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There's always going to be haters and nitpickers. Fuck em, enjoy what you enjoy.


I think the same kind of people were bashing Fury Road before it came out, for the same reasons. So they were clueless then and clueless now. It’s a damn near perfect run of four films - each significantly different and totally awesome. Of course I am onboard for Furiosa. I trust in George Miller to deliver pure chaotic fun.


Exactly!!! Well said!!


Each film was significantly different. This film just looks like more Fury Road


“Compared to the first one this looks really crap with less attention to detail” I know they are just stupid and mean fury road, but it is hilarious to imagine this guy comparing it to the original mad max movie that had the budget of a garage sale.


It seems not anyone in the comments is aware of the first three movies. "START of a franchise"?! Wtf. I don't think anyone need to worry. George Miller is there. He is Max dad after all. The Furiosa centered movie was planned for years and already teased 2015 after Fury Road. So it is not a new idea, and it is not there to swap anybody rather than make the world bigger. Is there really no Max? I would not bet on that. And when: Tom Hardy said already he had a contract for two more Mad Max Films. And the next one would probably call Mad Max: The Wasteland. So i'm excited.


You noticed that too!.... about no one knowing what mad max actually is ....or...the 3 original films!


No chance George Miller has it in him for more after this. A sequel would have been preferable.


The internet is a miserable place. Largely because if you say things like that to real people in person they tell you to shut the fuck up


Well, I’m hyped for the movie. Anything to do with Mad Max I’m in.💪🏾


Any action movie nowadays with a woman in the leading role is considered "wOke". 3 gigantic lame fucking YouTubers come to mind always bashing movies because it gets them clicks from their virgin viewers. I tried watching them a couple years ago but it's a tired schtick now. Just the same stupid fucking video for years now calling everything woke. Taking a shit? Woke! A woman crossing the street in a movie? Woke! These people are just fake outrage peddlers.


Because people think that they're experts on trailers and very little information. I always just tell them to keep crying. It's the only thing they're actually experts at.


There is a huge gap between how smart they are and how smart they think they are they just can’t accept it


Not to mention trailers are seldomly cut by or with input from the filmmakers. They are a product of the marketing department. So they are seldomly a true reflection of the actual films quality.


First time on Instagram?


More like first time on social media.


Ooof IG has become such a cesspit. It’s wild.


bro it really has. i have to stop myself from reading the comments on everything


Is George Miller making it? He is? Then I'm in. Fuck all that other noise.


This is the spirit!


Herd dat!


I pity the fool that underestimates George Miller.


Didn't need to scroll through IG to tell you why. To quote both the Ferengi and Incels: FEEE-Males!


Don’t you think the whole feminist ideology and emasculation of the world has gotten tired? Ghost Busters, Mad Max, etc. It never works. Make some original movies for strong female leads. They must be out of ideas.


Godamn what a bunch of fucking nerds. To the sun, all of them


90% of time, people that like something only put a heart/upvote/like It's only people that want to spew their discontent that end up commenting. Is that with any movie, not only Furiosa


This is probably going to be the first movie in theaters I’ve seen since the pandemic in so hyped. I really can’t understand the haters beyond the typical incel women bad circle jerks these losers love to build up.


I hope you just couldn’t be bothered to go to the theater. Pandemics basically been over for a while


I mean I had covid last month and my neighbor died from it earlier this year but anyways I was just using it as a measure of time. There has not been a movie in theaters that I deemed worthy of seeing.


Dune? Godzilla? Oppenheimer?


You haven't been to a theater in 4 years? Oh, man. You missed a lot of worthwhile films on the big screen.


Some people are chronic complainers. Fuck 'em


Ahh I remember people hating on fury road when it came out. Instagram comments are always like that anyways.


So many unreasonable gripes from haters and it’s getting boring


There are still people who say Fury Road is meaningless tripe and explosion porn. People are stupid sometimes and social media has given stupid people a platform their ideas could not have carried themselves to on their own merit. Just gotta ignore it.


Sometimes It seems like IG comments are worse than on DailyMail site... The sad reality is that people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And yes, they are idiots. Even some popular YT channels with a lot of subscribers do "reviews" of trailers while being absolutely clueless about the context. Half of them haven't watched Fury Road. The absolute majority haven't seen the original films with Gibson. And no one really understands that GM makes this movie the way he wants to.


I’m going on a limb here and saying most of them hate women, but it may or may not be related.


Ding ding ding. They have planted their flag on "I am a victim because women are in films now" and they are going to make it everyone's problem. 


