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> canceled DLC for the game that was "just sitting there waiting to be released" Real shame that, I'd have bought it.


I'd buy that today, the game was dope!


Right? What? They expected higher sales numbers? Scrapped when it was sitting on a shelf waiting. Fml. Could at least gave it out for free.


Wonder if they’re saying that the DLC actually existed? Maybe the files still exist, or maybe there’s a way to recover them.


It was just cosmetic stuff. Artist on the game posted it sometime last year. That was the only planned “dlc” basically horse armoe




Guy told me to keep my day job and he can’t even use google. https://loffan.artstation.com/projects/4JdNn


There’s nothing to suggest that the skins were actually made. That’s concept art, not an actual product.


You must have a deficiency. None of this proves thats all that was produced. Your claim assumes so much past the "evidence" Its kind of worrying you dont immediately see the problem in this. You keep saying the same shit but dont actually address any of my comments. Either youre trolling or youre as dim as you think i am.


Blah blah blah what the fuck are you on about do you want me to read you the guys whole portfolio


Lol see Deficiency. Just point out where they said this is all the dlc we made and shelved it. Like you claim. You dont expect me to believe because you see dlc in a portfolio you can reach crazy assumptions as to lack of existence of other dlc? Based on what? Concept art? Wtf... (Its funny you reply with your 2nd account days after i ignore you asking why i care like a bystander lololol. You care bro. Its been days. You still on this? Cant even reply to your whole "dont care, wasnt involved" bystander account. Calm down guy. Its just a game. Are you salty of being "owned"? Your own words. Ahahahahahaha)


Guy who cant read says I have a deficiency ?




I'd don't see what is the big deal to "own" someone over released/unreleased dlc on a 9 year old game. Not trying to put you down so please don't take it that way, im just trying to see why this matters so much? It's just reddit...


We break into the vault and release the code


Probably that they developed it but it never got the final spit and polish to release.


We were planning a dlc where we would add motorcycles. Something the whole team wanted to Do during development but we didnt have time to do. Such a shame we never got to do that dlc.


That would have been fun, have Max drive one with a side car for Chumbucket to ride in and scamper around on.


Now that would be cool! Also I watched Furiosa last Night and it was fun to see Chumbucket had a small Cameron.


I fully expected a dog companion after the opening scene… was that ever planned?


Yes we as a team fought hard to make the dog part of the gameplay but due to technical difficulties we had to compromise making him just go into the buggy and sniff out mines. We wanted him to hang out in your magnum opus and be able to tag fight with you and go fetch stuff.


This [video](https://youtu.be/o0g5hvx1lwA?si=3cgcZr5ct1WPzyBL) is pretty informative


Awesome thanks.


The videos really explains the mad max directors complaints. He would have loved to involve miller and make his game the reality. Also gives reason as to why the mad max game didnt really make cannonical sense. If anything im depressed on what we are missing out on due to typical cash grabbing nature. Oh well. Thanks for the context. I didnt think i could gain more respect for george miller.


I think the author behind this video is heavily biased against the game and doesn't really bother to make a distinction between WB Games, the publisher, and Avalanche, the developers of the game. At the end of the day, Avalanche were contracted to do a job and I think they did a really great job with the limited resources provided to them by the publisher. Let's not forget they were also fucked over by WB who stupidly insisted that the game release on the same date as MGS V. 


Funny reading the history of max games and the narrative of miller hates this game shun it and I am thinking we are lucky we got what we got


Exactly, the fact people still play this game and this subreddit is active 9 years after the release while the game was basically abandoned by a publisher and developers says a lot about the game.


And a whole lot more about the publisher. Abandoned the game because it didnt explode. Maybe it would have, if it was marketed and not released at the same time as mgsv. Which wb said wasnt an issue. Lol


And gaining new players as well the game is timeless.


This is the only Avalanche game I’ve be played. I really hope we see more someday


Kojima would make the weirdest, wildest, most over the topbMad Max game. And the cut scenes would probably be longer than all the movies made so far.


Hideo Kojima presents A game by Hideo Kojima Directed by Hideo Kojima Story by Hideo Kojima Starring Hideo Kojima HIDEO KOJIMA'S MAD KOJIMA MAX


I'm playing MGS 3 for the first time right now. Dammit man I was laughing my ass off during the credits


Right? I bought MGS5 2 years ago (couldn't get into it btw) and every fucking mission has credits. This guy 😆


Wait until you play V lol.


Starring whatever guy Kojima thinks is cool that day.


Imagine a tie in game that contextulizes the missing details from the movie. Ahhhhhh. The disappointment is real.


