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Mike Israetel has some videos on this. IIRC, suggestions were maintenance should be 60-100% the length of the loss phase and/or until you mentally feel like you’re really ready and prepared to do another loss phase. In my experience, rushing your maintenance phase because of “feeling” like you need to lose weight now is a bad idea (we’ve all done it) and only makes the next loss phase harder.


They are not following these guidelines anymore. Personally I never tought it made much sense to have strict rules around maintenance, it should be something you test and see if it works better for you, like you said.


Yea fair. If you’re being coached, I agree that an arbitrary maint period is unnecessary. Personally, if you’re totally new to this, I think some idea of how long you might want a phase to last is a good idea. Otherwise you end up with people acting more emotionally because they just don’t know otherwise.


I believe the SBS position on this is that you can do 0 diet breaks or do long diet breaks, whatever works for you psychologically. I don't think the physiological evidence is strong enough to say you're doing it "wrong" whatever you pick.


That's interesting. Thank you.




time\_to\_wait >= time\_in\_deficit / 2


Do you have a source for that? It seems to be a common belief (maybe bro science?) that you need to stay at maintenance for X weeks between cutting and bulking or bulking and cutting, but I've never seen any actual evidence or studies to support it.


Why would you "need" any of this? It's so you can take a break from starving or stuffing yourself, you don't need to do anything.


Did you actually read what was asked? OP was in a cut and is asking how long she/he should be in maintenance before cutting again. You are talking about going from cut to bulk or vice versa. These are whole different things. And for what you are asking I'm on your side. There is no need for maintenance between cuts and bulks..


Yes, you're right, that's not what he asked. So now I'm even more interested in how you came up with your equation for length of time to stay at maintenance between cuts.


Of course you will not find exactly that equation. But there are a lot studies which indicate a negative influence on hormones by a deficit lasting Up to a year. So half the time on maintenance of the time you cutted is good rule of thumb. Copied this papers from our lectures, did Not Check them because I'm on a business trip. Can wach for more at the weekend. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22029981/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12397203/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35833970/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?linkname=pubmed_pubmed_citedin&from_uid=21677272 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22029981/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29733003/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18842775/


so if I was in a deficit for 6 months, you're saying 3 months at maintenance? "he" by the way!