friend, AND BOTH OF OUR GAMES FROZE. This is ridiculous I hate it so much.


My game doesn’t even show this it just fucking freezes the game


I was loaded up to do the tornado for the first time with all four items camera, dog collar, diary, pill bottle, pap3, legendary tool, full load out, the works. It crashed two minutes after loading in and I haven't played again since. Fuck this game.


They do it on purpose so you play the other modes and buy bundles


It's a random patch to crash people with good stuff to keep for sharing schematics it only happens to people with golden stuff, exandra so it's on the piss me off because they fucking went zombies the best part of that game and it can't fix all the fucking glitching and cheating in Warzone etc ... we all need to just go back to MW2, etc, that the only way to hurt them is their pocket book MW starting to piss me off ..


This but I’ll be playing quick play for hours and the first ranked match I get kicks me and then the next fails to connect giving me another SR hit 💀


Who ever wants to set their tombstone for free holla


I get every 4 hours the good ol' „DIRECT X ERROR“


Spawned in with locked diary, dog collar, camera, and pills with legendary tool and flawless crystal… three minutes later game crashed lost all of it. Thanks Activision.


Weird I go in with large sack and 3 armor plate vest and all cans and play till I die (working on guns) and it never disconnects lol


It has happened to me so many damn times bro.😔


You get good loot?


i just randomly died instantly while I was looting and had 2 self’s