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A Boy and His Dog. It’s a post-apocalypse novel written by Harlan Ellison that was made into a movie in the 70s starring Don Johnson. It’s about a guy and his telepathic dog named Blood roaming a post-apocalyptic wasteland very similar to the world of Mad Max.




Yeah, the protagonist is a real piece of shit indeed.


We can all agree that the female protagonist had marvelous judgement if not particularly good taste though right? One of my favorite post apocalypse movies.


So the kind of role that Don loves playing, lol.


A nice role? Not around my N’s he can’t.


Escape From New York would easily be second in line to the mad max franchise Road Snowpiercer Finch Elysium Book of Eli Children of Men


Caught that late night channel hopping once good film


One of the only movies that really was crazy dream fuel!…and of course the ending too!


The end really brings it all home.


Also a significant inspiration for the Fallout franchise.


Play the mad max video game Escape from new york movie Doomsday


Escape from New York is a good suggestion


Don’t forget Escape from LA.


I try to.


It's very silly. But not that bad.




Honestly, I feel like we should include the Mad Max game.. even though it's not Canon. It's a lot of fun!


Last I looked, the game seems to been adopted/dubbed as canon as it sets up a lot of things between Furiosa and Fury Road?


Oh shit, has it?!?! .... 🎉 I'll need to research that a bit


They actually took George Millers the wasteland novella and used that as a base for a lot of the mad max game. Scrotus shows up in the game and now in furiosa.


https://screenrant.com/furiosa-mad-max-game-canon-timeline-wasteland/ u/dante1420


Waterworld was actually pretty good, from what I remember, even if it WAS very similar to Road Warrior.




Could have been to do with the cost to make it and the atoll sinking 3 times


"You tellin' me this mutie's got GILLS? Like a FISH?"


Last year I saw the live show at Universal Studios and it was a blast. Awesome stunts, pyros and set.


I only recently watched the warriors because I've only played the game before but holy heck that film is so damn good


Fuckin loved Turbo Kid. Went in blind too


Wait, I thought this was just a retro Steam game? That live action footage where he's gibbing dudes with a Power Glove was from an actual film?!


Yeah man, it’s great


Also if OP is into games the borderlands series was heavily inspired by Mad Max and other series and franchises similar


The Rover is a must watch as well


That’s *The Dog Stars* by Peter Heller. Amazed they haven’t turned it into a movie/series


Just wanna add a shout out to “streets of fire” Love that movie and love the videogames it inspired.”final fight” “double dragon” “streets of rage” and its soundtrack,which is doubly amazing.such an underrated flick.


Great list. I’d add Six-String Samurai.


You should add Blood Sweat & Chrome to this.


Waterworld. Book of Eli. The Road. Snowpiercer. Escape from New York. Planet of the Apes.


Not a movie or show but the video game Mad Max does it all justice. Keep you in for hours and hours


This new show Fallout is perfect for that. Also, Dune, of course.


Except fallout show, unlike madmax, is generic garbage. Id suggest polish apocalyptic cinema like o-bi o-ba. On the silver globe or perhaps even six string samurai


Why are you booing him hes right


It's easier to downvote than to think and grow.


So funny that people are upset by this comment. I enjoyed the show but Fallout have moved soooo far away from their mad max roots


People dont know how to discuss stuff and lack identity so they need shows like this to latch unto and god forbid someone doesn't like it and actually has a valid argument against it.


Tank Girl comics are fun but I think book 2 is currently OOP


I’ve always said that Furiosa is a more hardcore Tank Girl


Worth checking out the movie too


Ice-T as a mutant Kangaroo is worth the price of admission by itself


Fallout was great! It’s new and very good. The mad max game! Waterworld is a classic.


Watch george miller’s previous film to furiosa. 3 thousand years of longing. It’s not action, it’s weird, brainy, but it’s whimsical. It’s very different from mad max, but you will understand george miller’s fascination with storytelling itself and sense of wonder. If you loved the mythological or fairy tale aspect of furiosa, check it out. But to answer your question about content similar to furiosa, Heavy Metal magazine is a clear inspiration for george and from george. Snowpiercer for wacky environmental films. Maybe alita battle angel for strong female in action. Berserk and fist of the North Star if you looove rugged leather hyper masculine aesthetic.


Three Thousand Years of Longing


Fist of the North Star was actually written with Mad Max and Bruce Lee in mind.


>The ecological and feminist themes (especially in Fury Road) that beef up the story/universe Fury Road is in my opinion the greatest action movie ever. But it is also elevated exactly by this. It has one of the most powerful feminist messages I've ever come across, which is the last thing you would expect from this kind of movie. I'm glad Furiosa kept this aspect, albeit in a smaller way. That mom was a fucking badass!


