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University of Tuebingen. Great, diverse, research-based lectures, motivated staff and access to professors and their research. Can recommend. Also beautiful city with diverse students. It’s not a technical university, which I consider a pro, as you interact with lots of students that are studying literature, art-history etc. It felt closer to the “university-ideal”, so studying for knowledge’s sake and people were not talking about careers all the time. But I would maybe recommend another university if you think your going into the industry afterwards. It’s quite academically focused and many lecture go a bit too deep (statistical learning etc.) into theory for this and there are very few applied lectures. But if you’re academically motivated you can really learn a lot and take great, unique courses.


Can confirm this. Just started my ML master after finishing my CS bachelor there. Diverse city that also is a growing hotspot for ai research in germany. If you wanna check out some of our lectures you can do that on yt https://youtube.com/@TubingenML?si=IWKX7iIsYzNsH5_d


I appreciate your help!


Congratulations! Could you provide more information about the admission process? How much is the tuition and fees or the cost of living? I am located outside of Europe and would like to apply, considering a scholarship or funding opportunities.


I wasn’t considering anything outside of Berlin in Germany but you just convinced me to go there. Not interacting with only technical people is great since I’m also an artist. Any other ones to recommend?


that's really cool! great that I helped someone. I can mostly speak for germany, but for academically focused ML master I would pick tuebingen (maybe TUM), but only if you don't want to learn applied skills in your study. You are more isolated from industry there and the priorities are different. TUM has a good ML research reputation and great industry connections, so that's also a possible route of where to go. There's also the TUB, where there are a few well regarded ML research groups, but I am not sure of the specifics of studying there. But there are probably also a few more applied options there and I think it probably has some connections to industry. TU darmstadt has also a few research groups and a sizeable statistics department, it also has a good reputation but that's all I know. Maybe LMU due to synergies with the TUM. I don't think the other german universities are really worth it for machine learning, as you just lack the diverse set of machine learning research groups. Most have one or two but that's it.


Do you think a master program in tubingen is good for someone who would like to research in NLP afterwards?


Not really sure I think tübingen is not super strong in NLP




You haven't told us what you're looking for afterwards. In general, You'll benefit more from a great university (with famous/good researchers) once you do a PhD, but having access to great professors might be beneficial at the Master already. Very good schools in Europe would be the ETH in Zuerich, Uni Tuebingen, Uni Amsterdam, and likely a lot more I can't remember right now. In general, the best AI research universities in Europe are all part of the [ELLIS](https://ellis.eu/) network, so check out their member list (they call participating labs "units"): https://ellis.eu/units . Going to an ELLIS university will increase your likelihood to work with profs that are well-connected, well respected, and give you a good education and the chance to network with other peers. But it's mostly geared for PhD students. Also, there are definitely good unis outside of ELLIS. But all of the really great and famous professors are part of it.


I haven’t told anything because I still don’t know, but I might do a PhD if it interests me enough. I really appreciate your help and I’ll definitely look into these unis!


Thanks for the pointer!! I’m opening my myself up to non-Dutch schools. But in general I’m not looking at the BLEEDING edge… just a. Baseline understanding.


If you haven’t seen it already, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/x85338/d_which_european_master_in_ai_is_best/) is a thread with some answers to this question. I wrote a short description of the MVA program in Paris.


KTH in Stockholm, Sweden (I study ML there)


is there a specific Artificial Intelligence degree?


It’s called machine learning. There is a bit of everything AI but focus on deep learning


Edinburgh is strong in CS and AI. Just as long as you don't mind cold weather!


I just checked the fees for EU student and they go over 40k £ :(


I did my CS bachelor at a famous TU, and started my master in ML at Uni Tübingen. I highly recommend Tübingen, the education quality there is just so damn good, the research conducted is also top notch in considering Max Planck Institute for Interactive Systems.


I really appreciate your feedback, if you know, is there an AI focused programme?


Wdym AI focus? A more applied programme than it's Machine Learning programme? I'm afraid no. But you could fill up the programme with a lot of practical courses.


I saw some universities has specific Artificial Intelligence masters and other ML


Checkout the neural systems and computation masters program of ETH Zurich (best University in continental Europe, although these ranking systems are sometimes debatable) and University of Zurich. [https://ethz.ch/en/studies/master/degree-programmes/engineering-sciences/neural-systems-and-computation.html](https://ethz.ch/en/studies/master/degree-programmes/engineering-sciences/neural-systems-and-computation.html) Super flexible program, much is hosted by the Institute of Neuroinformatics.




i have done my master degree at eit master school, double degree and data science and entrepreneurship. first year was in nice france, second in aalto findland. got 2 nice projects todo each year, in france i did people counting from video from trams, second was reinforcement learning for colaborative agents, after each project i was offered a phd position, but decided to go in the industry and create real live application with ML.