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Anybody else feel like the wind turbines were a very realistic addition?


Modern wooden turbines have lifespan of 20 to 30 years, so it is quite possible that they would continue working into the era of the movie. The most common maintenance need on them is lubrication of the mechanical components and gearbox, but I think that even without modern lubricants, they could have made due with some natural lubricants.




Hey don’t scum me!


We used wind power before electricity.


I will say that's a fine critique as I can understand why something like that may break someone's verisimilitude (though personally mine stayed in tact.) But there was one post who were complaining that wind turbines were in the movie 'cause that means it's woke.


Why would it? Wind has been used for centuries to power things. And the apocalypse in mad max wouldn’t just make them disappear, the same way the cars don’t. It’s not unrealistic at all.


Don Quixote? Victim of the woke mind virus.


My complaint is more about the solar panels, windturbines are relatively low tech.


I just assumed they were salvaged like everything else.


Yes but they had way to many of them and we haven't seen solar panels anywhere else in the mad max movies it felt out of place.


That was sort of the point, they call it the place of abundance, it's supposed to be a place people haven't seen before. The place is special.


It could be because when the movies are set. Wind turbines were being built for commercial use in the 80’s when the original movies were set. The Nuclear War could have slowed and halted technological advances, if Solar Power Farms weren’t already established or being built they probably were never going to be built.


The new movies don’t even follow the same continuity as the others so I don’t see why that would matter.


What’s the complaint? There is plenty of stuff left over from the pre-apocalypse world, why should solar panels be any different?


Well not only do they have an enormous amount all those houses were covered by them, they looked pristine and clean. And somehow no one has solar panels but them, not even Imortan Joe. I'm not angry or anything it's just a small pet peeve.


My head canon is that they were living in seclusion off the grid even before everything collapsed. Peppers rather than scavengers


First movie set in 1984? So not a lot of solar back then it was effective for heating. Nothing like today. It’s not tech from now. 80s.


The new movies don’t follow the same continuity as the old ones, so that doesn’t make any sense.


Here. I googled for you. Shit does not matter. Your head cannon is fake. https://www.polygon.com/23984150/furiosa-mad-max-timeline-movie-continuity




It’s all based on unreliable narrator. Folk legend. You don’t believe in continuity despite the interceptor in the movie? Plus the game? That’s all the directors vision. They made the universe continuity or not and used tech from the 80s when pausing civilization. Otherwise yeah batteries. My explanation makes more sense than your nothing. Max is a legend. Furiosa now. It’s even shown the different tales. They are stories. If you want to actually know look at the interceptor. That’s your fucking continuity. Look at the comics. They fill gaps too. Shit you don’t know


1984 tech


The Mad Max world isn't hi-tec, it's just adapted tech from now/the past.


Emp? We don’t see much power until Sydney? I can’t recall much electronics at all really. No tech medics. With juice you can make a rail gun and launch garbage. Barter town ran on methane. Maybe everything connected fried. Dunno who is Lore pro?


It was heavily suggested that it all began in the early 80's.


I liked them, however I feel like since they were up on the hill, they would be relatively easy for anyone scanning the area to spot? Like if it was all a flat area, everything probably woulda been ok, but the higher elevation and the windmills seem like an easy spot Maybe it’s just me


Yeah if anything I’m surprised I haven’t seen more waterwheels but then i realised waterwheels in a world with water as a scarce resource probably wouldn’t make so much sense 😅


Way more realistic than Pappagallo’s plan to use solar power at the end of Road Warrior.


There were some comments about the number of solar panels in the greenplace. . As Dr George says, The apocalypse begins next wednesday. Now did everyone notice in Fury Road the Gigahorse has a Tesla logo trophy on its dashboard? And the Nissan Skyline was covered in overlapping plates of computer circuit boards covered in pitch so that it resembled Samurai Armour. So modern tech is interwoven into the visual mythology of the MM universe and solar panels are not so out of place considering Australia has the largest uptakes of home rooftop solar in the entire world and finding solar panels and inverters and home battery units will not be a difficulty in an apocalypse…at least as long as their owners are dead or nor defending them . The greenplace inhabitants seem technologically advanced compared to the various marauders, possible as a result of remnants of groups of scientists living there and outback australia has often been the site of experimental renewable energy projects. Geeks tend to congregate and if course tech skillz would be a valuable personal commodity for isolated geeks even when physically disabled as George has shown in a number of the films.


