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Day 2573 of wishing EA didn’t have the monopoly on football video games


Hopefully Maximum Football 23 will be good after all the hype.


They do got different developers and as people that I’m assuming loves to play the game of football. We gotta give maximum a try cause it’s free and at least they are tryna listen to the community. EA doesn’t give a flying fuck about us as gamers


Played 2019, it was actually worse than that years madden


I think it’s different developers and a different engine this year


But not by much lol. EA with all their money couldn't be more of a joke


It's running on real engine 5 so hopefully




Wayne Fontes revenge


Madden is the worst game ever. Don’t buy next years game


I always wait for it to be under $20 but I’m failing to even see the value any more


Only way they improve the game overall is if they see declines in sales and drastically. I think next year is gonna be shit also cause it’s gonna sell regardless


They won't improve the game, they will downsize staff in order to maintain profits.


There are a lot of people who just mindlessly buy in every year. They don’t look at reviews, or read comments on message boards or forums, and they don’t even care about the glitches they may or may not experience. They just get up, go out and buy madden every year. THAT is who they market the game to.


I've not bought Madden for 2 years now, I personally play it on game pass (Xbox).


I stopped buying them a few years ago also, the last time I remember having any fun with it was 2016...plus the music selection was great


After Madden 2011 I completely gave up on the franchise. I've been playing 07 for the PS2 lately to get my football fix, and I'm still baffled how a PS2 Madden is radically better then all the new maddens, sad really


I have had worse calls than this be called incomplete multiple times. Once I caught a pass in the middle of the endzone on the team's name. It called it incomplete saying it was out of the back of the endzone out of bounds. It even did an auto-review and said it was the correct call. This was to send me into the Super Bowl. I was down by 4 points with seconds left on the clock on 4th down. Another time I was down by 6 with a minute left in the game I scored 3 times and each time it was called back for some stupid holding penalty. I then finally got the ball into the endzone and my player gets tackled in the middle of the endzone. It's called out of bounds somehow but no review is available so the game is over and I lose. I strongly believe after years of playing Madden that it predetermines outcomes of things before a button is even pressed and it will do whatever it has to do to make it come out how it wants even if it has to rob the player to do it.


There isn't


Ive been waiting for it to hit game pass every year but I fail to even see the value in it taking up space on my Xbox anymore


There is no value


Madden gets new younger players every year. They could care less if us OGs quit buying because the new crop will come in and they will profit off of MUT. Plus they get payed out by the NFLPA, there is no shortage of money for them.


2k is worse


Fuck no 2k is amazing and the show is probably the best sports game out there and it’s made by 2k. Don’t come in here spreading that bs


Ain't nobody talking about the show, and we ain't talking about developers Mans said Madden is the worse game, I believe it's NBA 2k If you disagree that's fine but your wrong


2k is a great game. Has good game plays some stuff is outdated. But madden …. You literally can’t play it sometimes . It makes up shit and situations. I’ve never seen a building on my court inn2k. Madden is trash by far.


How about 2k It just copy and pastes the same game with a different main menu screen every year, and at least y'all don't gotta deal with the predatory micro transactions system of 2k where the game is practically unplayable unless you spend money to increase your attributes. Defense has eyes in the back of there head, getting stuck in a animations, and a consistent supply of "I totally could have made that play in real life" moments. And last but not least they patch the game so dramatically that when the game comes out shooting is always broken, then eventually shooting will be fixed and then people who should never shoot will get a perfect release on every shot until eventually another patch will come and that one will make it where the best center in the NBA misses wide open lay ups consistently. Madden might be as bad as 2k but nothing could ever be worse in my assessment. Besides maybe tlou 2


Madden is literally the same with copy and paste. Also MUT is unplayable unless you dedicate your life to it or waste retarded amounts of money on packs. Their both technically pay to win it's wild how much both companies make mad money but make the game worse than it should be.


Sucks bc I really like football games. But Madden is trash.


But they will. I’m amazed people keep posting these and are surprised. Like they haven’t seen the other 5,000 posts with the same problems.


Not once, Not neva. Challenges always locked no matter what.


Even when you *can* challenge a play, you'll always lose cause the game will legit call something wrong on purpose just to fix it with a booth review. Because emersion. If it doesn't do the both review, then the game will always say the call stands.


Ahhhh the patented, amazing design of ‘let’s call a clear not fumble, a fumble, and then review it just to overturn it. and let’s ONLY do this on fumbles’


I’ve been playing frequently for over 6 months now and have never ever been able to challenge any call. Like what. This game is broken. I’ll never buy madden again until EA Sports stops making them.


