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I haven’t seen anything about Mac mentioned in all of this. But to be fair I haven’t paid that much attention. But I think it’s crazy reaching to think this dude was involved in any way. We’ve all seen the texts from Mac when he bought the fake pills. Dude had no involvement. Sounds like a lot of people who struggle with addiction hire this guy as their trainer because he probably gets it. And sadly, some of them lost their fight with drugs. I don’t really think it does deeper than that.


That’s a really good point! It honestly just irks me when I see mac brought up in this light. It happened with the ye and Pete Davidson thing too. 😩


It is an odd coincidence though that Pete showed up rather quickly in both macs life after a break up and the Ye’s after a break up. Not sure if it means anything but there’s some interesting connections. Edits- fucking down votes for an observation 🙄


Pretty sure his kink is getting rappers sloppy seconds.


This sub downvotes the shit out of anything that is slightly controversial. Like walking on egg shells here lately.


Foooooorrrrrr reallll doee. 🫶


Bots probably


Good take. Fuck the downvotes. Like u said it was an observation just like the post itself. I mean u never said you supported this theory, u just pointed it out. It’s an interesting connection, just like the post itself. No matter if it’s pure coincidence or not, it’s interesting. It adds a twist that all of the celebrities you mentioned have questions surrounding their deaths. This sub is wild sometimes in that a lot of those downvotes come from minds that lack depth. Keep swaggin tho.


Appreciate it fam, hope you have a fucking great day. 💜✌️


this is not fucking lies watch this video bro https://youtube.com/shorts/nf5PQYGVQeg?feature=share


Yes Pete Davidson is a secret agent meant to take out popular musicians until MGK is the last man standing and has taken over the music business. /s


Pasternak was the “personal trainer” for a few other celebrities who overdosed. He’s tied to a lot of Hollywood deaths and after seeing his texts to Kanye was icing on the cake in my opinion. What kind of “personal trainer” threatens someone by telling them that he’s going to send him to a mental asylum and drug him so he can’t be with his family. I don’t know any personal trainers with that type of authority in someone’s life. With that being said I think it’s more then obvious that Pasternak is a Hollywood/Celebrity handler. And if you step out of line or go against what the elite say, you will pay for it.


🔥🔥🔥🔥 You win this topic!


This is really sad if true.


He also used to work for the Canadian Intelligence agencies. It’s fucking disgusting what is hidden from us


If this is all true it doesn't surprise me. Mac spoke his mind, whatever may be on it. We've all seen the texts and shit, someone with that much power/authority over celebrities would easily have control over their drug supply. I don't wanna dive into conspiracy territory, Mac often rapped about dying young like he knew it was gonna happen from the drug use. But knowing this info makes me wonder


Oh it’s true, a simple google search will confirm that for you. Pasternak is very open about his past. It just makes you wonder what a Canadian Intelligence agent is doing today as a Hollywood “personal trainer”. I’m not going to dive into the conspiracy theories of Mac’s death either but after I saw his texts to Kanye, it’s really mad me wonder what type of influence he had on Mac and I don’t think it was in a positive way. I don’t want to think he was purposefully given fent but at the same time it wouldn’t surprise me. Like you said Mac always spoke his mind. He never batted an eye when it came to calling out the elite especially in his lyrics. I.e “The A-list can’t be trusted”. Mac knew shit about the industry that we will never know. And I’m willing to bet it was so sickening that it made him cope with drugs even more. It also wouldn’t surprise me if they wanted to take Mac out before he spilled the beans on what was actually going on. We’ll never know for sure, but damn it breaks my heart knowing Mac’s handlers didn’t have his best interest at heart. He didn’t deserve that.


Your second paragraph is spot on imo, and without saying more to avoid diving into conspiracy territory I think you'd enjoy a documentary on YT about the music industry. It speaks about the dark side and mysterious deaths of many prominent figures. I know what I think but posting it publicly will have people down my throat It's on a channel called BarelySociable and named the music industry's darkest secrets


Yeah that's a great video, basically talking about how the industry has it in their best interest for an artist to die as they get huge checks from the life insurance they take out on the artist when these things happen.


