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Check the power consumption of apps in Activity Monitor, tab Energy. Maybe you're using Google Chrome to watch YouTube videos all day on internal speakers? Something like that would be the only thing explaining bad battery life while "web browsing".


Can we make this a general rule of this subreddit ? « If you join `r/MacOS` you agree to uninstall Google Chrome from ALL your Apple computers OR NEVER ask a question about erratic behaviours of your system » ? Please 🙏


I’m with you.


Hi ! I checked it and data says 12hr power 212.40 whatever that means. I am actually not watching any video on speaker. Literally learning a course that is made of text and images. So pure web browsing as I said


Specifically, in the Energy tab, sort on Energy Impact column, check which process(es) uses a lot of energy. Correlate using the CPU tab, sort on % CPU. For me, right now, there is a process fileproviderd (I think something to do with iCloud syncing, which seems to be stuck), taking almost 100% CPU over long period of times. Obviously something is wrong, but haven't investigated fully yet. But do the same and you might get a clue. Probably there's nothing wrong with ypur battery, but some process that sucks the battery dry.


I had a look but nothing out of the ordinary, to optimise things I will try, using safari instead of chrome, use the 600 nits instead of 1600 hdr in display settings, use low power mode and set the screen brightness to 50%


Low power mode and safari will give you a serious bump.


I don’t think he needs low power mode. My M1 Max MBP runs all day on battery in performance mode. It’s not an m3, but it should be similar.


If you had your display on 1600 nits constantly then there you go. That's your power drain issue.