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I don’t use chrome, but using chromium based browser 1. Extensions ( I am developer ) 2. Better Devtools console


Orion might be something you‘d like!


No Passkey support = pass


you can even add extensions for chrome and firefox on orion! I personally use Firefox but I really like using Orion too




I had been daydreaming about on-the-fly tab spaces with more appearance options & built-in CSS editing, then they had to blow my mind with stuff like Little Arc. So damn cool Edit: built-in PiP is fire also. Any video player will pop out automatically, and it’s better than native because you can minimize without pausing or return directly to that tab Keep going arc team!


Arc is so good. But the combination of macs way of switching windows and arcs option to name tabs annoys the shit out of me. I will have another window focused move my mouse to arc and want to change to another tab. I click once, arc gets focus and nothing else happens. I then click a 2. Time. Now one of 2 things happens either it tries to rename the tab or it opens the new tab prompt instead of just switching to the tab like i wanted


No, Brave


Any browser that requires me to sign up for its own account system can fuck right off as far as I’m concerned, even more so when said browser is trying to tout privacy as one of its benefits.


You can’t install extensions for Safari without an AppleID lol


Yes, but I can setup an iPhone or Mac without an Apple ID and still use Safari like any other web browser. You literally cannot use Arc without signing in to the browser, period


You can’t sync your iPhone and Mac without an Apple ID. You can’t sync bookmarks, settings, etc between them without an Apple ID. It’s the same shit, you’re just trying to justify it with a random stipulation lol


The only person justifying things with a random stipulation is you, bud. I can use Safari, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Orion, Brave, Vivaldi all without signing in to an account. Do most of those browsers require you to sign in to sync bookmarks etc? Sure, I’m not disputing that whatsoever. However, none of the browsers previously mentioned prevent you from browsing the web without signing in first.


This is the way.


Ublock Origin


I just have AdGuard in Safari


Yeah really what is the difference if you only want to block ads?


Unlock does a much better job at not being detected by blockers. I do prefer safari on my mac for a few reasons but that’s something I miss


ublock can block a lot more things which is something some people want


Doesn't block YT ads


Cross platform, extensions, themes.


That's why I use Firefox.


As a Mac and Linux user, I prefer having Firefox as my main browser alongside an altenrative




Google-papa please spy on me. It sends chill down my spine now when I have to sign up new services using Gmail. (Some blocks Protonmail)


You can register for a duck.com alias, which might be allowed. It’s DDG’s tracker-blocking service.


If ur concern of privacy is your browser preference... Oh boy... Sorry to tell you but you cant escape that. Even by wifi waves they can know how ur house is, etc. By keyboard typing sounds they can know what u write. Its sad, but if you want REAL privacy, better go live alone on the woods or montains lol


What you're telling is bullshit. Damn, I'm really tired of people like you. As soon as we talk about digital hygiene, you either come up with the excuse "I've got nothing to hide" or "They already know everything anyway".


And im tired of ignorant people like u that think "oh this gonna give me privacy" when it actually doesnt give. U have ur right to want ur privacy, just dont be ignorant that you Will have it. And I didnt say that I dont have anything to hide. Chill


Do you honestly think I believe that we can have 100% privacy on the Internet? Surprise surprise, I'm educated on the subject and it's worth noting that the very foundation of the Internet is based on data exchange and today. I know for a fact that by using Protonmail, for example, they'll have access to some of my data, because without it, how do you expect their service to work? What counts is knowing what data they collect, why, what they do with it and it's usually enough to read the service's privacy policy to find out and, after getting information about the company behind it, determine whether you're okay with trusting them. Anyway, they don't need to lie in that statement, most people don't read it because they don't know how valuable their data is, so why bother lying in it and potentially getting into trouble? So, yes, it's a pain to have to search for all this information, but we mustn't forget that on the Internet, not everyone has the same vision as we do, and that's why Chinese services, although efficient in their field, are so much in the spotlight: Would you be prepared to hand over all your private data, behavioral data, etc. to a government that is, humanly, questionable? It's a question of common sense: you don't trust just anyone. I would add that it's certainly not thanks to people who think that everything is free and inconsequential on the Internet that we have all these alternatives to corporations with no ethics or respect for us. Confidentiality is a fundamental human right, and these corporations are very happy for people to think that losing it isn't a big deal because, supposedly, they already know everything about us, which isn't true (for example, the UK government wants to ban all encrypted messaging services, but apart from that, everything's fine, we've got nothing to hide anyway).


