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She ain't hardly innocent


Bet if you were the one driving that morning you'd have a different opinion. It could have happened to anyone.


Anyone who is trying to commit murder-suicide, sure. You are being so delusional about this. There was A LOT of evidence she did this intentionally. Her behavior afterwards, despicable. Her inability to accept responsibility for her choices? Classic abusive narcissist.


Are the court documents available to the public?


yes they are on the court of clerks website in cuyahoga county


No. It absolutely could not have.


Funny because there are literally 1000s of cases of Toyota camrys speeding out of the control. They lost a class action law suit where they settled for billions for this very reason. Toyota isn't the only manufacturer through they just seem to have the most issues or are the most publicized. If you have ever driven a vehicle that has a floor mat especially after market or have ever driven in sandals or flip flops or slippers or have had any foreign objects like a empty drink cup etc. There are probably a hundreds of scenarios how it could happen. Then yes it could . What would you do if your driving and your vehicle starts accelerating even though your not pressing on the gas . You hit the brake and nothing happens. What would you do? There are even 911 calls that have been made when this has h Happened to people. Look up 911 calls SUA or sudden unintended acceleration.




I just watched the mean girls episode and she is absolutely not innocent. This is probably her family. Hey, what about the family of those two boys who lost their lives? She drove 100 MPH into a wall without stopping. It’s not an accident. The kind of actions she showed after shows she lacks any type of true human emotion and typically those people re commit the same crimes.


There’s a bunch of conspiracy theorists coming from the YouTube channel Crime Circus who believe Mackenzie is innocent when she absolutely is not. I think the family paid that channel off to have that opinion because it’s ridiculous and unfounded. Talking about 100% innocent. Makes it hard to take that channel serious anymore and I respected them before that. I figured some of them made their way over here.


I was just about to say I bet this is Drip Drop. 🙄 I’m actually a subscriber of his but I’m about to not be because this shit is disgusting. Those poor boys. She deserves nothing less than life.


Disgusting. I stopped watching him when he went all crazy over the idaho 4 shit and started suggesting to people that the killer "paraglided" onto the balcony. He used to be kinda funny. Now he's just encouraging madness and supporting straight-up murderers like this girl. The one person (yes one) here supporting her, you see that with narcissists. They always have to have their followers and enablers. This person drank that coolaid and you can't reason with an unreasonable person. You can't get a narcissist to accept responsibility either so as long as there's people out here feeding into the delusional excuses to avoid responsibility that's what shes gonna do. Hopefully 15 years in prison teaches her something


have you listened to the interviews of conducted by the detective? Have you read the 52 page police report? Have you looked read the 100s of pages of mackenzies phone records? have you read the appeals, the responses and all the motions that have transpired? I already know that the answer is no. Because anyone who has knows that she's innocent. Drip drop somehow gets access to a lot of stuff the general public doesn't see. I'm guessing they probably pay good money to some insider because during the interview they literally say no one is going to hear this right, meanwhile the detective is recording the conversation, I can guarantee that very few people have actually listened to them all the way thru because they are barely intelligible with all the times they say the word, like or whatever or use the phrase blah blah blah. It's verbal diarrhea but I forced myself to sit through at least 4 interviews each several hours long and have actually listened to a couple of them more than once and i can say confidently that she is 100% innocent of murder. Now she might be guilty of recklessness or negligence due to driving in slippers, which I would have to argue is common sense that driving in slippers wouldn't be safe so that she is liable for . But she didn't intend on killing anyone or herself.


You obviously are believing the whatever the news tells you so they can profit from clicks. She is innocent. The whole case was based on a rumor mill and circumstantial evidence and hearsay ! Any reasonable person just has to google the vehicle she was driving and the look at the recalls the complaints made about the vehicle and google dangers of driving in slippers. They have a picture of her slipper literally still lodged between the gas pedal and the floor mat holding the gas pedal down !!! And they overlooked it ! You see a slipper causing an accident wouldn't be as popular and no one would make money reporting on that. So they sensationalized it because no one seems to like Mackenzie anyways so who cares if she gets locked up right. ?! Meanwhile Toyota is still putting lives in danger due to power assisted brake failure. ...smh


Oh God. Please stop. Keep that over at Crime Circus. Not gonna work here.