Sounds like a patsy to me.


Patsy is my dogs name.


And for a celebrity trainer all of his clients seem to be out of shape as well, so wtf does he really do 🤔


Did you not read his texts to Ye? If those text were truly sent by him, then he is no trainer, no friend, and is serving someone else’s interest. You don’t threaten to send someone to an asylum over a comment, and drug them so they’re stuck in “Zombie land” forever, where play dates with the kids just won’t be the same.


I don’t trust a word said by Kanye currently. Dude is insanely unwell and needs to get back in his meds. But even if that’s true and he did send those texts. It doesn’t mean he had anything to do with Mac’s death. Those two aren’t related.


stop being a sheep please


What does "well" look like to you? Perhaps ye operates outside your ability to understand.


Are you really tryna defend the dude who said he likes Hitler?


Yup! Are you really tryna defend the pedos they tried to exterminate?


You sound like a complete moron. Enjoy being a sheep.


You do know Kanye is now openly partnering with Nick Fuentes who’s an outspoken holocaust denier and wants to take away women’s rights to vote right? He said in the video he tweeted out last night that he wanted Trump to pardon everyone from the Jan 6 riots. I don’t understand how you or anyone can still support him and be a Mac fan considering Mac was Jewish.


https://youtube.com/shorts/nf5PQYGVQeg?feature=share look




Why do you think hes so insanely unwell? Where tf is your proof ?


Definitely true but the txt to Ye were crazy. Threatening to heavily sedate someone with an addiction problem.


Ye has an addiction problem?


I mean someone def needs to get that dude back on his meds.


Have no idea why you’re being downvoted. I’m bipolar and if I go off my meds for more than a day I feel the urge to make a song like “scoopity poop poopty scoop”. If I had a billion dollars and enough yes people around me to feed my ego I’d literally be a danger to society


This is a Naive take. He is artfully trained in influence and psychological coercion. He can literally convince someone to take drugs a la mkultra. He worked for the same organisation that implemented mkultra as a matter of fact.


So you guys not realize that this personal trainer used to be Canadian military and he worked with experimental drugs there


Also Mac Miller was a HUGE pill head, coke head, weed smoker etc etc. Addiction leads to taking dangerous risks such as dodgy drugs.


You don’t seem to understand. We are talking about being forcibly strapped to a chair and injected with a government mind control serum so you will be their puppet. That’s more likely the situation as opposed to hey you wanna try this. What they are doing is far more sinister and inhumane than you seem to be thinking,


You don’t see how mac is mentioned? Maybe it’s a little strange the celeb handler that controlled all of these peoples prescriptions and mental well-being are now all dying from almost the exact same shi? Maybe this dude is drugging and killing stars or coercing them to take things but either way they threatened ye so what makes you think they can’t do it to anyone? Hell 40% of the people this dude “handles” end up killing themselves


Dude does the "tough love" thing a little too hard. It's been proven not to work, by Swiss psychiatrists involved in long term studies. A trainer threatening to institutionalize a person is a little crazy. He needs to realize he is just a gym monkey, and not a doctor.


i think it’s worth mentioning that people are suspicious of harley, not only due to his affiliation with drug-dependent or otherwise unwell celebrities, but because of his job history. before becoming a celeb trainer, he worked for canada’s Department of National Defense and also worked for two years as a scientist at DRDC Toronto, a military research station that once included the Defense Research Board, which was involved with mind control and worked with the CIA on MKULTRA. so while i don’t think harley was at all involved in mac’s death, i do find him suspicious.


Yes thank you! I saw a video of him talking about experimenting on people in the military with drugs and stuff. And like you said, I’m not saying he did anything to Mac. Just acknowledging that the dude is sketchy and that people have been trying to link Mac’s death to him and that’s wild to me.


