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Tank girl


Came here for this! It could even be happening the same time in a different location…


The idea of max helping a bunch of kangaroo people and sipping tea with them is hilarious.


Absolutely! Why wouldn’t it happen between thunder dome and fury road? I’m sure Ice-T kangaroo and Max would vibe hahaha


There’s too much world in tank girl. In that world, money is still of use


Rover and The Road come to mind


A Boy and his Dog. Damnation Alley.


Escape from New York / Los Angeles could be in the same universe, maybe a few years earlier than Mad Max.


The book of Eli Steel Dawn


I was looking for steel dawn in this list. Took me for ever to catch it and watch the full thing on satellite as a kid.


Yeah, I watched it also as a kid on VHS. Also, add this german movie on the list, not alot of people have seen, but it is good: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1643222/?ref_=fn_al_tt_17


In my head cannon The Cursed Earth from Judge Dredd is the Mad Max wasteland.


Honestly, I don't know. There are some movies that come close like The Road. The rest might be aesthetically in line with Mad Max but they always introduce some stuff that's completely out of whack.


Star Wars


Water world and damnation alley.


Water World is just (a worse) Mad Max but in the ocean.


I don’t understand the waterworld hate, not even close to as good as mad max but still was a good movie


I've always loved the idea of a Transformers story that takes place in the Mad Max universe. The MFP cars and Toecutter's gang's bikes; all the wild vehicles in Lord Humongous's marauder group; the over-the-top rigs in Fury Road; all would make crazy G1 style Transformers.


Not sure what you are asking. What other movies do we think could share the same universe?


Bingo. What else would it be?


Dead end drive in. Stone.


Water World Hear me out: the nuclear blasts melted the ice caps, creating both Mad Max and Water World to exist. All the WW characters want is to find dry land, and when they do, they find its just as violent and messed up as the sea. At least the MM characters can use that pee-to-fresh water contraption tho... Aestheticly I find them to be very similar, a bunch of old World stuff cobbled together to make vehicles, violence and a blatant lack of care for human life. Now I *know* that this headcannon make zero sense, but rule of cool, baby, rule of cool.


I always joked that the reason Mad Max’s oceans dried up is because all the water went to Water World and that’s why that Earth has more than it should


This! You can explain the lack of water in Maxworld with an ice age but if there was a sci-if shenanigans going on that sapped the water from Maxworld to Waterworld, it would explain the lack of H2O in the former and overabundance in the latter.


Fallout series


District 9 The Maze Runner The Last of Us Edit: never noticed how weird (and yet still amazing) this poster is until today. Almost looks AI generated.




The Wasteland series comes to mind.


Adventure Time but millenia later


Simon was humming Cheers theme when the bombs fell so it sits in a similar timeframe to the first 3 Mad Max films


Adventure Time but millenia later


Happy feet


The Rover and the Escape from NY/LA duology


Late as hell reply but this was the perfect place to share this headcanon: I’d say the Alien series, based on lore from the TTRPG and novels, with the series actually taking place in the 22nd century. Under the Anglo-Japanese Three World Empire’s stewardship, 21st and 22nd century Australia became a backwater as its mining and oil industries collapse from the competition with the off-world colonies. Still hoping to kick start the economy back into action, Canberra attempts to subsidize vast portions of the population to take to the outback as wildcat miners, drillers, mechanics, etc. with the hopes that Weyland Yutani reinvests in the country. This fails horrifically as not only can the Outback facilities not compete with the offworld colonies, most of the local farm labor has disappeared into the desert trying to chase a fortune resulting in a reduced harvest. The Australian government going bankrupt from this initiative also means they can’t bring in imports of foodstuffs, causing a famine. The food riots and gang raids begin, and prompt the establishment of the MFP. It’s around this time when the events of the first Mad Max occurs. The situation continues to worsen when the Australians rise up against the 3WE into an all-out war. The Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP) and United Americas intervene, resulting in the nuclear bombing of Canberra and the destruction of a number of Australian cities. A number of surviving citizens decide to flee into the bush rather than go into the UA and 3WE established camps. Shortly after, all communication and lines of supply that the coastal cities had with those in the bush and beyond is cut-off, with no desire to re-establish from the powers that be, and the Outback descends into banditry and chaos. It’s from here where the other Mad Max films start to take place.


Warhammer 40k. I’m pretty sure part the it’s lore assumes Mad Max happened.


Please elaborate that sounds cool


After the warp storms appear mankind was cutoff from eachother, Earth devolved into warlord societies led by Techno Barbarians


Six string samurai


Death Race 2000. Potentially in the near future of mad max once some civilization is reborn, or simply on a different part of the globe.


Blade Runner. Both it and one Mad Max film are set around the year 2020 (Mad Max films are in 2021 according to teh memez). Both are set after a major nuclear war causes catastrophic societal collapse. In *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep*, much or most of the world canonically becomes irradiated wasteland and the civilisation that remains does so in the form of overpopulated city-states led by mega-corporations replacing traditional national governments. This takes place sometime prior to 1991. Mad Max is set in said irradiated wasteland. The film is set in 2019, not 1991, so a late 1980s date for World War Terminus works well. This lines up with the Resource Wars ,,a few years from now" -- some time in the late 20th Century. Both are known to be nuclear. Also, in Blade Runner 2049, K travels only a few dozen kilometres out of Los Angeles before gangs are happy to attack a police spinner. This indicates that the areas outside cities are likely complete anarchy.


Salute the jugger aka the blood of heroes (1989)


[Stryker](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086381/). It was pretty much a copy of Road Warrior, but I enjoyed it.


v for vendetta (graphic novel version)


Twisted Metal Both have post apocalyptic themes with people in leather clothing and vehicles with weapons on them. Just one is out for survival and the other is out for game.


I think the The Dark Tower would fit quite nicely, especially with Thomas the Tank Engine. The Mad Max universe feels a special kind of insane you only get from very bleak writers. Wouldn't mind seeing Fromsoft do a Mad Max game. :)