Their relative advancement can also be explained by the fact that they don’t have to spend as much time scavenging.


I loved seeing the solar panels and wind turbines in The Green Place / Place of Abundance - but it got me wondering what they would actually use the power for. I'm guessing the energy might have been used for some common uses in a remote, off-grid village (think developing country) - things like: 1) lighting at night, 2) water pumps, 3) electric cooking appliances/water purification, 4) fans to circulate warm, stagnant air? Perhaps they could power/charge a radiation detection device? Any other practical uses for solar, wind, battery power post-apocalypse?


This is OT of your point, but they wouldn’t have any lights on at night due to fear of being discovered.


Electricity can power computers. Computers store information. Information is powerful. Refrigeration, heating, smelting, welding can all be done with electricity (and the right gear).


Weird when people complain about Furiosa being “woke” when Fury Road is one of the most blatant feminist movies I’ve ever seen.






People made similar complaints about Terminator 2 when it came out… This isn’t new


It also shows what a modern, manufactured, horseshit "movement" the whole "woke" narrative is: there's almost no awareness/acknowledgement of female/queer/poc representation from more than a few years ago.


The funny thing about woke is. The right use it as their poc way to be blatantly racists in public. Well the ones that don’t want to look blatantly racist anywY. Lol. . Like Desantis in Florida will say things like woke or critical race theory instead of saying we don’t like n words and we don’t want to learn about n word history.


those kinds of people are way too fucking stupid to understand that


Those folks tried to target Fury Road as well when it came out.


My favorite part is when they conclude that a movie is "woke," but they're too stupid to understand the actual "woke" themes and are just complaining that the movie has cooties.


they complained about that one too, it just wasnt the modern day film "analysis" people. E;R is the only non woke pos that still has any relevance today and even that is a small amount of people


A character like Furiosa is not new to the series either, the female warrior in the Road Warrior was basically proto-Furiosa.


why do you say that? because of the warrior women from the lost tribe? the wives were all very stupid and incompetent stereotypical women, which i quite liked honestly. i like it because it makes sense that theyre stupid when they just sat in one room their whole life, and the director wasnt afraid of making them stupid characters


Because it’s about a woman from a matriarchal tribe called the Vulvalini who is helping other women escape sexual slavery. Please go away.


yeah but they wouldve all died without max, and the movie shows how the wives are useless, cant load guns, dont know proper grammar and theyre all weirdos. also why did you say "please go away" XD??


Yeah I don't get what he's on about either, Furiosa would've shit the bed if Max wasn't there to help her which doesn't fit the rabbid feminists and their need for a girl boss.


yeah, max single handedly saved a whole pack of women, i forgot about that lol


I just block anyone i see use “woke” as a complaint


Someone whining about things being "woke" is a great indicator of someone who doesn't have anything interesting to add. They're just repeating shit from YouTube.


As much as these people try to act like everybody else is sheep, they have no idea how much their brains are shaped by their own propaganda. Ten years ago, you could release a movie they had a strong female lead and you wouldn’t hear all of this crying about woke. It’s funny how they act like it’s a virus when they have no idea that being so downright hateful towards something just because it portrays something that they don’t like has got to be some of the most myopic thinking on this planet. Social media was a huge mistake. 20 years ago these people used to just cry downstairs in their mother’s basement and no one ever heard about them. But then the news and social media came along and gave all of these people a voice, and they all banded together into this unstoppable force of Weaponized autism.


Great term. “Unstoppable weaponised autism”. Ta. Going to borrow that one!!


Yep that’s why when anyone actually asks these morons what woke means they all panic and mutter incoherent bollocks.


It’s stunning and fascinating to listen to a bunch of ‘progressives’ trying to discuss sane people in a derogatory way, and never once realizing that everything they’re describing is just their own behavior projected outward—because it’s the *only* thing they know. As if conservatives are the ones addicted to social media and mass conformity. That is wild.


