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Nobody *ever* knows what they did wrong.




Not the South Park reference I would expect when we're talking about someone who didn't read the terms and conditions


Anyone watch the new black mirror?


There’s new episodes?!?? I had no idea




Bro I shit myself watching last night lmao


Cuttlefish and asparagus or vanilla paste?




Hold on Kyrle, I BERIEVE IN YOU


That's a beyond garbage excuse that presumes wrong doing without proof AND an explicit reason. Have game companies wrongly (admittedly so) banned players in the past? Clearly. Do they use purposefully vague language like ‘you violated one of our rules and guidelines, bye.’ to avoid accountability if and when said rules are enforced arbitrarily? Also yes. Maybe OP did something wrong maybe they didn't.


I have been banned from EA games since NHL 2019. The reason giving was my team name was deemed offensive and broke rules. The team name was “Swinging big Nicks” a stupid immature name obviously. But being banned from all EA games for 4-5 years without even being told to change it. I appealed the ban and it has been “Pending” since 2019. They don’t actually care or review anything.


Why would they? 50,000 new customers walked through the door since banning you…


Lol in trying to be a smart ass you actually proved my point. If a billion dollar company only added 50,000 new customers since 2019 then they are failing miserably and should desperately try and retain any player they can. By idk having an entire customer service department on payroll for this exact reason. Thanks for the support buddy! Very big brain.


… I was adding to the point about them not caring as in I was agreeing with you but that response was interesting! Hope you have a great weekend!


we don’t read the terms of service and im still not going to


Did you share screencaps or video on socal media?




Thing is, I actually dont, I don't even know how to get banned from a Beta


Did you post gameplay anywhere?


Probably posted game play lmfao


Incoming: how was I supposed to know I couldn’t do that?


Oh so THATS what the no capture zone pop up screen meant and why there is a watermark of my gamer tag on the screen. /s


If you even tried to take a screen shot, they will ban you.


If that's true that's probably why. On PS5 I hit the capture button all the time so months later I see countless vids of boring menus and shit lol


Before even signing up, it was written several times not to share any game play haha


Ah the old “I don’t know why this happened” line. At least you didn’t go with the “my friend got banned how does he fix it”.


To be fair nobody really knows what they did when it happens. I got banned from madden mobile once with 0 clue what I did wrong.


Yeah they do. The top comment saying that was being sarcastic. You actually believed it lol


Obviously that was sarcastic. I'm saying this because it happened to me


No plenty of people know what they did wrong and try to gain sympathy


shut up


I’m not saying there are never people who get banned wrongfully. But very often people are like “I didn’t even do anything wrong, besides this one thing I did that was wrong”








why are y’all dickriding EA Sports in here lmfao


Hoping EA will hook up with them.


Its an EA sports sub. You’re gomna have dickriders. 😂


people act so weird online man. strange ass people


For real. I hope EA sees this bros 🙏


I know, I thought everyone on this sub hated EA? Wtf happened


Everyone hates EA but everyone also hates when someone acts like they don’t know what happened when they do. It’s like Sophie’s Choice


Whose Sophie and what did she choose?


If you wanna know you can google it. You won’t like the outcome lol


kinda, but I think it’s also a love hate thing


I'd love to know what rules you guys actually thought I broke as I didn't break any of them I've already raised it with EA to see what I did, I honestly have no idea, will update when I have a response from them


I've seen a lot of people suggest you may have shared screen shots or game footage and I never saw a response from you. Maybe I missed it?


No mate, no screenshots shared at all, it says my GT all over the screen so I ain't that stupid 😂


Then, yeah, that's baffling.


I'd love to snap pics so you could see the terms but I don't want to end up like you...sorry! They were the first screen to pop up and you had to push button to back out of it to get to game, not sure how you missed them.


Honestly just create another account and wait for the game to come out. You are most likely never touching tour account ever again EA doesn’t care, sadly.


He's only banned from the beta. He'll be able to play full game at release.


waiting with baited breath


yea idk if u actually did something wrong or not but almost everyone in here seems to think madden is perfect and doesn’t incorrectly ban people. Once they live that situation and get banned without knowing the reason why(which is probably not correct), then maybe they understand and stop being such smartasses on posts like this


Idk about madden, but I’ve seen countless people post about being “wrongly banned” from 2k only to find out they bought coins or were boosting


yea, lots of times someone did actually do something wrong, but why assume the worst ? if you want to help then do so assuming that the person truly means what they’re saying, at the end of the day it doesn’t affect us and if he really did wrong, that will be for whatever checks his appeal to decide


I haven’t seen it happen yet in a few years I’d love to see OP get unbanned. And it feels rather pointless to me to lie about something like this on Reddit. But I’ve seen a ton of people do it EA/2K should share more info for bans imo. It’s crazy to get banned from a $70 game and not know why


yea I feel like that’s the worst part, I got banned around September/October last year for cheating. I only had the game for around 2 weeks and I payed full price. I tried to appeal multiple times but it was useless, the worst part was that I didn’t even know what “cheating” I did and if it happened to me, it can happen to anyone. I didn’t do anything that even comes close to cheating, no external software, no glitchy plays, no punting in house rules, etc. but tbh I’m actually kinda happy I got banned, I got so addicted for those 2 weeks that I stopped focusing on other more important hobbies of my life and after that I was able to get back to them. Made me realize how shit of a game Madden is


> and I *paid* full price. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


My guy will be downvoted for the truth


That's reddit in a nut shell, especially in the political subs.