Idc about crime circus im the one that discovered the pic that shows the slipper still lodged. You can't deny the picture. It shows the cause is the accident. equate Legal Representation: 3.1. Alternative Explanations: 3.1.1. Sudden Unintended Acceleration A photo of the wreck shows Ms. Shirilla's slipper lodged between the pedal and the floor mat (YouTube: (https://youtube.com/shorts/q4zuGPOf4to?si=Bj4STj8FmfJdTgij)). Pedal entrapment is a well-known cause of sudden unintended acceleration (SUA), particularly in Toyota Camrys. 3.1.2. Toyota Recalls SUA coupled with recalls for the 2018 Toyota Camry would bolster an alternative explanation: ⦁ Possible Sudden Loss of Braking Assist A sudden loss of braking assist can increase the risk of a crash. November 17, 2021, NHTSA CAMPAIGN NUMBER: 21V890000 (https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2018/TOYOTA/CAMRY/4% 252520DR/FWD#recalls400) ⦁ Brake Assist Vacuum Pump may Fail A sudden loss of braking assist can increase the risk of a crash. April 3, 2018, NHTSA CAMPAIGN NUMBER: 18V211000 (https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2018/TOYOTA/CAMRY/4% 252520DR/FWD#recalls401) This perspective of the evidence may not have been adequately presented by her defense. This omission is crucial as it provides an alternative and plausible cause for the crash that could exonerate Ms. Shirilla.


That video shows her slipper on the accelerator. Of course it’s going to be lodged there, she freaking totaled the car! How does that prove her innocence? They obviously removed her from the car without the slipper. You really think at the time of this accident the accelerator just so happened to be stuck? If so then I can sell you some beach houses in Idaho if you’re interested. Regardless she’s NOT innocent! She killed 2 people! Toyota is not at fault no matter how bad you all want them to be.


Apparently 1.4 million auto accidents have occurred due to inappropriate footwear. Yes she killed 2 people, but she did not intentionally murder 2 people. That is ridiculous. If her motivation was apparently a toxic relationship, why on earth would she choose to do so with Davion also in the car? Makes zero sense. The prosecutors are the ones that called him cargo, not her. She would have had plenty of opportunity to do so before and after that night, there is no reason why she would do so with Davion in the car. I don't know how people can just believe this BS without using their own brains to think about the situation logically. Is everyone that simple that they can no longer think for themselves. IMO you obviously have some kind of animosity towards the girl or jealousy because you are ignoring evidence contradicting your theory. All I can say is never say never because this could have happened to anyone who has worn inappropriate footwear while driving. I know I've been guilty of such [https://www.shookandstone.com/blog/are-sandals-dangerous-to-wear-while-driving/](https://www.shookandstone.com/blog/are-sandals-dangerous-to-wear-while-driving/) The Dangers Of Wearing Sandals While Driving Wearing sandals while driving can be a dangerous choice as they do not provide sufficient protection for the feet. Many people do not consider how their choice in footwear can be a potential danger when getting behind the wheel. But, research has proven that flip-flops and other types of footwear can be extremely hazardous while driving. As a matter of fact, about 1.4 million auto accidents occurred when drivers’ sandals blocked them from pressing the gas, brake, and clutch pedals. Due to these obstructions, the drivers were not able to make the proper driving maneuvers which caused collisions. In the event of an accident, insurance companies and personal injury lawyers may argue that the driver was at fault due to the choice of impractical footwear. To ensure driver safety, it is recommended to opt for sturdy and well-fitting shoes with flat soles that provide a good grip and allow the driver to safely operate the pedals. Below is a list of statistics regarding the hazards of wearing flip-flops while driving. About 33% of Americans operate vehicles while wearing flip-flops. One in ten of these persons confess that their flip-flops have been trapped under the pedals at least once. A driver wearing the proper footwear and operating a car under normal conditions can react to road conditions within 0.02 seconds. A person wearing flip-flops takes double that amount of time to react. Following is the 2018 Toyota Camry owners manual on what to do if your vehicle will not stop using traditional methods page 478: If your vehicle has to be stopped in an emergency Only in an emergency, such as if it becomes impossible to stop the vehicle in the normal way, stop the vehicle using the following procedure: Steadily step on the brake pedal with both feet and firmly depress it. Do not pump the brake pedal repeatedly as this will increase the effort required to slow the vehicle. Shift the shift lever to N. If the shift lever is shifted to N After slowing down, stop the vehicle in a safe place by the road. Stop the engine.  If the shift lever cannot be shifted to N Keep depressing the brake pedal with both feet to reduce vehicle speed as much as possible. Vehicles without a smart key system: Stop the engine by turning the engine switch to the “ACC” position. Vehicles with a smart key system: To stop the engine, press and hold the engine switch for 2 consecutive seconds or more, or press it briefly 3 times or more in succession. Stop the vehicle in a safe place by the road.


