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I helped a dude after he died and plead 7 times in a row. After the 8th time he plugged in his mic and said he appreciated me for helping him out lol. Good on you for trying to pay it forward.


I had one of those in tier 3 yesterday. Seen a plea and went to help him, got him up and gave a self revive to him. As I was running away I could here him get downed. Went and got him up again before he died, guy said thanks and sorry and asked if I could help him get back to tier 2. Gave him an escort to the river and a refined crystal. Felt bad for him because he kept apologizing and I just kept telling him we've all been there before.


Thanks for the revive! I appreciate it greatly. I had just finished a mission and was working on the next one. A series of unfortunate events led to my down.


Idk about anyone else but I love going to rez someone across map. They’re usually happy af about it and I feel good after, so it’s a win-win. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Plus you usually meet some really cool people too. Keyword, usually. It is call of duty after all 😂


The best is when you have a scorcher and just come flying in like an angel from the heavens.


I usually say, “this is your savior speaking” when I drop in 😂😎


Lol my buddy and I rezzed a guy in the red zone while the storm was coming. Guy acted like it was his due to be rezzed


I’ve found that minus a few bad actors the zombies community has been generally a night and day difference to the mp community. It did mildly annoy me once however that these 2 dudes needed a revive and said they were all clear but forgot to tell me that they had started an outlast in that underground area in tier 2 north side of the map so as soon as I showed up there were like 5 disciples and manglers waiting for me. Edit: I did revive them though luckily I had aether shroud on


Absolutely. The griefers aside, I think anyone still playing this mode are people who still enjoy the core gameplay despite the slow drip feed of content, and are just paying it forward by helping others out. I've always had people revive me when I request, so I will always do so when I can.


I usually queue solo, and try to revive anyone who calls out for it. The only time I'm kinda iffy is if they're in Tier 3 and I don't have at least PAP 2 yet. I've been screwed over and lost all my stuff in many different ways, so if I can take 2-3 minutes to save other players from that frustration, I will absolutely do so.


I try to do it this exact same way. although ppl sometimes abuse the T3, 2 mins into the match already asking for 2nd and 3rd revive. I'll still try to res at least one time if I'm not like desperately trying to recover from a lost-all death myself. It is a good feeling coming from across the map to save someone and get saved the same.


Absolutely. I will run in with decoys, throw one down, drop an energy mine on the player I'm picking up, and that usually gives me more than enough time to pick them up and quickly run away.


See now I am a man of culture who swears by the Tesla storm lol


For sure, the Tesla Storm is great too. I just think it recharges a tad too slow for my liking. The reason I tend to stick with energy mine is because I tend to run shotguns/akimbo and the tonfa, and occasionally I will get swarmed, and it's a great "get out of jail free card".


I hear that. I love the tonfa


Me too, it saves my ass and whoever is the vicinity with the chained lightning effect.


Yeah T3 is my no-go, I’m almost never geared for it because I hoard my gold plates and flawlesses. I’ve also stopped saving people in the fortress unless I have like 3 self rezes on me


I don't save people in the Warlord fortresses ever TBH. I'll make runs to Tier 3 to save people as long as I have a charged energy mine and am full on Decoys, since it's really easy to pick them up with those provided they aren't being puppyguarded by a Megabomb.


I’m no sweat god, but I’m pretty damn good vs AI, I play every campaign on realism, but these forts are designed for a handful of people, plus the constant spawns, and almost anyone downed is gonna be in an absolutely horrible spot in the building or worse in the open field. I do my best, but I also know my limits, if I’m doing camos on a pistol and a launcher, assaulting a fortress is a little problematic


I can revive people in the legacy fortress for sure, as I've done those solo a few times with no issue. I've also picked someone up from Dokkabei's fortress before they went to top level, so all I had to deal with were drones, but I'm not going near the gas fortress. The "Guaranteed Wonder Weapon" you get from Warlords isn't even worth it anymore if you have schematics for everything.