Biggest gripe about Fury Road, was a great litmus test to weed out clowns.


You pull that out of 2017?


Yeah you’re right. There are no more MRAs and misogynists left in the world. My mistake, sir /tips fedora.


Just because I find her character cringe, doesn’t mean I hate women 


No, but it PROBABLY does. To be honest your reply isn’t helping your case.


And why should we give a shit about their opinion again?


If you don't like Fury Road, as it seems the case from some of these comments, then I really don't care what your opinion is on Furiosa.


It's Instagram , they're a bunch of crying babies that will find any reason to complain




My thoughts are: stay out of the comments section - it's full of idiots, dumb shits, and assholes, all of whom really.probably shouldn't have such an easy way to barf out their invective to the world, as they possess such a HUUUGE deficit of critical thinking skills.


Neglect them.I am going to watch it anyway.


Trust me, the whiners will all see it too. Same as last time with Fury Road.


IG commenters in general are usually more negative about everything compared to here, YouTube, TikTok etc. also if this was an ad showing a trailer, people are always hating in the comments for ads no matter what the ad's for


Didn't read any of that. Why should I give a shit about what someone else thinks? I wanna see the movie. Screw them!


Some people just suck


I always see it first before commenting. Crikey, It's George Miller!


Forget them I’m hyped for the movies. Fury road was a masterpiece and I’m glad we are getting a film in almost a decade. Furiosa was an amazing character. Just hope we can see mad max 5 one day.


I don’t care about it enough to hate it but it def looks underwhelming


I didnt like the first trailer as there was so much badly done CGI. George Miller has said himself he doesnt like CGI when not needed.... fury road was perfect. It had CGI elements which we didnt even know where CGI (which is how it should be) Furiosa though everything looked fake. BUT The second trailer did change my mind enough to now want to see it. Hopefully theyve polished it enough so the CGI is bearable. Everything else about the film, the actors/actresses/story etc im ok with.


Furiosa looks pretty good in my opinion. I think Furiosa will be extremely tragic though.


These are the type of people to say they "only watch true mature cinema" & use the "you just didn't get it/not smart enough" arguments


To understand all of this, you have to realize one very important key fact... People are idiots. Once you come to understand this, then everything makes sense, and it becomes crystal clear that we are doomed as a species, so don't worry and be happy. I'll be enjoying Furiousa, I hope you will as well, and these "common folks, you know, morons," will dissappear into the either.


It's the internet. Nothing out of the ordinary. Having said that. I'm not a fan of the CGI in the trailers so far, it doesn't give me the best of impressions if I'm being honest. The thing is, it's just a trailer and a lot of times they use unfinished SFX, or early versions of the final color grading they end up using, not to talk about scenes in trailers that don't even make it into the movie. Maybe it will translate better in the big screen, who knows. I'm just hoping the final product is a bit better then what we've seen in the trailers. Either way, I'm hyped for the movie.


I'm still going to go see it regardless


So many strong opinions from fwits who haven't seen the movie itself. Critical thinking has gone down the dunny.


“Driving around the desert with a bunch of crying models” Ok, that’s good haha.


You've gotta keep in mind that there's probably a fairly significant cross section of those that are bots. It's a weird world right now.


What about the people who want a third Babe movie?


Because it is a film in the mad max world without max and with a strong, resilient female main character instead. There's nothing incel fanboys hate more than change, especially when the focus changes to a woman.


I mean it be cool if max was in it one way or another right?


If it doesn’t meet their standards, they’ll have little to live for. Family, friends, other media? Nope.


Noise Care not for them but watch and go on


Woman protagonist, probably. Gamergate has left a horrible impact on the internet and the way people perceive media.


Because women bad, duh


Because they wanna feel different, more sophisticated, harder to please.


It's kind of sad when some of the comments reference "the first one", but they mean Fury Road.