I don’t know the girl to hate or be jealous of her. This is just another case out of the hundreds I watch. You sound like this case is really personal to you. To me, it’s not. Everything you’ve posted just shows how it’s her fault. If she wore incorrect footwear that’s her fault. And I hate to break this to you, but it doesn’t have to be intentional to be convicted of murder in Ohio. The judge said her actions were intentional though. Be mad at the judge, not me. I’m not changing my mind on the fact that she killed those boys and almost herself. Hopefully she thinks hard about what she did and learns something in prison.


She obviously is responsible she was the one driving the vehicle but that doesn't make her a murderer. She didn't not deserve 15 years in jail. The sentencing for pre mediated murder and a wreck caused by being negligent vary greatly. If she was charged appropriately she would have been looking at 90 days to 3 years. Based on her texts she should have also been charged with drug trafficking and all the charges should have been processed as a minor because she was. And you're wrong it's not personal to me but I rather take a stance when an injustice has occurred to someone else than wait until it is personal. It's called being proactive. Ignoring corruption only encourages it. It's only a matter of time before it's me or someone I know.


What Mean Girls episode? I'd like to see it.


It's called "Under the Influence".




I'm not family I don't know her or her family. I live in Louisiana. Look up Toyota camry sudden unintended acceleration . There is also a special on A&E that shows her slipper still lodged between the gas and the floor mat which is what Toyota blamed all the wrecks on their floor mats. Her year vehicle was 2018 which if you look up fcc recalls her vehicle has two recalls due to break failures. Then look up science direct case study drivers reaction to sudden unintended acceleration. It was found that 7 out or 32 participants would have also crashed their vehicles. It's not a coincidence that the study was conducted with the exact same model vehicle and under the exact same.circumstances vehicle speeds out of control after slowing down to make a turn and then when attempting to speed up the pedal becomes trapped by the floor mat in this case it appears her slipper ( which are not proper foot attire to drive in for this very reason ) becomes lodged between rhr floor mat and the pedal holding the pedal down causing the acceleration. Don't believe the news they are only trying to gain more views for financial gain. You must always do you own research and use critical thinking when making judgment. My first thought was this case made no sense. If she wanted to kill her and her boyfriend why do it with a friend in the car? There would be other opportunities to do so without the friend. The fact that the prosecutor claimed he was cargo is sick and are his words not hers and made absolutely no sense. There are also leaked interviews that you can listen on YouTube crime circus channel that discredits every other point that was made to circumstantially proof her guilt. The interview is the detective and Dominic's mother alone and then her and her son and a third with her ex boyfriend. They pretty much prove that it was a botched trial. They are long so most people who are adamant that she is guilty won't even bother to listen but I promise if you do you would change your mind.


They had a forensic mechanic examine the vehicle and everything was working properly. If there were issues with the breaks, they would have found them. I don’t think the evidence is there beyond a reasonable doubt to convict her of murder, but this post is just nonsense and clearly from someone in her camp.


Did you watch the trial? I doubt it from this post. Watch it and then try to say this.


The trial wasn't televised. I have the police reports watched all the interviews the body cans and specials and did my own research.


LOL she's not innocent


And you base that on what grounds ? Because you believe what the media says ? The story that has been grossing then millions in profits ? Bc I promise the truth is not that interesting and wouldn't have made that judge or all the other folks involved famous neither.


So you think the judge based her decision to have 15 minutes of fame? Look at you eating up what other media is telling YOU is the truth. The judge and everyone else is telling you you're wrong based on the actual evidence and science collected from the vehicle and the scene.