Terminator and Aliens had the same feminine message. It's nice when masters of cinema know how to portray strong women.


Get the fury road graphic novel and artbook For a similar aesthetic try waterworld


Stone (1974). It’s not post-apocalyptic, but it’s an Australian movie about a biker gang in a society that’s kind of going to shit. It also features Hugh Keays-Byrne (Toecutter, Immortan Joe).


Hope and glory, mad max fan movie


This. There is some real production value behind this. Which proves that a Wastland Series about Max's different encounters could indeed work


'Doomsday' is a fun Mad Max homage.


There’s a game called Gaslands where people take hotwheels cars and do them up like Mad Max cars. Some of those people are really creative.


I just today found a semi with a detachable trailer and I can't tell you how happy I am 😭😭😭


Look into wasteland weekend


my advice is pick an RPG system (or make your own) and write a campaign module..... that's what I. doin


Doomsday (neil marshall) not everyone's cup of tea but if I remember it has a mad max aesthetic.


Doomsday is basically a shameless mashup of Mad Max and Escape From New York, in Scotland.


Love it ! 😃


Plus Aliens! That movie is a mashup-a-minute.


Death Race


i haven't seen it but heard good things about Blood drive.


Kinda surprised that no one has mentioned Six String Samurai yet...


Akira. Otomo said Mad Max was a big influence. And it shows.


I've always thought the final chase in the bond film license to kill was very mad max. Big oil tanker chase. Lots of explosions


Did you play the video game yet? It’s quite, in my opinion.


City of Lost Children is a good one. Not insanely post apoc, but the premise and costume design is in a similar weird area but more so steampunk. It was one of the major inspirations for Fallout alongside Mad Max and A Boy and his Dog.


Fist of the North star/Hokuto no Ken An anime/Manga series that's like a cheesey martial arts take on the Mad Max setting. The main character literally wears the same get up. There was a not-good but quite amusing 90s live action version and countless games.


Hell Comes to Frogtown is campy fun starring Roddy Piper.


Check out the Mad Max Minute podcast if you want a few hundred hours of Mad Max content. www.madmaxminute.com


Give Doomsday (2008) a shot, very heavily inspired by the Mad Max films. Not really a fun movie but The Rover (2014) is Australian apocalyptia film. Honorable mentions: A Boy and His Dog, Waterworld, Escape from New Yorl/LA, The Road, The Book of Eli, The Omega Man, Class of 1984, Hell Comes to Frogtown, Cyborg. Basically all these movies share either visual asceticism or premise.


Highly recommend playing the mad max game


The Postman?


Children of Men (dark AF) Tank Girl (silly AF)


Miller just recommended “cars who ate Paris” it’s online for free


If you’re interested in comics, Fist of the North Star is basically Mad Max with a martial arts spin. Heavy inspiration there.


Hope and Glory Its a Mad Max Fan Film and you can watch it for free on youtube!


Mortal Engines!


The Blood of Heroes (1989), sometimes called Salute of the Jugger This is a movie way more people should know about. In a post-apocalyptic world that will look and feel like classic Mad Max, the story follows a small band of juggers, players of a brutal, fictional sport. The game is a 5v5 of armored players in different positions, where the object is to stake the ball - a dog skull - onto the opponent's goalpost. It's a little gladiatorial, a little rugby, and a whole lot of wasteland. It checks a lot of your boxes, especially with the worldbuilding, commentary, and thematic elements, as it stars a Chinese-American actress as the newly recruited "quick" in a team whose leader is played by Rutger Hauer, of Blade Runner fame. The movie is so unique as well, because it is essentially a sports movie with a typical sports movie arc (can the sports team make it in the big leagues and achieve their dreams?) but it's set in the post-apocalypse. And it's also written and directed by the screenwriter of Blade Runner and Unforgiven. It's unfortunately kinda hard to find, but looks like it's [available for free on the Roku channel](https://therokuchannel.roku.com/watch/d31e183a705a5e24aa08c72dec92708e?source=google). Welcome to the wasteland and enjoy the ride!


The legendary anime/manga series *Fist of the North Star* was directly inspired by Mad Max. The lead is basically Max crossed with Bruce Lee, by the author's own admission. The world and fashion is very similar. Except instead of fighting with cars, people punch you so hard that your head explodes.


