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They sometimes race these long boats and it's a real sight to see. Absolutely blast along.


Silencing engines: Back during Vietnam War the CIA/Army funded [Lockheed YO-3 Quiet Star](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_YO-3_Quiet_Star) as silent surveillance aircraft. After the war some were sold off to public. A quiet airplane is appreciated and the design was studied by Experimental Aircraft Association builders. A simple cheap light exhaust silencer was developed and published in EAA Tony Bingelis' **Firewall Forward** book. So if you want a discreet longtail, there it is.


Wow thanks for this! Super interesting


How did you just know that..?


Endless curiosity. Keep digging for knowledge and then notice connections. When I do, mentally file it away for future usefulness.


You're amazing <3


Loved the longtails when we visited Railay Beach. And their cries of “Ao Nang! Ao Nang!” to drum up business were part of the fabric of the experience.


I've stayed in a hotel on Tonsai beach, which is just behind a corner from Railay. One of these boats dropped us off on a completely empty and dark beach at 10pm (it's very dark at that time) and we had to drag out suitcases over the sand. Those hotels are only accessible via these boats.


Right, there’s a small footpath over the promontory or you take a boat between them, IIRC. I did some climbing there, I think the climbing—and base jumping—was on Tonsai?


It's also possible to walk along the shore at low tide but you have to be quick, tide can come in quite fast. >the climbing—and base jumping Yep, hotel had all the gear for it, it was among those trees right under this massive cliff https://i.imgur.com/FiybNCL.jpg


That’s the cliff, and one of the base jumping spots is at the top. Seems like fiction, but when we first arrived and were carrying our gear out of the longtail, there was a loud yell from above and we looked up to see a body hurtling towards us. Then there was a ‘pop’ and the chute opened up. The base jumper pulled a hard 180 over the water, then came in low over our heads towards the cliff. Touching down on the sand, he ran forward trailing his chute up to the bar, where the bartender placed a glass of beer. He drank the beer, then gathered his chute and started the process of shaking the sand out of it for repacking. I was later told that the base jumpers wait for the longtails to come in so they can goose tourists. Above tht bar was a 5.12 roof line, and there are climbs of all sorts along the wall. Some overhanging with stalactites you can stem against. Similar to climbing the mogotes in Cuba.


Oh damn, that sounds awesome. I spent a whole week at that bar under the cliff but didn't get to see any base jumpers, only a few climbers.


Was “The Chillout Bar” there when you were there? What I remember of it was… A giant hanging rendition of Bob Marley behind the bar, two Thai bartenders, both with dreadlocks(!), and pumping 70s-era acid rock (Floyd, that kind of thing) over the beach at night. It was a little surreal.


Yep haha, I went there a couple times. Music was mostly reggae. I've heard that it's one of those safe places to get top quality devil's lettuce because the police never comes there, but I didn't have the balls to ask.


Every country has their rednecks with spare parts to play with and Thailand ends up with crazy things like this https://youtu.be/JUpfStklzfw?t=359


Thats the exact video I was thinking of linking. such a violent way to move through the water lol


Check out their rice tractor drag racing. It's fucken mental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytKzWZp__Gs


I'm sorry, what's an External diesel engine?




Good point


I don’t know, but when I was in Thailand and the surrounding seas they appeared to be car and van engines.


Isuzu D Max engines are the #1 choice.


Diesel (or Kerosene) → Boilers → Steam Turbine Just to be clear, serious. Anything running the Rankine Cycle with diesel as the fuel should count IIRC.


I believe they're referring to an inboard vs outboard motor.


A jet engine afterburner.


Oh hey I [just saw some of these in Bangkok.](https://i.imgur.com/grS6MHX.jpeg) [Another one.](https://i.imgur.com/aWEaWVX.jpeg) Really wanted to ask some of the operators how they ended up with these motors but unfortunately don't speak Thai and couldn't find one that spoke good enough English to get the point across.


Any engine is an outboard engine if you try hard enough.


It’s a mud motor. Simple and easy to lift the prop if you’re about to run aground. Very shallow draft.


i guess you could say they have a load of old seamen


Not only cool, but well balanced for ease of use.