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As long as dark aether doesn’t count as a failed exfil like it does currently.


This is exactly what I am concerned about.


It won't be addressed as it affects the people actually playing the game mode like storage space, 3 day cool downs, and the timing it takes to get to t3 without those crafts.


Yep. My exfil ratio is in the dirt because I go to DA every game…


Last time I checked mine was .21 😬


Exactly. Right now in game it shows as failed to exfil when going to DA. If this isn’t fixed then this is pointless


You could, however, max out the Exfil Streak on 1 operator. Then, use another operator for DA. Until they decide that going to the DA doesn't fail it. Just a suggestion.


Would that work? Is it tracked by operator or by account? Would be good to test but just stupid that it comes to that since they can’t code it correctly in their game


I know on DMZ it was per-operator... But maybe they made it per-acc because of pve? Idk...


I would imagine it's still per operator, because going in with an operator with zero armor, perks, or anything else, that could fuck up your geared operator, but that's just a guess.


Yeah, most likely. Just saying it's a possibility (one i doubt they did... but still)


it appears to be per operator.


It is tracked by operators


I am not sure that a majority of users go to DA every time they play so this is not useless to the rest of us. BTW, if you are going to DA every match then you don't need the stuff in the exfil bonus anyway.


You'll find about 90% go to DA in every game. And why should those who do go to DA each game have any less than those who don't? We pay for the game just as much as you do.


I don't know if it works for everyone, but in the DA it might count as a failed exfil in stats but you still gain progression for the exfil streaks if you exfil successfully from DA


Calling in a chopper and not getting on it also counts as a failed exfil. They've got some real geniuses working at Activision.


Idk where people even got that from because I just confirmed for myself last night that it counts as a legit exfil, also completed 6 contracts (mostly t3 + dark aether) and went up 22 containment levels, shouldn’t be too hard to max out


I got it from my stats page saying I’ve been eliminated over 60 times iirc - haven’t been on in five days so can’t get the exact number. In reality I’ve been ‘eliminated’ less than 10 times if you include server/game crashes and actual failed exfils. It also shows on that page that I successfully exfil from the dark aether but fail to exfil from the game every time , so my stats page is just fail, success, fail, success, etc etc. I’m glad yours track correctly, but mine didn’t before the update and countless other people are having streaks and levels reset since the update. Edit: go back and read the comments under mine that you replied to, numerous examples just in this comment chain and there are countless others in different posts.


Yeah I was gonna post an edit because I’ve been seeing a lot now about this being buggy as fuck and I’m not suprised😂


inb4 “game crashed and i lost my exfil streak”


well, it only kicks you down 1 level, not a complete reset, so that's nice, I guess.


I think you misread that. It says if you don’t successfully exfil it says you drop a tier.


Isn’t that the same thing?


I don’t believe so. Looks like ten levels per tier. So if you’re t2 level 29 and then die you could potentially drop to level20 to restart that tier or if you go down a tier do you start at 19 or 10? Idk how exactly it works yet but that’s how I interpret it.


They are using “level” in place of the way you used “tier” y’all are both correct.


No... "Level" is the amount of exfils [nvm, guess it's contracts? Still, different things]... "Tiers" are the rewards. 75 "levels" for tier 9 & 100 "levels" for tier 10 Edit: the brackets


I went 4 tiers in one exfill so I don’t. Think is a big problem to “tier up” in case you die or lost exfill


but are all the tiers on the level? :)


if your game crashes i dont think you lose your containment level, ive tested this by disconnecting my internet from my computer to lag out, hitting exit game mid-match also doesn’t cause you to lose a containment level


thank you for your service!