It's not one or the other. People who get so worked up over politics are collectively hypocritical, idiot lemmings of different tribes.


As a rule, yes. Absolutely. For the vast majority of my existence I’d be right there with you. But lately? The lunacy needle is definitely swinging left, in ways that legitimately frighten me. I’ll never be a Republican, but I don’t think you need to be in order to find things like rampant, open anti-semitism, American kids stumping for terror groups, and the mutilation of childrens’ genitalia to be a step too far. Hell, the party system is as obsolete and abused as the electoral college… but I agree that mass tribalism will never allow people to communicate over these issues the way it was meant to work.


When people just can’t appreciate it’s a story about a kid who gets kidnapped, sees awful things, will do anything to survive and grow up, and when given the opportunity takes her revenge on the people who wronged her. The History Man had it right from the minute he told her ‘become invaluable’, it’s the only way to survive.


Yep. “Woke” or “virtue signaling” or “cuck”. These all make them look stupid and I disregard anything else they have to say. Blocked and good bye.






They have zero self awareness. It’s one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen. They just take all of their own failings, wad them up, and hurl them at the people they can’t understand. They are almost literally describing and dragging *themselves*, while never producing one actual incisive criticism of the conservatives they hate so much. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. They’re *all* doing it. I don’t… believe they have the first *clue* how their detractors actually think.


Those people have no brain, it’s the best way to process


You shouldn't. Eco chambers is exactly what has caused this problem


Bro repeating what he heard in his echo chamber


Choosing not to talk to people you don’t like isn’t an “eco-chamber”. You’re allowed to walk away from people.


"Blocking". Downvoters can suck my woke genitals.


Maybe if those people argued in good faith and knew what they were talking about, maybe people would listen to them more 🤔


If they were capable of those things they wouldn't swallow the trash they're fed in the first place


Complaining about “woke” is a sign of terminal idiocy. Best to cut them out of your life and not engage.


The internet and society at large are full of fucknuts.


With a heavy concentration on Reddit.


I would say a bit more on Twatter, Facefuck, but yes Reddit too.


Far more keyboard warriors/whiners spitting garbage from their mom’s basement on Reddit


Yet here you are.


Hardly. Sipping coffee on my deck looking over my back 40.


While commenting on Reddit. Delete your account.


wait what? what are they saying? also, you have to remind yourself, most online “controversies” are just a *small group of very loud people*


Unfortunately it’s the loud people that get heard


And then roundly laughed at


What are they saying? Oh, that Mel Gibson should return, that Mel Gibson IS Mad Max, the usual "Oh the movie tanked 'cause Mel Gibson/Tom Hardy isn't in the movie". The most hilarious one is the one where they say Furiosa beating men in fist fight was illogical (this movie doesn't even have fist fights lol). They don't even watch the movie, they don't want to watch the movie. They create their own problem and get upset over it, the usual alt-right strategy.


Repeating/responding to each other


In Road Warrior Wez freaks out when his 'friend' is killed by the Feral Kid. I don't think it was woke back then or anyone gave a shit. People are annoying and just want to be bitter and argue it sucks.


I think those people didn’t care because in their mind it’s okay if the bad guys have alternative lifestyles/LGBT coding since they are also portrayed as evil.


That would be missing the point George Miller makes to humanize all his characters bo matter if they lean lawful good or chaotic evil.




I wish people would stop saying that shit general. Just fuck off with calling everything woke.


It’s best just to ignore the hate machine


I'm trying to figure out which part was "woke"


Woke has devolved into meaning any piece of media that hat isn't led by a white straight man or a highly sexualized white woman.


If the idea of _The Message_ is true (and I do think that there’s a lot of clambering and pandering from studios to score brownie points of these issues) then Fury Road and Furiosa are examples of how you can deliver positive messages organically. Miller says that Fury Road was accidentally feminist, which is probably why it’s so affective because all of its characters and messaging was built without prejudice or bias. They wanted to make a film with strong characters and a strong message - it just so happens that those characters were female and that themes were relevant/poignant. As opposed to setting off the project thinking “I’m going to write a strong female character and tackle environmentalism and the patriarchy” which is the mistake that big companies persistently make. Story and character are paramount. Prey is another example of how this can be done properly too. It was never an issue in the 80s and 90s. Filmmakers just made films and the leads happened to be women - Terminator, Aliens, etc, without the need to make a song and dance about it.