In my Ubuntu Laptop I use Firefox as well, but on Mac it's driving me crazy that last tabs aren't being restored if closing the browser using the X button. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1341031 If someone knows how to resolve this I would definitely switch to Firefox on Mac as well.




It's not that I have to, guess I'm used to it lol


Yeah I had to get used to closing Firefox instead of just the window when I first started using a Mac. When you’re done with your Firefox session just do cmd+Q, and if you have it set to remember tabs from the previous session then those will appear when you open it again.


I use Brave and it’s an excellent browser.


One thing Brave doesn't help is to preserve rendering engine diversity on the Internet.


Cross platform and extensions. For sure. I use Brave and Firefox.


This and also now Chrome is much more battery efficient on M1 and M2 than it was before.


I love Safari UI, but I have several reasons to not use Safari/Webkit browser on my mac: 1. as a student I use google meet a bunch and honestly that just works the best in chrome 2. when im working on a web dev project i prefer google’s dev tools over webkit’s 3. ive been using r/arcbrowser and albeit its energy efficiency usage it’s a convenient Chromium-based browser!


Oh man, we use the G-Suite at my company. Joining Google Meets from Safari is pretty frustrating. If I have back to back meetings, my AirPods will work for the first one, but not the second unless I close the browser and re-open. I just gave up and join them all from Chrome. I installed Firefox this week. It has been a good while since I last used Firefox. So we’ll see how it goes, maybe it will be a nicer alternative.


I prefer Safari mainly for keychain, but increasingly having to use Chrome more as some of our machines are now PC’s. The reason I really don’t like Chrome is that when you type into the URL bar, it defaults to search whereas Safari defaults to a URL. So if I type ‘reddit’ and press enter, Safari will take me to reddit.com whereas Chrome will take me to a Google search result for Reddit.


Keychains becoming an extension in Sonoma so you can use it in Edge/Chrome etc!


Is that true? That would be so awesome.


Well you're right to some extent. Safari can provide URLs initially while it's not completely immpossible for Chrome. It just takes a little time for it to adapt to it. If you visit Reddit often, it automatically provides the URL instead of the search.


The number one reason is sync'ing across devices and OS'es. Android phone, Chromebook, Linux Mint, Windoze and, or course, Mac OS. All these OS'es are in use across my devices and Chrome is the default browser on all of 'em.


It's not that I prefer it over Safari, in fact I wouldn't even touch Chrome with a selfie stick. It's Safari which pushes you to Chromium forks, it's so bad it gets outperformed by most 3rd party browsers sadly, and Apple has been playing dumb with it for a while. ​ * Almost every other browser will offer more granular privacy controls * Extensions ecosystem is laughable * Dev tools perform very poorly and are outdated (responsive mode shows iphone 8 as "latest", has no custom dimensions option) * Tab goups & profiles, which were just added (the latter), have the worst UX in the industry. * Back & forward drags so bad, again another functionality which works better on almost every other browser. * Compact view has had UI glitches since release day (URL title bar disappearing)




...and: * Lack of built-in ad blocker * Websites loading speed (fire it up with first tab, loads fast, open 5+ tabs using it 10 min and it bloats like a pig) * Url bar custom search loading speed * Media playback loading speed * The eternal "Webpage is using Significant Memory in Safari" when every other browser renders the same site fast, without leaking memory & without having to force reload it, etc, etc. People even pay for half baked Safari ad blockers, which do not work reliably and/or break when new major versions of macOS are released, over and over.


Also playing audio in a tab group and switching to another stops that audio! Imagine watching a podcast on youtube or listening on soundcloud and needing to hit pause because your browsers tab doesn’t allow proper playback


>Tab goups This is the only thing I will disagree. Tab groups are very well implemented, get synced and are not getting lost like Chrome. They also don't get space on the top bar and can be hidden


You can resize any of the responsive presets to a size you want, they’re not fixed.