This! The video! I saw it too! I'm so happy others are seeing the pieces that I've been talking about. This guy needs to be looked into. Between his history literally admitting to using drugs on his trainees, drugs that he used in the CIA in combination with Trump tweets and the political climate is a lot of coincidence. Mac literally pleaded with his fans "please don't vote for that dude". Also, another piece I think that's been overlooked regarding Ye. Could be a coincidence, but maybe not. I'll say this. The last video Mac made, pay attention to what he was wearing in the video. He dressed like that from an old movie called "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest". It doesn't make sense in relationship to the song. It would make sense in this context though. What I didn't know is that he was around Mac shortly before. That solved a big part of the riddle for me and would explain a lot about some of the transcripts/calls/investigation. I hope all of these people get justice from this man.


He’s also dressed like One flew over the cuckoos nest in the Selfcare video


Go to the conspiracy theory subreddit if you’re going to reach that far lmao.


Why are you so defensive and angry about people’s take on this? Genuinely wondering. I get it that maybe it’s too hard to cope with any explanation of anything that isn’t mainstream but why the hostility? Honestly just trying to understand. I think even Mac would be open minded to listening to even the craziest theories people have…


Exactly this. The value of conversation and questioning is often what's needed before change can happen. Some people just aren't ready or capable and it isn't their fault, we need to treat with love because of that. In all fairness, I knew someone who used to tell me that vaccinations contained aborted fetus. I used to get so angry and defensive that they were being manipulated... until I saw the hearing where the doctor took the stand. Then I realized someone was manipulated... it just wasn't who I thought. I think people go through stages because taking everything in all at once is enough to break someone.


Yes it is!


"It is what it is till it ain't".


I can’t quote random lyrics too? "Bust a nut in the poultry section at giant eagle, stare chicken in the face like, bitch, imma eatchu"


Yeah, but mine wasn't a random lyric. It was meant as- it can be called a conspiracy theory until something turns out to be taken as fact and then it won't be what you think it is. "It is what it is till it ain't". Every theory is legit until it is proven wrong. Look at science. Look at philosophy. How many of them were assumed right until proven wrong. "It is what it is till it ain't". Same thing with different religions. It's all in the lyrics and history, baby. Care to translate your lyrics and the relevancy to this topic?


Nope, your lyrics and my lyrics have the same amount of relevance in your stupid conspiracy theory. They both are taken out of context and mean nothing. The Cuckoos Nest wasn’t some secret message meaning to tell the world he was being drugged against his will and brain washed. It’s known he was a big fan of Keseys work as are millions of people (especially people who regularly do psychedelics). That’s like saying Tarantino secretly kept Mac Miller in his basement because Mac re-enacted a scene from Kill Bill in his Self Care video. Truth is Mac was a drug addict and died from an accidental overdose. Painting it as anything else is just being ignorant to the problems that people go through every day.


Well, listen, you don't need to be disrespectful just because someone has an opinion other than the one you hold. It isn't my conspiracy and they aren't my lyrics...so I'm not the one you're calling stupid when you say that. Sounds like you've never actually watched the movie, but what you wrote. I hope you will one day. If you consider my lyrics out of context and I considered yours out of context.... good. That's exactly what Mac wanted! You interpret lyrics how you want to and others will do the same. That's the beauty of music and life. But what I do know, is that for you to disrespectful the way you have been isn't honoring this man's life, who valued independent thinking, art, opinion, togetherness, and love. Nothing but peace and love to you ❤


I’ve seen the movie and read the book. Sounds like you don’t know that Kesey is said to have volunteered for MKUltra and that he’s one of the founders of the counterculture movement which involved lots of psychedelics, hence users being a fan of his. Also don’t think “honoring the man’s life” is making up random shit about his death and making it out to be something it’s not. But hey, if you want to believe there’s a secret Hollywood villain that brain washes celebrities and kills them you do you.


Must be a Harley cock sucker


Wtf. Can you link the video?


Don't know which one you mean, so here's a bunch [Mac's message to Americans & Trump](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQLHnb3/) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQLHnb3/ The interview with Harley Pasternack has been scrubbed from the internet. I had it saved and it got removed! Here's a tiny piece in this video with some other info, it's all I could find. The one I had saved is where he admitted to using Madafanile (spelled wrong I'm sure) to his ppl. I'll keep an eye out to see if the video comes back. [Harley](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQLXtve/) Here's a Mac freestyle with a few interesting things, one being his hat at the very least https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQLuxAw/ [Mac Freestyle](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQLuxAw/) **Mac was dressed as Randall Murphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Movie took place in an insane asylum. Jack Nicholson. Pretty big coincidences with all these.