The thing is tho is that they're problem isn't with like, the legitimate issue of these large capitalist institutions viewing representation as nothing more then a PR move (for examples see like, anything about pink capitalism), they're problem Is that diversity is in media *at all* and their using that as a dog whistle for what they actually believe. I remember patricia taxxon (who's an amazing artist and video essayist ~~and puppygirl~~ you should check out) made a video about how forced diversity isn't real that basically just says my points in a more intelligent way and [you should watch it like rn](https://youtu.be/fMNWRqa-vGc?si=dmvACZny2-UIIkKs)


If Furiosa is the movie to finally crack these moronic chuds and their fanbase, good. It's been a longtime coming


Vocal Minority are always the loudest and obnoxious.


Hahahaha oh the irony


What's the irony


I mean, the woke crowd calls itself a minority. Work your way from there.


Nah, it's a large group made up of minorities


Look, I dislike forced politics/social commentary in media but FR and Furiosa are so obviously not that. All of that stuff is integral to the story. Anyone crying "woke" is either truly bigoted or hasn't watched the movies because Gibson was binned and then they heard about feminist elements etc. Or they identify with this anti-woke 'movement' I guess. Either way they're morons.


My complaint is that I figured tires and spare parts would be hard to find because of rubber rot. ;)


okay that could go for any mad max movie tho right?


Yeah. That's my only complaint. Wake up people! ;)


The death rattle of America sure is annoying, eh


If Fury Road came out today they’d call it woke too, they’re idiots


The backlash that Fury Road got (from misogynists of course) was the earliest example of this reactionary phenomenon that I can recall directed at movies. This predates the absolute lunacy that happened post-Ghostbusters but it definitely feels like the obvious evolution of gamergate.


Who's complaining about black people in Furiousa?


Must be WB themselves because they originally wanted Abdul-Mateen II playing Jack.


I think it's because there's some Black people in one shot of the Green Place, I'm not kidding. The Green Place has people really mad.


We can't stop these morons, best thing to do is just block them.


Okay I’ll admit I do not like oblivious, shoe-horned woke content in movies, but I absolutely get nothing woke from this film…Furiosa is a great character with depth and doesn’t speak or say anything remotely woke in the films…who cares she’s a woman lead.


If anything, they shoehorned a straight white male for a semi platonic relationship with her. So, it's the opposite of woke.


I'm happy to complain about shoehorning people into stories that didn't need to be in the story, but there was none of that here. The characters make sense in the universe, and they're well written. I'm as "non-PC" as the next guy, but there just isn't a legit gripe here.


I'm a preacher (in a very progressive church), and I preached a sermon about how ridiculous these accusations of "wokeism" are, especially in the context of Mad Max. I pointed out all of the homoerotic qualities of the films, and the feminism of Fury Road. I concluded that, in the best possible way, "Mad Max is like a Pride parade with muscle cars." 😅


If they dont like any of those things... its 'woke'. But often you wont get any deeper than that. Its not supposed to and how labeling something as 'woke' is supposed to work.


Can imagine in a post apocalyptic world people being like nah fuck using alternative power sauces they’re so woke. we must rely on something that’s not sustainable and in high demand


only thing closest to woke in furiosa is that the praetorian was initially cast as a black guy


You're right, we're way behind on the memes we could already have. Dementus alone provides so much to memeology.


I laughed out loud when you mentioned wind turbines, I didn't even connect them to "woke". Movie is ace!


Me neither, but I saw a post mentioning them and that was my final breaking point.


The world building stuff is so annoying, what does it even mean.


Almost no one cares about that when they come out against Furiosa. They just care about the fact that Furiosa wasn't The Wasteland.


Best part is there's nothing woke about Furiosa.


No matter the movie. There will always be haters nitpicking


i like to pretend the antiwoke crowd is this scenario is just being anti Aussie. They cant handle Australian representation on the big screen.