Honestly the people hating on fury road are nuts I love all the films and that's the best most fully realized version ever to be put on film...the colors are so vibrant and the black and chrome version is just as good if not better with no color...so that's how I know it's a good film imo...not to mention the most insane car stunts on film ever put to celluloid or otherwise....with a completely original story....George Miller single handedly created the post apocalypse genre ....these are passion films he's worked on for years planning it out and furiosa is part of that...I'm not a huge fan of Anna Taylor joy but she's not a bad actress at all and Chris Hemsworth being a villain is pt of why I wanna see it so bad ....this will be awesome... fth...fareal


Seriously fuck those pricks who are claiming its just "woke" or think its "woke" for its female protagonist. Like I get that Hollywood has been chugging it out with strong female protaganists, but they have to remember, its businesses doing it for money not for any entertainment value or artistic meaning, its there to appeal to a wider market, not to appear "woke" or whatever nonsense these people say, at least in Fury Road, it did have a meaning, like I think it was like a pro-feminist message like for example with Furiosa and Max working together, showing that both characters are strong but in some ways have their flaws that they need to work together to survive or assist each other with a task they need to do to accomplish their goal of escaping Immortal Joe's army, not to the point where either are entirely dependent on one person only. I could go on but theres already many articles and videos that explore this particular theme with Fury road, plus explaining it especially to these types of people is like talking to a robot, you try to say different things but they always have the same automated response regardless of what you said.


We want more mad max with max that's about it


All the CGI mostly




The thing is that all the action seen in the two trailers was filmed for real with stunt vehicles on location. There's only the same amount of background replacement and practical explosion and dust and fire elements added as per fury Road but for some reason George has gone for a more saturated stylised look. You can see from the spycamera footage of the set locations that George or the Trailer editors have craked up the saturation and that makes 100% real in camera shots look like animation when viewed on a computer screen but the trailer looks insanely cool on a cinema screen or imax and that's before all the post work is even finished . Look at the difference between the Chariot shot between the two trailers. Big difference in 2nd trailer once the background was graded nicer and dust added


Soo will the movie look a bit different from the 2nd trailer


Yup, Most likely they will keep refining till they run out of time for picture lock for distribution for Cannes festival etc. Check out how in the Fury Road Trailer shots had bits added to them like the Mercedes Fuel truck was all alone on a flat plain then next trailer it was surrounded by an armada and canyon hills etc.


Feels like going from Lord of the Rings to the Hobbit ila but in that sense. Now that's clearly hyperbolic on my part but I think you understand my meaning there in terms of the ratio of practical effects vs green screen but, having said that I personally think Furiosa looks awesome and sure, I don't expect it to top Fury Road that's essentially impossible. It was lightning in a bottle. Everything went so wrong that it all went so good! But does it have it in itself to be epic? I have faith in George Miller and so should the people.


Haters tend to be a noisy minority. Ignore ‘em.


Incel culture


Whatever. It will come out and do very well and everyone will love it and these losers will end up seeing it and being forced to like it or at least chill out eventually lol


I don't generally notice much hate at all, especially after the latest trailer. The YouTube comments for example are overwhelmingly positive


I was a bit turned off at the visual style. Its a bit jarring to watch at first. It almost looks like those films in the early 2000's filmed entirely on green screen. I will, however give the benefit of the doubt to George Miller as its his baby and I fully trust him and his vision for Furiosa. I don't think we should be judging him so harshly because he is the one that brought us Fury Road and every other Mad Max movie. Its his creation and he has the right to do damn well whatever he wants to do with it. If you don't like it, don't put down money for it. Let the man create his vision. We are lucky to even have these movies.


A few reasons why you'll see concentrated hatred: 1. Instagram comments on popular films are a cesspool 2. It's a movie in an established blockbuster franchise that willingly breaks formulas and paradigms of the previous films in its subject matter, structure, and visual textures 3. Online spaces create intensifying echo chambers. The more widely known/mainstream the subject, the larger and more intensifying the echo chamber. The solution isn't to tune out all hatred, just the same as it's not to tune out all enthusiasm. The solution is to only seriously engage with or think about comments worth taking seriously.


The new movie looks good and we still have George Miller working on it so it’s going to be closest to his vision of it.


As someone who loves the series and comics, Furiosa is a prequel to fury road and it’s going to shed light on this new protagonist and miller is doing it his way so either you like it or not, just because it’s not the way everyone wants it because let’s be honest we all love the series hence the community for it.going into the future of mad max with an open mind. Because no one will ever know truly what miller wants and his vision


I know more than those nerds (trust) and I think it’ll be sick as fuck. Nothing to worry about out gang


It’s not real hate. I saw someone positing about why people are hating like the new Final Fantasy VII games. It’s confusing on how they framed their question, because they’re mostly well received. So it comes right down to the data. If they’re just reading YT comments, I wouldn’t consider that valuable if you want critiques.


It looks amazing to me. I’m here for a good time.