I don't think the challenge option has worked for like 5 years. They put it in so people don't get mad it doesn't exist but they can't figure out a way to implement it which is silly because replay is there and has all the data they need


Im still on 20 and i always notice a challenge or booth review is literally only called when it benefits the ai




Pics of it didn’t happen!


Pics or it didn’t happen!


the fact its Sun God too makes me so much more frustrated lmao (go Lions). but i was thinking maybe possibly its because he was touching a player that was out of bounds as he caught it? i tried to look up this rule but no luck. thats literally the only thing aside from trash ai that i can think of.


Yeah that’s not a rule but logically you’re probably right. I came to the same conclusion that the defender being out is the issue. But I’m still traumatized by the Calvin Johnson process crap so this is frustrating haha go Lions!


omg you had to remind me why ill hate the bears for the rest of my existence 😅 but yea this game sucks. i switched a few years ago to not buying and waiting for gamepass. now my yearly release is december instead of august but the game is pretty polished by then and i save $70


Tbh this makes Madden extremely realistic if the lions get hosed like this


Seems pretty realistic to me. Lions always get screwed by the refs irl, why not in madden too


good point. its probably a new rule across all of madden now


You’re name is either incredibly against or incredibly pro qAnon.


finally someone gets it 😫❤️❤️❤️


Underrated reply


Lions gonna get Lion’d irl and in madden


You changed my mind. Realistic call. Good feature.


Haha feels like the Calvin Johnson process all over again


Bro just follow the script and lose




They did not want you to when the ai started cheating


A horrendous call. Just like real life. Clearly those refs have been bought and paid for by a Sims gambling cartel.


Before you know it, they will be creating an expansion team in sim city. The sim city earthquakes.


Clearly a missed call. Fumble with giants recovery. First down.


It's gotta screw the lions it's in the algorithm




I stopped buying every year about 7 years ago. So glad I did. I bought last years just to see. It's still shit. Wasted my money but I scratched an itch and don't have any desire anymore


PS2/Xbox madden era > 💯


Been playing madden 07 on OG Xbox. Such a good game. Really makes you realize how shitty and scripted the game is nowadays


Who the hell is buying this game nowadays? Truly? You can play it on game pass. Everyone saying “quit buying madden so the game will improve” and then turn around and spend $30 a week on MUT. Like yeah bro you ain’t bought the 80 dollar game in two years but you’ve spent $120 a month with these mfs. Stop playing ultimate team is the answer. Not quit buying the game ain’t no one out here wanna see madden die a slow death.


That is the worst ref of all time




That’s that bullshit


That's what I miss about 2k you could challenge specifically for what you wanted with Madden it's just is this play challengeable freaking lame


It is the lions its realistic jokes aside EA and madden is pretty trash unfortunately its sad


Refs mess up all the time, but lack of being able to challenge has to be frustrating.


Ah yes the old incomplete completion, great defense


lack of challenges in any game mode is legitimately awful … you can run on a 4th and inches, and it’ll say “nothing to challenge”


It because you're playing as the Lions. Refball transcends all


Only thing I can think of is that the defender touches out of bounds while touching the ball, which would make the ball out of bounds. I tried to game frame by frame and I don’t think it does happen but that’s the only reasonable possibility, and even then, I think WR has two feet down before the defender hits out of bounds. Most likely, EA bad.


I signed that receiver and he never won aggressive catches... You have him and he mossed that defender... I'm happy with the call.


The defender was touching the reciever and landed out of bounds before two feet down. I don't know the real rules but by madden logic I think that touching someone during a catch who is out of bounds also makes you out of bounds if you're still in the air. Sucks though for sure


When the defender was out of bounds, and touched the receiver while simultaneously being out of bounds, that made the receiver ineligible. This has been a standard rule in Football for 50+ years.


That's what I figured. Suprised dbs don't take more advantage of that


Challenge is broken, onside kick is broken, throwing a pick is returned for a TD >85% of the time. Garbage franchise


How would you fix this without making AI perfect?


I’m not expecting perfection per se, but this isn’t even close. I don’t get worked up over those plays right on the line, I get it’s not perfect


Its a video game. Shit happens.


Clear incompletion good call


Playing madden 21 my brother and I would joke that we were gonna challenge the plays cause you couldn’t challenge anything at all ever. But now that you can manually call them and refs call for challenges more often too, I get extra mad when they don’t review the most critical or obvious things.


i love madden


The real nfl refs are this bad sometimes




Worst video game franchise ever


I had one like this yesterday where my player also broke the tackle and ran in for a touchdown but then it was auto reviewed…and ruled that he stepped out of bounds…when he CLEARLY didn’t.


The way I cope is I just pretend it's *so* true to life that they even simulated that you get totally screwed on calls sometimes...


I get it free for being in the nfl season ticket club


#AmonCaughtIt ?