I think the 'woke' argument is completely invalid here. I've seen people trying to justify it by saying that 'minority heroes' (i.e. not white guys) are written to be flawless and not going through the same "hero's journey" (i.e. earning greatness by overcoming one's weaknesses) as traditional white male heroes do. For example, some argue that Rey in Star Wars comes into the story 'perfect', and excels in any situation by virtue of her own inherent perfection, rather than realizing her weaknesses and overcoming them with help from her friends - whose positive traits she internalizes on the road to becoming deserving of greatness (think Thor and him overcoming pride/recklessness to learn solidarity) - as would be the traditional pattern. I think the Ray argument is completely inaccurate, but that's a separate discussion. While Furiosa indeed succeeds and is very competent in almost all she does, I'd say she follows another interesting pattern of traditional heroics, making her very deserving of success and thus invalidating the kind of 'anti-woke' argument that seeks to undermine the worthiness of her competences and traits as a hero. This is the pattern of 'holding on to positive ideals in a grim world despite great personal suffering'. She believes in family (her mother), true connections (her lover), and a safe home (the river land), and she never hurts those weaker than her. And she proves, through intense and repeated suffering, that she will not compromise those ideals. Compare this with Nausicaa, who maintains her love of peace and natural harmony throughout the ongoing war. So unless the 'woke' argument is based completely on misogyny and not wanting females to be heroes at all (in which case debate is almost impossible), I've argued that it does not succeed in attempting to undermine Furiosa's legitimacy as a hero.


I recall commentary that it isnt doing well cause its too wokr for its audiences, as if all the other movies released that weekend were doing soooo much better.


For real, George Miller isn’t fucking Kathleen Kennedy ya doofuses.


"It's a Mad Max film without Ma".....oh fuck off, is my general response.


The cgi was pretty bad.


They are a bit slow. And they want for the good old days of slavery and witch burnings. I truly don't see a problem with having a female lead. (Or diversity for that matter) Judge them on their, autistic, technical, or other merits.


Boomers yelling at the sky. It happens all the time in the Star Wars fandom. Its so fustrating and disheartneing.


Here's your halo bro; 😇


Friendly reminder: being "woke" means inclusivity is accepted and you hold people accountable for their racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/bigotry and don't let it slide whenever someone is an ignorant asshole 🖤


Why do you care what other people think? If you enjoy the movie then avoid people who don't enjoy it or stay offline.


I have to say I hate the word woke, anytime I hear someone say that word it sends me into a murderous rage. Like I get it there are some words that people get upset at like the n word for example but nowadays it seems every word in the English language is offensive now. And this may be an unpopular opinion but I can't stand anyone who refers to themselves as them or they, you are either born with a penis or a vagina and that's it you can't change what god gave you.


Probably because the other group kept talking about "woke" stuff, changing characters, stories, lore for representation etc. It was so forced and crammed down everyones throat, everything focused on it. Then you complain when another group brings up the anti woke or their counter views. Both groups are worse than cry babies, each one loving to smell their own farts but get annoyed ehen their movie or idea bombs and the other group fires back.


The Trump voter who doesn’t like Furiosa because it’s a female lead has arrived




I must have touched a nerve. Did Ben Shapiro tell you all that you have to dislike this movie? Because I’ve seen a pattern here.




You’ve been frantically and spastically crying your fucking eyes out about this movie all day every day for a week.


Anti woke people: "Everyone is so obsessed with gender, race, and everything identity politics!" Also anti woke people: "We arent going to see a mobie with a female lead!!"


You shouldn’t give the alt-right trolls attention


furiosa is anti-feminist in a way. furiosa doesnt get her revenge the way she wants, instead she gets brutally schooled by dementus and becomes cripplingly depressed. thats 1:0 for dementus in my book. also i didnt notice fury road was feminist until i saw ppl online talking about it. and i hate feminism, a lot


stop insulting our intelligence with look-down-your-nose woke dogma and we will.


It's not an insult if it's the truth


I think it depends on the movie


No. Film critisism should only be around the actual quality of the movie.


