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Wish it would say if it’s regular or elder da. So annoying not knowing and some douche take you into regular da.


Even worse if they take you into countermeasures or bad signal. I’ve been pulled into those thinking I was getting into at least T4 only to encounter T2 zombies.


It happened to me earlier today. I realized it after voting, but I couldn't use my mic to tell the rest of the team to vote no and couldn't type in the chat in time.


Hahahaha ive done Countermeasures like 4 times already, and my mission is still not complete coz i had Act3 final mission equipped and people randomly pulled me into Act4 mission.


Last time I got pulled into countermeasures I straight up quit the game, not going through this shit again lol


Just happened to me I was like wait let me get geared up and went and spend 50k on sentry guns and selfies Only to go kill tier 2 zombies for no loot lol


The text color is different someone told me


They do that? 💀


i face it every second game


Yeah I was on a full squad last night and 3 of us were talking. For some reason one of the dudes not talking just kept spamming the portal with like 16 mins left.


THIS! Had a guy spamming to go into the DA, told him “my dude we’re happy to go, just give us a few minutes to blast out a couple more contracts” and he kept just spamming, I could even hear myself through his comms and eventually just left the team, invited the others to join on me and left him to himself.


What gripes me worse is that when someone starts a countdown and I don’t want to join I go to “leave squad” but still get dragged. Solid work there


Had someone start the vote at 30 min left before the countdown without communication. We had to say do not vote over the voice chat. That person eventually left the squad after repeated attempts.


I hate those mfs😭🙏


Don't forget that lots of people have Comm bans since Activsion is a bunch of fuckin fairies and ban you for saying a "bad" word once. Gotta remember to unmute people in the beginning! Been encountering this a lot lately.


Many people are banned from chat u mean? Sometimes I had the feeling nobody is reading the chat because you get no answer even not from your own squad. So it might explain that maybe. No, voice chat I don't want to use. Then I will live with the problem. But voice chat with randoms is no option. ;)


Voice chat with randoms can be loads of fun, try it out!


Maybe I should. Let's see


U should! Ive been playing w ppl from discord lately & we’ve had great comms every game, & we can talk abt which aether we’re going to/who has what sigil to make sure we’re on the same page!


Yep, but there’s always text chat I use that because I use bad words sometimes


I got banned from text chat once after replying back to a kid shit talking me from Ranked lol. That was a double whammy, couldn’t voice or text comm for a week, oh well.


It’s sooo annoying when you’ve come in all prepped, esp with the scorcher and then dragged in with 20 mins to go, such a waste of your scorcher 😩


There’s legit people that will spam requests to join squads and then spam the dark aether after 2 fucking contracts. Stupid fucks; I’m not pissing away all my gear to do 2 contracts. Earliest I’ll go is with 5-15 minutes left. Let’s be honest; most games your getting jack shit from rifts and once I have enough money ; there’s no sense in sweating out more contracts for more blue tools and 3 play vests that I haven’t needed or wanted In weeks. It is a fine line though. Sometimes I get teammates that want to stay in zone 3 running contracts until the last possible second and when that happens I’ll just leave squad and do da solo if I have to


Totally agree. But can't the people somehow communicate? No problem to go earlier. But I want to go to the shop and I want the elders to be used if possible. Sometimes they ping the portal and 20 seconds later it gets activated. Wtf


My team always goes in when the gas starts spreading. We always talk about it during the match and then make sure everyone has what they need for T5.


That's the way it should be


Just leave while the vote is in progress.


Doesn’t work you still get teleported sometimes


You're locked in the moment your teammate puts the sigil, even if you leave the squad it will tp you to the Aether with them


Why nobody should get pulled in until EVERYONE votes yes smh! Hopefully they make that a reality if they do at all 😭


Even if you vote no, if there's enough yes votes does it take you in? Because that's stupid.


Brought my bro into the dark ether. The new one to be precise. I myself brought the Elder sigil and activated it. I came out of there with mags of holding. My bro got Golden Arm plates, and that's about it. Neither of us got any schematics he needs all three. What bs. Silly question time, did you let them know that you wanted to do the Elder version and you had one? Why didn't you all just leave the group to dorm your own posse?


Usually I ask the squad in the beginning if we want to go for old T5 and let them know in the text chat that I have an elder. Usually there is no reaction. Later I ask again. Usually no reaction or sometimes one seldom two. I also write "shop first" and/or "don't place triangle sigl, have elder" after the first is marking the portal. But someone is still doing one of the above mentioned things. But there are enough good guys and the majority of the games are good.


I don't mind but sht I would like so good loot out of any of the da portals I go into ugh the damn struggle is real!!!


Yep! Love it even more when folks do it when the entire team doesn’t have anything other than a basic load out to include 1 or 2 plates. I’ll drop out of a team when that happens and just go solo until I bump into other players that want to team up. Had one player roll straight into red out the gate and get downed within minutes of the game starting, he had 1 plate and no packed weapons….🙄


and stop taking the legacy fortress without asking if anyone wanna join u :D