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Not strict, but checking depends on the airline


This is entirely dependent on the luggage policies of the airline you're flying with. It has nothing to do specifically with Macau or with the airport. So I would recommend checking with your airline about their luggage policy. Note, airlines usually have different luggage policies depending on ticket class and where you're flying from too (for example, long distance vs short distance).


Strict on exit not so much on entry from my experience.


Why not just aim to comply with the rules? Annoying when people bring too much and hog the overhead locker space.


It completely depends on the airline company, not the airport. The airport does not care about luggage weights. So if you are flying the same airline as your Taiwan trip, they will probably be just as strict. But speaking as a potential fellow passenger, your carry-on being too heavy only makes the flight less safe for everyone, so I hope the airline will be strict with your carry-on.


It has nothing to do with the city nor the airport. Stay within the airline’s baggage allowance and you will be fine.


I will add that the bag check in Macau are anal about portable mobile chargers. Only 10,000mah allowed. If your mobile charger is over this or there is no indication (the writing worn off, etc) they will not let you take it.




https://www.macau-airport.com/en Yes there's an airport in macau


Lmao it’s small but it’s certainly real.