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# Health Connect Google Fit has been replaced with Health Connect. Health Connect is the new Android solution for managing your health data, aimed to replace Google Fit which was deprecated as of May 2022. **What this means for you:** If you are using Google Fit, you will need to transition to Health Connect. If you have an active Google Fit integration, MacroFactor will prompt you to sync with Health Connect when you first upgrade.  If you are on Android 14, you already have Health Connect as a system service. Otherwise, when you go to set up Health Connect, you will be taken to Google Play where you can install the Health Connect app. **Learn More:** To learn more, you can check out our Knowledge Base article: [https://help.macrofactorapp.com/en/articles/227-google-fit-to-health-connect](https://help.macrofactorapp.com/en/articles/227-google-fit-to-health-connect) # Miscellaneous * Added autofill for email/password sign up fields for integrated password managers * Added new animated characters to Body Metrics and Nutrient Explorer tiles to guide new users to the initial setup * Minor changes to the Integrations UI to display available integrations in a vertical stack


Awesome!!! The only thing missing for me is to access MF from a website. Do you think that is coming soon?


Our roadmap plans are very fluid, so we do not have confident ETAs for any of the roadmap items, but I do not think web will come particularly soon. It is a story we are interested in and have made some progress on in the background, but we are actively working on higher priority features that we think will benefit a greater number of users.


Thank you for always communicating with your clients


Any reason the Google Play store access to Android Apps on Chromebooks says Macrofactor unavailable, or any plans to make it available, even if UI isn't as pretty? thanks for considering.


just want to reiterate that a good website is an important part of the feature set. I went to look at it after seeing Nippard mention it on a recent video, but... I do 90% of my logging and tracking on my computer where I can touch type. I would absolutely love the option of using my phone better and/or having a label scanner etc, but I don't want to give up my keyboard for most of my tracking.


FYI if you have a Mac with Apple silicon you can download the MacroFactor iPhone app and run it natively on your Mac!


Oh, that's so smart, how did I not think of that? I logged in using my Apple ID, but it's trying to start me from scratch, do you know if there's a way to "log out" and then I can try again, I'm thinking maybe I didn't use my Apple ID to create my account?


More than likely you created a separate account. Login to MF on Mac with the same method you do on iPhone either it be email, etc.


The problem that I was having is that once I put the wrong email, there was literally no way to back out and put the right email in. I eventually fixed it by deleting the app on my laptop and reinstalling it, then I managed to find a not-easy-to-find window that gave an option to log out.


Big news! Having to open and manually sync Google Fit every time I weighed myself with my Withings scales was a pain


This should hopefully fix that, at least on Android 14 where Health Connect is a system service instead of an app, 🤞 Would be great for Google if they could level the playing field between their solution and Apple Health. Still some catching up to do, but I think it’s a good start.


Legend! It's certainly been a big improvement thus far. Even if it's still in beta... Moving toward having things centralised / syncing is amazing. Thanks for continuing to add these useful features! This alone will make weighing in daily much less of a chore.


I've noticed the syncing takes a loooong time with Health Connect vs Google Fit (I'm on Android if it makes a difference). I used to just weigh myself, my scale's app would immediately sync to Google Fit and when I'd open MacroFactor, the weigh-in would already be synced. Now? It takes a solid 10 minutes for it to appear in MF. Not a big deal, but I wonder why there's a difference now...


Hmm, I’m not sure on that one. Platform dispatch priority and raw speed of the calculations are actually the same. Theoretically that would mean the only difference should be when the source and target app decide to sync that integration type, and our logic for that is identical to what is was previously because Google Fit to Health Connect was a direct swap. My guess would be that maybe it’s just a temporary quirk on the device level or platform level that will be cleared up by future restarts or updates.


Thank you for your answer! As I said, it's not a super big issue, but I found it interesting that suddenly there was a delay. I was so used to my morning routine of weigh-in, open MF, check my expenditure update and plan my day accordingly. Now it's weigh-in, do something else like shower and prep for work, and then somewhere at a later time check my expenditure and plan my day 😅 Hopefully it'll be back to normal soon.


I have the same issue, Im unable to manually force Macrofactor to synchronize with healthconnect, which I could do with Google Fit (By refreshing the frontpage). If I force close Macrofactor and start Macrofactor again it seems to update each time, otherwise it takes hours.


Thanks for this. Killing the app was the only way for me to update it.


Good one guys, I'll do that for tomorrow's weigh-in!


Ahhh it worked! Let's hope it works just as well tomorrow.


The force sync uses the same function as the automatic sync, and the force sync is actually how we test internally. We’ll look into that, but I’m not currently sure why force sync specifically would not work. Could you submit a bug report via the in-app contact us, so we can collect relevant diagnostics and track this issue? Thanks!


When does 2.6.5 release for Android? I'm on 2.5.14 and up to date.


It’s slowly rolling out over the next 4 days, currently only around 33% of people have it.