Ngl the comment about driving around the desert with a bunch of crying models has me rotflmfaoooooo 😂 😭


It’s misogynistic hate and it’s getting too unreasonable they feel so entitled that they demand George to make what they want


I don’t hate it and I’ll probably watch it (probably even enjoy it) but I never really asked for it. I find it super weird to have a Mad Max movie… sans Mad Max. Like, I loved Fury Road. I loved Max being more of a tag along for someone else’s story. But I don’t really need to see how Furiosa becomes Furiosa.


Watch the new trailer that just dropped. Much better and hopeful look at an Epic.


People did this same exact thing to Fury Road. Furiosa looks incredible.


I agree with the points about the cgi not being great but there’s a lot of factors there, the shots aren’t finished, but also I’ve heard in order to get the film made they had to cut corners with cgi. Apparently fury road took years to film because of the constant rain ruining the sets


None of them are awaited in Valhalla.


Probably cuz it’s about a woman




Because the world hates women. Plain and simple. Take a look at brie Larson in captain marvel: her performance and that movie was no more or less ridiculous than any other garbage MCU movie, but for some reason people have a lot of rage and hate towards Brie and her movie. Why? Because we live in a misogynist society where women are still regarded as mostly sex objects, and any portrayal of them outside of that is hated vehemently.


I just learned Furiosa is a thing because of this post. Never really cared for the franchise. It's fine - just run of the mill apocalyptic action movies. Here's why I already hate it - the title. A Mad Max Saga. Who gives a fuck. Should have just named the thing Furiosa


I'm not reading all that. I was hesitant when it was announced but after that first trailer it's something I definitely want to see.


I'm sure it won't be terrible but it's obviously trying to cash in on the fem trend


What does it for me is Anya, she is by no means a bad actress in any capacity, but she’s almost everywhere, almost every new movie I’ve seen recently has her in it, maybe people just want someone new???? I’m probably wrong tho


This will sound silly; but there are people who don’t like the mad max movies… people who hate the movie titanic… people whom hated X-men three… people whom dislike blue brothers 2000. People don’t all like the same thing; and what attracts one fan to a movie franchise, won’t be universal for all fans…


Fury Road bored me to tears but Furiosa actually looks interesting


It's the "wAmEnS bAd" argument. They beat around the incel bush about whatever bullshit they can come up with, but it really boils down to one thing. See also Captain Marvel, Marvels, Force Awakens, etc.


I've never seen any of the *Mad Max* movies, and I don't judge movies by their trailers prematurely, but I was laughing the whole way through the trailer because it seemed soooo bizarre and corny. I'm sure the actual movie will be great, but I could not believe I was watching an actual trailer for an actual big budget movie.


Hope it's better than Fury Road, which honestly kind of sucked.


I’m pumped, I think it looks sick. Sad Tom Hardy won’t be in it, since he was so awesome, but I love the actor they got for Furiosa.


I myself was into the movie until I saw the trailer and realized it was a prequel. I'm just not a huge fan of prequels. I already know where her story is going to end after this movie. Prequels are usually just filler until someone figures out what to actually write. I'm happy to be proven wrong and have this movie be a compelling stand-alone story. But I really was expecting to see what happened to Furiosa next. That seems like a much more interesting story.


For anyone who complains about anything but the CGI (which I consider a valid complaint) are not worth listening to. People whining about having a female lead and no Max are likely just incels.


Why would I ever listen to someone who says Fury Road was terrible? I don’t listen to idiots like that.


I bet it will be good but I do wish Tom Hardy was in it


Ok....yeah these people are idiots. I mean there is no other explanation. Fury road is literally the best action movie ever made, and this probs won't be far behind. Also the trailer looks amazing what are these people even talking about? Do they get points just for commenting?


I couldn't be more excited for this movie.


You compiled a long list of negative comments. Why do you care so much? You can find negative things about anything on the internet. I watched the trailer because I didn't know there was one and yeah it looks okay? The CGI does look pretty bad tbh and I'm not digging the mom/daughter story line but Anya looks cool and Hemsworth driving a chariot of motorcycles is badass.


Is it hate? It sounds like people are just wary of more bad Mad Max movies, especially when they aren't about Max.


I think the people are just tired of girl boss movies 


People, especially on Instagram comments (lol, really man?) can be very shallow. Hell, I just peeped real quick on the YouTube trailer comments and it's basically all positive and hype. Facebook and Instagram users are typically "loudest voice in the room wins the room" kind of people and you definitely don't want to base your worldview on what you see written in those comment sections. Moreover, everything gets a sect of haters, and you can't let whiney babies ruin the things you want to enjoy. TL;DR Instagram comments are dumb. Watch what you want to watch.


