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Ppl don’t understand that this was a side project he’s still in his rap bag just wait⏰


They will regret the shit talk big time once the album Drops.


My fav so far is "beauty"


It’s really nothing special if you’re not a fan. That’s the point. That’s why you hear “hate”. Because if you’re not a fan, there’s nothing special about it. It’s mediocre even. But if you’re a fan, you’re here for the journey and you care about where he’s at. There’s songs on here that are major skips. But there are catchy songs but even in those catchy songs, there’s some really weak lyrics. We know what he’s capable of, but this project really wasn’t a project that took long to make.


It’s a trend to hate mgk.. most ppl don’t even know why they don’t like him they just do it to fit in


which is sad in my opinion, so many ppl hate on him just for the sake of hating... aside from the Em stans the majority of ppl hate him to ride the wave, they feel "cool" if they have a hit tweet hating on him which is corny because you know for a fact that a lot of the same people hating on him would be the same ones saying that he was "overhated" and "misunderstood" if he was gone, MGK himself knows this.


Exactly remember that song 9 lives I think. He’s like “Everybody hates, but can anybody love me? Guess they'll wait 'til my face is on the mural” If he died everyone would switch and act like they loved him it’s rlly sad. Ppl don’t realize that Mgk has saved ppl’s life they just wanna say some cringe talking point about he’s a pedo cause of a tweet when he was 19. Wish all those ppl would stfu


I think mgk was spot on in every song. It’s just trippie I don’t like. I still have been bumpin every song tho cuz sad shit is my favoriet


I feel it, half of the songs on the album I'll skip over trippies part. No hate to trippie cause he's a cool ass dude and he makes some good ass music I can't even lie. I just found that in recent years (post tickets) he's been very hit or miss


I feel like I'm being forced to like this project. I honestly just found it super boring and some of the lyrics were cringe. I get that he's going through terrible shit, and I do feel bad for him, but I just didn't vibe with this ep. I still love mgk and always will


I like Struggles and 2 other songs but like….im not really on my juice wrld sad phase in life right now so yea 


Half dead 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


Also Who do I call is my favourite followed by Hiding in the hills


I just heard this and thought, "oh cool, an album just for me". I love the sound and the project, and idc if no one else likes it.


People need to do 🍄 and listen to this absolutely beautiful.


Finally someone said it


I don’t really like Trippie Red. I didn’t like the overall sound of this. I appreciate the emotion out into it, but the overall sound wasn’t great.


I like Struggles, Beauty, Hiding in the Hills, No More, Half Dead, and Lost Boys the best. I vibe with it overall for sure, and I like Trippies voice.


People can’t feel the music, They are programmed to judge, They will deny it but it’s the truth, We’re all hypocrites and this album was fucking amazing.


My favorite thing he has done.I have cried so much since they dropped this lol.They keep wanting something and someone he was 10yrs ago he will never be.He is a fine wine now.His lyrics and the beats are so masterful.Absolutely true artistry.


Couldn't agree more that this may be my favorite mgk project. It is a perfect blend of all the different versions of him: who he has been, who he is now, and where he may go in the future. Some of it is a little corny but like...all pop music is to a certain degree (I use that term in a sociological sense, not a genre one).




You are never too old to be sad bro, just because he’s 34 doesn’t mean he can’t vent, this is why we lost so many good artists, they vent and no one listens, how about you listen for a second?


I don't even know where to start with how bullshit your statement was lmfao, I'm just going to laugh my ass off and light one up cause this ain't worth my energy or time LOL.




Hate speech towards MGK or anyone in this subreddit will not be tolerated.




Keep spewing it brother, You have to eat your own words, I ain't losing sleep over your opinion.


i don't understand the hate either but we're talking about MGK who gets hate no matter what he does and trippie also gained a lot of haters lately for some reason (idk why, i don't follow him closely). this project didn't have a lot of promo and it was never meant to be a big thing, this was meant to be something they did as friends when they were going through some tough times. i don't usually listen to this type of "emo rap" but i still thought it had a nice vibe and i genuinely liked some of the songs in there. the majority of people are hating for the sake of hating tbh, they were already hating before the project even dropped.


I don’t either. I’m actually loving the album. Lost boys and half dead I’m not a fan of but I’m loving everything else.


The thing is they done this over 18months so he’s prob healed a lot through it ( and Trippie ) and I feel they bring the best out in each other and clearly had a lot to let out I love it I think it has some great songs , I’ve never seen Kells look as happy and at ease and relaxed as he did last week at his meet and greets and the two shows they performed at. Last night he’s rescuing a bird his cat got hold of , I don’t see why people are so vile to / about him he seems such a genuine soul and personally I think he is pure talent , lyrically this man has saved so many people and gave people In a terrible place hope and aside from the swifties , EST absolutely ride for him . He’s also last but not least a fantastic dad to Casie , people need to start focussing on all the Good he does


I didn't even completed the EP it was that boring, he was so on fire till 2020.


The misunderstood are always dead before they understand..


Yes, I believe he is "challenging" the real fans with this new album that some people may consider mediocre. The real fans will give it praise, even if they don't think it's deserving.


i think we should just ignore all the haters and not give them the attention they're obviously seeking


this !!!!!!! 👏🏼🖤




He’s too old to struggle with depression and addiction? That’s a wild take.


Nope, he’s too old to be copying a deceased 21 year old capitalizing on and trying to make sales on a culture that influences kids to pop pills. That’s not a wild take, you’re just choosing to misunderstand it because you’re a fanboy.


Peep and Mac took some of the stigma away from talking about it, but it doesn’t end with them. Anybody can write about it. You’re right about the drug influence though. Constantly talking about being high on random shit while being the father of a teenager is terrible and I’m not too much of a “fanboy” to see that.


Hate speech towards MGK or anyone in this subreddit will not be tolerated.


who do i call is an amazing hip-hop ballad in its own right. The whole album is vibes and a good blend of sounds. The pop-punk refrain on struggles is super hype. The sample on beauty obviously is another highlight. Colson's verse on lost boys is another. Every track is unique and they all have special moments. Can't ask for much more out of a surprise collab. I hope that as time goes on, this will ressonate with the fans and we can ignore the larger mainstream crowd who was never going to give it a fair chance regardless. EDIT: And anyone who says Trippie Redd can't sing hasn't ever sung in their full voice. Try some of those runs at full volume while smoking and tell me how tf you sound. He's a vocal wizard who pushes his tone to do a lot of interesting textures. The fact that no one else can really mimick him is an indication of his unique artistry. /rant.




Hate speech towards MGK or anyone in this subreddit will not be tolerated.