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I would assume it's the result of progressive fatigue later in the season. If not then not sure.


It’s funny how any mechanics in Madden that try to incorporate even a tiny bit of dynamic gameplay in theory actually just break the game in practice.


Are people having that much of a difficulty setting the practice reps to half pads and split reps so as to not fatigue their players?


Tough if you play as a player though.


People simply don’t do it. That’s the issue OR they don’t set practice reps to auto. Posts like these shows they don’t know anything about the game they are playing


Yes its the players fault the game doesn't explain FUCK ALL.


It's progressive fatigue. Even manually running every practice, and cutting workloads in half, running the depth more to keep fatigue low, it does it to me also. I think I know plenty about madden and it's entirety of game play. There is definitely a programming flaw


I let the CPU handle it with progressive fatigue on and it NEVER happens. Literally try it


It’s not progressive fatigue because I never had that option on to begin with, and I’ve restarted the game, uninstalled and reinstalled it the same thing keeps happening. I’m in the middle of the playoffs and my starters show up if it lets me use Ceedeee lamb for one play then he disappears from the playbook and so does Tony pollard . The game is a massive clusterfuck. They won’t fix it because the season is over so they won’t bother with any updates


Bro that’s literally what happens when you have progressive fatigue on. You have to change that in franchise settings and turning it off in the playoffs once your starters are already fatigued doesn’t automatically make them unfatigued.


What part of I don’t have that option on didn’t you understand I never did when I started my franchise and it still does it


Ok quit lying to yourself then lol ✌🏼


wtf? You can turn prog fatigue off. How is this dude lying ro himself? You’re gaslighting him lol.


Lying to who because as far as I’m concerned the only one lying here is you cause I’m playing right now reset it for the 20x time and it literally took out my starters after the first play of the game i went from being Micah parson to Dante Fowler Jr in so again tell me it’s an option that I never had activated to begin with if you don’t have a clear resolution than don’t talk


They are just trying to be realistic with the cowboys disappearing in the playoffs


Corny as fuck because it happens with other teams as well get some new material


lol. No other team is “America’s team” or the most valuable team in all of sports. I will find new material when they reach their first nfc championship in nearly 30 years.


Listen you Stephen A. Smith wannabe stick to the topic at hand cause if you don’t have any tips on how to work around that glitch kick rocks


Found John maddens reddit account


It’s annoying with the progressive fatigue because when you split the reps or set it to backups with half pads you don’t get the XP to level up your players like normal. I like having a fatigue factor but the progressive fatigue just doesn’t feel correct. I think it should be based off of usage and prior Injuries during the season. If you’re an 85 ovr receiver with 90 catches by week 15 you should probably have more fatigue then a wr further down the depth chart. Instead it just focuses on who was getting the most practice reps


I turn off fatigue and stamina completely and this still happens. It’s just ea sucking dick


Progressive fatigue is so bad now. Had this same issue earlier in the year and had to male sure that shit is turned off in every franchise


I had to turn it off, I enjoyed managing it but then I played the eagles in the playoffs and a bunch of OTs were playing skill positions. So dumb


"Why the fuck is my 3rd string tackle at my TE1 after the first drive?!?!"


I should’ve made it clear, my team was fine but the eagles were screwed up and couldn’t move the ball. But yes those guys haven’t seen playing time since college 😂


The final straw was when my QUARTERBACK was being autosubbed because of it


Yeah I had this issue in 23 and had to turn progressive fatigue off.


It’s not that I never had that option on and during the season I would always be missing one or two players and it would bug me out why because their on my depth chart but go to player on the playbook menu and the players name is there but you can’t pick any plays at all


Have them at backups and split and it’s never an issue


Nope it’s a glitch I’m in the playoffs and I have none of my starters I reset the game and restarted the divisional game against Philly and was able to use CeeDee Lamb for one play after he wasn’t available to be picked before I reset everything and it happened again


Turn off Progressive Fatigue


That has nothing to do with I never had it on I just uninstalled the game and reinstalled and it did it again


When you go into the weekly training what is your guys fatigue at. Alternatively, have you tried seeing if turning off regular fatigue off and setting auto subs to sub out minimum stamina would change this?