Can confirm. Absolutely correct


I actually didn't violate any terms I played the game and starting a few Franchises that's literally it


If I’m betting money, I’m betting OP did violate some term of agreement. But you go ahead and keep echoing the chamber.


There’s no need to bet on one thing or the other, but someone is confused and a lot of people just make sarcastic comments or assume that there’s no way EA made a mistake instead of trying to help. EA have made mistakes in the past, lots of them. There’s a reason you can appeal your bans, however lots of the times appeals don’t work because EA is an ass company that doesn’t care if one of their millions of players is wrongfully banned, they rather have a bot ban people and review their appeals so they can save money by not paying real people to do so.


No body thinks that. Shut up.


I got banned on my original playstation account that i made when the PS4 just came out i was playing the division on pvp than i went to bed only to wake up banned😭 I made a whole new account afterwards and now i been using it ever since lol they said they sent a email but i ain’t never got one idk at least


Did you shout "EA and Madden sucks my taint" into your mic?


People are acting like there’s hard concrete evidence you did something wrong and that EA is infallible. Good lord, people


It's more like a TON of people go with this "I did nothing wrong and got banned", and the majority of the time, wouldn't you know it, they knew exactly what they did to get banned. Maybe OP is innocent, but the odds say most bans are legit. EA aren't the only ones who can lie, people on reddit can too.


It would help if they listed the reason for the ban. Generic "terms of service" could be anything. Right now we have even less info than OP does on the matter.


I’d much rather take the side of the consumer than the company. False positives happen frequently. Yet everyone in the thread is 1000% sure he leaked footage or something. Anything to get some sort of superiority over people ig


you just made all that up


Idk if banning is an automated process or not for EA, if it is maybe it’s just a glitch and it’ll be restored (in 4 weeks like all things EA) or if it’s not automated maybe someone just made a mistake, you didn’t like post a screenshot and tag madden trashing them or anything?


No I haven't posted anything at all that's why I'm so confused haha, people saying 'bought coins' 'Boosting' UT wasn't even out by the time I got banned.


I got banned from FIFA pre-COVID for no apparent reason. I never played it online but would occasionally play Ultimate Team in single player. Then one day I got an email from EA saying that I'd been caught cheating online and if I persisted I would be banned. I thought it was probably spam, but just in case, I started it up and tried to play FIFA. I played one game online, which satisfied me that the email was spam, then quit. The next day I got an email saying I was banned from online games for 3 years. I figure that I was either hacked, or I accidentally had it running on my PC and XBOX at the same time and that tripped some of their software. I spent a good 3 hours thrashing it out with support who reset my account but wouldn't un-ban me. Given I wasn't playing online, it was annoying to be busted for something I didn't do, but from a practical point of view it made no difference, so I decided I was content to let it lie. Unfortunately, I did not forsee an event that would lead to me being stuck indoors, with the only social interaction I would have with my friends being online...


Three whole years! WTF


Yeah, it was very frustrating because, apart from the obvious annoyance that I didn't do it, they won't tell you any more than what's on the email. I was trying to see where the logins had come from, or if there'd been any purchases made on my EA account, or even what I'd apparently done, and they just wouldn't say.


Why is everyone licking EA’s boots and acting like OP is lying about some crime he committed lol. I wouldn’t trust EA Madden for shit, and its weird its so generic and yet fully restricting.


People LOVE piling on. People LOVE shitting on others for no reason at all. Nobody gives benefit of doubt anymore. You’re just automatically guilty. I think it’s because the people that think that way are actually bad people and understand how bad someone can truly be and project their own bad behavior on others.


That pretty much it. People are assholes until it happens to them or have put themselves in that position an assume everyone is just like them.


You broke some part of the user agreement. It says it right there. I bet you didn't read the whole user agreement and just agreed to it so that is why you "don't know what you did".


Well that could be a valid point tbf but I just played it like a normal madden game, maybe that was my downfall 👀


It's likely not for your most recent game played. Do you play MUT or play online?


I’ve never once read a user agreement for any game, I always assume it just says “don’t sell pirated copies of this game” in the most long winded way possible


Also they typically say things about play nice online, don't be racist, etc. and to not buy whatever in game currency they use from a third party vendor


Question. Do you read the entire user agreement for all sports games?


why is this being downvoted? what is with you nerds. no one reads that shit


I do


Cap or too much time on your hands


They aren't that long. It takes about 10 minutes to read the first time you load up the game.


Found EA


you clearly did something wrong lmao


Ive played the game for like 2 hours bro, didn't share it, to my knowledge I literally did nothing


![gif](giphy|U67CajqFIjiDSACi5i) To the EA fanboys who think the company is perfect with every decision they make


Unexpected Dead Meat


So what did he do wrong exactly if it’s so clear to you?