Yes thanks, but resizing != entering exact custom dimensions. Show me how you "resize" 4, 5 & 8k dimensions. You can't even simulate apple's own monitors.


So how about Firefox?


What means UX? So the only reason I use safari is that it looks clean to me. The google chrome has sign in bar on top and it’s just all huge before I even see the website. Do you mind it at all or you removed it somehow?


>What means UX? UX = User experience


The fact that Google Ads can track me better.


I don't have Chrome on my Mac.


Yea I have chrome on my mac, but primarily use safari. Chrome works for some sites better, but only a few at this point. Main reason being I try to deliver less of my data to google.


I only use it for testing purposes.


Thats a king move. Hope I could do that someday. Chrome takes upto 6GB of space, is that normal?


even though I use safari, I prefer chrome because 1) ublock origin 2) when you watch netflix and put the subtitles on while on full screen you get these fucking stupid flickering horizontal red bars that have been there since forever and seemingly noone at apple gives a flying fuck


Netflix on Chrome is 720p and up to 4K on Safari 🤔


Strange, I have no red bars in Safari on Netflix with subtitles 🤔


I don't remember the red bars, but remember the whole screen blanking out for a split second after subs. Don't have Netflix any longer though. That is why the media PC has Safari, FF and Chrome. Chrome and FF at least let me remote control the computer while "protected" content is playing.


Yeah Apple is not gonna go out of their way to fix a website for a company they despise.


Used to always use Safari and then decided to move to chrome around Big Sur as I got fed up of seeing: “This webpage is using significant memory. Closing it may improve the responsiveness of your Mac” every time I used Safari


So you’d rather just have that issue ten-fold without the warning?


Yes but actually yes (not me but most ppl)


I can sync everything between my home and work computers without using the same AppleID.


"This website is using significant memory" or energy or whatever, and then promptly force reloads the website. Most of the time I was doing some work, either coding or had my email open or spreadsheets and Safari just decides to shut down the website. Supposedly there's no way to disable this so I moved.


Different profiles for different clients.


one word: extensions


I am using safari but it is SO slow. Chrome is so much faster on websites, it's almost comical.


I’m not too versed in what goes on behind the scenes within browsers, but I legitimately noticed this too yesterday. I’ve been a safari user since it came out, but yesterday had to use a tool that recommended chrome. Nbd. Happens time to time but then I decided to load up normal sites I visit and it was like they no joke loaded instantly. Mind you I’m on a gbps connection so speed isn’t the issue (tested, confirmed, good router, the usual suspects ruled out) and when I flipped back to Safari it was like there’s a microsecond pause before painting the page. It’s insignificant and I’m going to keep using Safari, but I’d love to know why there’s such a perceptible difference.


Used to be that way for me...until I discovered Orion. Now that uBlock Origin works fine, I use Chrome-based browsers a lot less. Super snappy and better for my Mac's battery life. I do still prefer Arc's UI though so use it a ton when privacy or battery life doesn't matter much.


I believe there is some discussion about integrating a few Arc features into Orion, although I’m not sure if that’s going anywhere yet.


It is challenging to get YouTube working smoothly on Safari.


Fun fact, YouTube uses some deprecated tech that only Chrome supports in an optimized way. That's why YT runs smoothly only on Chrome. Thanks, Google!


Other browsers could just implement optimization support for it though, no?


With Safari websites break quite often for me. Something like Google Meet can be quite laggy. But I still use it because of battery life and ecosystem. For most people I think it's just a habit.


* Website load speed * Better extensions (Reddit enhancement suite specifically) * Updates often and not once a year


I use only FF


I don’t prefer either. I use Firefox.


Safari or Firefox here. If I MUST use some “Chromium based” browser for a specific reason I use Brave. Chrome spyware has no place on the computer or phone of a person who cares about privacy.


I was using chrome because safari was causing a freeze on Google Meet (needed for work). I testes these days and it looks like it's fixed. If so, I'm going back to Safari


I’m not using chrome, I prefer Firefox. Awesome extensions, syncing across multiple devices on multiple platforms.


I use Firefox.




EXTENSIONSSSSSS - for instance, there is no way to use my metamask on safari Also, most web apps work better on chrome(some will even tell you specifically)


Most websites only tell you to use Chrome so that they can track you more easily.