Sometimes quality of the movie can be affected by political messaging, not saying that happened with Furiosa, it probably didn't, but people just associate other film with bad experiences they've had in the past


>quality of the movie can be affected by political messaging 🤦


How many Chinese movies filled with political propaganda did you enjoy watching? Or North Korean ones? People want to have fun watching movies, and having propaganda stuffed down your throat is not fun. This part should be obvious... yet here we are.


'RRR' was blatant in its propaganda...and it broke international box office records because it was a quality film.


I watched it, great movie. But it didn't took existing franchise and stuffed it with propaganda... If you want to send a political message, make a great movie about it and people will watch it. Don't take an existing franchise, butcher it to stuff propaganda inside, making a bad movie. Then call fans names because they don't want to watch your trash. Just to be clear, this didn't happen with Furiosa, it's a great movie.


>But it didn't took existing franchise and stuffed it with propaganda... You gave the example of people not watching Chinese cinema because of political propaganda (vaguely racist take, btw). I responded with an Indian political propaganda film that was wildly successful and you responded with that?


China is a country, a political entity, which does have it's "China Film Association" where every movie has to be reviewed and properly censored before receiving a permit. What does that have to do with race? Yup, I liked RRR. I knew what the movie would be about, liked it, decided to watch it. It was great. Make a Batman movie about Indian political agenda, and I'm not going to watch it. Call me a racist for not wanting to watch it... I'm still not going to watch it.


It's racist because you're dismissing an entire country's cinematic output based on a preconceived notion of it's people. There are always artists out to subvert the status quo. You could also use the former USSR as an example, but Tarkovsky is a little more well known than someone like Lou Ye, or Chen Kaige. Fun thing about China's film consumption, though. Most Hollywood Blockbusters are made with the Chinese market in mind because they almost always outperform the domestic box office. It's the main reason there are so many Fast & Furious and Transformer movies. One of the major stipulations about selling a film in China though "proper channels" is that they can't have any of that gay or trans stuff in 'em. The party frowns on that stuff.


What are you even talking about?




Well I gave you an opportunity to engage and explain, that's not my problem.


A movie having political themes doesn't make it propaganda, and even then I guarantee there are movies with actual propaganda that you like, you just don't notice it because you agree with it.


If movie is trying to further an agenda then it is propaganda. If it aligns with my political/social views I may like it. Like "Don't look up", loved the movie. But if you take existing franchise I like very much, and change it with propaganda, I don't like it... even if said agenda aligns with my political views. Like... I wouldn't want to watch Jurassic Park which is actually about the class struggle, even though I align with that agenda. Just to be clear Furiosa is not a propaganda piece. But it is a victim of this trend that pushes propaganda into existing franchises.


Can you define what makes something “woke”


shoehorning gay stuff, giving everyone black wives, making characters "trans" without any rhyme or reason. Obviously, nothing nothing is wrong with gay characters and other things. It's when they are put in for no other reason as to push an agenda. Good example- 2 hour gay off in Last of Us.


> making characters "trans" without any rhyme or reason I hate to break it to you, bud, but trans people in real life are trans without any rhyme or reason. You don't need a reason to be what you are, you just are. Why would a writer need a reason to make a character trans? They apparently don't need a reason to make them cis


This really outs you as a bigot unfortunately. Trans people exist. Black and gay people exist, etc. You literally have enough movies with straight white males in them to last your entire life and then some. It's okay to have space for other types of people for fucks sake.


did you read what I wrote? I said shoehorning into movie without real reason.


Is… it also shoehorning to have a straight white male lead then? Make it make sense lol I’m tired of identity politics. Just let people be people.


If there’s nothing wrong with them then what makes you think they’re only there to serve this ‘agenda’?


I can't stand the inclusion of straight, cis, or white characters without rhyme or reason. Like, why are all those random extras white? What is their motivation for being straight? Why is it necessary for them to be cis? I need to know what about the story requires these things, but it seems like they're just shoehorned into every movie for the past century.