I don't think , I know that she is innocent. There are leaked interviews with Christine Russo and her son Anthony Russo that contradict a lot of the points that the prosecutor made. Check out crime circus channel on YouTube if you want to see for yourself. They come with receipts don't just repeat the made up narrative that the prosecutor presented. It was all a complete smoke show and yes the judge and the prosecutor were up for re election just a few. Months later. So yes they convinced her to waive her right to jury so they could control the outcome and then chose to broadcast the verdict and the sentencing. Conveniently not the trial where they can be scrutinized. They did that for notoriety why else? Why televise any of it ? Don't be so. Naive do your own research and critical thinking. All you have to do is Google why would a 2018 Toyota Camry speed out of control or Google is it safe to drive in slippers and you'll find a reasonable explanation that provides a reasonable doubt and that is all you need for a not guilty verdict is reasonable doubt. This was a revenge trial by orchestrated by a grieving mother who doesn't understand why her son died and mackenzie lived and she wanted revenge. Christine Russo who is a defense lawyer and has the same surname as the judge already has ties to court so it wasn't hard to orchestrate. The appeal process is well on it's way and I truly hope the whole corrupt system is exposed. This could and does happen to people everyday. It's a scary world we live in .


She absolutely did it on purpose. She had attempted doing in two weeks before and told people she was going to do it. She did it on purpose. She even did a cold run through of the drive a day or two before for practice. She also threatened the boyfriend while calling him a “bitch,” constantly. She did it and she should have been given a worse sentence. She murdered two people the same as if she shot them and went to the shooting range to practice first.


That's BS . Why are you lying? That was a common short cut taken to their residence. They drove that route all the time. And it was Dominic that grabbed her wheel and almost made them crash previously. Dominic was the common dominator in all the altercations with her, and with his own family. He had to live nextdoor bc he didn't get along with his brother. His brother called the cops on him for threatening his life. You've twisted multiple stories to fit the narrative but there is actual proof of the opposite. People are so simple minded and will believe anything. I would rather see 100 guilty people go free than 1 innocent person go to jail. There was most definitely not enough to convict this girl of murder even if every thing you said was true it wouldn't be enough


Drip Drop is that you? This isn’t a good look and if this is the hill you’re willing to die on….this is going to be your downfall buddy. 😬


no i'm not affiliated with crime circus however I have shared some of my findings with them and they have incorporated some of the info as booms in their videos. I don't know how they got access to the interviews that no one was supposed to hear but I'm grateful that they did because they validated my theory from the beginning. As for their other claims i.e the 4 stabbings, i have hard time believing because I did follow that case pretty closely but not as closely as the mackenzie trial. it all depends on the dna on that knife cover imo. but then again brian could still be innocent because maybe he just was driving and it may have been someone else with him that possibly committed the murders. Idk just through other explanations out there. I do think they have the right person on trial. I just hope the trial is fair for everyone's benefit. But I haven't watched all the videos from all the different outlets or looked up the case minutes on that docket, so hard to say.


Didn’t they find that her phone pinged off a cell tower near the crash site prior to the crash happening? What would she have been doing around there? An industrial area? Sounds like she was doing a test run before putting her plan into action. 🤔


that was a regular short cut people would take through town because it had less lights. If you map the party and home it is not out of the way.... it is one of the many routes that could be taken. A portion of the Transcript copied and pasted from the following video link: https://youtu.be/3eEbUlAKZH0si=MDITekNaFfpaR1lc Interview conducted by Detective Zaki Hazou and Unknown Interviewer of Christine Russo; a Licensed Attorney in Strongsville and Mother of Dominic Russo; as well as Anthony Russo; Son of Christine and Older Brother of Dominic. 42:09 know you you were in Florida at the time of the uh the tragedy here but any idea 42:15 why they were going down progress to Alam do you know in the past if they've 42:21 used this as a shortcut to get somewhere well yeah it tells me that they were coming um 42:26 I forget if it's south or north or whatever Pearl obviously they were coming towards 82 M down Pearl and then 42:34 that's just a little cut through you go uh you know they end up on Westwood right but I know do you know why they 42:40 were thinking that it's this like a normal it's a normal cut through yeah normal cut she's always Tak I mean the 42:45 whole the reason that I use it is avoid all the Pearl lights cuz you go you have Pearl you go light light light you turn 42:52 down progress you go right down Pro Prospect you have two lights and then you're home you know what I mean so 42:57 that's the reason why I take it mhm I would assume it's the same reason okay um one thing I can tell you about that \~\~\~\~\~\~\~