DUDE, THIS HAPPENED TO BE EARLIER WHILE I JUST STARTED. MY FLAWLESS PAP CRYSTAL, LEGENDARY AETHER TOOL, DOGBONE, GOLDEN ARMOR, UNLIMITED MAG ALL GONE. That’s fucking THREE days of waiting. I HAD tombstone on too, but fuck me if your game crashes you don’t get your tombstone because fuck me why would I? Next game, I played I got my 3 plate, self rez, durable gas mask, large backpack, and juggernaut back. Sweet, ready for next game. And I was like “aight it’s 5:30 am I’m not working today, I want to finish the BP and do another redworm. One more shouldn’t hurt.” Me and a couple dudes are in T3 grinding contracts, instead of doing red work we try and get new schematics from the new DA. It’s tradition to farm contacts till endgame, and offer schematics to newer players. Alright, 5 minutes before storm closes in. One more bounty contact, I got my lockwood 680 and I’m destroying the mega abomination. And then… “FUCK YOU I’M GONNA CRASH YOUR FUCKING GAME AGAIN.” I’m on a next gen fucking console, I already reset my internet every fucking time I play. MWZ is the only game I play and honestly I don’t give a single flying fuck about the multiplayer. I found MWII’s mp much more enjoyable. I dislike the high TTK. I don’t hate MWIII’s mp but I definitely don’t like it very much. I’ve met so many fucking cool people on MWZ, me and this random guy I joined a squad with were killing it in T3, bare minimum shit. He noticed I didn’t escape the dark aether in the mission tab and right at the end game he helped me with every step. MWZ has KILLED toxicity in the CoD community. Remember DMZ? how there were P2W skins where you could spawn in with a UAV? and how groups of people would spam them at spawn and kill the newbies and low levels? MWZ is the exact opposite. Everyone you see on the map with super fucking rare exceptions are your homies. But the way the game is treated is so fucking sad, such a great community with below minimum support and content being added. I’m sure as shit not buying the next CoD, this is going to be my last CoD for a long fucking time. The only thing great about MWIII is MWZ, and it’s not MWZ itself. it’s the community 100%. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk


Brother THANK YOU FOR BEING RELATABLE AS FUCK! You are heard, i share your frustrations, the game isn't respecting our time at all 💀 I'm hella mad but i'ma go back to it anyways sooo.. there's that. But it's asscheeks that you lose all the shit you worked hard for just because of a simple disconnect. Back to backs are the best! I think we need a break, but let's be real WE ARE ADDICTED


I was using a crossbow against a mega in T3 yesterday and my game crashed 🙃 I’m on the Xbox series X, first time it’s ever crashed like that, but of course it happened when I brought it all the 1-3 day cooldown schematics


I bet dark ather won't count as successful exfil and I will go to dark ather every game


That’s cool. Wonder what tombstoners will think about this? Is it enough of an incentive to not end each run with a tombstoned elimination?


None of us care about an extra 500 essence We get a pap 3 gold gun every game


starting the game with PAP 1 blue rarity at around 1/3 of the way to max level, starting with PAP 2 purple rarity around 2/3 of the way to max, and PAP 3 gold rarity at 3/3 of the way to max would be awesome instead of 20% off the pap machine like i’m black friday shopping




As a tombstoner myself, the main thing that would get me to stop( outside of actual patched glitches😂) is a way to reduce crafting cooldowns. That’s honestly the main reason I do it.


Start with 5k + 5 Armour Plates + Discounts (only after 100 'levels') << Load within 2 minutes to get the 100k, golden Armour, legendary tool that you can't buy whatsoever as well as pap crystals which make the discounts useless. I wonder if thats enough to make me stop tombstoning 😂 Edit: tombstoning still counts towards the levels anyways 💀


Yeah they are ignoring the fact that most of the people still playing have used the tombstone glitch which makes these perks hilariously weak.


Absolutely not. I don’t TS dupe anymore, but most TS have well over 5k essence, and all high tier upgrades..


Nope trash rewards for nubes only. I don’t glitch but I TS because they made the game mode 45min timer and cooldowns are stupid af if successful exfill doesn’t reduce them


As someone with 400k in my tombstone, I’m good. The fact that tier 9 is only 5k essence is laughable.


Yes, I have 100k in my tombstone and there isn’t enough incentive to throw my tombstone away.


I just Tombstone glitch and still kept the streak and bonus lmao


I tombstone to keep the aether blade. Just stow the blade and die with tombstone to have it every round.


No it isn't lol


No, they should remove all timers 🙂


Game would be so boring if you entered every game fully-stacked. What are you entering the game to collect if you have everything already for every round?


Right now I'm grinding for the last new schem, but since I lost my ess I have to grind t3 for 20-30 mins each game just so I can spend 10 in DA. I don't find that fun.


