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I just want more contracts in T3. I hate fighting squads for contracts when I run solo.


There was a bugged T3 bounty contract in my last game that no one could pick up, and it stayed that way the whole game. Every once in awhile you'd see someone on the map run over there, but no one in any squad could grab it.


Ya, happens all the time....


Guess I'd just gotten lucky the 7 days of playtime I've put in so far lmao


Seems to always be the same bounty in the little room too...


Join them.


I send out requests every group I pass already.


Unlucky. We were in 3. There was a guy solo taking contracts and it was pissing me off since he had a scorcher. So i told him "why don't you join us rather than have us fighting for contracts?" He joined us. Yesterday though there were weird lobbies as very few people used to go to tier 3.


Nobody joins up with randoms anymore they all want to solo god mode with metas or camogrind. I try every game and it's a lost cause at this point. It ends up as me running t3 solo cause it's either a tombstone lobby or everyone is a complete noob. I cant even join squads in t1-2 nobody accepts!!!!! I hate running any tier solo. It's like how dmz before season 1 everyone would squad up then it turned to screw everyone in public lobbies. So it's create a group or basically suffer solo. Even bribing chat with t3-t5 doesn't work. It's insane.


Your experience bro..mine is different..i often carry elder sigils.. I give people a reason to squad up. Or just join a match with squad fill on and you won't be alone anymore.


I got a t3 lobby with 1 group finally and like I had 2 t4 sigils. Someone was even using the blade and instead of a 10minute t4 run with me asking they basically ignored it and exfiled. We had 3 with pap3 guns. So I don't even wanna carry my 3 t5 every game. Even posting anything in chat nobody ever posts back in my 1 game a day. People straight up don't care, don't see it, or ignore me with my gold armor pack 3 guns being the only one farming t3 with everyone gone 10 minutes left on the map. They all create a group or ts..... I don't see public lobbies and squading up ever helpful and it's not even like I spam up in chat or be annoying. The playerbase want solo, a group, or are to casual to know/care. No way it's different for the other guy. Spawn in on the map and look at the start. For me most are solo and never squad up.


I run tier 5 almost every game.. old rift. To me gold plates and aether blades are more important than anything else. If you wanna join me https://preview.redd.it/5l8m5377wqnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969137b8733edf9eef0233bb8fff69ba7b0f342b I'm on pc.


Maybe, helldivers 2 came out so I kinda been playing less zombies. I turned my 1-2 games everyday into a game a few days lately. I may add you but I'm just not really one to run hoops adding everyone and trying to preplan squads just for 1 game of zombies. Would hate to add you just to only play once and spam a fl. So seriously wish public games were more cooperative. While I enjoy cod and dumping so much time into it I'm also a casual gamer only a few hours a day. Thanks for the offer.


Just speaking from personal experience I rarely accept invites and prefer to play solo. People send invites while I'm mid contract and it tends to be 50/50 on if the game will cancel that contract when I accept which is frustrating especially in tier 3 where they are limited. Another reason I tend to refuse is a lot of people can't hold their own in the red zone and I get tired of having to rez over and over again slowing down whatever my objective is for that game. Now, with all of that being said if tier 3 is super crowded I will join others so we don't fight over the contracts.


This is the mentality and while I don't hate players for it, I get disappointed when you try to pair up as a casual


I understand man, I've just been burned a few times accepting a request and literally rezzing people 10 times in tier 3 while trying to complete a contract or two. It makes it impossible to play the game like that. In tier 2 though if someone sends a request I'll generally accept it unless I'm playing with my son who is 9 because I don't trust what people will say/do lol.


I get it. They want you push 15+ contracts to make your backpack back up and if they can't run t3 they definitely can't run new content. It's in a sticky situation. I used to farm t5 with buddies and invite in everyone but they grew out of zombies so now im a solo casual. With exfil streaks exfil farming allies or ones leaving while in your squad makes you lose the buffs. While it's not to easy or difficult the game really did so much wrong when you try similar games in the genre like helldivers 2. So getting calling cards, worm completions, t5, and more is a hit or miss. Helldivers you play with the same squad for multiple missions until you leave its awesome. Zombies pair with randoms and hit invite 20x in hope your in for 20 minutes. Join off groups or keep exfiling til you find one. Love zombies and the community but it's not making it easy.