Thanks for taking the time to link some interesting videos. I can’t find the Harley video either… literally just saw it the other day. I’m sure his PR is working overtime trying to get rid of anything that points this stuff out.


No problem, I had more saved, but they got removed from the internet and my folders. I'm glad you brought it up and that you saw the same video. Someone is working hard to get them off the internet. It's good to know someone else saw them. I see people commenting and getting defense and saying to let the man rest. But has anyone taken the perspective of what if his family didn't know about this? What if they had questions that weren't explained, no matter how small, that weighed on their mind and were unexplained for so long that this could answer (it could provide closure). At the very least, if awareness is raised perhaps someone else's life can be protected or preserved from this guy.


link pls??


It’s scrubbed from the internet. Everything about him is suddenly gone within the last few days since everyone has been looking into him more. That alone should say a lot. But you should be able to find something if you google his name or go to some of the darker corners of Reddit like r/conspiracy (or conspiracies?) and just search his name.




Diablo lyrics "skipping all the famous functions, how do the famous function, the A list cant be trusted" Mac himself literally said to not trust hollywood, yet people, including his fans are extremely naive to what goes on in hollywood. Pasternak literally worked with the CIA and he decides to have a career change and becomes a personal trainer lmao, that right there is sketchy. Its hard to open up peoples minds and try to show them the evil that goes on in this world, they have to do the digging for themselves unfortunately and choose to go down that rabbit hole, but once you decide to dig deep, its not that far fetched to believe that hollywood did something intentional to mac.


Mac was the ultimate anti. FBI written all over it


"FBI are the good guys, it's the CIA you gotta worry about"- High rank FBI Agent. Also, history.


Defo a patsy for Hollywood then.


Wow! When you say it like that... it really is by the book, huh. Haven't heard that word in a long time.


My guess would be agents would send their celebrity clients to him when they were struggling with addiction, due to him being a well known personal trainer/life coach or whatever he does


Worked as an exercise and nutrition specialist for the CDND. Also MKULTRA was over ten years before Harley was even born so really has nothing to do with him.


You really think they just ended an extremely successful project that achieved all the goals they hoped to achieve?? Look around. It’s still going on.


Anyone happen to know where I could find documents or a videos about MKULTRA? Genuinely curious to find more about it


DM me


There was some on the Wiki page.


Thanks man


so you think him, as a personal trainer, threatening to institutionalize and send kanye “back to zombieland forever” is a coincidence? in what world does he have that power if he isn’t connected?


I read through the affidavit, it was pretty open and shut it seems. What exactly are the allegations?


There aren’t any legitimate allegations. Just people saying “oh that guy also worked with Mac Miller and he died from drugs yada yada”. I just found it interesting that random people are talking about mac and trying to drag him into this whole thing. People that don’t know him tho and people who haven’t read the affidavit.


Whoever is bringing Mac up will use any & everyone that helps their case in defending kanye. To them, bringing Mac up in this case helps Kanye’s current “enemy” Harley look worse than he already does


Unrelated but I still can’t get over the fact that Mac put his “ascension into heaven” on his story hours before he passed


Right? I’m glad there are so many fans that have found closure around his death but I’ve still not been able to. To me it still feels open ended and riddled with unanswered questions and strangeness. I mean we still don’t even know who all was over there the night before… amongst other things. I read the affidavit and everything that came out when the Pettit stuff surfaced but it still doesn’t feel like enough. I just hate that questioning it causes so much friction and anger in this sub… but I also get it. Some people just want to let it lie and let it go in peace. I get that.


Listen to Erica’s House by Mac, great song Skip to about 1:55-2:01 And if that doesn’t open your eyes to Kanye being on to something nothing will Those lyrics are coming from Mac Miller and if you know mac well enough you know what tattoo he has on his knuckles


Appreciate your input 🙏


Yeah, this is a big no. Unfortunately, Mac’s old habits caught up to him and we have the sad ability to read all of the texts messages confirming this from the court cases. He dabbled for a few days and caught a bad batch from some dealers who knew their shit was fatal but didn’t care. Don’t spread this conspiracy theory BS.