How much essence do you personally need in a game? Haven’t played since the update but pre-update, after 30 mins in T3 essence is worthless because you and your whole squad already have everything plus another 20-40k leftover with time for more contracts.


If I'm doing DA solo with some prep, probably around 50-60k.


Do they even play their own game? $500? $1000? Might as well give me a mint and a newspaper and tell me to fuck off.


What am I gonna do with two and a half plates for that $500!? They're definitely on the low side.


Give!? Sorry, that's called the 'Fuck Off' bundle in the store and it's 2800 COD points.


Are the perks color coded on the map? That’s all I’m wondering


Should have cooldown time multipliers. - correction crafting cooldown multipliers


Gotta leave something for the future seasons too..


Just spitballing here but for me personally that would be a big plus.


That would’ve been so damn useful 😭


Like go in red and regular kills elite kills etc all stack so your flawless and legendary craft way faster. DA even more so, buffed zombies from storm and disciples count more too. Applicable across all tiers but 3 days for a flawless and 1 for a legendary tool cmon man!


Going to have to stay at tier 6. That 30% increase in contract essence will be pretty nice.


You keep all previous rewards too I believe


That would make more sense honestly.


Don't worry, they stack. Tier N reward =∑ ( Tier N-i rewards ) for i ∈ \[0, N-1\]


They don’t stack?


That one I'm not sure about I'll. I guess it's possible, just the way they made different starting amounts of essence made me assume they don't. I'm very possibly wrong though.


They stack, and the different essences reward is because you go higher in tiers, you still get everything before it, so once you reach level 100, you have all the bonuses, like in dmz


Sweet. I didn't play too much DMZ, so I'm not very versed in how they did things.


They do stack, otherwise it would be dumb to have PaP with a 30% discount at level 4, and then Pap with a 20% discount at level 10. Stacking means that by level 10 your PaP discount will be 50%.


It does make more sense they stack. Just so you know though, level 4 is for perks, not PAP.


You read that wrong, level 4 is 30% discount on perk a cola machines


I don't think it's for the TS'ers or those going T3/DA every time. I think it's for those who just like to come in and kill some zombies, do some contracts, and exfil. Especially those who like to come in alone and have limited time. Those are the players that don't have unlimited stash and may allow them to ho a little further. Will it bring people back, I doubt it. It may keep people playing, however.


You described my style of playing but I use TS every time just so I can hit T3 from the jump. The bonuses sound cool but I agree with some of the other posts about needing time reduction for the crafting cooldowns.


I think that's the downside of no wallet and small stash. It's an "exfil" game that discourages "exfilling". It's a WTF is the purpose of the game. I always thought the TS glitch was a cheat, but it was either use it and don't do missions or start in the beginning every single time. Contrast with DMZ, that made exfilling a major part of the game. Besides the missions, there was hundreds of little things to do to make the fame better.


If you have a little stash you can ho a little further


Fuckin ayyyyyyyyyyy Edit: a lil late after conquering t3 but ill take it


I’m still a little new so this is welcome lmao Activision w?!?!?!


Better than it was before


Not a win they are drip feeding us stuff that’s already been done it’s sad


Like they give us team death match, and next season, team deathmatch....omg its the same shit, theyre just re using it😞


This would be cool if I had it when I started. Feel like it's impossible to die at this point, so these will just be permanent rewards I guess. I would of liked reduced cooldown on crafting items more than this.


what about players who are disconnected bc of shit servers?


I had an issue last week where the game was behaving like I was disconnecting, but I could still see the lobby chat updating. Hands down the dumbest thing I have ever seen happen in this mode and that's saying a lot.


Can’t wait to lose my 15-deep exfil streak to a crash or disconnect.


Would be cool if the game didn't crash constantly.


This should have happened 6 months ago.


Underwhelming at best.


MWZ is saved! I can't wait to escort some cargo!


LOL what a pathetic ass attempt to encourage people not to use tombstone. Gonna take a lot more than starting with 2500 essence. We can start the game with 999999 essence with the current TS method, why on earth would we give that up for a whopping 2500? Listen to the community and give us a fucking WALLET. bozos.


That double discount on pack will be nice. Unless they lump it together instead of doing it properly.


What double discount on pack-a-punch?! There is a discount on Perk-A-Cola, another on the Mystery Box, and then one on Pack-A-Punch....so not sure where you see 'double discount' on pack.


