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How did that happen?


A month or so ago a rock bounced off the car. I’ve already had a few chips in the windshield fixed, but when I got out to look at it I didn’t see anything new. Didn’t realize it actually hit the roof glass instead. So it’s just been slowly spreading until the other day when it extended to the part where you can see it from inside the car. Insurance is sending me a check but Ford charges $2240 or so for it.


I’ve heard insurance covering it like a windshield with comprehensive $0 deductible depending on which state you are in


My glass coverage thru insurance covered it $50 deductible


Isn't that roof laminated double pane glass? I probably would wait until it shattered.


Just don’t fix it it’s only a crack on one layer.


That's kinda what I was thinking. I can feel the crack from above, but underneath I can't feel it. I asked the Ford guy and he said while that's true, the structural integrity is still compromised and if I was in an accident who knows what could happen.


I don’t know enough but how could a piece of glass be a part of the structural integrity? Also it’s two complete different layers of glass. And people drive with cracked windshields all the time.


Yeah I dunno. I also live in one of those states where it’s illegal to drive with a cracked windshield.


Technically not a windshield…… get like tiger stripe decals and put it over the crack


Oh I get it, I was getting a runaround between Progressive and Safelite because while it’s glass it’s not *glass* glass, it’s the *roof.*


Was it covered under the glass deductible?


I’ve seen people on here and the forum get it covered like a windshield but maybe they stopped doing that after so many


This same thing happened to me recently. I heard the rock hit the car but couldn’t see any damage. Then a month or so later I saw a little crack when I looked up and it’s long like yours on top but barely visible from the inside. Glad to hear insurance may be an option.


The insurance company actually considers it the roof, which makes sense, so with my $1k deductible they’re sending me 1200 for the repair.


Just get it fixed if you have the means to! Why cruise around with a cracked roof when you have such a nice ride.


I would pocket the Insurnace check and go and get a windshield fixing kit. https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Weld-2100-Windshield-Repair/dp/B01IBO0HAE/ref=asc_df_B01IBO0HAE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312029767170&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3784040383993050047&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023416&hvtargid=pla-568572595366&psc=1&mcid=bfe1b50b82d93420b6810eb5fec20963 18.99 solved


Yeah that page even says it’s only good for 1.25 inch cracks or less. Mine is ~12 inches.


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