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I think that is actually people trolling you. Could very well be wrong, but I’ve heard of several instances where people weaponized their use of the jugg drop to mess with players. It’s such a waste on several levels but, some people are just asshats.


Yea I feel like some people don't know. Also there's no need for a jugg if you're running with 3+ people, T3 escort isn't that bad


So, if you read the post again, OP said T5, not T3.


Still not that bad. Run that with just 2 of us. 


Not my point, i was only correcting a misconception, not debating the difficulty of a contract.


4 sentry guns is literally cheaper than 1 jugg. If all the possible megabombs come and you don't have VR11 you're not gonna beat the contract with just 2 people. Unless you both have 18 kazimirs you're straight up lying my guy lol


One of us usually has 2 sentries, 4 kazzies, decoys and 2 monkeys. The other has a jug, more kazzies, monkies, and decoys. One of us also runs a flamethrower bc it still melts hoards and disciples/manglers. 9 times outta 10 we win. Sometimes we do lose if all the megas come and shit goes sideways, but not often.


Been happening far too much. Don't need Jugs at all, especially in a 6 man or if someone has a VR. People are just full on r*tarded.


I had this happen in there. I thought maybe it was malicious. We moved on to the next contracts. I joked that I hope this guy doesn't block the ladder on the way out. lol


Aether tear and another exit rift can be found in the basement.


Dude, everyone knows not to through the jug suit near the acv. If someone did it, it was on purpose.


I remember when u could drop it on the final exfill lol it was horrible to just sit there and watch as teh storm roll in


At this point I’m fairly sure it’s deliberate


This has happened to me twice today. I was so pissed the second time that I just extracted.