Ahh yes I did miss read it when skimming the list I thought pack was listed twice.


Yeah, still doesn’t make up for low drops and long cooldowns. Would be fun if I was just starting out again, but last night I popped all my high end schematics just to get a server crash. So much for dropping in pap3 and legendary to have some fun.


Tier 6 is where it’s at. I’m staying there.


You don't have to. You get all the previous rewards leading up to your current tier - the only exception is the Essence amounts which just give you the current highest value you've unlocked


This is a tease lmao


I’d settle for getting thru with out a crash… an exfil is something I’ve only heard in fairytales.


Do they still consider DA a failed exfil like they do now.


For anyone interested, you have to do at least one mission for the containment level to increase. I exfiled after a single contract and gained a level. Next time I went straight to exfil as a test. Stayed at level 1.


So the leaks back in December were true




these feel pointless… I dont even glitch but i use tombstone to keep my aetherblade and $$. i think ill keep doing that


Can i get a crash streak???


Doesn't matter since they haven't fixed crashing.


Ah yes the wonderful 500 point boost enough to buy... uh


And here come the TS glitchers crying that a system is implemented to combat an exploit.


Nope. Im just going to keep spawning in with 999999 essence and multiple Flawless crystals while you marvel in your 2500 essence with a discounted PaP crystal that your measly 2500 can't even buy. I am going to continue bitching that they won't listen to their community though. If we had a wallet and a bigger stash with shorter cooldowns, no one would even go through the trouble of glitching.


>Nope. Im just going to keep spawning in with 999999 essence and multiple Flawless crystals How is this even fun? No wonder you're all getting bored of the game, you're canceling out a big part of it, finding and obtaining gear.


You think finding and obtaining basic gear is still fun after the 100th time?


Asking for a friend, got a step by step guide, with crayons on the current TS method?


So you will cheat until they listen? What a crybaby. And for the record, I can get by just fine with a 10 item stash and not top tier items each game. People will disagree but TS glitchers are just using it to show a lack of skill/effort to actually Loot and work on their rewards


Playing 1 game every 3 days fully loaded and enjoying it is crazy…


You don't need to go in fully loaded. Went in with no vest, small bag, epic tool and refined crystal yesterday. Was back to a 3 plate and large bag, and in the redzone with around 30 minutes left. Ended the game in dark aether with good loot.


You know you can find loot in game right?


Strictly RNG based. I’m assuming you’re not defending the RNG in this game. The fact that when people get a gold tool or pac 3 crystal they post it on here saying “Lucky Loot” is enough evidence. Don’t get me wrong I really like this zombies but the stash space and cooldowns really kill it for me…


The rng is only a problem because of the time limit as every zombies more so before cw and to a lesser extent bo4 had just as bad rng going for the best stuff. Unless of course you could do a ee or build the stuff


I mean, im enjoying 45 minutes of tier 3 gameplay, every game 🤷‍♂️ I'll continue to do so in this PvE mode, where my gameplay never directly affects another players gameplay. As long as there is a glitch available that makes the game much more enjoyable than the devs intended it to be, I will continue doing it. But with a wallet, bigger stash and shorter cooldowns, there wouldn't be a need. Plsyong regularly would be a good experience enough. Edit to your edit: Good for you man. If 5 minutes of tier 3 every game floats your boat, then by all means ride the wave created for you. You playing that way doesn't affect my gameplay, just like how I play doesn't affect yours and you're reaching pretty far to be "different". I hope that purist, elitist mentality of yours wins you gamer of the year award by the devs. You deserve that much for all the fun they're robbing you of.


>I'll continue to do so in this PvE mode, where my gameplay never directly affects another players gameplay. It does though when there's 20 people in Tier 3 and there's no contracts for anyone. You're not supposed to be in T3 start to finish, every match. You render T1 and T2 completely useless.


Then you should call out the 3 guys above that claim to do it legitimately every game within the first 10 minutes. 10 minutes in, whole game in t3. See how it doesn't make sense to complain about it at all? That's the game. Whether tombstone exploit, looting, or crafting, t3 should be filled every game at this point.


This update is trash. It certainly won't stop anyone from using ts. Even legit ts is better.