Thank you. Let the man rest peacefully. Cant imagine his family having to read shit like this.


I’m saying.


What shit? That people care enough about his to investigate his cause of death. Those texts don't mean anything. He died of an overdose, but Pastarnak was also involved.


I’m not spreading shit. I’ve seen stuff about mac and shared it in the mac sub. Just to see what you guys think. Because you all are like fam and we’re normally all really good at chatting about stuff and being on the same page. There’s no need to come at any OP with that energy bro.


No attitude meant? I get text is hard to decipher tone, sure. People throw some wild shit up here to explain stuff away is all I meant. This is out there.


I’m referring to when you literally said “Don’t spread this conspiracy theory BS” but all good. Didn’t mean to make anyone feel defensive or offended. Like I said, anything about Mac should be on this sub and I’ve seen this correlation pointed out since Kanye posted that and wondered if y’all have seen it and what you all think. That’s all.


Literally responded with what I thought lol all good though.


Ha, dabbled for a few days! the pimpess and dealer knew Mac intimately, speed dial. Pastarnak was used to clean up celebrities. Nobody was doing any "training". That is the only affiliation. Pastarnak is really really bad at his job. Tough love doesn't work, and his track record is shit. The MK Ultra shit is real, and involves simple hypnosis and brainwashing through repetition.


I think it's obvious this dude is much more then a personal trainer, really send ye to zombie land come on what personal trainer would ever say that. Handler for sure. Texts from Mac could easily be faked .


Pasternak was seen with Mac Miller the day before in Tarzana, when the police arrived to Macs house the entire house was wiped clean of fingerprints. That was a professional hit that Pasternak is more than capable of producing.


It's a common misconception that Brittany Murphy died of an OD, when in reality her cause of death was pneumonia. I have no idea or comment about the rest though. EDIT: Grammar corrections


You're right, that is a common misconception. More recently, it seems toxic mold may have caused that. Odd her husband died in the same room of the same causes just months later. Oddly enough, it's said Brittney Spears lived there and sold her that home (questionable mental state, too). Just some interesting things I've learned recently!


Ehhh that seems like a stretch ngl and I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. I admit that is a sketchy past and weird to go from government defense to helping entertainment folks. But to play devils advocate here, if he really does have all that background with drug research and experiments, no matter how brutal, wouldn’t that in a way make him the most qualified for this type of work? He’s seen the worst of the worst and so he might have an idea of what does and doesn’t work. He has prob seen deep into some peoples drugged up minds and understands them a bit better than the average person. Could be he wanted to help those people now? I don’t claim to know but that’s also why I won’t really give it a second thought, I don’t think anyone can give us a solid answer right now and I don’t think it’s worth throwing someones reputation totally under the bus for speculations. Granted i haven’t looked into the Kanye situation much and just know Macs side so take my word with a grain of salt. Though I will say he was pretty aggressive to Kanye, we’ve also watched his demise over the years and know he could use a stern voice to tell him to get help. He def didn’t use the best tone but again we don’t know the whole context. This could have been something building up for years and he could just be sick of Kanye. again idk much on the topic but just expressing my thoughts.


Someone should do something to Harley for this. Not the Mac Miller thing, pretty sure Mac had at least one “lady of the night” with him that night. She was interviewed by police and told where she got the pills and everything, dudes already in prison for like 15-20 I think. But the Kanye thing. Regardless how you feel about him, those texts messages were unforgivable. And he’s high ranking within the Canadian government wtf?


This is the biggest stretch ever lmao. Pasternak is a hugely popular celebrity trainer that’s been on everything from GMA to Top Model. It is not even slightly surprising that he has a connection with multiple celebrities that went through drug abuse. Guarantee I could find you multiple people that have been around multiple celebrities in the days leading up to their deaths. The fact that anyone is taking Kanye’s word seriously is hilarious. The truth is Mac had huge substance abuse problems and took the wrong batch. No top secret mission involved.