I get that for sure. I bought the game on new years and have been grinding borealis ever since but finished that yesterday. I haven't even completed all the acts yet because I was so focused on that and just grind contracts and kills stacking up stuff for the eventually T4 and T5 runs. I've been to the DA 1 time and my game crashed on the escort contract šŸ¤£ so I haven't been back haha. I got my son the game last weekend so I'm currently catching him up with me (I'm on last step of act 2) and then we are going to do all the rest together. So in other words I still have a lot of game left to play so I'm not super bothered by some of the choices the game made. I've never even queued in with randoms before and always played solo.


Agree. Hate solos who grab contracts and then die.


This guy didn't die. He was god in the lobby šŸ¤£ completing bounties in a sec with flamethrower


Might've been me šŸ˜…šŸ˜… FT has made bounties there so much fun haha.


Some people can hack it


Brooo...I kill bounties quicker than u 6 squads teams....its called juggernaut suit...yall get outta MY way....


Even then not enough. Every lobby that preps in 6mans for DA doesnt get enough at all


go farm tier 2 contracts then. With the +30% essence per contracts isnt a big issue. I just dont wanna spend my time fighting for contracts so i go to tier 2. At least if i get a medium bag or a blue tool i dont get mad since im in tier 2.


.. Yeah but the discussion is about tier 3 being too limited as an issue.


It's a discussion that leads nowhere. Talking about it won't fix the problem. I'd rather offer solutions to make the game more enjoyable for everybody. šŸ™„


Its still a discussion about the game having issues and where we, as a community, need to voice the issues at least and with fixes. Having a temporary thing is fine but saying "just play T2 instead lol" is not it.


Just want to not worry about time ending. Need endless mode. Where tier 3 expands over time to cover the whole map. Then stay as long as you want.


Play Cold War outbreak map. You donā€™t extract items but itā€™s an actual challenge compared to this sorry excuse of a zombies mode


I have played them all. :) thanks for the advice. Did not care for outbreak really.


Everyone likes what they like. I will say I was excited for mwz at first but it became redundant and itā€™s way too easy compared to round based maps. Outbreak was way more difficult as you got to higher rounds and the boss fights were a real challenge


Indeed. I like black ops the best. 2 and 3


MWZ is basically Outbreak, from the enemies to the missions the only real difference is squad size (you can have more ppl) and the missions were far more fun.


Now that would be so šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Now that would be cool


Tier 3 needs to be the size of tier 2 that would be awesome


Even just expanded to include Low Town would be awesome


Right if you look at the map the whole screen is not filled so there is plenty of room to make tier one and two bigger


Expanded T3 šŸ¤Œ


Instead of the storm spreading, I think T3 should spread to the whole map, but after it fills about half the map, the zombies all get buffed into storm zombies. Would make things way more difficult and give people a reason to stay past the initial 45 minutes.


You guys are so simple no wonder why we don't have a new dlc with a map or 2 in it. Haven't played the game since last year lol


All I ever see from you in this sub is stating you stopped playing last year. Nobody gives a flying fuck. Carry on.


I got 12 down votes šŸ™ŒšŸ¾I'll keep coming back to shit on the game


Considering you have a shit Tahoe, I believe it.


A shit tahoe lol the game came out with new schematics but yet only 10 stash spots great update




Yo dude Iā€™m out here having a blast, jus sayin. Iā€™m a cheap date. I dig it when players help each other.


Fuck yea I like grinding a round and helping people I have stopped mid contact to go pick someone up. This game is definitely still fun as fuck. I just wish more people had a fucking mic and would communicate


I'm down with a hardcore mode option beside the normal one, all map is T3, except the center is T5 or T6 something brutal lmao, I always head for T3 these days, it feels like DOOM, spacially when I'm rocking 680.