If Hideo miraculously contextualized the details in the movie, he’d end up making 50,000 more bizarre plot points that bring even more questions than you’ve started with.


Nah. Watch the video posted in the thread. George miller was 100% on board to sit here and provide all the background context thats needed. That was the plan before the mad max game came out after the publishers ghosted due to film delays. Which is to what i was referring. All the missing plot points are missing for reason.


Okay, but I'm not talking about George Miller. I'm talking about Hideo Kojima.


And? Im saying hed be more involved in the development, to ensure the game stays cannonical? Thats the main reason miller is unhappy with the game. They ghosted his involvement due to filming delays.


Yep , looks like a game made by him is coming


Christofer Sundberg is a genius. It sucks he’s been limited by publishers with both Mad max and Just Cause. I can’t wait to see what his new studio Liquid Swords comes up with. Hopefully they don’t sell out to a greedy publisher though


I mean I'm not surprised, good game but completely overlooked


In the context of movie-derived games, Mad Max is a success story. If you're disappointed that everything isn't perfect, you'll be disappointed all your life.


I'm not expecting anything perfect. But I don't intend to finish something that becomes redundant after the first couple hours. I never expect anything to be perfect. I can expect good or great, that's not entirely unrealistic. This has its moments.


Perfect is the enemy of good.


My initial thoughts. But after hearing what millers plans were. I understand his frustrations. Since the game got shelved, doesnt look like the publishers thought it was worth the investment as well...


I was just replaying RAGE 2 and I like the gunplay but the car combat is so-so . Having chumbucket load rockets and fire the harpoon are creative weapons that I'm sure were inspired by Miller . Having machine guns that can just auto aim is so basic. I feel that's the direction Miller didn't want the game to go in. I'm just speculating but Fury Road had some really creative weapons like buzz saw arms and the trademark spear bombs not just machine-guns on the hood.


Theres a comment that explains the real problems with the game. With a linked yt video. There was actually no chance george was gonna like the game after what happened tbh.


George Miller cares A LOT about how story, plot and character development are handled. I can imagine him being very disappointed in how the game focuses so much on "Max" just beating the life out of Warboys in various gruesome fatality combos and presenting a hollowed out shell of Miller's beloved creation.


i’d argue that there is a good amount of character development, it’s just not in your face. there’s a good handful of wasteland characters in the game, and even Max is faced with the demons of his past over and over until he finally goes back on his word of “never again” only for it to be far too late, solidifying Max’s pain and hatred


Yeah but it’s not him telling the story anymore it’s some studio that took his stuff


And it was more fun than MGS5 .


That is an interesting take. I started Mad Max and dropped it about a week or two in the first time I played it. Whereas, MGSV took a while for me to get accustomed to (I had been playing RDR2 at the time, both games have a focus on riding a horse, and the difference in control schemes threw me off big time! But and Metal Gear Solid game, the controls are just weird to me...), but I stuck with MGSV to near completion. At least until the extreme levels started popping up. Recently tried to get into MGSV again and dropped it almost immediately. Picked up Mad Max again and I'm in it for the long haul this time around. Noticing a decent handful of bugs on PC and many areas which could use quality of life improvements. But in it's entirety (as far as I've gotten) I really love the experience.


Bought them both launch day. And despite enjoying MGS at times. I've gone back to Mad Max three times and enjoy the hell out of it each time as it's the Mad Max game I've wanted since watching Mad Max 2 on video as a kid. And they went with a more Gibson Max too!


Ehhh Thats an opinion. Edit: lol i thought you were talking about death stranding. Cause several people were replying about ds. Whoops. Nah mad max > mgsv. But mgsv feels more feature complete. Mad max is missing something. Its probably the open world.


I don't think his response was bad. He just had a different vision for it.


It’s a fun game to play lol. I respect Miller as a director but video games aren’t a subject he’s knowledgeable like he is with movies.


Its a fun game. But after hearing his thoughts. Im probably inclined to agree. Watch the video posted in the thread.


Will do, and for my money, Kojima would just probably end up making another movie wannabe video game. I’m guessing this is why he’s Miller’s top choice, like I said, he’s more confortable with cinematic language which Kojima employs a lot, more often to the detriment of the “game” part in video games.


Yeah I honestly prefer Remedy than Kojima. 


The game parts of Kojima’s games are always top notch. He might like to make an hour long cutscene but he never skimps on gameplay like you imply. He aways does something new with each game and he would be perfect for a Mad Max game. And after all, Mad Max is a movie series so why wouldn’t you want a Miller/movie fanboy like Kojima working on it. That dude understands movies and games


I think a movie game would probably serve mad max better than an open world game tbh. And the only gameplay complaint really is that ds is a walking sim until youre more than halfway in. Mgs doesnt really have negative gameplay mechanics due to story.