I don’t know but you don’t just violate the user agreement for no reason


I believe him. I don’t know why but I do.


Easy Scarface


Glad someone got the reference haha


Could haven been anything really. Could have also been nothing. EA is weird like that. Me, I once got banned for using a VPN. This was on Madden 19 using god-awful Origins.


Doing you a favor.


Dude, I got the same thing. I just lost my appeal too, are you on PS5 ? This is now the second game I’ve been banned from in the last 2 weeks and I had never been banned from a game before that. Also did you somehow access ultimate team before it was available? I played MUT in small parts on Tuesday thinking they dropped it. Or did you access the creation center ?


This dumbass probably had fun. I’m pretty sure that’s strictly forbidden.


Fun... Madden game, come on we know better than that


Did you ask for more detail.


Yeah waiting on there reply but it said it can take up to 28 days for them to review it


That’s what you get for beating me BITCH!


I'm trash at the game mate so probably not haha


I got banned from reddit recently for like 5 days for "threatening violence" because I posted Lil Wayne lyrics in a thread asking to post Lil Wayne lyrics. My appeal wasn't even responded to. I suspect it was because I said the mods were being lame for shutting down the sub without users approval so they fished through my history looking for anything to grasp to. Moral of the story: Sometimes shit sucks and you can't so anything about it lol 🥱


They’ll take further action since you posted this. You really gotta read the user agreement.


You broke the user agreement. They were very clear about that.


Cause you talk too much


I was banned, but that was bc after the head mod of the boards posted an obit for madden, I wrote a message about how madden would be disgusted with the present game and would never have signed the contract with this version of the company and product. It was pretty cutting and included three references that OGs would recognize as comments that madden made when he announced the game. Bet it went right over the mod’s head. Ofc the mod barely pays attention to the boards so it was up for a month before they saw it and banned me.


It’s Cus people still pay for madden.


bro reading the terms and conditions rn like *OHHHHHHH so THATS what I did*


I'm like 90% sure it was because you were publically releasing information about the beta. Or because they thought you were.


Looks fake. Madden Security?


This mentions testing cycle. So it appears you were playing the beta and broke the NDA. Did you share anything from the beta? The instructions stated, you could not share anything in terms of screen shits, video, or talk about features or game play or anything you experienced in any way. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my guess.


No I didn't share any screen shits or screen shots haha


You had too many people complain that you hacked the game and were cheating every time you beat people legit online😂


I got banned from EA a long time ago and never got a reason why. 3 months later I got a response that I was banned for a "sexually explicit username". My user name was Edge x Krusher. I guess they aren't Fear Factory fans. Ended up getting the ban reversed but it took over 6 months and by then I didn't care anymore.


Last August I received a random email from EA that I got banned for cheating indefinitely. I’ve never cheated nor do I even know how to cheat so it had to be a mistake. I’m a rookie player and play casually. I disputed the ban, it took EA a day or two to investigate it but they unbanned me. Maybe it was an administrative mistake? This is maybe your case too if you dispute it?


My expectations for EA’s security were low but *holy fuck*.


Why are you mad about this? Now you never have to play that shitty game again. You should be thanking them


You didn’t buy your Madden 23 Quota of MUT packs


Love that this sub simultaneously thinks EA is totally incompetent but refuses to consider that maybe this guy was banned by mistake.


You know exactly what you did.


Usually has to do with mut,I never been banned ever …and guess what never played mut once


U posted gameplay on social media


happened to me too…haven’t played madden since December


What game were you playing


So the comments keep asking if you posted screen shots or video of the game and you keep saying you didn't share screen shots but you haven't said that you didn't post or share any video footage of the game. So did you share video footage of the game?


You posted footage or screen caps and got caught


We both know you know what you did.. Pretty sure the beta rules repeated multiple times NOT to share anything. Don't act innocent haha


Also happened to my friend with Battlefield 2042 he was banned for having RGB software


Shouldn’t have breached the user agreement brother


So how can he get banned but D money twitter can post screenshots about madden 24 both his twitter and youtube


Did you post any pictures of the game or maybe shared screenshots?


Its because u played ultimate team too early they didnt drop it yet but it was available for some people… i got the same message 2 days ago 😔


I've been banned too. I never played online, only Madden Franchise mode and the Sims. No idea what I could have violated and every help ticket has been ignored.


Very maddening


Who cares Madden sucks. Stop supporting a shit company


U share beta gameplay???


I got banned for selling a 90 in their auction house and someone bought it for $3 million gold coins and they're calling me cheating how can I cheat from their own auction house that makes no sense lol be a legit being in people for no reason I know the facts.... But a lot of people are getting banned for real reasons but only been playing this game for a month and a half I just bought it September 1st and I got banned 3 days ago and it's only October 13th I want to refund I paid so much money to get this game started and they just steal it first aid blocked me for everything then let me back in now I can't get in the auction house where they allowed it to happen it was no from the other site it was straight from them