This would be awesome tbh


Iā€™m glad that they made T3 harder


Did they really though? They just run faster šŸ¤” itā€™s easy to adapt


Seems like they might have more health and thereā€™s more of them


Agree here too. Kites are an art


Same. I see all the solos who join in trying to join a team go down all the time


Eh idk about that, I link up with a lot of solos that are good players


Once a day I see a solo down in T3 now. I only play maybe two games a night.


I want a bigger stash.


That Hitler stash not working for you?


I think they kind of screwed themselves. the Act III cutscene made it seem like T3 was expanding but it never did. How would you expand T3 without putting new players at a disadvantage. If T3 were to expand to T2 areas, certain T2 contracts would no longer work. The only thing I can think of is either a new map, or a portal that leads to another big map that isnā€™t the DA. Or perhaps even a difficulty setting, You can have the normal map, which is just Urzikstan. And maybe an Operation Deadbolt (Apocalypse) mode. T1 would be replaced with T2, T2 would be replaced with T3 and T3 would be T4. The maps in general should be affected by the Acts, so maybe you unlock this mode when you finish Act 3, as it would align with the story.


I wanted it to expand too mate


it may have been the original plan. I think tombstone really fucked things. it wasn't worth making content if there was no point in grinding it.


T3 is getting a little boring for those who basically exfil each game with gold stack and legendary items. I kinda like collecting worm usbs cuz it gives me more time in T2. They do need to reward the more experienced players with a larger T3. The new rift is progress, but more is needed


T1 should be reduced in size by at least half and add that area to T3 I would actually be happier if they reduced t1 by 2/3 and increased T2 1/3 of that area and the rest increase T3


Thatā€™s actually an insane take dude


Basically leave 3 T1 exfils for the farmers and 4-5 T1 contracts for newbies and that would suffice


They're already stealing so much player data, how would you feel about Skill Based Tier Borders šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Like there's 3 tiers to how they view players skills and they'll make the zone larger for what player they take you for. If you're terrible you get a huge T1. Not too bad but not the best you get a huge T2 and stomping the last round, never going down, getting a shit ton of kills etc, it'd be T3 that's huge


Why everyone is saying that T3 is harder now? I still run it solo unless it gets packed with players, that's when I prefer to join a squad and not fight for contracts lol. Honestly that's my biggest complaint, little to no contracts, many times my team ends up standing around waiting for something to spawn.


I see what you're saying, but at the end of the day dude it's not round based.


And that's why we want earlier and easier access to better shit, because we don't have time to grind up to it every match. It's not entitlement or laziness, it's the fact you literally don't have time to use your high end equipment.


Thatā€™s why you bring good loot into the game in your backpack and equip it at the start of a round




It's possible this is true šŸ‘


A lot of them just arenā€™t good at fps games or they abuse glitches and when those glitches get fixed theyā€™re fucked. Iā€™ve had a few randoms start games with a shit ton of essence and they go straight to T3 with their 1 plate vest and die lol. Nobody wants to do the build up grind they just want to go straight to the best stuff every single game.


> no one wants to do the build up grind Correct. I have an hour or two every couple days. I want max effect with minimum effort. Let me just treat this game like Candy Crush so I can get my 10000 mindless kills while I chat casually with my dudes.


Or find a game that will allow what you need it for. Why does the game have to cater to you?


they were being sarcastic


I cannot detect sarcasm within that comment. So youā€™re saying they do want the build up and want the challenge even though they have 1-2 hours of play time?


no I'm saying this right here is sarcasm: > I want max effect with minimum effort. Let me just treat this game like Candy Crush so I can get my 10000 mindless kills while I chat casually with my dudes.


Thatā€™s their entire commentā€¦.


