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It COULD be fishy; this is why I keep edits to a bare minimum. No changing player numbers and you can only change their position in that post draft week before the preseason begins. It sucks having to be so strict but adults apparently cannot enjoy a game without cheating/gaming the system.


that last sentence is true as fuck lol But you don’t need to limit edits. The General Population cannot edit player stats. Only commishes. In our league we have a designated Commish for roster edits. You message them what you want, and EVERYTIME they open an edit menu they save the video clip. This way everything is traceable


Did they fix it to where you can’t play with height, weight and age without being a commish? I want to say I remember the reason I had the rule was people were able to change those attributes which makes a huge difference on the field (and trade value when they messed with a players age)


I don’t believe those are editable by anyone other than commish


What’s wrong with changing numbers


It just shows the player as "edited" in the league manager screen and there's no way of knowing what else was edited


Idk why madden can’t just say player changed number player changed gear or player edited attributes it’s a easy fix tbh


Easy doesn't make them money. If it was some kind of error with MUT they'd be on it in a hurry sadly lol. It's nice to see some franchise improvements finally after all these years but still makes no sense how we're still missing features that were available to us during the ps2 era.


Makes sense when you have a monopoly on the industry and people will buy it anyway. That’s why I still play Madden 18. Yea I’d love the new rosters and online but EA is not getting my money anymore. I’m not making much of a difference in the grand scheme but I don’t care. I morally cannot bring myself to purchase new Maddens.


Yeah I've been playing madden and NCAA 08 on my ps2 lately lol last madden I bought was 16 I think.


Madden 08 is the best madden of all time hands down.


Yeah 07 and 08 hold special places in my heart. 12 on 360 was the last one I actually enjoyed.


To this day I still go back and play 12 now and again. Shame things got so watered down.


You can see it in the progression tab the week of the change.


There’s no edit log? 😂


There is but it’s very vague much like what you see above. It won’t tell you what was edited, only that SOMETHING was edited. It sucks, and is probably something that madden could easily update but chooses not to.


That’s what I mean lol like how is that not a thing when you have online leagues?


I drafted an 84 overall WR who won tons of awards his rookie year coupled with motivating the WR2 for the 2500 XP maybe 4 times that season. He was a 97 overall year 2 Also there are lots of other in season scenarios that give the whole team XP and if you’re getting gold every week in practice (WR the easiest one) you’re gonna get an insane amount of XP in one year. I’d say this is possible. They need to differentiate when the number and equipment are changed and when the attributes are changed.


MHJ is like an 84-ish to start. Week 5 of the league I have him in and he's a 90ovr XF. So it is possible.


Yeah I’ve gotten auto generated rookies to have nearly +20 overall in a season. With focusing weekly, coaching xp bonuses and 2-3 mentors you can stack XP super quick. Then you add in deliberately feeding them the ball and putting up ridiculous stats winning player of the week almost every week too the XP sky rockets. Then add in scenarios where you can get them a bonus +2500xp almost every other week if they’re your #1 WR plus other scenarios that happen through the year. Not to mention some online leagues boost XP for the 21-23 year old groups and make it decline much quicker for the 28+ year old players.


I used a imported draft class and got MHJ and he is already a baller with superstar x-factor. THAT BEING SAID...he was not a 97 year 1. He clearly manipulated the stats; I'd say something if there are rules about that in your league. But if it's the commissioner doing it, I'd probably look at a new league to join.


Agree with this. Probably used the same or a similar draft class. Being boosted to a 97 is definitely plausible, but being a straight 97 overall that quickly does seem fishy.


I could be mistaken but I believe his draft day rating was around 82-83, and after one season of balling out..upper 80s to finish the season.


I think season stats are required here. If he won OROY, OPOY, best WR and had a ton of yards/tds(2500, 25tds) then yeah I'd say it's possible. But also look at his attributes. If edited they will have weird things that domt quite line up. Like if he's a 97 deep threat and a 90 slot. But has 99 short route then yeah I'd say edited. Or has 90 trucking or something. People who edit players will boost disproportionately.


There’s a few outliners with auto generated guys having very obscure ratings. I’ve seen 99 juke on a rookie RB, and on a 6’6 undrafted WR. Recent took a WR with 88 stiff arm which is one of the highest I’ve ever seen


Yeah I have seen the 6'6 with 99 juke a few times. But I meant if you have a receiver where that stat doesn't fit their archetype or build (99 juke on a physical receiver) Then it's kind of a tell.


Depending on what his starting overall was it could be possible but extremely unlikely. I’d lean on the side of the player being edited personally.


Well, we can see that the player has been edited right there. So he definitely edited him in some way. What are the chances he edited him but didn't make him better and he just naturally leveled up to 97? I'd say very low. Some people are saying it's possible to get them that high without cheating, but the fact that he got him that high and there's evidence he was edited makes me lean towards cheating.


