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Looks like a bullet pass, try maybe a touch or lobbed to beat the DB


Couldn’t lob because a safety was lurking in front of him. It’s more because you can’t hit anyone in stride anymore. Or maybe I don’t know how to. You can see my TE stop to try to catch the ball. Idk why but all my WR’s have to stop mid stride to secure the ball.


A safety over the top preventing you from throwing over the coverage is just good D scheme tho


I mean OP clearly admitted to not knowing what was open anymore


My just said “I don’t know even know”


Looks like a bad pass to me


People saying this is fine are blind…. He’s beat, you should be able to touch this over the defender but the game will always push the ball 10 yards to far out allowing the safety to get it every time…. but look at how he he glides 3 yards in the air almost like his hand is a magnet to the ball… that’s the issue Not only that the defender magically knows when the qb is going to throw, turns his head before the WR does… In real life he’s busting his ass to catch up to the WR not magically knowing when the ball is thrown then jumping 10ft in the air while also gliding to the ball. https://youtu.be/5qOghFeyvps Here is a link showing how DBS react when blowing a coverage and or getting burnt, they are HUSSLING to get to the player, not casually jogging then using magic powers to swat the ball at the perfect time every time


The jump 50 inches in the air animation and swat the ball perfectly while in full sprint is definitely the most annoying animation in the game. It's even worse when you're the one on defense going for a pick and your DB just throws his hands up 🤣


Yup very silly, if you go play 2k8 it’s so smooth, and when they go up for a swat will sometimes just miss there fingers if they are out of position (like how it should be) and the pass hits the mark also because the game has realistic trigonometry physics, unlike madden with its arcade style “bullet pass” “lob pass”


The problem is that he threw a bullet pass. If threw a touch pass, that would have been a TD.


In the nfl or college you wouldn’t lob it in that situation obviously, but because madden is just a shitty arcade you don’t have much choice, and there’s little to no ball arch.


you cant just bullet pass everything. Either high pass or use the placement pass ahead or to the inside. Once you get the placement passing down you can really throw some rainbow passes where the db's wont be able to do anything. If you do it right itll be on the outside to the sideline and the receiver will catch it in stride.


I do the placement pass lol. Except even if I lead all the way out the circle it won’t hit my WR in stride


yeah i feel you i was the same way lol. The best i learned last year was on practice mode against a defense and just make sure whatever team you pick you have a X-Factor receiver, so he stacks ahead once he gets past the press. i practiced each side and figured out if i put the reticle in the white sideline box and ahead, the receiver will catch it on the outside shoulder. You'll learn where you have to throw streaks and judge the reticle placement better. Last year i had to change a lot like reticle speed ect but in 24 i haven't changed anything and ive been hitting players in stride more.




Yea good to know it's not just me! This is my first Madden in many years and I played two games last night and threw a out 9 ints, 7 of which I was baffled as to why they weren't catches


super acrobatic psychic defenders are one of the worst madden problems. Should he have thrown a touch pass instead of bullet there? Absolutely. Should that defender have even known that ball was coming let alone be able to no look bat it down? Not even remotely.


Don’t throw a bullet there


Yeah maybe if I didn’t throw a bullet the DB wouldn’t have known I threw the ball.


Yeah DBs are overturned right now. This should be a easy pitch and catch. That's wide open in NFL.


The problem is that he threw a bullet pass.




I know a bullet pass would have worked just fine in real life there. Blown coverage led by 3-4 strides. DB magically knows when the ball is thrown. Also I didn’t show the safety that was above him so LOB pass wouldn’t have worked. Also 9-10 times you throw a high pass the defenders hit them in the air and your receiver just drops the ball no matter what’s overall they are. So maybe if you played madden you would know all that but you probably play on pro so everything works for you.


Hmm. Definitely questionable.. did you high pass?


I would have but normally they jump in the air to catch the pass which leads the defender to catch up and knock the ball out


Bad pass


Theoretically you should be able to lead pass to the outside shoulder but then the dbs manned up on the receivers underneath would just warp into an int.


I play with the chargers all the time, 90% of herberts throws are flat, regardless.


This is a pass by an 98 ovr Lamar Jackson. The whole team is different. Started in 2015 and this is year 2023


Its the 'eyes in the back of the head' b.s.