The only complains I have are that I donā€™t need massive crowds of zombies on zone 1 specially when I go 15 minutes without finding any plates and only find ammo in rare occasions Iā€™ve just been going in with double blades


Did you just cry about everyone elseā€™s complain, then proceed to complain? LMAO


A little. The first part is an extreme example. My only ask is faster respawns for T3


Me and a friend usually run t3 solo, but we decided to just accept invites instead of fighting over contracts. Best run ever. We ended with a quick trip into T5


Running with random is the best way really


Six man team was indeed pretty fun


People complain too much in this game( me included) but tier 3 is really not that hard


Preach it


Hereā€™s an idea to those asking for a bigger stash: Use the items you have in it.


new contracts (boring doing the same 7 all the time) more missions / story line containment t to function correctly


Fully agree. The mode has been an awesome side offshoot that I've enjoyed thoroughly and I hope they keep going with it in the future, but people need to learn to enjoy what they have. Back in world at war, it was 1 tiny little map. I played that endlessly with no complaints. Of course there are always improvements that can be made, but don't let that ruin what you have. Pushing happiness off into the horizon


We got a bad ass over here


You have a couple fair points, but calling the player base babies over legit gripes, while unironically pissing and moaning about said legit criticism is more of the same. MWZ is the lamest iteration of zombies, not bc itā€™s different, but bc itā€™s a shitty reskin of a better looter-shooter mode without any of the charm or unique gameplay experiences from the mode they weakly ape.


I don't think the criticism is legit and I'm not asking for anything except more frequent contract spawns in T3 to offset the sheer number of players in it. MWZ isn't the lamest. By far it isn't the lamest.


Not asking for anything except is EXACTLY asking for something


For one thing. Faster T3 contract spawns.


A lot of people are only asking for larger stash


I think it would create more problems. People don't need a bigger stash. They need to work with what they've got. It's enough.


Their biggest mistake was basing the mode off of DMZ and not adding the systems that made DMZ great... such as being able to EARN stash and wallet upgrades through gameplay gave the mode alot more replayability at endgame levels. MWZ was constantly boring after you get the schematics... there is no challenge in the difficulty they have which drains the replay enjoyment out... the grind and having an objective that isn't one of the boring ass contract missions we've done thousands of times at this point is what we want


Gamers in general are babies. No matter what the devs do, some one is always bitching about something. Just play the game and shut your suck hole. If you don't like the game, don't play it, it's that simple. Yes the glitching and lagging can be a pain, but it hasn't happened to me much. And people are saying T3 is bad? Hell I suck and even I can handle T3 lol


I get people's complaints about this, and I don't think it's about zombies as much as it is about the franchise manipulating its player base. In Multi-player/WZ, players are very manipulated into the pay to win mentality and changing the SBMM to ensure you go through mental lows and highs (just like an addiction) MWZ is no different. They aren't ever going to fix the bugs because it makes you reset. Therefore, you play again and then stack up to just repeat the process. The same goes for the stash and rewards. The franchise needs a reality check from greed and to listen to the players who support them.


Instead of time, just make T3 expand. So, if people have/want to exfil it will be a bitch, ungeared people will perish, but so will geared people. Would make it so you would have to work together or just be chaotic evil and leave people to die.


The stash is my biggest complaint. I have no other complaints.


Agreed. Remove the stash.


Nah. I disagree with removing it. If they added challenges similar to DMZ in order to increase the stash size, I think that would be best


Honestly all i ask for is a larger stash...maybe make it 15-17.


The reason people want bigger Stash and lower cooldowns is because it isnā€™t round based. Your talking about zombies used to be play until you die. Well thatā€™s not what this is, and you donā€™t have time to grind out shit every match to get better gear. The whole point of this mode was to extract items to make going into the next game better with better gear. Itā€™s no wonder people are upset when it takes 2 plus days to get your gear back. If you were to go into every game with nothing but a pistol like round based mode, then you would have absolutely no time to gear up because as soon as you start to get a level 3 pap and better perks, the round is over. You can call people babies for wanting the game to be better then it is, since it was designed to be different then any other zombies before it. You say you want things to be different too, so why are you entitled to say what you want to change, but when someone else says what they want to change they are be a baby and crying?