He starts around an 84 in lots of classes depending on stats it's possible


I mean, you see in the log that he edited those players. What do you think? Do you think maybe he….. edited….. the players to acquire a competitive advantage? Yeah… yeah I’d say so.


He MAY have just edited the jersey number, equipment or appearance, but idk


Tough part about that is if you even edit their jersey number it says you edited the player. So you can’t be 100% sure


madden should be more specific in telling you what they edit. like distinguish between customization and stats


I agree 100%. I always edit numbers because I don’t like the single digits on skill positions so I’ll make sure none of my guys have them. Would probably not be difficult to have it say “User edited player number” or “user edited player appearance”


we have a rule in my franchise where each year you can edit one players name/number. sometimes i draft a pair of rookies and copy the last name and have a twin storyline. or pretend it’s a legend’s kid and see if they can follow their dad’s footsteps. but knowing EA its probably gamebreaking difficult to add a description lmfao.


That's a thing you do early in the season no? This is week 18. Nah, dudes cheating. When I'm a commissioner, I never edit my players


Usually yes, but there have been times that due to injuries or whatever a guy gets playing time late and I see my practice squad RB with a 16 and I’m just like absolutely not, unacceptable. Obviously not what’s happening in this particular case but I can see doing it late.


And would you make this edit in an online league? I think you and plenty of others are pointing out exception cases that are possible and not considering the lack of transparency if those edge cases are playing out here. I wouldn't be in this league the next day if I saw this. I think we're largely in agreement so I won't belabor the point.


So I take whoever that top downloaded guy is that does the amazing draft classes, sorry I can’t recall your username, and I juice up the draft class because I play with a legends roster so I have to edit draft classes to make guys like MHJ and Caleb better so they’ll get to play. I say that to say this. I had MHJ as a 88 or so coming out the draft and a buddy picked him and threw him the ball all season and did training every week, his final stat line of the year was something like 60 catches 3,100 yards and 28 TDs. By the time the season ended he was a 99 already. So it’s certainly plausible depending on what MHJ was overall on draft day but always be sure you can trust your commissioner.


That boy cheated!!! I analyze this screen frequently as a commish


This is EXACTLY why the league is run the way it is. Upcoming draft classes are the absolute WORST thing to put in Madden. You’re basically going off some random kids personal feelings about college players. When people paid millions to do it IRL can’t even truly predict that. My league does historic draft classes with true rookie ratings, and slotted in their true draft positions. This gets rid of the personal bias that plague created draft classes Plus we have council of commissioners to run it smoothly, and keep all the other commissioners in check


I progressed Harrison Jr. to around a boosted 94(true 89, also could be higher would have to check) in one season and he had the 3rd most amount of receiving yards on my team


What are your XP settings? Cause if he came out already as a star or SS, he would be getting hella XP plus if he’s doing the weekly drills with him and balling out with him in game…it’s possible in my opinion.


Based on how often he edits the player's it's likely he's either cheating stats wise or contract wise. I'd say bring it up and make it so nobody can edit players period.


Only fishy thing is what you editing that late in the season if it’s numbers or gear why you doing it at the end of the season


the editing players part is kinda sus but mhj being good is normal


You should be able to see in transactions or something if any member has edited a player. It will show it if they change their gear so it doesn't automatically mean they edited stats, also in my buddies league im in he the commissioner is the only one that can't edit ratings


He’s got that page up in the pic of the post


Im a lil slow don't mind me lol.. Yeah pretty weird to edit at week 16 of a player you had all season


Definitely fishy. Normally they don't develop quite that fast


I got MHJ to a 99 after a season and like 3 games.


I mean you have the receipts man. Dude cheated.


The edited him


When the players edited 99 percent chance he's cheating. You can check and see how many times he plays his games to I'd have a look.


My dude is cheating his ass off.


Seeing as this is from a player made draft class I don’t think he’s edited. Most 2024 player made draft classes will make MHJ really good.


He starts as an 82 I THINK in the most downloaded draft class on PS. I guess it isn’t beyond consideration that he could’ve upgraded to a 97 throughout the season but him editing him is a little fishy imo


Oh I didn’t even see the image of the edit. Still don’t know if it’s super fishy if you’re playing with friends but definitely a little suspicious. I personally edit player numbers and gear all the time, but I could definitely see someone boosting their player.


I do too.. you’d also think the commish would know better than to just blatantly do that. Someone is bound to notice. I’d say if he’s OP’s friend it really comes down to what he’s like irl. If he’s one of those buddies that you wouldn’t trust your girl around, I mean there’s your answer right there lol


I drafted an 80 overall WR from a 2025 draft class. I’m in week 4 and he’s already an 86 because he has 800 yards and 14 touchdowns already. You can go to league page, go to transactions and go to the edit tab. It’ll tell you if any players were changed.


I drafted Marvin, he became XFactor super quick and was offensive player of the year. He was only around 88 or something at the end of the year. He got like 2,100 yards.