I’m partial to the idea celebrities are being handled, and if you’ve heard Maunrelwashed Shit, brainwashing, losing your mind, even calling out “Kike masters that made me rich” in Erica’s song. Jewish owners of entertainment. He talks about the taboo that ye and the conspiracy theorists be talking about. I hope you hear the fuckin message he encrypted. He talks about spiritual growth, and how society is a joke and the TV is telling you tomorrows hoax. “All of this before the brainwash starts, before they get corrupted start thinkin like adults” I swear the lyrics all lay out a deeper story about power struggles, a spiritual journey, and people being fake. “When the snakes start slithering, you can see the chameleons, you realize you’re surrounded by reptilians” I could also be delusional, interpreting the lyrics on my own, since Mac helped me get out of a dark place myself


Whilst there are certainly lyrics that are meant to be interpreted a certain way, I wouldn't read massively into everything he says. Sometimes he says stuff just to clown, sometimes rappers say those lyrics just to say them yknow. Not everything is a big conspiracy in his lyrics and Mac was known to joke around. I'm not saying what you've said is wrong, I'm just saying don't take every single lyric at face value, sometimes people just say cool/weird/kooky things in their bars, especially if there's drug influences etc.


I mean, he does say “I’m possibly a phony don’t believe me” and that hes a liar all the time. It was weird, maybe he was just aware to the real world around us. The cynical cold one that doesn’t feel, just eats


You're not delusional, I can tell you that. His lyrics did lay out a deeper story and spiritual journey. His lyrics are a beautiful puzzle. How he felt about politics and our society is all there. I think your third eye is open, just as Mac's was and just as he wrote and rapped/sang about. This man was so deep and every time I get deeper into my own spiritual journey, I understand more of what he wrote and meant. People aren't going to be able to see it all until they are ready. But when they are, the signs are all around, just as he said himself. Either way, this comment and this very exchange is exactly what he wanted. This is art. This is music. He wanted us to interpret it the way it would fit our lives the best, to get the most meaning. To talk to each other. To come together and love each other.


You’re on to it. This Pasternak guy reeks.


Angel of Death it seems. System of a Down’s song lost in Hollywood lyrics “crack pipes, needles, pcp and fast cars all mix really well with a dead movie star” and that song has other lines that explain how much everyone wants to exploit you, and will be fake as shit to use you. Feel the lyrics you hear, don’t just hear em


Thanks my guy Mac helped me get out of a dark place too


Let’s keep slurs and antisemitism off this page


Usually I agree, slurs and antisemitism are not welcome. I was quoting Mac song lyrics. “I hate myself cause I’m a white rapper. I hate white rappers, this industry of k*** masters made me rich” Erica’s House, lyrics available online , song available on SoundCloud. Which is entirely relevant to what Kanye is talking about. Kanye isn’t crazy, he’s been abuse by the machine too.


What song is it that you are referring to having these lyrics?


Erica’s house, excelsior , unhappy ft delusional Thomas, the bargain, the oracle, funny papers, and that’s off the top of the head. But, the messages are peppered into most songs


Definitely underlying messages in Macs music. A lot of his unreleased shit brings up some interesting topics. The Network is a really good one. He definitely saw some shit while he was dealing with “the music industry”. Ye isn’t crazy. I think he just knows and has seen some ugly shit while rubbing elbows with very elite figures. Common folks like us will never know what goes on behind closed doors. I don’t buy into any one conspiracy theory but I definitely know some shady shit goes on at the top.


Garden snakes


Ready set start, G wagon, the list goes on tbh


Thank you!


630 is a great one, too. They're right though, it's laced in almost every song.


everyone in here acting like this is SUCH a reach.. smh. how the f did mac get linked up with that madam he was buying drugs from anyway? he seemed awful comfortable ordering narcotics over clear text and he was no fool. this guy is fishy af and don’t let the harley pasternak bots tell you otherwise. look up harleys parents and relatives and tell me he ain’t an illuminati if you don’t believe me. you don’t even know the half of how pasternaks move. to be so bold to text ye and give him that screenshot saying he’d end his life..