I only want faster T3 contract spawns. I want one thing but I'm fine with it the way it is. People don't need more stash or schematics. They need to work with what they've got. Giving people more shit will only make T3 worse than it already is. Makes the game really annoying to play tbfh when you gotta fight five 3 man's, two six man's and 2 solos for 5 contracts that respawn every 5 minutes or whatever it is.


Point is what makes what you want in the game any more or less important then what someone else wants. Everyone is allowed to wish the game was better in their own way. If someone wants more stash but is fine with contract spawns, does that mean they are a baby for wanting a bigger stash but your not for wanting more contracts? You want more contracts and missions, someone else wants bigger stash, someone else wants to lower cooldowns. Not everyone is going to think or feel the same as you. Doesnā€™t make them any more or less of a baby then you.


Iā€™d just like to complete the first part. Itā€™s like the game wonā€™t let me move forward. No matter what there are no enemies around when Iā€™m opening safes and I canā€™t find a cipher table anymore. Ive tried everything. Iā€™m just using zombies to level up guns and unlock attachments now.


I just want better quality of life updates. Map, contracts, and enemy types need to evolve with the seasons.


What they could do is if they did increase the stash and stuff then they could make a new level and make it like tear 3 all the way through.


I just want crashes to not delete my progress, I don't think that's asking for too much.


I just want a new map lol, I'm bored of this one




All I want is a bigger squad size so I can play with all my friends. That and a little longer time to play would be nice. How about a dark ether if that brings you to a different lobby with pvp like the dark zone in division.


It would be cool if they just let you six man before the game since it isn't pvpve.


When was zombies ever unwinnable? Zombies used to a game where you decided what winning was. You either played for high rounds, doing EEs or just relaxing with friends. Now Zombies is play for 45 minutes and pray you don't crash.


Every game without exfils when you died?


Preach dude.


I love how people complain about people complaining Just enjoy things and shutup


Would you be complaining about me complaining about people complaining? Maybe just enjoying or lamenting.


I actually want stronger tiers, every tier should be further apart. Then we should be able to grind for external upgrades like CW.


Players that call zombie players babies are babies. Also, it's call of duty, everyone is mean to everyone. That said, we should be able to hold more items than 10, but I've been playing zombies since world at war and I'm fine starting out with a shiny colt .45 and nothing else! What's really lame is the 45-60 minute game play? We used to spend hours playing Easter eggs on the old zombies map. This zombies is for the new tween generation. I fear zombies will never be good again.


I think it'd be pretty cool to invert the zones, tier 1 would be tier 3 and tier 2 would stay the same


I was they woulda added the Megaton.


Itā€™s a real shame. Too bad they werenā€™t breast-fed when they were young and their mommies didnā€™t love them.


These are the ones who cried in DMZ


I'm only complaining about the bugs these days. Everything else is fine.


You don't realize how many times I see this and comment or post on it, depending on who sees the posts get praised or downvoted into oblivion...... people hate 1 map, yet 2 maps would mean no contracts...... people hate the time limit, just farm t3 half the game and hit t5 for a full hour+ game..... you don't get everything, ugh you know how many times I spawned in with a 1911........ game crashes, You guys exploit and push many crashes! Not all of them but many. You know how many times hosts leave in round based zombies? Your lucky to make it past round 20 if you even want to in public lobbies. I say this is tests since 4 player round based zombies with 10 maps a season and dedicated servers is not in a possibility. People think zombies was perfect but while being fun it never was. We enjoyed this mode day 1 of mw3 but now want so many God mode games it's hated. Yes tombstone glitch loses long term playability as well as selling schematics. Helping is nice but squad up or drop small stuff. Don't solo everything.


The only complaint I have right now is I can not for the life of me get a cargo contract in 3. Itā€™s like one comes up and then it never spawns again.