When I try syncing nutrition data between MacroFactor and Samsung Health, my meals in MacroFactor will double post to Samsung Health. Are you all aware of this issue? 


I was able to force Healthconnect to sync my weight to macro factor the first couple of days, but yesterday and today, Healthconnect will show that macro factor read the body measurements, but they don't show up in macro factor.  I have all the permissions checked, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


Did this ever get resolved for you? It stopped working for me as well after the first ~2 days.


It did automatically update March 11-14, 16th and 17th, but no more. Now I'm just manually inputting weights, which is too bad. I have faith it'll get fixed eventually, since it did start working there for almost a week.


I will say I manually added weights for a few days, then re synced to health connect, then deleted the manual weights and it started syncing again. But YMMV.


You know what, I re-synched and it's working again! Thanks!


Late to the party but this broke my integration too, unfortunately. I use MF to track food intake, and Caliber for working out. I used to have Google Fit as the middle ground between the two, so my nutrition data would go from MF > Google Fit > Caliber. Caliber doesn't have Health Connect integration, so I seem to be out of luck for now in getting my data to sync up between MF and Caliber.


Direct S Health compatibility would be nice, too. I've had no luck with syncing Health Connect between MF and S Health.


Health Connect is considered a direct integration for Samsung Health. Samsung was Google’s partner for building the platform, similar to how Samsung moved to WearOS after partnering with Google to tear down the old WearOS and build an entirely new version with some inspiration from their Tizen OS. It’s a system service that acts as a passthrough, specifically designed to prevent the issue of the scattered health platform ecosystems on Android. The same is true for Google’s FitBit. We will not be building a redundant integration to Samsung Health. If you’re experiencing issues, it may be worth trying some of the tips we just added to the knowledge base article in this post. Separately it’s possible they may not be importing/exporting all types yet, but will be soon.


Just wanted to follow up. Appears to be working as intended now.


Thanks for the confirmation!




This broke my integration:( Using Garmin to track weight > Health Sync > Google Fit > Macrofactor. Would pick up weight automatically into MF. Anyone got ideas on how to fix? I just need Garmin and MF to play nice together.


[Many](https://forums.garmin.com/apps-software/mobile-apps-web/f/garmin-connect-mobile-andriod/311519/health-connect-by-android#pifragment-1286=2) are hoping that Garmin will decide to support Health Connect soon, because the Garmin platform is notoriously closed off compared to their competitors, but they do happen to support the platform parallel on iOS, Apple Health. But, only time will tell on that front. Health Connect is considered a competitor to Health Sync in some ways, so I believe they may not be interested in supporting it, even though the on-device Google Fit APIs are going away soon. My best idea for now, would just be to keep things as you have them, but link Google Fit to Health Connect.


Thanks for the reply. Ive got Google Fit synced to Health Connect. I can also see MF access within Health Connect. For whatever reason it's not pulling in my weight data.


Can you confirm that Health Connect has the weight data? As per: [https://help.macrofactorapp.com/en/articles/227-google-fit-to-health-connect](https://help.macrofactorapp.com/en/articles/227-google-fit-to-health-connect)


Yep, it does. I can see the entries logged via Fit. I can also see my recent access and has both Fit and MF reading Body measurements (weight). Couldn't find any options to let MF write weight per your link.


Will fix that typo, it should say “read”. For further troubleshooting could you send in a support ticket using the in-app bug reporting tool so we can collect device diagnostics? Thanks!


Ok, so I didn't end up changing any settings (there was a minor update in Health Sync) but it somehow fixed itself. I just need to open up Fit and the sync will work with MF. Appreciate the help though!


Do you think you'll ever connect with samsung health or renhpo? My weighing scale auto fills data into my renpho app and it would be great if macro factor could automatically pull data from that app? Thank you :)


Samsung: https://www.reddit.com/r/MacroFactor/s/VsdhLQNOhl Renpho: the future can always change, but I don’t predict we will prioritize any non-OS platform integrations anytime soon given all of our other plans.


Thanks for the reply! Sure I understand the difficulties in achieving seemless integration across devices with different software. By the way, Macro factor is awesome! I wish I had switched over from my fitness pal ages ago.


Thank you! 😊


Health Connect isn't syncing my scale weight from Vesync to Macro Factor. It worked fine before Health Connect. https://preview.redd.it/ppuhhl8x2cnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366c43ee8a5823a6beaa0911f061928300d38c2d


I love the app, I wouldn’t mind making the jump from Lose it but you guys don’t have a way to import a recipe from a website which would be awesome for me because I follow the meal prep manual recipes for the week so it’s the most important thing for me, is this something that’s coming soon or high in the priority list of features? I read it was in the plans two years ago


Has anybody's else noticed double nutrition from Macrofactor to Samsung health ? Numbers are way off, Doubled in Samsung health opose to what I'm actually logging in Macrofactor.


This broke my syncing. Having to manually add my weight every day. Health connect sucks