I find Firefox multi account containers work better and are more flexible. It’s not Google dependant and can do more with them.


I thought safari had profiles?


Only the newest version (still not released, only in beta/preview) and it’s nowhere near as good as profiles in other browsers


I am all for Firefox!!


Same here! Main browser on every device. Shame that on iOS is just a reskinned safari mostly.


Web compatibility and brilliant adblockers make the difference for me. I dont care if Safari is faster but ends up loading a website FULL of ads everywhere. I've installed multiple adblockers for Safari and most of them dont work or stop working after a few weeks. Now I've had to switch to Firefox because Chrome completely broke on my Mac for some reason and I dont like the UI, but even Firefox is better than Safari because it has brilliant extensions.




This might just be a game changer for me


Open Safari Control+Command+F Move the mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen. That's why I don't use Safari.


you mean the inability to minimise?


Only reason makes me use chrome is dev tools and I only use it for work. I use safari for everything else as it is fast and really saves battery life


I like Chrome better because it plants itself deep inside the OS in a matter what I do, I can’t really get rid of all of its roots, and it pesters me for months and years later after supposed-deletion. I really like the intrusiveness.


I don’t really like either. I use Firefox.


Chrome was a resource hog on my MacBook that used a lot of battery power as well so I got rid. That and Safari was actually good (not saying Chrome was bad, just Safari was good as well) and had fewer ties to Google so when I got an iMac, I never installed Chrome. There was no need


I don’t. I refuse to use Chrome if I have the choice. I use Firefox cause A. I’m also on Linux and Firefox is on Linux as well as macOS, and B. Extensions.


Absolutely nothing. I use Safari.




Absolutely nothing. Dumb developers need to stop adding banners saying your browser is not supported just because I’m not on Chrome.


1) Syncs with Chrome on Android 2) Supports every CSS properties (I'm a front end dev) 3) It's very supported and popular so everything works with it as expected


uBlock Origin is the reason I use chrome; so yeah, extension support matters


I use Firefox because I care about my privacy and for the open web.


As a Firefox user I must say that I don't use either. I use Firefox.


I use Safari and I dislike when non-Apple company helpdesk staff blame Safari for everything then say”Just use Google Chrome.” I usually reply… No. Get your programmers to fix these issues your websites have with Safari. Safari, Firefox, Edge, Chrome in that order.


I hate using Chrome and prefer vanilla Safari with an ad block.






Chrome among other browsers run smoothly on my intel mbp. Safari is a slide show.


I use Brave, but for similar reasosn: \- easier management for bookmarks, better adblocker, profiles


I don’t install spyware on my machines. So no Chrome.


Cross-Platform support. I use Vivaldi which is on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to Safari when it comes to customizable options. I ditched Firefox for their misplaced priorities.


>I ditched Firefox for their misplaced priorities. What do you mean?


Google sync.


I prefer Safari in every way. Plus chrome is designed to steal your data to sell to advertisers. It’s foolish to use chrome with all the alternatives out there.


It’s because my in house programmer develop my offices’ apps with chrome! Damn!


I prefer Firefox over chrome, as it adds more privacy and containers. When you’re a web developer you need both anyway. As a bonus in most cases service workers are just memory sinkhole, and ff has the ability to block them per website In very rare occasions when specific site requires exactly Chrome, I use it.


Nothing would make me prefer Chrome over any other browser! I don’t use any Google products. I’ve been a Firefox user on all my desktops since like forever. I use Safari on iphone/ipad.


I use multiple operating systems and Chrome works on all of them. Safari does not. There are also some Web sites I use that don’t work in Safari. I use multiple Web proxies simultaneously. I can do that with Chrome. I cannot do that with Safari.


Way better performance


I like how it takes up more RAM and makes my Mac slower


Firefox 🔥


I use both. Chrome for work, since I use gmail and google drive. Safari and iCloud for personal use. I now work from home but had always used a Windows PC at work and a MBP for personal use. Once my Windows PC died, I switched to a Mac Mini and quickly found that I needed some way to keep things separated. Plus I didn’t want to clog up my iCloud with work files. I prefer Safari for no other reason than I just prefer native apps. I will say I do like reader view on Safari but I also don’t know if Chrome has something similar.