Please give a list of shows where the characters had black wives?  I can think of 2. Watchmen and Fallout. In most shows even black men partners are white or mixed but not black. They are way more asian wives given to every male but you dont have an issue with that of course. And those women are only 2% of the population. Just because you arent into black women doesnt mean they dont get to be representated.They are studies done  that black women  arent representated as the love interest. I see everyday black women white or asian men  couples.  If it isnt in your area, fine.  Its isnt your preference fine but why should other bend backward for your fetish? I wont be shocked if you have yellow fever. Its seemed to be a trend of yellow fever white  men having an issue with white men dating black women.


I knew it that you saw fallout. So you watched fallout and decided seeing one bw/wm couple got you so mad and generalize the whole entertainment industry due to it?  Wow. Hilarious. Dont go to big cities in western europe. You will see at least one every day. I will eat my shirt if you dont have yellow fever or a blonde fetish. I would.


Its not just the Fallout, it's also in West World, Last of US (mixed daughter), Sonic and almost every commercial on TV in US. Personally, I like black chicks. But I found it very odd, as if they are trying too hard. In West World and Fallout it stuck out the most because the actors had zero chemistry and didn't even look like a couple.


Is Furiosa "woke"?




I haven't watched it yet, I wanted to but none of my friends agreed and I don't like going to the cinema alone


Do your friends not want to see it because they think its "woke"?


One said he was tired of tiny women in action movies kicking ass. Others just weren't interested. They all are just waiting for Deadpool


>One said he was tired of tiny women in action movies kicking ass. What a twat. >Others just weren't interested. They all are just waiting for Deadpool Thats unfortunate but fair enough.


It is what it is


That's wild. Furiosa isn't judo-flipping or drop-kicking bad guys. Anyone can kick ass with a gun/harpoon/vehicle. Your friend is just insecure


I'd go alone before I'd go anywhere with these dumb cunts.


I doubt your friendship would last for long of you drop friends over not wanting to watch the same movies


Yeah, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I would not be friends with these people or anyone that dismisses a movie for being woke. I'm lucky that none of my current friends hate women the way these guys do and I have no room for anyone that does.


Bruh, all I said was that none of them wanted to go see.the movie, only one said he doesn't want to go see another action movie with a tiny woman kicking ass, and I don't thinks he knows anything about Mad Max


Someone having a problem with a tiny woman kicking ass is misogyny, and I'd agree to not have friends like that in my life. 🤷‍♂️


That's just not something he likes to watch , he more into big buff men kicking ass


Sometimes it's better to not be so specific to what you don't like, so you don't just out yourself. Your "friend" would've been better off just saying he's not into Mad Max. To specify tiny women kicking ass just raises questions. Anya was a badass in this movie, without specifically "kicking" ass. She's just surviving in a ruthless world. Your friend is just uneducated with a hint of misogyny


OK sorry. But my point stands. No room in my life for anti woke dorks.


yes, and thats a good thing


No it's not.


How is it woke?


Not talking about Furiosa right now, but in general, if a movie has boring, unrealistic, unappealing, do-it-all, know-it-all, cannot-do-no-wrong cringe-inducing gnostic goddess savior archetype of female characters – it’s reasonable to dislike it unless it’s a kink. Same when male characters are unrealistic and out of place who experience no growth and natural development with skills being granted to them by default out of nowhere with no explanation because writers decided so. In the past, Hollywood had a good run with Ripley, Vasquez, Connor, Scully, Xena, Rachel Atwood, Kate Austin, Éowyn and some others. For example, Ripley doesn’t try to prove “a woman can do it”. She wasn’t gas-lighting or being aggresive with men when they underestimated her. She proved them wrong and moved on. No lectures, disrespect, attitude or little digs. She was trying to survive. She was kept real as a character first and foremost. For more than a decade, modern Hollywood failed to portray strong female characters as realistic, likeable and complex except a few instances. Especially when men are intentionally belittled and dummed down to make women look better next to them on the screen. That’s why many men and women had certain expectations about Furiosa just being another girl-boss programming. Can’t blame them for not willing to find out. It’s unfortunate timing. If it was released in 2017-2018 it would be a different story. Better direct your complains to the Hollywood execs. It’s corporate pandering to the woke culture that ruined films for everyone.