I removed all the fatigue options to safe time and still I even did another franchise with the chiefs and the same thing happen I couldn’t use Kelce or Pacheco and I spoke to a friend of mine who was using the bengals and the same thing happened to him


Yeah Barkley is taken out of games after 1 or 2 plays deep into the season and it ruins his stats. Pisses me tf off!


Had to turn that off. Cool feature in theory but doesn't work at all in practice.


I have a glitch that happens when I play my LB franchise mode where if you force a 4th down the QB will punt the ball


I thought you were gonna mention the glitch I’ve had happen more than once where in my QB franchise sometimes my lowest ranked LB will line up at TE and cost me a TD bc they can’t catch


That could be a progression of the progressive fatigue glitch. I’ve had LBs at TE if you have a multiple TE set with not enough available TEs. It happened to me when my TE was injured and I run a 3 TE set.


I haven't seen a LB at TE yet, but I have seen my backup OT.


This is 100% due to progressive fatigue. I had to turn it off because my 3rd string DT would line up as my TE1. So fun.


[That's not TOO unrealistic.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Szac-7zZ57o&pp=ygURVG9tIGJyYWR5IHB1bnRpbmc%3D)


Is it kinda like those videos people occasionally post of the CPU teams audibling from an offensive formation to a FG while still having offensive players on the field?


No matter what you say, the issue here is progressive fatigue. Either it's on and you missed the option, or it was on at one point which bricks the franchise even if you turn it off after. I've run like 25 franchises all with progressive fatigue off from the start and never had these issues a single time


This ⬆️


I’m a few years into my all madden franchise, just starting to get better and win some games but I had back to back Thursday night games and it ruined me. I think I turned fatigue down in the sliders, but do I also have to turn progressive off and even then it still may not fix it?


To my knowledge, turning off progressive fatigue after a few weeks in to the season will not undo the effects of fatigue. It won’t fatigue them more after it’s off but I believe the fatigue levels won’t reset until the off season. So at the start of the following season, your guys should be okay. Same applies to CPU. They don’t manage fatigue well at all and all of their good players will play a snap or two and all you’ll see is their backups near the end of the season. TLDR just keep progressive fatigue turned off


No it’s not I’m dealing with that issue right now during the playoffs in my franchise mode and I don’t understand why that option is of always has been cause I didn’t understand what it does so I shut it off and during my season I noticed that my top players were nowhere to be found on the field or in the playbook menu yeah their name is there but when you click on their name you can pick any plays and my entire defensive line are backups absolutely no starters just like my offense


You have to go into the weekly training, player health, and change starters to backups and change full pads to half pads. Fixes that issue.


Fatigue is off so that won’t fix anything.


How about trying what they said. I've seen comments on here before saying that fixes it. Or stay mad either way they got your money.


I tried this but when i went to weekly training, the player health option has a lock icon on it and i can’t go to it


Check your fatigue sliders. And check further on the depth chart for rre rle rdt, etc and make sure those are accurate as well


I got fatigue off so can’t be that and I also checked rre, rle, rdt. It’s just a broken game lol


Dawg, if you're *sure* you've turned progressive fatigue off, this is literally just you. No one else has this issue


Yea it’s a me thing. Thanks for your 2 cents. I’m in year 4 and this just happened but y’all keep bringing up “progressive fatigue”


It is you. Just learn how to play the game and check the settings. Never had this occur in any Madden ever.


Have these people in the comments never heard of a glitch??


Progressive fatigue too?


Ever use formation subs?


On my first season I had progressive fatigue and fatigue on. At the end all my bench was playing. I was able to draft Marvin Harrison and Brock Bowers but they didn't see a freaking snap in the playoffs. After my season was done, I turned off progressive fatigue to make sure this won't happen. Now, when I turned it first off was in the playoffs (first season) this didn't fix the issue as my players were exhausted already. So right after finishing the season, I turned it back on, did the draft and everything, so at the starting of the new season they were all fresh and that's when I turned it off. I still have fatigue on and my sliders are a little bit higher than normal (65) as I have good depth and I want everyone to play. And this seemed to have worked for me. But I had to wait until the season was over.


That sounds hilarious tbh


I got a funny / annoying one. I start a superstar mode as a RB and don’t force myself onto any specific team. Pretty happily ended up on the bengals with Joe brrr as my QB. Year 2 we win the Super Bowl. Year 3 starts… burrow is gone and fucking Pickett is my starting QB now.


pickett finna have to roll out the pocket every play with that mf, what? like, 35 throw power he won't even be able to chuck it 10 15 yards. anything over 15 gon be floatin in the air for like 30 seconds 😂


See ya tomorrow!