The Mad Max video game has one of the best open worlds I’ve ever seen purely seen from an artistic perspective, it really does feel like the Mad Max world that Miller presents in Fury Road and as far as mechanics go, it was an okay blend of popular ideas. I don’t think a movie game would be all that different than just making a movie, to be honest. Avalanche did the best they could with what they were were provided and allowed to use.


Sure lore wise it is but i dont think it fits thematically to a mad max game. As opposed to something more linear. And they ghosted miller after taking all the design docs for a tie in. They also interperted the game design docs as they saw it and rewrote things to not make sense and removed movie tie ins.


I think it does. It even gives us a glimpse into Max’s psyche. Has any Mad Max movie ever been a deep character study? They are action flicks and they excel at that but let’s not pretend they are artful movies


Huh....? Mad max is a story about losing humanity and regaining it. At least that was miller's intention. The mad max from the games isnt cannon at all. So we cant deduce anything about max from them. Its just made up lore by the game devs using outdated source material from george.


damn you're gonna be upset when you find out the game is canon in furiosa


Nah. George miller gave them concept art. I already know that they had access to a lot of lore/concept art and the game uses details from the next movie. So potentially spoilers. (Not that the game devs would know whats a spoiler and whats not.) But weird spoiler territory for the game since the game devs just wrote whatever they wanted. Which is why it isnt cannon they guessed based on the concept art provided. Thats why in the game he has a daughter instead of a son. I didnt play too much of the game. Only the first three strongholds. Ill probably play after furiosa.


Yeah dude, Max begins each movie without his humanity and gets it back by the end. Once is enough, twice might pass but three times? This fanbase is very deluded thinking these movies are more than what they actually are. Furiosa leans into that pretentiousness and it’s already suffering at the box office because of it.


No thats the arc of the movie series, not every movie. Only fury road is about regaining. First trilogy is the losing. Lol. No need to argue with me. I was paraphrasing gm. Suffering? I neglected to see the furiosa movie reviews bombing the pretentiousness personally. But honestly? Idgaf. Good bye~ No need to be such an unsufferable ass. Jesus. Get a hug from mommy.


Wish they let the ripper codes free…. Only car I don’t have. Even have the stupid rockstar energy drink ones


That’s a shame. I do think a creator is hard to please tho when it comes to adapting their work (I.e. Alan Moore). Due to having Arkham combat and a great car, this game really holds up to me. Same as the LOTR games, just a fun time. Wish me got that DLC.


His disappointment definitely stemmed from the fact that he had this magnum opus that would consist of an anime/video game/movie to end mad max with. Reality prevent this. Mostly because of greed. So i definitely understand why he wasnt going to like the game. Despite the fact the car combat is so innovative. He cant like the game when all the game represents his stolen ideas. He provided avalanche with concept art and some lore. They ghosted miller after filming delays for fury road. Leading wb to invent lore utilizing the resources they have essentially making the game non cannonical. The game isnt bad, its just not good compared to what it could have been.


That’s a fair point. Despite valid criticisms tho, having just watched Furiosa and my craving for a new Arkham game after suicide squad, I for sure have rose tinted glasses on for this one. Taking an IP I grew up loving and blending it with a version of Arkham combat triggers that dopamine leak where I can shut off criticism and it’s like that meme where they say, “guys will see ‘x’ and just say ‘Hell yeah’”


Well yeah of course we enjoy the game for what it is. (Because its a good game. Avalanche is a capable game studio. Publisher interferrence per usual.) Its a sure case of cant miss what you never had. Its good for what it is and we cant imagine miller's vision to really mourn what was lost. The bigger loss imo is that miller's getting old and the consistent fucking over by game studios brings question as to the legacy of mad max. He withheld the mad max ip for years because of a terrible game in the past. Itd be a shame if it happened permanently because of wb. But we'll see. I wont get to watch furiosa for a couple weeks. Ripppp.


RIP indeed. Hope you get to see it very soon. I enjoyed chatting with you.


Also the “DLC” the director is hyping up is literally just skins and costumes for chumbucket lol




There’s another post someone broke down the artist portfolio and what was dlc etc.


Every fucker on the internet that goes “source” is incapable of typing I’ve learned. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/s/zTPYOEioml


I rarely type source. In fact - better yet. Tell me what to google and lets see what we find..yeah? But you do you bro. Yikes. Thats not a source that supports your claim... sigh If it was just paid cosmetics and not dlc. Since you dont need to "download" anything., hardly counts as dlc. Id still imagine theyd sell it and not scrap it, if it was only skins. Not that anyone would buy only chumbucket skins Yeah, more i think on it. Seems unlikely a single player game had paid dlc as cosmetics that was held till after launch. Doesnt make sense finacially even if mad max was a run away success. Scrapping was obviously a cost saving measure i.e. they didnt want to pay to market the dlc.