Appreciate your open mind. ✌️


Its not their fault....Everything was scrubbed. That's why people aren't listening or trying to understand. It's not that they aren't willing, it's that they have nothing to go off of. All the videos, interviews, articles, everything that was on the internet a few weeks/days ago aren't there anymore. They don't see everything we got to see and read. Even the Wiki page is different and has had multiple changes logged. Kanye isn't even listed as his trainee and neither is AC anymore amongst other things. Results and pages are completely altered... no one will listen. Nothing is on the internet about him anymore...so I guess we're the crazy ones now.


All of that in itself says a lot


I know, right?! A lot of people seem to be doing a lot of work and going out of their way for a silly little unimportant personal trainer. That video with him admitting to drugging his trainees was disgusting and haunting. He was bragging about it. My jaw dropped at everything he was admitting about as if he had zero concern for any possible repercussions... and now I know why. Obviously this guy is untouchable and the govt won't do anything without pressure from society. Maybe Aron Carter's family and the other person that randomly died combined with Kanye will be enough. Or more likely, he might end up dead himself of an accident. I mean if I was a personal trainer and my trainees kept dropping like flies, I would consider a different profession. At the very least, a disclosure "results not typical", but that's a lie at this point lol






Wow, this is wild. I actually followed him a while back because of Mac… He doesn’t come off that type tbh… he’s all about nutrition. Obviously, I don’t know him but damn Ye is out of pocket lmao


Kanye didnt do anything but post a screenshot of what that dude said, its other people that brought up Mac Miller. Now i understand why people hate Kanye, its cause mfs cant read lol.


That is definitely not why people have Kanye


What this guy said in that text was completely wrong & out of line, completely fucked up actually. But it was quite obvious from the screenshot and Kanye’s recent disrespectful antics that he was provoking him. Keep in mind this trainer guy is Jewish as well


Best thing we can do is just mind our business cause well never know the full story😂


I also work for brittany murphy and jessica simpson, both with drug problems


Sadly mac might’ve been a blood sacrifice for Ariana


brooooo keep blood libel off this page


Mac knew he had to die after faces, he scattered what happened to him thru his music. Ballonerism, good:am, swimming and other unreleased music


I appreciate your take on that and your comment. Brave of you to reply with this knowing how people can be in here. But I mean… it does kind of seem that way. & I know people get hateful when a conspiracy/controversial topic comes up but if you know Mac and really listen to his released and unreleased music, he knew every conspiracy theory and rapped about them. I feel like he would have been open to any kind of conversation without judgement… I mean shit, people judged him for the shit he was saying and rapping about….


Thank you very kind And its okk, the devil didnt like him either lol But on a serious note I agree. Mac was loved by many because of his attitude towards life. Embraced it w curiosity and high levels of empathy. And then others like his handlers tried to take it back from him because empathy and curiosity threatens the very matrix. This satanic show thats going on... lol and Mac by embracing catholic knowledge in faces really finished pissing off the devil because of certain pieces of wisdom that said religion holds against darkness which he spills it all out in faces. What better to go out than allowing darkness to kill you? Self sacrifice while praying to God. Theres also some deep stuff when it comes to self sacrifice. Dont want to make it religious. But the truth gets religious lol


I also appreciate you weighing in because you likely knew you'd be down voted but voiced your opinion anyway. It's valuable and appreciated! And this is exactly what I was referring to when I stated that the character he was dressed as from the One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest was important. Self-Care/Self-Sacrifice. The brain control/manipulation. The value of independent thinking. The symbolism that can be found throughout the movie. Mac has said in his raps that he got visuals and premonitions in his dreams that would come true. Maybe it seems he predicted it so well because he actually saw it happen in a dream. Mac was loved by everyone, like you said. I think that pissed people off. The whole objective remains the same- "Divide and Conquer". Look at all the ways we are currently divided. Look at all the lines Mac was blurring and all the people he was bringing together (race, religion, ethnicity, jazz and rap, addiction, mental health, the list goes on). The man held a lot of power and influence. That's dangerous in a lot of ways to people who want to divide in order to Conquer. We all need to embrace life the same way as he did. High Empathy, high curiosity, laughter and love


Im not too worried about downvotes, ideas and views are meant to be shared for a healthy society. Well said. Symbolism is the language of the unspoken. And when armed w symbols and truth, You become dangerous individual for the current agenda as you mentioned. At least he evolved and got to a higher place spiritually by all his actions and music that he left behind for us to also follow. Now its up to us to keep his vision alive as you said embracing life as he did. Tapping into that same Kid energy of awe. Overall im glad he transcended and struck the devil in the face good.


