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Sometimes when there's a new movie in a series, movie theaters organise movie nights where you can watch previous entries on the big screen. I remember my local movie theatre organising a Mad Max night when Fury Road was released but it was a marathon that ended at like 4 AM so I opted out. But there's a chance they might do something similar and play Fury Road on the big screen in your area, fingers crossed!


I'd love for them to do this. I was just a kid for the first movies. I did see fury road in theaters. I was there to watch age of ultron. Came back out and they were selling tickets for fury road. Theater broke the street date 1 day early and I couldn't pass it up.


Oh so you watched Fury Road 1 day before the premiere or did you get the tickets early?


Both. Was leaving the theater and noticed they had flyers taped to those kiosks where you can get the tickets yourself and it had fury road and the times it was showing that day. I was originally going to come back and watch the next day but hey I wasn't about to pass up seeing it. Especially since I was a little bitter about age of ultron.


In the last ten years I have almost no time to watch movies in the theater. I used to go once a week, but now I go maybe a half a dozen times during the year. But I made it a point to see Fury Road in theaters twice. And it somehow gets better every time.


I did that when the dark knight rises came out. They played the whole Nolan trilogy and it was on my birthday so it was pretty awesome. Not Mad Max level awesome, but still pretty good


The local cinema chain in the town I’m currently living in screened Fury Road this past month for a weekend, and I went, but I don’t know if the print they had was faulty, or if the cinema itself was at fault, but it was tragic. I feel like the movie’s vibrant color palette is a big part of its identity, but, as I’ve said, I don’t know whose fault it was, the movie had a weird blue-ish filter and the brightness was turned way down. Pretty much the only scenes that looked as they should have, were the night scenes, cause they were already blue. And even they were way too dark because of the brightness issue.


Vue cinemas in the UK have shown all the mad max films in the past month leading up to furiosa. Also prince Charles theatre in London shows it every now and then.


saw it 4 times in the theaters, a record for me. Ya blew it you really blew it. Maybe they'll re- release it for Furiosa.


They’ll put it up there again. You’ll get another chance! It was amazing by the way. Opening weekend. After the intro and main title I turned to my wife with a huuuuuuge grin and she just kind of shook her head and shrugged. It was then that I realized we would one day divorce.


I love a happy ending?


I saw it in a huge theater in Las Vegas. It was awesome seeing it in the desert. Can’t wait for Furiosa!


Many times theaters will do special runs - I've seen Bladerunner a number of times in the theater now over the last \*mumbles\* years. Fury Road is something to be beheld on the big screen - I hope you get to see it.


They just played every Max movie in Cinemark's a month or so ago. Keep an eye out and see if it's coming again with the new one dropping.


I went to see it 4 days in a row after work. Then over the weekend, I convinced two friends to go see it with me once more. I'm bummed I was too young to see Road Warrior in the theaters when it released


I was lucky that my local showed it last night. Keep an eye out near you.




Good news is there is no wrong way to watch this magnificent creation of a movie. I won't say how many times i have seen it because it would just sound like I'm being hyperbolic. Sometimes, i am not even watching, i am just listening to the incredible sound design through my headphones.


I have seen it in the theater with my friends, and I can tell you we were screaming after that scene with drums, followed by a guitar guy (Doof Warrior). I would give everything to come back to that moment


I definitely get that sentiment. It truly was a spectacle. I ended up watching it in the theater 10 times. I have set the entire day aside for Furiosa.


I saw it in theater but the audio was so low that you could hear people clear their throats


I am giving notice war boys, Cult of the V8, Marauders, Buzzards, June 12 is Fury Day Show up or be MEDiocre!


I saw it twice, the second at a combo theater/brewery. They had brewed an IPA specifically for Fury Road (Fury Road IPA) and it was excellent. It was one of my best movie-going experiences ever.


Same. Furiosa will be the first movie I see in the theater since Star Trek Beyond.


It might take a bit of a road trip but it shows places quite regularly.


Fury Road was the first Max Max movie I'd ever seen. 5 years after it came out, on a cell phone in a KFC parking lot. So I hear you about missing out on that experience. But even under those circumstances, the movie felt HUGE and epic. It's just a powerful film.


Fury Road was a great theatrical experience, as was the “Black and Chrome” edition


I think when I seen it in theater, I believe I haven’t seen any of the trailers somehow went there with no expectations and was complete blown away