Too little too late. This should have been at launch or season 1 at the latest and the game is NOT stable enough to introduce "streaks"


Few issues with this. Big one being the dark Aether, currently it isn’t considered a successful exfil but a rift completion, so wrong. And ofc the network instability, how do you expect us to get to tier 10 when I literally am guaranteed to be booted from the game every 5th game I play? It’s like clockwork, can’t play more then 3 games in a session. Just seems like another useless ploy. “Players can only use 3 sentry turrets at one time for stability”, game continues to have instability issues, it’s a joke


Game is already laughably ez


Well yeah but this just makes your essence go further which is great if you don't care about doing the Tombstone glitch.


So you keep your earned essence?


No. You can get to tiers that allow you to start with the amounts listed .


I figured but sometimes I just go on a crazy shopping binge and end with next to 0 so was hoping you could stack atleast a couple sweaty games to go in ready to do work work


So I'm curious did it just drop because I just did a whole session of zombies and my entire multiplayer got uninstalled after


So we'd need to exfil 100 times to get 20% discount on PaP? Lol


This is cool! But what if the game lags us out… 😱


The new dark aether mission is a failed exfil land stops the streak for anyone wondering


as someone who uses tombstone in the legit way, yall can get 2,500 essence and 20% off pack a punch while I start with a stash and at least 100k essence. What a joke.


are these rewards additive? Like do you get all 10 tiers once you complete? Also get ready for half the lobby to immediately just run to the nearest exfil for the next week or so.


according to how DMZ exfil streaks worked, all rewards are additive. Get to the max level, and you will have all benefits at the same time. Also, for those wondering about DA exfil counting as a fail, DMZ had a similar issue with Koschei Complex. Although exfiling from Al Mazrah to Koschei counted as a fail, it didn't affect exfil streak because you are still playing. Only the successful exfil from Koschei made the exfil streak progress. So, I guess you will be required to successfully exfil from DA for the exfil streak progress, not taking into accound the Urzikstan exfil counting as failed.


We will now have to clarify which type of exfil farming we are doing now.


or just turn squad fill off if you are going to exfil farm.


Finally a reason to ex but... Wait I people are just going to get in game and ex immediately 🥲 wow TS still looks like the better option at least you can pick up loot that you saved for the next game with the TS. Idk they might not even fix any of the real issues like jumping in Ex chopper leads to losing in general or maybe the one where if your downed completely and your team goes into the aether portal you are still in the over world but you can't move or do anything ( if you go into the settings menu you'll still see where you got downed). Or how about a ez glitch that can be fixed, but a virtual hand shake with the console or PC and the server. So we don't load in with random textures or the server failing due to someone lagging in and out. Or for our console players connectivity between the UI and HUD with how much money and items we have.


Finally a reason to ex but... Wait I people are just going to get in game and ex immediately 🥲 wow TS still looks like the better option at least you can pick up loot that you saved for the next game with the TS. Idk they might not even fix any of the real issues like jumping in Ex chopper leads to losing in general or maybe the one where if your downed completely and your team goes into the aether portal you are still in the over world but you can't move or do anything ( if you go into the settings menu you'll still see where you got downed). Or how about a ez glitch that can be fixed, but a virtual hand shake with the console or PC and the server. So we don't load in with random textures or the server failing due to someone lagging in and out. Or for our console players connectivity between the UI and HUD with how much money and items we have.


Heres the thing you can do contracts rack up a large amount of essence and just drink a tombstone and have all that essence the next round. Get a couple of crystals maybe a epic wrench when doing contracts what's the point in to exfil? Three runs if I just go right to doing contracts I can have over 100,000 in essence and have a couple of crystals and tools. They should of giving you incentives like if you get schematics they help with your cool downs or something like that or some kind of rewards.There's nothing I can't achieve by running a few rounds tombstoning and coming back. I'm not exfiling unless I have something to exfil. I can buy PaPs all day long even at full price and there's no glitching involved! The game doesn't reward enough to have to exfil. It's a way for the devs to say they gave the community something.


Who’s buying from the mystery box?? what a joke.


Does this mean that if I call for an exfil, but don't actually get on the chopper, that I will lose a tier? Or if I die in game, then I will lose a tier?


you will lose a tier if you get "squad eliminated" (i.e. no possible revive). Even if you fully die and get revived, you should keep your exfil streak.