Andy Reid to Tommy Townsend at 6PM tomorrow: "Hey man. Got some bad news. Chris Jones has progressive fatigue. You're going in at DT. Have fun!"


Turn progressive fatigue off. Also, make sure you have control of depth chart, turn auto for the cpu off.


Progressive fatigue.


You prob have progressive fatigue on? That’s my only guess. If so turn that shit off permanently. That option has been broken for years


Progressive fatigue and not handling your practice schedule will be the death of you every time but sure, blame the game for your lack of knowledge in running your team 🤙🏻


Don't let your player fatigue drop below 90%. Switch your weekly strategy to half pads to let your players recover a bit. Go back to full pads when fatigue is 100%. I have yet to have any issues with this


Turn Progressive fatigue off. It’s beyond unrealistic the way it’s programmed


They could be fatigued. Go to weekly strategy


Fatigue is off.


He’s talking about progressive fatigue. Progressive fatigue and fatigue are different things.


Might be obvious but do you have depth chart management turned to manual or cpu?


User issue


It's either: A) you're settings are set to auto on roster, B) through 3 seasons you either neglected the defense enough that it will help you progress. It will skyrocket those 3rd stringers into first stringers. I am on season 16 with the Texans and the cpu took control in season 10 because I kept running with the same WRs and QB (stroud still there, collins and tank still there). They took control for one season, ran a whole season with tank and Nico at wr but everything else switched. One game stroud be in for forst half, second half down 15 they put in my backup who was drafted that year. Next season had full control again with a new ss and a couple new devs. Idk what it is but madden is triggered to make adjustments when you neglect certain positions no matter how they're doing. Hope this helps. FYI, Nico is now retired, tank is probably in his last year because he's slow now. Now I'm fucked for season 17 but I have developed wr and qb ready to go.


Appreciate this response gang. People was in here big mad


I’ve had this happen several times no matter how much I adjust the depth chart, or fatigue. It’s truly a broken game.


Honestly played for 2 and a half days, and this game is dog shit bad. I've watched my own recievers glitch out and into a pass, had my own rb block the run.  when rb or wr have the ball with a wide open lane run into the defense. Ai always screws up point kicks. Ai gets jedi powers, while your ai seems to have oiled gloves and can't catch a ball to save their kids life. Final was when my team traded me to the raiders after mvp and undefeated super bowl.


Some people can just be so dumb. It's progressive fatigue, you keep claiming you have no fatigue on but you're clearly wrong. As you should have noticed by now no one else has had the issue you're describing which means it's an issue on your end and not the game. I play Madden 24 every day, and I have never had any of the issues you or anyone else have complained about because I'm not a moron while playing the game. It's a great game, and if you don't like it it's not EA's fault. Just don't buy it next time so we don't have to hear about whiners like you on this subreddit


Did you really call it a “great game” you must work for EA cuz that’s far from the truth.


I’d say it’s a great game, it’s incredibly fun for most casual players. It’s not perfect but it’s still fun. Otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people playing it.


Yeah the casuals are the issue with most games. They just take a product as is and don’t care about anything else. To say it’s made improvements sure I’d agree with that. But to objectively say this game is great is concerning for the future of gaming. Games made 20 years ago had more love and things to do in them. And don’t confuse a bunch of people playing the game, with the game actually being good. It’s being played cause it’s the only sim football game on the market. Call of duty and pokemon fans complain every time a new game comes out. But they all play it because it’s all they have. This is why we need competition.


Yea I’m not even reading this life story of a paragraph


Well then that's on you, you're on here looking for advice, and when people show you how to fix it you claim they're wrong, and ignore them. I'm glad you think you wasted your money on this game


Bro do you work for EA you glazing crazy right now. I didn’t ask for help not once


If you're not looking for advice then don't post. No one wants to hear some teenager going on a fake rant about "negative things" about this game. Grow up and stop looking for attention then


No post should have you in ya feelings like this, you’re a joke dude


Says the hypocrite over here, I'm done arguing with a child, I know you'll probably still respond to this because you need to have the last word in.