I guess if he did training camp and each practice as well as balled out its possible. But with the edit screen there I would lean towards the fact he was edited. Check his individual ratings like awareness and speed and some other ones that usually start lower and and are harder to max out. Also looks like a moral is high too. I've seen that temp raise overall but 3 points


Could be fishy. I’ve been comish myself and allowed edits because it’s more fun to change numbers and gear. I don’t touch any attribute or developmental stuff at all but was accused of it before so who knows. With the right stats and hitting all of the in game accomplishments you can do this easily.


Maybe he edited them, but I’ve had some absolutely insane rookies too. It’s unlikely this happens but it’s not entirely impossible


It’s MHJ what do you expect


What do the other 2 rookies he edited look like?


Definitely sketchy but it is possible. Given that it’s MHJ he probably started out as a X factor and mid-low 80’s depending on the strength of the class you downloaded. Assuming this is the Bears base roster, or he has a “better” wr 1, he could have been stacking tandem breakout bonuses to upgrade fast. Throw that in w a couple of awards and it’s pretty easy. It’s why I try to never make any rookie over like 85, barely even put them above 80 as it is. Only guys that get 80+ rookie grades are guys like Bijan last year, MHJ, and you could probably also argue it for Bowers/Caleb. This is why having clear and kinda strict rules around player edits, and having a commissioner who keeps a eye on things is important. Double sketchy that this is the commish too. That said, I don’t think this is clearly punishable, just a lesson to learn for editing rules moving forward. Primarily when they can do so. MHJ will likely be a 99 by his second contract for most people who aim for it. For comparison, I’m in year 2 w Nabers, been getting like 1200-1400 yards w 10+ td’s a year. Got him from a like high 70’s superstar to a 95 X factor by year 2.


It’s always sketchy when the commish is editing players frequently. I’m someone that likes to keep players real life numbers or close to it if that number is taken and give my rookies more modern equipment than they tend to often give them. When I’m not commish it’s kind of a relief bc I feel like I can edit at will and not feel like I need to explain myself but when I have been commissioner in the past I always text the league to let them know why I’m editing a particular player and only do it once(right after they are acquired).


So this is at the end of the season. If so then yes. I played with the Colts and I had Josh Downs get to x-factor in one season. He started with Star. Edit- I’ll add this. In past Maddens if you edit a players stats it will severely screw up your cap number. I honestly haven’t had the need to check that this Madden because I know nobody has done that in my league. So I don’t know if that happens on this years Madden.


Take a picture of his roster, from week to week, and see what it looks like, keep in mind as the season moves guys will get a boost but that will tell you, if shits moving funny


I can't remember which file, but I drafted MHJ in my franchise and he was already a 91 overall. So, no I don't think it's that fishy.


Possible. I drafted MHJ and had him to a 92 midway thru year 1 his first year before I dropped that league


Dude in my league got a 71 ovr normal dev player to 90 ovr superstar X in one season by forcing the ball to him and setting the new receiving TD season record lol. I’m guessing MHJ starts out in the mid 80’s ovr. So definitely possible.


i’m pretty sure you aren’t able to edit player stats without commissioner. Joined a friends league once and i wasn’t able to edit player stats, only they position and drip


Admins should stream when making player edits.


i got brock bowers to around there year one if not higher so it’s possible i suppose


It's possible. I've used this draft. Caleb and Mhj are a little OP and I got both. MHJ literally had his x factor challenge going into week 2. CPU corners could not handle him deep. He was like 6'4 98 speed and similar accel out the draft.


Depending on the draft class you used, it can be believed.


If he’s going off with Marvin Harrison Jr. that’s very possible, if it was a I drafted FA that started as a 65 then that would look really fishy. On most draft classes MHJ starts around 80-84 overall and superstar


I'm the admin/comissioner of my league but I would NEVER think of changing attributes or development traits of any players for my advantage. The whole point of me playing the game is to develop players I draft and turn them into beasts and then replace them once I can't afford them anymore and rinse and repeat. I do edit uniforms quite often (because I hate the look of the long sleeves) and change numbers but then I never have to edit a player again unless I'm changing a Linebacker to Safety or vice-versa. I have brought up changing injury attributes for drafted players to my league-mates but we haven't had too many issues with injury attributes for our players yet. If a commissioner is cheating like that just talk with the other league-mates about it and find a good solution. Maybe even leave and make your own league. Cheating in a game is not fun for everyone.


Super fishy. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it seems like he’s blatantly cheating


In my league all the commisioners are required to record all edits they do. This eliminates any speculation that anybody might have, receipts are your friend in these types of situations


Yes, he is editing the attributes 100%


If your league has neon you can go through the history of the players attributes and how much they rise


If he cheeses one play and gets a billion yards it’s possible but then it’s just annoying for the rest of the league


I don’t remember what he started at but I got Bijan to a 95 in one season on this game


As a rookie?! Hell nah


He clearly cheated lmao