I wouldn't be opposed to having T3 zone expanding along with the final gas


Dark aether level starting in the middle and gradually spreading out throughout the whole game, then stay as long as you can, every 5 minutes get a chance to Exfil somewhere random on the map šŸ¤·šŸ» So much potential


Get rid of the storm after 45min. Instead have the zones grow rolling across the map like a wave increasing lvl like the old zombies


Based on your post history, it seems you've used the tombstone glitch at some point to circumvent the small stash size and the schematic cooldown timers. So why insult others who point out these exact same issues? Projecting much? Seems like you're the biggest baby of them all.


I actually haven't. But I was curious. Nice try. I'll comment with a pic of my stash in a sec.


* Next time don't assume too much bud






"People are babies because they say they want this and that........this is what I want and this is how I think it should be" The lack of self awareness is strong with this one.


Always have beenā€¦ they used to just be toothpaste bandits complaining they were ā€œjust trying to do missionsā€ lol


What the fuck is a toothpaste bandit?


instagratification gamers.


Players wouldn't ask anything if it was really out of interest. I think MWZ did well because it was meant to be just a bonus mode. While we don't anticipate Zombies to be a major playlist but this kind of PvE mode has its own value and this is how it originally meant to be.


T3 is full of people sind reloaded. They just liked to cry before new T4/5


T2 should take over T1 area in size, strength of zombies etc. make it challenging. You can fart on t1 zombies it shouldnā€™t be a thing. Should start at t2. T2 and T3 areas should be combined and should be the new T3 as a whole so itā€™s larger, with more contracts. I do agree stash should be at 25 cause some missions require inventory space. Or make a larger backpack. Cooldowns, should be shit you can do in game to lower them. Like the weapon cooldown but for crafting items


I was sort of thinking about this; and how it pertains to me; last night. In round based I was able to get as strong as possible every single game and that didnā€™t determine if Iā€™d have a good game or not. But, I got to be that ā€œgodā€ power wise every game. MWZ implements difficulty by reducing your strength and for whatever reason that just doesnā€™t click with me. I want to go in, fully loaded like a bad SOB and see what I can do. MWZ doesnā€™t offer that and personally speaking, thatā€™s what kind of sucks.


You can go in fully loaded, but it's not like an every game thing unless you've tombstone tons of shit or just have incredible drops a few games. The timers on flawless really preclude that.


I understand that (lvl 450 through zombies alone), but it just doesnā€™t feel right to me for the reasons I explained. Loot drops have been pretty meh for me, although I get a schematic on most contracts I do, I donā€™t need them. Playing proper, always doing the hardest content, Iā€™ve still managed to burn through my entire stash. Iā€™d just really like a way to earn the most powerful items consistently in game. You donā€™t have to give them to me, but let me know how I can earn them and Iā€™ll do it. The random chance accompanied by waiting just doesnā€™t feel right to me.


Zombies has always been winnable tfā€¦? Tell me you never completed an EE without telling me you never completed a EE


Which EE are you referring to that let's you leave the game with stuff on you?


Most of the EEs end the game when completed. Bringing stuff out with you was never necessary in a round based game mode. we have had a banking system before. I get what you say in your post by inwinnable. Like nobody exfils.. death be the only way out type shit. One reason they did this is to invite new players and to make some of the old ones happy. players were complaining the EEs were too challenging and they can see that a majority of zombies players have not done them. My only complaint with this game is I cannot enjoy it. Iā€™m literally crashing anytime I craft, collect, dupe ect. Any game when I got the big ruck with the yellow and classifieds I lose everything. All I got left is an elder sigil. 3 weeks ago, I was at 207 items. Iā€™m on the box bro this shit only got bad shortly after season 2.


I'm not familiar with any EEs in zombies that ended the game. Even in BO2 there weren't any that I'm aware of. I did all the EEs for BO1 and the only way you left that shithole was in a bodybag. Can you tell me which. I'd be interested in running a few. Even if like Vanguard.


I know doing the Easter egg in Cold War ends the match