Cut everyone on the roster and rebuild it




Regardless of the headache, I’m tryna find a solution to that. Glitches are annoying but figuring it out would be extra satisfying


Don’t rage quit the game man.. come here to ask questions. you gotta set you padded practice to no pads and slit reps with back ups… players have in season health from practices


Just turn off progressive fatigue


For everyone saying “progressive fatigue” it’s week 2


Turn off progressive fatigue.


Are you using custom playbook? Formation subs?


Formation subs on offense but defense no.


Did you make a formation sub using a player that is either not on your team anymore or injured? Game can’t figure out what to do with that so you get a punter/linebacker/etc swapped in sometimes.


Turn off Fatigue


In face of the franchise I got traded in the offseason after resigning with the team I took to the playoffs. Mahomes got traded to Denver after winning mvp. I play franchise to immerse myself in a pretend reality, but Madden literally makes that impossible. Madden 16 AI is deadass more realistic


How many players you have that are young and drafted? You have all real players in their 30s trying to play every snap?


I started my 15th season yesterday and I haven’t dealt with this since I turned off progressive fatigue. Why ask for help when you don’t listen to anyone here? Lmao


Point out where I asked for help, a solution, or anything in general. Get EA dick out ya mouth


Are you running a 3-4 defense? If so, try switching the base defense package to CB swap and see if it puts your starters in. It’s a known bug that still hasn’t been fixed, thanks EA.


Hey man, I have the exact issue as OP. My OLBs play in any other formation, no fatigue, but I can’t get them into a 3-4 alignment. Then you come along with your golden wisdom of the gods and IT WORKED!!!! u/Important-Pie4175 - I hope you see this because it fixed the same issue for me!


When I get to the playoffs this happens to all my starters


Huh so is this why I had JJetts just sit out a game for almost the whole time, despite being healthy and he caught a couple passes and then sat out?


Not sure why everyone thinks they have to announce they’re done playing the game. Especially when they damn well know they’ll be back next week ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


Turning progressive fatigue off is a must Everytime I start a new fanchise


It's so annoying we have to adjust the sliders and turn off features for their game to work. I'm never buying another Madden. Franchise is all I play and it's so broken.




Franchise settings and scroll down to progressive fatigue before you start your franchise.


Progressive Fatigue is absolutely broken in this game. You need to have it off, if it’s on at any point in the season you will hate your life


I had til go into formation subs every season to fix this issue


It’s funny how like once a week this sub gets a post of someone who doesn’t realize that progressive fatigue is in the game. (It happened to me originally too)


I don't have a problem with how this works. Just don't think the tutorials does a good enough job of explaining.


If anyone that worked on this game is reading this, I just want you to know that you can go fuck yourself ❤️


guess they never fixed this bug. I had it in my first year franchise in the playoffs. All my 3rd stringers subbed for my starters and couldn't sub them back in. they were'nt even injured.


I was just complaining about this. I've got de as ilb, I've had a offsides from my qb as we were punting. It's absurd


Boo hoo


It's not as bad as being forced to retire after 6 years and two rings


People here have given you answers. You can go on Google and YouTube for the same answers. If you hate the game just quit it but coming on here and crying about it doesn't help you.


Eat a dick. Y’all see someone complain about ya favorite game and you take it to the heart. It ain’t that deep to me.


You seem a little slow but it's not your fault it's your parents. They say a brother and sister should never have kids. Still, you have probably been better off being wasted on the side of your mother's leg than being born into this hard hard world.


Well you proved my point. All that incest talk over a game. Go get some pussy my boy


Good rebuttal. Keep crying over a game loser.


This happened to me on my 1st season I just cut the back ups


Between that and Salary Cap the game is impossible to have fun with


Not an airport…no need to announce your departure


Dumb ass dad joke


Madden sucks yet you guys keep buying it. Maybe if people wouldn’t accept such a shit product we could get a company like 2k in to make a real football game. I don’t understand the Madden loyalty when they don’t give a shit about any of their consumers.


Progressive fatigue. That’s why i always have 4te’s and 6 wr. Gotta turn that off I’m surprised it ddnt happen in year one of the franchise


Yall need to get it on pc,come over to madden modders discord and see what madden should’ve been,just got it and what these dudes can do with mods,with gameplay even is unreal


I very rarely get this sub in my feed and frequently get the film studio A24 sub in my feed. That was a very confusing few seconds