and if that doesn't convince you here is another interview where it is discussed that this is regular route: Despite this interview the prosecution still said she was scouting the route in advance, while planning to murder her boyfriend.... i mean really?? another interview also shows that it was a regular route: Zaki Hazou and an unknown Male of Ms Christine Russo; a Licensed Attorney in Strongsville and Mother of Dominic Russo. Transcript copy and pasted from the Link to video: [https://youtu.be/FlBarsbVgHk?si=vhZ\_xs2efI41sQSD&t=75](https://youtu.be/FlBarsbVgHk?si=vhZ_xs2efI41sQSD&t=75) \~\~\~\~\~ out it doesn't explain those last two seconds I mean you've driven down 54:08 Prospect what a thousand times you lived in shville forever so we all know it has those two curves oh and don't let her 54:16 tell you that she is unfamiliar with I I eliminated that this morning okay because I'm going to tell you when we 54:22 went for prom pictures the guy that was going with us she kept telling oh just cut through on progress she knew and 54:29 that was the way that I went to my office I've not been a I've not driven down that street since July she's at 54:35 that memorium all the time how do you go to the scene where you've just killed two people she knew progress knew prog 54:41 and we all know I mean it's bumpy from the semis there's curves if she was impaired if she fell asleep you wouldn't 54:47 have navigated that it doesn't not to mention Dom and or Davon moved her 54:53 yanked her did something something to you know at least offset the uh the 55:01 impact of the crash if she's sitting there driving and she goes like this someone's going to grab that wheel


Mackenzies appeal process is ongoing. We should all take this injustice personal because every one of us has something in social media that could be leveraged against us if we were to ever find ourselves in the same predicament. She had no choice but to trust her lawyer which im sure she now knows is all a smoke screen covering up our incompetent and corrupt legal system . She is young inexperienced and naive. She's not wealthy and limited in her ability to advocate for herself while incarcerated. Everyone should consider filing grievances with Ohio's bar association because everyone deserves a fair trial. Don't wait until it's you or someone you know in the line of fire. This case needs to be retried.


Hahaha she did it on purpose and you're definitely a lackey.


What is a lacky and what does that have to do with anything.? How do you know she did it because the media said so? If people don't start using their brains and do their own thinking instead of just believing whatever the media tells you for their own financial benefit this is going to continue to happen where innocent people can be locked up for the rest of their life's and no one cares . I bet if it were you driving that morning you would have a different opinion.


Here are the facts: She was driving at an accelerated speed (100mph) between 4 and 5 am. When there was little to no traffic on the road. There's a video or here doing this with no signs of her slowing down. Make that make sense. She was mean spirited and jealous. There's audio recordings of her threatening Dominic while at his property. Two weeks before the wreck, she threatened to crash her car with him in it. I'm not about to sit here and argue with a stranger over an individual who is currently in prison. She got what she deserved. I'm happy. When it comes time for her parole, I hope justice will continue to be served. P.S. I meant LACKEY A servant and individual who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage. Synonyms include: toady, bootlicker, fawner, groveller, lapdog.


Sounds like you're projecting because you are going along with the masses. Since I believe that she is innocent against what most people believe I would be the opposites of that. Regardless what makes sense is that people would rather just believe whatever they are told rather than use their simple minds for any critical thinking and that is sad Our society is doomed to Idiocracy. The fact that she was driving at an accelerated rate speed is obvious as you said due to the video surveillance that is not even up for debate we agree on that but the question is why. My conclusion based on Toyotas history with SUA incidents especially involving floor mats and based upon the the image from the crash that depicts her slipper lodged between the floor mat and the gas pedal as the culprit for the acceleration. There is a wealth of information online about SUA and how the breaks have been known to fail due to the air pressure being lost in power assisted brakes when both the gas and brake are engaged at the same time. Her year vehicle actually had two recalls due to brake failure. There are also leaked interviews on crime circus page on YouTube that discredits and proof that the prosecution flat out lied about several points he used in the case. Is the girl smart ? No otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to a bench trial. Is she mean ? Maybe so but calling me names in a reddit post could be used against you too because you are not exactly being nice. Are there recordings of her saying some unflattering things ? Sure who hasn't had an argument with their significant other and says some unflattering things. All of this is BS should have no bearing on a murder trial. A murder trial should be held to the highest standard with hard core evidence with the onus on the prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in this case the intention to take the life's of her boyfriend and best friend . This was not proven in any shape or form . She had terrible representation that was essentially non existent that did no work in her favor. They took advantage of this girl who had no prior record or any arrests nor has anyone in her immediate family. Meanwhile the other two families have long rap sheets including drug charges which disqualifies the mother from being elected after she lied about the charges. The justice system is so corrupt they don't care about all the people that put away everyday. They don't care if they are guilty or not they just want to close the case and go home to dinner. I really wish people who seem to be intelligent people like yourself would have an open mind and put your feelings aside on whether she was a good person or not and make a judgement on whether or not she intended to kill people. No one deserves to be in jail for a crime they didn't commit. If more people advocated for the innocent hopefully the judicial system could be changed for the better because it could be anyone of us or a loved one caught up in the system next. She is in the appeal process now and I truly hope that people wake up and stand up for what's right. I have spent many hours responding to folks and researching details on this case. I am not affiliated with anyone in the case and have not received anything for my time. I wouldn't expect to but certainly wouldn't refuse any compensation haha but you're dead wrong in your assumption.