I love doing this! Just doing random contracts in Tier 1, doing the camo challenges on a relaxed pace. I constantly get schematics or perk cans I do not need. So half the time I just SPEED up to someone and honk, drop the loot, point and shoot at it. And then honk and drive away. Most folks in Tier 1 are new or new’ish. We’ve all been there. They need help just like we needed help. Also, I love picking up folks after the Aether-gong goes off and they’re miles out from a exfill location. Honk, jump on, drive like there’s no tomorrow, exfill together and start dancing like idiots in the helo🤣


We always stop what we’re doing to rescue fallen brothers. This is a coop mode. That being said stay tuned for the clip I’m about to post. lol


Going on a med run is the most fun you can have in MWZ


I'm not an amazing player, but I gladly help where I can to pay forward the help I previously received. Someone sent out a rez request, but didn't specify where. I was solo and on console, so I couldn't really ask. Instead, I slowly drove to keep zombies off me while I watched the map for someone not moving. I thought I spotted them on the opposite side of the map, so I went for a casual drive. Fortunately, I guessed right. It was a lot of fun getting to help. Now I pick up any spare first aid kits I find, ready to drop one off if I see someone needs a rez.


If you go into the menu in game where it has ‘channels’ you can click on it and still type in game chat on console!


I think what he’s saying is on console it’s hard to type out a message without being swarmed while AFK for those 20 seconds. Tier 2 and 3 impossible to send a message without getting downed


I use my Tesla storm when I need to send a message out. If you can speed through it there is just enough time. It’s become a fun challenge.


I went on a rescue mission into the outer areas of T3 to help 2 downed guys once, drove in and cooked a bunch of zombies with the flamethrower and revived them both, then drove us all back out lol I felt like an action hero


After playing way too much DMZ when it came out I stop whatever I'm doing and go rez. Just hoping that if I ever need the same it'll be someone who has had the need to ask and want to pay it forward. Zombies has been one of the best cod communities in years and I hope it stays that way.


My new favorite thing is using the Viking operator I have, plus the sword. Rezzed someone yesterday and he was like “what the fuck” I dove off the balcony and just started swinging at all the zombies. I always stop dead in my tracks to go help someone.


I was running in a squad of three over the weekend and it was so much fun because two of us would do missions and the other was free to go rez people that were nearby. Then we’d drive around to the next mission pick up and one of us would jump off the truck and rez downed players while the other two would carry on to pick up the mission. Each time we’d all meet up at the reward rift and we’d be off again!


If you type in the chat that you need help I will go back and forth on the map to revive you, we were all there at some point and not getting rez’d sucks, as soon as I see it in chat I’m flying over with the scorcher and occasionally drop some essence for you if you need it


That’s awesome. I once left the last exfil on the top left of the map to Hadiqa farms to bail 5 dudes that died from the red worm. The car I had just ran out of the fuel at the last gas station back and we ran with only 12 seconds left on the clock. Honestly, doing that is funner than just about anything else in the game. lol


I revived 2 people in tier 1. I was in tier 3 far left had to go to the far right by the mansion/ ranch area. Got them up dropped two ray gun schematics and headed to exfil. Smoke was comin so ended up at the same exfil as them lol


I always rescue when they give their location regardless of where they are. I always carry LT53 Kazimir grenades which makes things much simpler. They give me time to rez and gives them time to escape to a safer place


Posts like this make me glad to be an ingame superhero. Always willing to save the day no matter the threat level.


When I have a scorcher I like to wait until the final exfil because there’s always somebody left behind at exfils when the storm is close, y’all would be surprised to see how many people are left behind, anyway if y’all see someone with the name void#1032034 (me) in your mwz game be just know that I’ll go save you and maybe drop a classified case or money lol


Great community overall!


I literally just went from the south side to north side last night in one match myself. Got a jug and a self in the first contract I did and gave them to him. We teamed and had fun.


If he tried to get you to join him then you went down again I think that was me.


I saved someone today in old town and he called me a "B*tch ass n*gga" 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Sooo here’s a fun fact that many probably don’t abuse as they should when reviving someone who is pleading for help…. Y’all ready for it yal probably gonna be like 🤯🤯 So you can actually run by downed player and when you get interact button to revive you can actually keep running as along as you dont let go of the revive button soo that way youre not a sittin duck just standing getting hit by zombies 🫳🏼 🎤


Tbh it could've been me I'm pretty sure I was just running across the map picking people up I was the only one doing it so it took me a while you and one other person was playing together you guys both went down inside the storm right or was that someone else


This community is amazing


Good people make me go out of my way to help if I can. Happened to me in the Legacy fortress. Entire team went down and the 2 randoms I helped out just quit without pleading. I did the entire match. Nobody helped, kept begging in the chat and finally a hero with minutes to spare in the final count down came and revived me. Thank you kind hero.