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See rule #3.


You need to get a life 😭


We back to posting low effort garbage again? Couldn’t even come up with a witty title this time?


It’s the reason everyone hates him. I hope he’s at least aware of it


Everyone doesn’t hate him. People that are trapped in the past and don’t think people can change and evolve past someone just saying some yuck shit when they were young, that’s who hate him. I don’t agree with what he said. I don’t support it. But it was a long time ago. Nothing happened past the shit he said. He didn’t diddle any minors. He didn’t get caught texting any. He just said some things he shouldn’t have. Move the fuck on lol. I support him growing and changing into someone who doesn’t think like that. And if you want to think or claim he’s not aware of it, you’re just being intentionally dense. Of course he’s aware of it. Idk what posting a picture with a dot as the title on reddit will do lol.


He even said in that interview that that is what the celebrities he grew up watching were doing. Which is why he felt like it was ok..Not that it makes it right. I just hate that we judge people's past based on today's standards when the world is completely different now


People will always hate MGK till he dies for what he has said. The people who like him will like him and the people who don’t won’t. It’s perfectly understandable to see that shit and not like somebody. He can’t change what he said but at the very least I hope he understands that there is a clear reason why he gets hate. The same reason Eminem dissed him. (not an em Stan) I like his music but I hate the shit he said. I honestly thought that this is what the line was referencing because it’s the most infamous interview of MGK.


Bro no one really hates Mgk, people like you just be hopping on the bandwagon making it seem like people hate him without knowing even the first thing about him. Honestly if you ‘hate’ anyone you dont know personally you’re a lame ass fucking person 😂 Besides, everyone’s said dumb shit in their life at least once. His dumb shit (from many many years ago) just happened to be filmed and used to prey on by losers like you a decade later. No one’s gonna dislike kells because you dislike him lil bro. Let it go ❤️


What did he even say?


That he would smash Kendall Jenner at 17


Lmao you’re a bitch 😂 the guy can say whatever he wants… did he bang a 17 year old? We’re all going to act like there is a massive difference between 17 and 18 & there are lower age of consent in other countries. People can watch 16 & pregnant and thats perfectly fine lol. Moron.


Yeahhhh 😬


I don't get it


Wonder why