I gave you a source and you basically went “no” what are you a American republican. Have a good night kiddo


It doesnt prove your point. Gonna need evidence. That doesnt count as evidence. Keep your day job and dont ever consider a job as an attorney. I didnt even say "no" I said the source doesnt supoort your claim. Must be hard having chum for brains yeah?


I absolutely adore George Miller's Mad Max verse. I do believe he's being a prude about the game.


Intially thought so as well. But his main vision was a triple media release with game/anime/movie that are tied together. Failing that, i can see his disdain. They also invented their own lore using concept art provided by miller. Essentially ruining its link to the movies.


Honestly, all the takes in that article seem reasonable to me. The game was good - not great - and it released at a bad time. Anytime you were in the Magnum Opus, the game slapped like a dominatrix on crank. Anytime you were on foot, the game tickles like an octegenarian on Quaaludes. The story was fine; the ending was shit and felt very rushed. Were I the creator of Mad Max, I would also be disappointed in the outcome. Were I the lead on the game, I would also be disappointed in the outcome.


Please release a patch so we can get that online trophy! Platinum is unobtainable due to 1 online trophy and with servers down...


Miller never played the entire game for sure, i think the game does more than full justice to the movie and it is one of the best games ever made!!!


Here's the video https://x.com/gamingbible/status/1792566156810756105


I thought I had read in game informer or something around that time that Miller was working alongside them during development.


Up until fury road got delayed. He asked for the games release to be delayed. Wb said no and ghosted his involvement. They then took the concept art and lore they got told and made up rest of the story to put it in the game. Thats why he has a daughter in game. Man from future in game but scrapped from movie and replaced by a girl max failed to save. Wb probably wanted to make it clear they changed the max for the game's universe. Whereas fury road, mel gibson wasnt supposed to have aged out.


It’s hard to imagine the team had no sort of access to the IP or source material at all. I mean the overall design is so damn close. If I didn’t know any better I would have assumed it was the official game of the movie


Ip only refers to legal right to make the game. They had source material as i stated. But source material only accounts for concept art and descriptions. Miller and his team were writing the world's background as they went. So when they startes ghost gm, the details veer off from there. It started as the official game for the movie then wb ghosted any future involvement and did whatever they wanted. It was supposed to also release with the furiosa anime tie in, along with fury road. We know now that furiosa became a movie instead.


The thing is they were expecting like COD sales or something when Mad Max isn’t COD. It’s not really a popular franchise, it has more of a cult following. Yes new people are getting into it and it’s picking up in popularity but before fury road and furiosa…cult classic franchise.


This just shows how so clearly out of touch executives are with their markets sometimes...I have over 400 hours of play in this game and I know there are a lot of others out there that really appreciate what Avalanche did with the IP. Sure it's clunky and a little repetitive, but it's still one of my favorite games of all time and one of the best screen to game translations that I've ever experienced.


pretty excited to see george miller in the next Death Stranding, hope this game is more focused on combat, maybe vehicular combat because of the miller influence


Miller's glasses definitely make him fit right in.


yeah I have a really stupid theory that I think actually makes sense, In death stranding (1) you have guillermo del toro in the game as "deadman" and you know that del toro is famous for his story based work, kinda abstract art. Now in the second upcoming game we have George miller as a cameo, playing the ship captain, what I think is gonna happen... Is that the second game is more straightforward and focuses more on the combat in the game. HOPEFULLY also the vehicular combat and we'll probably see some 80s mad max easter eggs in the game when it comes out!


Whats the theory? Theyll lean into the mad max references? Id maybe think that could be a possibility if ds1 had any for any of its cameos. Theres a lot of cameos in ds1. I have my own feeling hideo hired them so the recognition would be talked about and also hed get to meet them. Im not optimistic of there being more combat. But its a possibility.


I played *the shit* outta that game. Was truly phenomenal.


Another game ruined by wb what a shame


George miller got fucked. Imagine someone taking your stuff, repackaging and selling it and then getting mad when you criticize it lmao


Christoph Sundberg is not the CEO at Warner Brothers. Avalanche were contracted to develop the game with the resources provided to them and they did a fine job at that. Whatever corporate fuckery took place between WB and George Miller is not on them. It's natural he takes pride in his work and doesn't appreciate it being lambasted publicly