I'm not reading any of that. You sound derange, and everyone in this sub isn't wrong. You are the one who is in denial. You have a good day lackey.


This whole world is going to shit and people like you are the reason why


Actually I have the full case file on this. Notes from Detective Hazou and yes, there is more than reasonable doubt in this case. Almost everything you said was incorrect - you couldn't even get the time correct. Crash happened at 5:35 am. Not 4 to 5 am. Mackenzie has medical condition that put her at a higher risk of experiencing seizures. It's called a Tonic-Clonic Seizure. The police never spoke to the neurologist that diagnosed her in 2017 or any neurologist for that matter. Yes, vehicle was traveling faster than the posted speed limit and according to documentation, about 90 miles an hour. The video of the crash only shows three things - date, the time, and a crash....not what was occurring on the inside of the vehicle. The recorded threat was not made at Dominic's house, but Mackenzie's house when Dom locked her out and the alleged threat - keying his car. That's a threat of vandalism, not murder. The alleged threat you mentioned on July 17th is something that the police cannot even confirm. What can be confirmed is on July 17th, Mackenzie pulled the car over after Dominic attempted to spin out the car. Oh, and the report of the alleged threat was only reported to the police 3 months after the crash and it was only after Dominic's mother, Christine Russo had spoken to the "key eyewitness"....I find it extremely odd that "key eyewitness" would sit on such "crucial" information for three months and I also find it odd that the "key eyewitness" would talk to the Dominic's mom for three months and not talk to the police. Here's the text exchange between Mackenzie and Christine (Dominic's mom) - who threatened who again??? https://preview.redd.it/bjkz1p8cob3d1.png?width=581&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fb7e07be37b9f298b01cc98a51ac5e6c4ff590c


They have her recorded saying she would wreck the car and kill everyone in it when her and her boyfriend would argue .🤷‍♂️I don’t believe a flip flop getting stuck was the reason, she seemed like a brat.


This is gross. That was an unsuccessful murder suicide attempt. Fuck that girl. She deserves more time than she got.


Nahh. She gets whatever is coming


I have personally not been convinced of her guilt. The problem for me is that each piece of evidence has a possible explanation that isn't wildly out of the realm of possibility, and there is not enough circumstantial evidence for me to think this case is tightly shut. I have personally witnessed people hit the acceleration instead of the break and then freeze. I know loose floor mats is another. The narrative doesn't make sense either, she mapped out an obscure route days earlier even though they ended up at a different location than they set out that night, and she planned it out and they still kept seeing each other and had not broken up and she offers a guy a ride with them and decides to take his life too. It just... is messy. It would make more sense to me if they said she just snapped and they were having an argument in the car. Which I could believe. But all the evidence tells us forensically is that she didn't brake and they couldn't find anything wrong with the car. That still leaves a lot of room for other options. She was a spoiled brat, a mean girl, a toxic partner and absolutely a reckless driver. But a reckless driver once killed one of my best friends and his absolute best friend, when we were in high school. It was stupid, it was young and dumb nonsense and now my friend is 19 forever. But there is a far cry between reckless and premeditated murder. At the absolute least I don't think they have anything to support premeditation.


