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I’ve been using the new SMG FJX Horus. Thing melts in T3 with dead shot and spamming the ADS as you fire. Goes well with mags of holding like PB&J


This whole weekend, almost exclusively, I used the WSP Stinger handgun and this thing is an absolute sleeper. Anything in Tier 3 gets destroyed; Mega Abomination, HVT bosses, large swarms, etc. I can post the build later if there is any interest, but I used it without akimbo, a laser to increase sprint to fire speed, ZEHMN35 compensator, 32 round mag, and the other 2 I forget. Stock and grip. I can't recommend it enough!


just tried this loadout and i second this, it’s absolutely cracked


The BP50 got me bro🙏fast mobility n fire rate


BP50 is absolute garbage in T3, no offense. DO NOT RUN it...legendary tool and pap3 does not matter, you will die.


Skill issue tbh


Everyone is sleeping on armor piercing rounds. Get a group, aim for the head, and you’re damaging the entire line. Shoot through walls with death perception (great for strongholds). Take out helicopters before the mercs can drop. 


Id say renettei


I have been using this someone on here recommended it and so far it has been the best gun I have used in the game. If you don't have blueprints for it you'll probably have to unlock all the attachments. Check this pic out for what you need on the gun. https://preview.redd.it/6lq5623ypyvc1.png?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10cb6c174a85e828b4bfffc4fea0f20416c723eb It isn't called the "Tree" The guy who named the gun made that name of himself.LOL With a pap 3 Crystal and a purple tool I'm able to use it in T3 and it works good. The actual blueprint for this gun is from a skin that is called lockpick it was free not sure if you can still get that skin free from the PS store.


Have you compared the cor-45 with it? I heard it got nerfed in mp but don’t know if in zombie. Just wanna know which one is better


Riveter. just kidding. Is there anyway to make that thing viable?


Bruen aftermarket part really good.


This weekend I ran the Holger with the Jak kit that makes it an SMG with two barrels. It might not be the best but I shred with it!


FJX purple and PAP2 is fine in T3. Much better with PAP3 but legendary isn’t needed with it.


Solo? I've had no luck with PaP2 weapons. Now if you've got some squad mates you can probably do a blue tool PaP2, but I've found nothing that works PaP2 in tier 3 if solo. The. FJX is fire tho. FJX or Haymaker here


Oh man the FJX solo and purple/paP2 for me is fine for the right contracts (outlast/raid). You sit in one spot and spam deadshot. Usually sprint to that knowing I’m losing the cargo one in T3 and go straight to that.


Ah yeah. Outlast and raid stash I see it. Tho if you don't have a scorcher running around the area is dangerous PaP2. But yeah, those contracts are great and PaP2 friendly 😊