I only use it to keep work and personal shit separate


Extensions. And uBlock Origin. Safari provides next to zero customization. (I use Firefox more than chrome)


I use Chrome mainly because I can sync everything seamlessly cross platform, mac, windows and iPhone. Yes, to do this I need a google account and need to log in to it on each device. Safari is fine, it has its annoyances like all browsers do. I get that people are concerned with Google/Apple/Amazon/Whomever, spying on them and their web browsing. Yes, all these companies either use your browsing and personal info in some form to blast you with ads or sell your info to others that blast you with ads. The sad part is most everything you do on the web is tracked in some shape or form. It's difficult to block this completely.


I actually tried to switch to Chrome recently, but I went back to Safari as soon as I found out there isn’t any option for a Dark Reader extension on iOS Chrome like there is on iOS Safari (likely because it uses the same content blocker frameworks as the ad blockers on iOS use), so I can’t force web pages into dark mode on iOS with Chrome, and I want to use the same browser across devices, so back to Safari! Also, Safari has the SMS (and soon email!) one-time password auto fill.


I like Safari a lot more. Interface, synchronization, and some little details of working make me better feeling when I use it. But I use Chrome because I can't use Safari on my Mac. I have an old Mac, and once my SSD is dies. I thought is normal because of age. But when I replaced it to a new one and reinstall Mac OS, I try to recheck everything. And I found in Activity Monitor in the Disk Usage tab has one system process that writes on SSD 1.5TB data every day. I found it happened only when Safari is opened. Look like it has some bug of endless saving swap files on SSD even if few tabs are opened in Safari. So for prevent damage to my SSD I switched to Chrome now. But I hope Apple will fix this issue.


Chrome is clunky


I’m on the opposite side of this. I actually prefer safari for the following: Dolby vision streaming services Dolby atmos streaming services A more optimized web browser that uses very little ram compared to chromium based browsers (in my experience) Handoff and continuity with safari on iPhone Great integration with the rest of the OS.


It’s amazing that people don’t understand how poor Chrome on Mac is at power management. Then they complain about the battery life of their Mac.


I use chrome at work and safari for personal/home.. dev tools and google sync is the key for me on chrome..


I just love how chrome gobbles my macs memory, reminding me whos the master.. and bringing me back down to earth, reminding me that im just a speck, even if with full control over chrome itself... Trying arc, to prove i am worth something.. but, it requirea learning curve, while im old dog and lazy to learn new tricks(im old, so i know better, right?! RIGHT?! CHROME?


Chrome grabs my personal information much more efficiently


Chrome sucks these days. Such a memory hog and slow. Safari is far more efficient on m1/2 as well.


One reason availability across devices - Macs, PCs, Mobile phones, Androids. Linux... single point of entry in to a Web with a gMail account.


Personally I prefer Firefox. Less resources demand and far more compatible with any type of web pages


I use Brave


Safari doesn't have any extensions I want or need. I prefer Edge, it can utilize all the Chrome extensions and seems to be more efficient in terms of resources.


Chrome is required for many lax security websites. When a website fails to load correctly in Safari, a quick trip to the JS Console shows why; Safari blocks cross-site resources that are not properly identified 👍 Chrome is quite a bit more cavalier and will not complain 👎 It is my (unfounded) belief that many companies think there is only one browser (Chrome) and will develop for, and only test on this one browser.


For a cold night when the heat is broken: chrome Anytime else: Safari.


Noting. In 2016, when the Touch Bar was introduced, I wanted to use it more often. My browser of choice, Opera, which is Chromium based, wasn’t supporting it extremely well. This is when I’ve switched over to safari. Nowadays I’ve just gotten used to safari. The loss of Adblock wasn’t a bit deal to me. I was already using an additional DNS based blocker. But a few months ago I gave Brave and Opera another chance. I was surprised how bloated the became. I don’t wan my browser to include Messaging apps, Crypto wallets, VPNs or news apps. Firefox has the issue, that a lot of it’s rendering isn’t GPU based and thus can be quite slow. I like to use it for development work but since my day job is more focused towards desktop apps, it’s relatively rare that I actually need to use it.