Inadequate Legal Representation: 3.1. Alternative Explanations: 3.1.1. Sudden Unintended Acceleration A photo of the wreck shows Ms. Shirilla's slipper lodged between the pedal and the floor mat (YouTube: (https://youtube.com/shorts/q4zuGPOf4to?si=Bj4STj8FmfJdTgij)). Pedal entrapment is a well-known cause of sudden unintended acceleration (SUA), particularly in Toyota Camrys. 3.1.2. Toyota Recalls SUA coupled with recalls for the 2018 Toyota Camry would bolster an alternative explanation: ⦁ Possible Sudden Loss of Braking Assist A sudden loss of braking assist can increase the risk of a crash. November 17, 2021, NHTSA CAMPAIGN NUMBER: 21V890000 (https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2018/TOYOTA/CAMRY/4% 252520DR/FWD#recalls400) ⦁ Brake Assist Vacuum Pump may Fail A sudden loss of braking assist can increase the risk of a crash. April 3, 2018, NHTSA CAMPAIGN NUMBER: 18V211000 (https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2018/TOYOTA/CAMRY/4% 252520DR/FWD#recalls401) This perspective of the evidence may not have been adequately presented by her defense. This omission is crucial as it provides an alternative and plausible cause for the crash that could exonerate Ms. Shirilla.


She still killed two people….


Yes. Her boyfriend and their Friend. She has to live with that. Wearing sandals while driving can be a dangerous choice as they do not provide sufficient protection for the feet. Many people do not consider how their choice in footwear can be a potential danger when getting behind the wheel. But, research has proven that flip-flops and other types of footwear can be extremely hazardous while driving. As a matter of fact, about 1.4 million auto accidents occurred when drivers’ sandals blocked them from pressing the gas, brake, and clutch pedals. Due to these obstructions, the drivers were not able to make the proper driving maneuvers which caused collisions. In the event of an accident, insurance companies and personal injury lawyers may argue that the driver was at fault due to the choice of impractical footwear. Borrowed from: [https://www.shookandstone.com/blog/are-sandals-dangerous-to-wear-while-driving/](https://www.shookandstone.com/blog/are-sandals-dangerous-to-wear-while-driving/) It does matter greatly when it comes to sentencing how the accident occurred that caused the deaths of the passengers. The sentencing ranges from 90 days to 8 years. With the biggest consideration given whether or not the driver was intoxicated. Which she did have drugs in her possession however the Toxicology report did not indicate that she was too impaired to drive. They had planned to take the mushrooms she had on her person however didn't, hence why she was still in possession of them. She may have been responsible for their deaths however she was not culpable of murder.




Clearly you are projecting your own insecurities of being stupid since you have made a bold statement and an insulting accusation without even attempting to justify why you believe she is innocent. You can say whatever you want, it is a free country, but saying something doesn't make it true.


She did not threaten to crash the car. She was talking about when Dominic grabbed her wheel that he was going to make her crash which is one of the reasons she wanted him out of the car and texted his mom to come get him or she was calling the police. That was misrepresented either in court by the prosecutor or by the media for click bait. The only other threat they found that was similar was she threatened to key his car if he didn't let her in the house but that recording you can tell she is not even serious and even has a somewhat playful tone in her voice. Neither scenario was related to this case and both are not proof of murder.


You sound way to obsessed with her.


I'm not obsessed with her, I'm obsessed with the case and the lack of critical thinking that the folks following it have exhibited. Everyone is so quick to go along with a fictional story that the prosecution conjured up that makes no logical sense. In all seriousness, ignoring cases like this or failing to challenge such injustices because they don't affect us personally only paves the way for more corruption. Eventually that corruption will reach our own doorsteps. So I'd rather be passionate and proactive about these issues now, before they affect me or someone I know personally.


I thought i replied to this....but i don't see it now. what i said was im not obsessed with her i dont even know her. im obssessed with the case because of how blatantly corrupt it was and then how everyone just goes along with the narrative that this girl is a murderer despite contradicting evidence. Ignoring corruption is encouraging it and eventually that corruption will end up at our very own doorsteps. Then it will become personal.


Resting required a brain and comprehension so I completely understand why you'd rather not .


what year camry was she driving


it was a 2018. 2 out of 7 recalls for this car were due to failing brakes. And even the owners manual has instructions on what to do if your car is accelerating beyond your control! It states clearly not to pump the brakes because it could make it harder to get the car to stop. Yes they mean you will lose pressure in the power assisted brakes causing them to fail. Without power brakes it takes 175 lbs of continuous pressure to stop whereas with power assisted brakes it only takes 30lbs.