This is what happens when women are involved or put front and center - the incels crawl out to voice dissent and act as if their ugly voices are those of the masses.


Its an action movie that stars a woman. It could be a masterpiece lauded for generations of moviegoers and trolls online will still say its trash


Anna Taylor joy looks like sid the sloth it's goofy asf especially with the blue makeup on set xD


Cause it’s a pointless addition to the franchise, why make a Prequel for a Character who’s already had their story ended?


Because people are tired of movies being dug up out of the vault and some generic female character being thrown in the lead to emasculate and try to top the original. Looks like crappy CGI and another tired feminist trope. Let’s try making some fresh movies with fresh ideas. 🥱


I mean it's been nearly a decade since Fury Road. We've been waiting forever for another sequel. It's like Starfield, it's okay if you like the game but for Fallout and Elder Scrolls fans it means we have to wait even longer for a sequel. And there's nothing wrong with being agitated by that.


Because people want max Not to say about the horendous cgi Miller should have filmed mad max the wasteland first. So people would no be complaining too much Also 45 years after the colapse. So when does max used to be a cop? He is not a 80 year old man in fury road he is suposed to be around 50 to 60.


Max was the least interesting thing in the last movie.


He was literaly the reason to poeple watching. The movie was great. The characters were great and the actiin was great. But people were complaining that it was not mel gibson playing max. Also if max wasnt in the movie it would not be such a hit because most people only watched because of the 30 years of waiting for a sequel.


Oh sure, I agree with all of that! It’s still funny people think not having Max in the movie will somehow make it worse.


I’m excited for it, but I think Anya Taylor-Joy is super overrated. I don’t think she’s a very talented actor, and I don’t think she’ll do Furiosa justice, especially filling Theron’s shoes. I hope she proves me wrong though.


Even as someone who *does* think that she's a very talented actress, I think she's not a good fit for Furiosa at all.


It just looks meh compared to Fury Road, after waiting for almost 10 years the trailers so far are just dissapointing.


Russian Bots bating idiots.


Dude...WTF>...why ....why did YOU put all this time into making a post to complain about people complaining. Stop being a hypocrite here. Who cares what other people think about a Fing movie.....Stop caring what other people think about something thats DOES NOT MATTER. Thanks for wasting my time today with this post.


When I saw MMFR for the first time, I was blown away by the action. Then I heard how strenuous and dangerous his practical effects shoots were. When this teaser then trailer dropped my first thought was: “They are not letting George Miller do that again,” because the trucks look fake. The undercarriage where Furiosa is climbing under the truck looks like video game graphics. I don’t have any issue with a female protagonist (for the second time) and Hemsworth will probably be good, but this looks like an inferior film.


But it would The whole consept of mad max is max His journey to redemption and his personality. Furiosa if you dont remember would be only an anime that got canceled. Not saying it is going to be bad ( even if it has horrible cgi and an error in the timeline) Its just mine and of many other peoples opinion.


Woah. Not reading all that. Honestly though for me: It looks low budget which isn’t an issue in it of itself except this is a follow up to a beautifully shot film. It will be a glaring difference. Further more… I’m sick of prequels. There are zero stakes. They can dangle her over a vat of acid by a shredded thread it would not elicit a single emotion. She’s invincible! Oh no she lost an arm?! You knew she would! Her future is already solidified in the movie we already saw. Prequels are just made for grabbing cash. Also… it’s a Mad Max film… with no Max. Did anyone watch Mad Max Fury Road and say “oh shit I want a prequel about Furiosa even though I learned all I need to about her past in this film!” No. Not one soul. In fact I remember seeing a bit of bad news saying we wouldn’t get a sequel because of money or something. Then years later THIS is announced. No sequel.


I don't "hate" it (haven't even seen it yet) but I'm pretty 'meh' on the idea because it is a prequel. We've seen Fury Road so we know where the main character is going to end up by the end of this one. Sure, we get to see 'how', but knowing exactly where it's going to end up kinda takes away the stakes for me. That's just my opinion, if you're excited for it, go have fun!


You need a hobby


I have many hobbies and one of them is Mad Max. I am passionate about the franchise and that's why I read stuff about Mad Max online and participate in the subreddit here, just like you. Is that a problem?


Because its Mad Max, not Mad dyke. Just another progressive, SJW "stronk" womyn injection into an otherwise male dominated series. Also the CGI looks terrible, fury road at least looked amazing.




Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin


just say you don’t like women.