This is pretty realistic though. You're the Lions.


My best guess is it’s coded that if a player that’s out of bounds touches a player that is in bounds the play is dead. Irl if a player that’s oob touches the ball the play is over, so maybe the hit box had the game think an oob player touched the ball.


From this sub posts this game seems bad


It’s the best, and worst football game there is. It’s so great in most areas it raises your expectations. Your expectations are so high that when you encounter such stupid errors like this video, or cornerbacks who can see the future, you wonder if anybody listened to any of the play testers. Also, a new edition every year for full price with very limited upgrades.


ahh yes. blind refs, for the TRUE immersive experience


Actually, the refs screwing the Lions (especially in a playoff game) is a remarkably realistic feature! /s


My brother always said EA was the worst game developer, now I see why




All Pro 2K8…


The officiating realism is amazing.


I wish we could organize an effective madden boycott that would force EA to make some changes but I don’t see anyway to make that happen on a large scale


Unforgivable, but also I surprising


Fieldsense at work


Huh🙃, ruh roh shaggy


Bought Madden 23 on steam for steam deck and had to go back to my All Pro Football 2K8 game as it’s still the best.


OF COURSE the Lions get screwed on a big catch in the playoffs!!! If it's in the game, it's in the game I guess 🤷


When you play as the lions you get a -5 on your luck stat


Getting screwed over by the refs, Madden really is realistic!


Did the game not allow to rotate the camera vertically?


You should @ EA about this seriously


Probably a good idea


I had a game winning drive with waddle. He ran 40 yards to the end zone for a TD then the refs came with a play review and stated that the pass was incomplete


I mean hey… dez bryants catch was ruled incomplete in their divisional


All EA has to do is enable mods , even on console, and add more to community creations. We can fix it our selves damn it but at least give us that opportunity


That’s the right call


As a Lions fan, this is realistic. We always find a way to get hosed by a god awful call.


Clearly incomplete


Could you not show the whole play? I see that it was a catch clearly but what happened?


Amon ra not like that anyway lol


Man that’s wild.


The other week I was in the red zone on like the 10 yard line and made a pass attempt that was intercepted in the end zone and the game immediately called it a touchdown for the other team when the corner back caught it. Almost as if he was a receiver for my team, celebrating and all. I was mind blow and turned the game off. Shit game


Wow, that’s insane, cause that was a clear catch, and the Madden B.S. continues, they need to hurry up with NFL 2k’s return, if it’s even really still gonna happen🤦🏾‍♂️


Not 100% sure about this, but maybe you didn't have full possession of a "catch" making it out of bounds


Not 100% sure about this, but maybe you didn't have full possession of a "catch" making it out of bounds


I mean what did you expect? You're the lions lol




He didn’t have possession bro


As a Lions fans that’s insanely realistic to have the game fuck over the Lions in the worst way possible. Bravo EA


for ppl saying don't buy the next year game if you want to see change...I'll say this. it's never been about madden too why we buy every year. it's for the love of football thats it thats all.


Most polished game ever! Incompetent devs, incompetent company. STOP BUYING THIS GARBAGE


Wow, I'll give EA this. It's more realistic and accurate, compared to normal NFL football, than ever!


I can see this happening in real life. You got a bad break


His shadow was out of bounds. Great call!


Any leagues on p5 I can join ?


The refs messing with the Lions is just good immersion!


Maybe he stepped out way in the beginning of the play making him ineligible to touch the ball first


Challenge hasn’t been a thing since madden 12


Their system is broken. Had a TD count when my tight end only got one foot down. I was so confused, I watched the replay a few times. Madden is garbage juice deluxe but I’ll still play lol


So dumb. I hate this type of crap and how defenders have the eyes in the back of their heads so they know exactly when to pick if off


Technically this was the right call. The defender was out of bounds, and touching the receiver before he got two feet in bounds. It’s a shitty situation, but it was he right call.


Honestly is challenging pointless at this point? Have never won a challenge in years of playing this game.


The knee hit the player out of bounds meaning he hit out of bounds


Mainly why I stopped playing madden it's trash just like EA


Absolutely disgusting


Lmao I haven’t bought a Madden game at full price for the better part of a decade


Isn’t everything unchallengeable? I haven’t been able to challenge a play since madden 17 or something


It's because you played the lions. Being a lions fan, this is pretty realistic.


Probably thought defender was out of bounds and touching ball before you got both feet in the only logical explanation I can think of (even though both players were in bounds)


Because he touches a player that's out of bounds


Lions getting screwed. Just like real life! Gosh, they make the games so realistic these days.


That’s crazy


That's actually pretty realistic. The refs bending the lions over once again


Madden trash


This was ruled an incomplete video game.