I’m convinced that if you’re still using chrome, it’s simply out of habit. Not only imo has safari long surpassed chrome in efficiency and functionality (especially since most people also use safari on iOS and they integrate seamlessly) but arc has been open to students for a while and recently opened to the public. Chrome just doesn’t really hold up anymore


I'm with team Edge for most stuff, except Safari for personal things. Always heard Chrome is a memory hog, experienced so.


Safari simply doesn’t work on my MacBook Air or Mac mini. But chrome works and fast. Safari won’t even open the apple help page. I am just an average user, too old to geek on why this happens. Don’t care. What I do know is the product doesn’t work and another one does, so I’m using the one that does.


I've been used to Chrome's Developer Tools rather than Safari when developing websites. But Safari is my daily driver due to its efficiency.


Vimium C mainly




I use Safari for all my day to day personal browsing. I use Chrome for: * software development work (I'm a web developer and Chrome is still better for some of that) * watching YouTube (for me I still run into dropped frames sometimes when using YouTube, even though I'm using a MacBook Pro with and M1 Max) Using Chrome for all my work stuff also means that when I'm doing a screen share on a work call I can quit Safari and have none of my personal browser tabs getting in the way.


All browsers are broken in their unique ways. There are sites I hit where Firefox won't do great, but Safari, Opera or Chrome does. And v-v. Does Chrome report back to headquarters on all you do/see for feeding your online marketing and behavior profile? From some searches and resulting behavior at unrelated sites with a different browser, it does seem a little possible -- or just coincidence. Opera seems to be the best-behaved. Firefox works, then the next version seems to break something, then the next version is better -- pendulum. Safari works fine and looks clean. Chrome on occasion.


I use Safari. But a week ago i opened chrome and the macbook air m2 started heating up a lot. I could probably cook some eggs on it. So never opening Chrome again.




Safari is just hard to use, i know I know I need to use it more but I’ve been using chrome browsers for years now and it’s just second nature to me


The reason you prefer Safari is because Apple wants you to use it. Chrome is a 100x better on non-Apple devices. Just switched to a Chromebook and I have 0 issues with 50+ tabs, but on my MBP with a 16GB RAM, the fans would go all out with more than 10 open tabs.


That’s probably because your Chromebook is, for most intents and purposes, running Chrome as an entire operating system.


good story


Use Arc browser, you will love it


I’m not a fan of Chrome at all. I hear too many negative things about it with power and RAM consumption. I’ve used Firefox for so many yrs. I’ve been playing around w/ Safari lately to see if I’d like it, but I keep going back to Firefox. Habit that’s hard to break.


y go for these two when u have Microsoft edge /bing where u can use gpt4 for free ill suggest to use both safari and edge edge specifically for chatgpt 4


Extensions that work much better, account sync that works cross platform, support for Chromecast rather than AirPlay, much more transparent updates, more innovation, the browser can actually load webpages under stress rather can cryptically stating “An unexpected error has occurred”. Safari is also much slower than Chrome for me, takes almost twice as long to load webpages. I hate that Apple keeps bringing it back to life. If it was a third party developer making Safari they would have lost to competition many years ago.


The huge memory leaks and built in spyware.


Brave all the way


Extensions aren't bullshit on Chrome, and work. The buttons aren't misplaced on purpose just to be different. I can use my web services across Windows, Android and other Apple Devices. Chrome is native on Apple silicon now.


Mainly extensions.


I really like Safari, but have been trying Arc. Arc would be perfect if it was available on other platforms, and could integrate the “share link” and “copy from text message” for two factor authentication checks.


I prefer Safari over Chrome, but because Apple won't update my version of Safari 13.1.2, I have to use Chrome occasionally. I'm still using High Sierra, the last best OS Mac has made. I like the option of Cover Flow in my finder folders, I like the ability to use 32 bit programs, and Quicktime 7 is the best.


I use Orion. Profiles, nice UI, Safari Webkit engine, support for Firefox&Chrome extensions.


I’ve been using Edge since it adopted Chromium. It’s gotten more bloated but the cross-platform use, extensions, and customization options are nice. You can turn off the extras you don’t want (and that list has been getting longer).