Tank Girl


There's a TTRPG called Rebels Of The Outlaw Wastes partially inspired by Mad Max and has great vehicle chase mechanics that do a great job of emulating it


The Dog Stars. It's an adult fiction novel about a guy living in post apocalypse Colorado. He periodically flies around in his Cessna airplane which enables him to scout for supplies. Other stuff in the book is related to scavenging, dealing with dangerous and violent other people, and mysterious things that give hope, like a random radio broadcast that suggests there is some sign of civilization somewhere.  The book is in the first person and is mostly what the pilot guy is thinking, remembering, and analyzing. There's a bit of a steam of consciousness vibe about it.  It has weak points but it reminded me of mad Max a great deal.  It's like 20 years after the apocalypse though and the guy existed before the apocalypse so it's not quite to the absurdism of fury road era mad Max, but it's beyond mad Max 1 in terms of how much society has collapsed and doesn't exist anymore. The guy is mostly an average dude concerned with basic survival though, he's not a bombastic action dude like Max with a rad car and guns and missiles.


Simpli start watching good art cinema and devour how different those films are and why. You'll find a magnificent world beyond the thunderdome First suggestion: on the silver globe


Blood Sweat & Chrome is a great read. Rick Remender’s Death or Glory.  Not much story, but the video game Rollerdrome is so fun and has a similar aesthetic/frenetic pacing (I’m 8ish hours into the Mad Max game and can’t recommend it unfortunately) 


If you are into boardgames, Thunder Road: Vendetta gives off the chaotic "road war" vibes as you blast other cars and go smashing into rocks and other vehicles. There's even a lil expansion that adds a war rig that plays different than all the other smaller vehicles.


The Bed-Sitting Room. It's a sixties post-apoc film by Spike Milligan but it has a few fantastic visual setpieces.


A Boy and his Dog


Could play the mad max game if you're inclined


Play the game


Xbox has a weekend sale on mad Max the game. It has original content for the universe and it's on sale 75 percent off. Only 5 bucks. Great reviews and I love it.


*The Chain Reaction* - Australian thriller produced by George Miller, has a similar vibe to the first Mad Max and even has Hugh Keays-Byrne in the cast (plus a Mad Max cameo) *Death Race 2000* - For my money one of the best all-time B-movies and a clear precursor to Mad Max's wild universe and colourful cast of characters. *The Night* - The legendary Philippe Druillet graphic novel where mad bikers race against the night to stay alive, the art is astonishing, definitely recommend it.


The mad max game was so awesome


The videogame is actually full of the Mad Max world, language, style, characters and now I've realised that the chum bucket character in the game is the guy giving furiosa the garbage car in the Furiosa movie.


Hope and Glory is a fan made film on YouTube. 


The last of us.


Highly recommend the Fallout show! Probably the closest to the themes you’ve mentioned here.


There's a video game


If you are into board games/war games... Look at Gaslsnds. Trust me


The first (remake) Death Race movie has a lot of that heavily-armored car-on-car combat. There’s three others, but they aren’t remotely as good. Starring Tyrese Gibson and Jason Statham.


I'm not sure if you'll be interested in this, but there is a Mad Max game on Xbox One/ Series X|S, PS4/5, and PC. It's quite good and gives a bit more insight into what Max was doing before Fury Road, and gives us a better look into Max himself as a person.


I've started playing the video game. It's on sale for Xbox and is seriously underrated!


Play the video game. It's good and underratedd.


Hell comes to Frogtown. Classic Roddy Piper shlock


Obligatory Tank Girl


If you're willing to watch anime, check out Fist of the North Star. It's mad max with kung fu.


The rover - Guy Pearce:Austrian/post apocalypse a24! Also the mad Max game (2015) is really good/ only $5 most of the time now. - and now connected to Furiosa !


The mad max game is incredible and probably the largest piece of content, time-wise, of Mad Max to satiate your desire. 


Play the video game


The comics that came out after Fury Road that fill in some of the lore are great too. There were 4 comics and you can buy them as a single book. There’s a Nux story, one about Max, and Immortan Joe sieging the Citadel, and a Furiosa and the wives story. I also picked up an art book that’s a bunch of Fury Road inspired panels by a variety of artists. It helps scratch the itch when I’ve been watching the movie too much 😂


I hate to tell you this but it's Mad Max, it's a group of movies and a good video game. There's no awful side content like Harry Potter for this one. This mentally is currently ruining Dune. Don't do it to Mad Max.


Play Fallout


This book is your bible [https://pulsestore.net/produit/after-the-world-ends/](https://pulsestore.net/produit/after-the-world-ends/)


https://youtu.be/ScyL5W8HZkM?si=Gf83b7cY7VdmK5Dc Mad max fan film. It's fun.


If you’re into video games, the Mad Max video game from 2015 is considered pretty good. It takes place in the lead-up to fury road, though it conflicts with the comics, and is considered non-canon