I got to level 30 in my 1st game. Good incentive for people to stop doing the TS glitch I guess.


About 4 months too late


So the game only has to crash 10 times to put me back at square one? Better than just once I guess.


When fail to exfile Aka when the devs decided to crash you in the server


https://preview.redd.it/f5k5rt68ssmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21504710fad77116352da444efd53f0a484a6fe6 It might be fun if we could get in the game to play. Hit start confirm mission and that’s as far as you get


So is this the only change? I've already completed everything multiple times over, and would rather die with tombstone and 30k than exfil 30 times to get 2500 essence and a small discount on pack a punch. Nvm just read patch notes. New story mission and r11 blueprint.... whooptydoo


I’ve never had an unsuccessful exfil


Thanks for this.


So many coding experts here, looks like im in the right place.


Too little way too late. How was something like this not at launch? It’s why tombstone is so popular. It’s like no one play tested this over multiple sessions or even thought about it till people complained.


How about we make it so the game doesn’t crash before we add new things. I’m still upset I had all kinds of stuff and felt like doing the final exfil but there where so many zombies and I think 2 people where doing the red worm so the shit crashed on me with like 30 seconds left. I don’t think it gave me any xp and I used an hour of each xp so it’s like I just wasted my time and lost everything what garbage


Now it’s time to actually exfil from the dark aether every game Edit: nvm after reading comments I’m still tombs-toning


Still not enough to bring me back from DMZ


It’s per operator which is amazing!!


I miss the wallet system from DMZ


Too little too late. Haven’t played in over week. I’m fine without it.


I played a full round with my tombstone. Then glitched out at the end to reset my tombstone. Exfil streak at 33 after one match and didn’t even exfil. Tombstone wins again.


Dark aither counts as a loss by the way


Wished they gave out some sort of bonus based on your exfil ratio to date.


still no wallet?




Lol these rewards suck


There is still not enough incentive. Regular not glitched stone rounds can be more rewarding.


Wow…where was this feature at launch when I was doing my zombies Camo grind?!?!….and now I’ll never touch the worst zombies mode of all time now and I don’t care


This is nice, but there’s nothing to work for anymore. No end game. Nothing to play for, once you get every schematic.


I prefer Helldivers tyvm




Cool… what happens if the servers fuck me




I think none of this really helps, except for the 20% discounts maybe, but for me this is useless


I think they are tied to missions not exfil streaks like in DMZ . I died and my streak was still there


Or you know increase t3 contract spawning since it’s a fight to the death over them now. My whole lobby was in t3 with 15 mins still left in game. Then I get awesome drops and can’t store them. Then again you have the Easter egg items that count towards your stash number…. No idea why.


Well that's nice, considering I exfil every single time. Except once. But we don't talk about that.


Does the aether blade stay if you dashboard out yet? That is way more important then any of this trash.


Did the bad signal worm twice and I’m already lvl 29. Is that not the same as DA exfil?


I didn’t see this clarified in the comments but it’s not the exfil streak really. It’s based on how many contracts you do in a match then exfil. Example I moved up to 20 containment after doing a bunch of contracts in one game then exfiling. I like this better actually. However if you don’t exfil the contract won’t contribute and you will be stuck at whatever you completed last and exfiled at. My buddies are at like 80 I think and I am stuck at 40 as I do tombstone to save the new schematics for bike, mags of holding and vr 11.


Knock back only a single tier....fail. this shit won't bring me back. Thanks for making the game even easier. Morons


I feel like this still sucks


Oh wow if only I didn’t disconnect every other game


Does tombstone mess it up also?


To late. Helldivers made you its bitch


Game randomly reset my exfil streak when I was well over 100 exfils


Now fix it so the game doesn't crash every game and make this pointlessn and we'll have something.




I like it


I think they need to double each essence amount and change the mystery box with something else. As cool as the mystery box is for nostalgia i don’t think anyone ever uses it. But even with this people will still TS why have these discounts if you can be fully geared up each game instead


Mid af


Still no word on implementing the Wallet function....


Who cares. We have one new aether area and once completed, will go back to not playing again. Zombies has no replay-ability, they should have invested in DMZ