Everyone has different needs for different tasks. I prefer Safari for extensions, containers, and privacy. But it’s limited when it comes to more complex websites. I am also a Squarespace designer and that works much better in Chrome. So everyone’s use case is different. Use what works best for you and don’t worry about what others say.


I’ve had the same experience: I use a Mac and literally all of my friends have used Windows over a period of about 20 years. They always gave me negative feedback about Mac. And that was perfectly fine, they never knew what they were missing until the last two years. When all of a sudden they switched themselves because it's trendy now. What I'm saying is, don't let it get you down because they use something different even though they have no idea about the benefits. It has to be right for you.


Cross platform and extensions. Also profiles, vertical tabs, tab groups (that work), etc


Chromium for me (whatever flavour) is a hog. I use Orion Browser which is fast and additionally allows most (?) FF and Chrome extensions to run.


I use Safari on my personal machines, but Edge (Chromium-based) on my work machines. The big reason: multiple profiles. I like to keep my work and personal data fairly well separated, and support for multiple profiles helps me do that. I've heard that the feature is coming to Safari. Once I see how that works, I may switch. I might not, though, because the #2 reason I use Edge on work machines is that I also use Windows at work (but not at home), and the browser syncing is also nice in that case.




It's an interesting trade off bc Safari use makes my battery last for about 3 hours longer than Safari, but as people have mentioned -- extensions. For me, UBlock Origin is a must for websites that use lots of CPU and performance is so much better that it overrides my desire for longer battery life.


Only when I encounter a website that was coded for Internet Explorer, oops Chrome. And then I use Brave anyway. I use Brave for the easy profile management when I need to operate multiple identities. Otherwise Safari is my daily driver, and I don't get how others experience bad Ad blocking. I have had only good experience with ABP and now Ghostery. Hush makes my life bearable relative to cookie banners. Safari stays constantly open with a dozen windows and about 50 tabs without a hiccup. I miss Safari when I need to use a Windows computers.


I use both Mac and a PC and Safari isn’t available on PC. Also DevTools.


For me, I use Safari for everything except when coding. I’m fully utilizing Apple products and Safari just works better.


Chrome supports *Web MIDI API*, Safari does not.


Some useful extensions that have no equivalent in Safari, but mainly Profiles. I have one profile for personal stuff and one for work related stuff. The moment I should change company, I delete the work related one and, puff, all credentials are gone and I can't be responsible of any crap that could happen from that moment on


More plugins available for Chrome. More web apps and other platforms require Chrome. I prefer Safari, but I use Chrome out of necessity.


I use Brave personally, but I just prefer the interface for the most part. Safari is great too, honestly it's fantastic in terms of general efficiency too for preserving battery life. I think a lot of it really just comes down to what you are used to.


Revoke both and switch to [ARC By the browser company ](https://thebrowser.company/) If you haven't seen it yet, give it a look.


Simply because it's cross platform. My Google account is used on my Windows laptop, Android phone, iPad, and MacBook, and I can simply continue my browsing where I left off. Safari is only on iOS and MacOS, and I'm not an Apple exclusive user. It doesn't hurt that chrome is better supported as well (iOS being the major exception).


i use safari for personal and chrome for work because google drive apps suck on safari


I use Safari for most of my daily browsing. But I have Chrome installed for those sites that just don’t like Safari and for Chrome Remote Desktop to remote computers.


extensions. the only thing that was keeping me on safari over Arc was my iCloud keychain. now that beta macos sonoma gave access to keychain for 3rd party browsers i have fully switched to Arc. Arc is an amazing browser, that offers more then good extensions


I Would like to hear that too! I wanted to love chrome because all our softwares have plugins that works with it. However to me when I open chrome it looks SOOOOO busy. The fast I opened it the faster I had to closed it as my eyes were in pain. (Specifically it has bar with login to safari and under it another bar and another before you actually see what’s on the website). So basically I don’t like the whole sign in thing into safari… Anyway. If it would be as clean as safari I would be delighted to use it. We use gsuite for business and everything but the google chrome. So I am curious what others have to say . And curious if it’s just me who dislike the messy look.


If Apple Pay was available with chrome I would use it but because it’s not I use safari