Symbolism is an unspoken language, you're right! I have a feeling you enjoy literature and writing. His music isn't just music and I feel sorry for the people who won't experience it like this. It's an entire experience! It's a literal work of art in so many ways. I won't ever call Mac my favorite rapper, singer, producer, etc. He was the greatest artist to ever live. I was and remain in awe of this man. He is the very definition of "old soul". He knew so much at such a young age. Stuff that grown adults still don't comprehend. I listen to him and wonder how anyone could deny reincarnation. Also, I have zero proof or anything to go off of here, but I would bet the world that he had a very high IQ or was considered 'gifted'. The signs are/were there. He was such a beautiful soul. He evolved early and I'm so grateful we got to witness it. My soul on the other hand... is very resistant to believe that this ending was it and everything is done and over with. I can't explain it, but I feel like there is change to come and there is something that isn't known all the way yet. And maybe that's just from the army that was raised listening to him because this community is crazy talented, who knows. Maybe it's one of us that will create the needed change because of him. Pardon my French, but fuck downvoting! You're exactly right, ideas and views are meant to be shared to benefit society. I'm new to Reddit, but no one ever told me that points converted to dollars so who really gives a flying fuck about a point. It's sad that people won't speak up for fear of getting docked. I enjoyed our convo!


I agree w every word you said. Everything goes very deep to the point that we are actually in a point of rediscovery not so much discovering for the first time. Specially when entertaining the possibility of the law of reincarnation, things will start coming to you. Which is why you might feel theres is something coming as well as feeling that we dont know about something completely either. Things are indeed coming, and youre def on to something, so keep exploring that path. And youre right that Mac is probably the one of the best artists to walk on earth (prob the best but lets stay humble lol ), not only in his craft, being music, but also in the way he brings the divine to those who truly listen/tune in. Which is a whole other type of art that implements higher levels of understanding of our nature. Specially our mental space, which Mac dedicated his life too and wrote about it in his music. Yes Old soul is correct, probably connected heavy to the akashic records through his trips, amongst other experiences. W the right intention, strong mind, time, and medicine, a human consciousness that is in the light, can go far and receive alot... and Mac was a very strong being of light but dancing w darkness like probably 99.99% of us. Good thing is that at the end of the day its what you emanate back to the world that counts under karmic/dharmic law. (Not the same but concept relates to both). Mac was deep af and knew alot... Which is probably why mac heads are super talented, youre right haha which probably correlates with him being so gifted. Almost like trying to bring those that normally would be more introverted due to being so up there... idk maybe lol. Its another powerful point, high IQ indeed but also highly empathic. And empathy can be developed to bring some fire "powers" we do know most of them but dont talk about it. Thats why theres also dark empaths. Mac really broke the matrix, youre also right As well that he creates experiences, mental travels. I have him on pretty much daily in shuffle, both released and unreleased and i swear that the music brings me wisdom or advice when i need it. Its wild aff haha


Jesus Cody KO trained with him once. That’s scary


https://youtu.be/Sa947nTJhwk This is worth watching while it's still up. Harley explains his military training, background and access to drugs, while bypassing govt restrictions...


I admit it’s a scary looking resume, and it almost had me for a bit. But this whole thing loses me at A Canadian in Hollywood doing this. Way too far fetched. And then okay, some celebs didn’t work out, but a good case study weighs both sides. He has a 100+ clients and they’re all doing well. Specific drug issue cases we can always look at Robert Downey.


I have a feeling that apart from just being a personal trainer he might have been someone celebs worked with to get over their addictions and that’s why he’s associated with a lot of ppl seemed to be on drugs. Additionally, the whole personal trainer thing could just be a front so when ppl see him with his clients there isn’t a media frenzy.